15 research outputs found

    Introduction of Xiamen Ficus Species Resources and Garden Applications

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    对厦门榕属植物资源的调查发现,该地区引种栽培的榕属植物约67种,榕属植物在厦门城市绿化中的作用十分显著。对城区131条道路绿化的调查表明,大叶榕和高山榕为骨干绿化树种,重要值均在6%以上。Based on the investigation, there are 67 Ficus species (including introduced species) in Xiamen City. Ficus species resources play the important role in afforestation of Xiamen City. Ficus laco and Ficus altissima are the key species of green trees in Xiamen City by the survey results of 131 roads and streets with the important values of above 6%.福建省建设厅及厦门市市政园林局资助项目(YK-2000-14

    Fig tree resources and their protection in Fujian Province

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    本文概述福建省榕树资源的分布和经济价值,并提出相应的保护策略。Distribution and economic value of fig tree resources in Fujian are described and some suggestions for protection are also put forward

    Introduction and Maintenance of Camphor Tree (Cinnamomum glanduliferum) in Xiamen

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    本文以邓小平在厦门市园林植物园的手植树为例,对云南樟的生物学特性、资源分布及在厦门地区的引种情况进行分析,认为:厦门植物园内云南樟生长异常的重要原因是根系活动环境恶化;厦门南亚热带海岛气候条件是导致其速生、提前衰老的主要原因之一,并提出相应的养护管理措施。Taking the camphor tree(Cinnamomum glanduliferum) planted by Mr.Deng Xiao-ping in Xiamen Botanical Garden as example,the biological characteristics,original distribution and introduction of Cinnamomum glanduliferum in Xiamen were investigated.The results showed that the worsening soil environment had severely limited the activity of tree roots and had a adverse effect on the growth of C.glanduliferum.The south-subtropical island climate is one of the main factors resulting in the fast growing and earlier senescence of camphor tree.Some suggestions for maintenance are also put forward

    Monthly changes in caloric values of five shrubby Palmae species leaves

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    对 5种丛生状棕榈植物—欧洲棕、细叶棕竹、小箬棕、玲珑椰子、缨络椰子的叶片热值和灰分含量的月变化进行了研究 .结果表明 ,5种植物具有较高的灰分含量 ,但灰分含量的月变化趋势各不相同 ;欧洲棕、细叶棕竹、小箬棕 3种植物干重热值的月变化趋势有些差异 ,同属的缨络椰子、玲珑椰子干重热值的月变化趋势基本相似 ;缨络椰子、小箬棕的干重热值与灰分含量具有显著的线性相关 (P 0 0 5 ) ;从去灰分热值的月变化来看 ,细叶棕竹与小箬棕 ,缨络椰子与玲珑椰子的月变化趋势相似 . 【英文摘要】 Studies on the monthly changes in the ash contents and caloric values of 5 shrubby Palmae species(Chamaerops humilis,Rhapis gracilis,Sabal minor,Chamaedorea cataractarum,Chamaedorea brachypoda)leaves showed that annual average ash content of the five shrubby species was 4.87%±1.37% for Chamaerops humilis,8 33%±0.89% for Rhapis gracilis,7.85%±2.64% for Sabal minor,9.20%±1.35% for Chamaedorea cataractarum,and 12.42%±1.78% for Chamaedorea brachypoda.The monthly changes of gross caloric value were different fo...国家建设部和厦门市政园林局资助项目 (YK 2 0 0 0 0 5

    Monthly changes in the caloric values of the leaves of four shrubby and four tree-dwelling palmae species

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    对 4种灌木状棕榈植物 (香棕、袖珍椰子、棕竹、江边刺葵 )与 4种乔木状棕榈植物 (假槟榔、董棕、国王椰子、大王椰子 )叶的热值和灰分含量的月变化进行了研究。结果表明 :( 1 ) 8种植物叶的灰分含量存在差异且具有不同的月变化 ;从灰分含量的比较看 ,乔木类的 4种植物叶平均灰分含量分别为 :假槟榔 1 3.64%± 2 .94%、董棕 9.74%± 1 .90 %、国王椰子 9.1 2 %± 1 .1 8%、大王椰子 8.69%± 3.5 5 % ;灌木类的 4种植物叶平均灰分含量分别为 :棕竹 8.73%± 2 .5 2 %、袖珍椰子 8.67%± 1 .1 9%、香棕 8.63%± 1 .2 0 %、江边刺葵 7.60 %± 0 .98% ,乔木类植物 (除大王椰子外 )叶平均灰分含量高于灌木类的植物 ;( 2 )从干重热值的月变化来看 ,分 3种类型 :江边刺葵与棕竹有相反的变化趋势 ;假槟榔、董棕、袖珍椰子的月变化趋势相同 ;国王椰子、香棕、大王椰子具有各自的变化趋势 ;在 8种棕榈植物中 ,除香棕外 ,灌木类的植物平均干重热值大于乔木类 ;灌木类中 ,茎单生的江边刺葵干重热值高于茎丛生的棕竹、香棕和袖珍椰子 ;( 3)假槟榔、袖珍椰子、大王椰子的干重热值与灰分含量具有极显著的线性相关 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ,棕竹的干重热值与灰分含量有显著的线性相关 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ;而香棕、董棕、江边刺葵、国王椰Monthly changes in the ash contents and caloric values of the leaves of 8 Palmae species(four shrubby species: Arenga engleri, Chamaedorea elegans, Rhapis excelsa and Phoenix roebelenii; four tree dwelling species: Archontophoenix alexandrae, Caryota urens, Ravenea rivularis and Roystonea regia) were discussed in this paper, and the results showed as follows: (1) The ash contents of the 8 Palmae species were different and varied with season; the annual average ash contents of the four tree dwelling species were 13 64%±2 94% for Archontophoenix alexandrae, 9 74%±1 90% for Caryota urens, 9 12%±1 18% for Ravenea rivularis, and 8 69%±3 55% for Roystonea regia; those of the four shrubby species were 8 73%±2 52% for Rhapis excelsa, 8 67%±1 19% for Chamaedorea elegans, 8 63%±1 20% for Arenga engleri, and 7 60%±0 98% for Phoenix roebelenii, respectively; the average ash contents of the four tree dwelling species (except for Roystonea regia ) were higher than those of the four shrubby species; (2) The 8 species had three types of monthly gross caloric value change trends: Archontophoenix alexandrae, Caryota urens and Chamaedorea elegans had similar monthly change trend, while Phoenix roebelenii and Rhapis excelsa had the opposite trends of monthly changes; the other three species ( Ravenea rivularis, Arenga engleri and Roystonea regia ) each had its own changing trend. The shrubby species had higher gross caloric value than the tree dwelling species except for Arenga engleri, of the shrubby species, Phoenix roebelenii (monaxial stem) had the highest gross caloric value (than Arenga engleri, Chamaedorea elegans and Rhapis excelsa (clumpy stem)); Seasonal changes in gross caloric values varied with various species; (3) Gross caloric values were correlated remarkably with ash contents for Archontophoenix alexandrae, Chamaedorea elegans and Roystonea regia (P <0 01), they were correlated for Rhapis excelsa (P <0 05), too, whereas there was no significant correlation between gross caloric values and ash contents for other species; (4) the average ash free caloric values of the shrubby species were 22 65±0 59 kJ/g for Phoenix roebelenii, 22 19±0 48 kJ/g for Chamaedorea elegans, 21 94±0 76 kJ/g for Rhapis excelsa and 21 35±0 75kJ/g for Arenga engleri, respectively; those of the tree dwelling species were 21 76±0 55kJ/g for Ravenea rivularis, 21 20±0 72kJ/g for Caryota urens, 21 12±0 52kJ/g for Archontophoenix alexandrae and 20 98±0 55 kJ/g for Roystonea regia respectively; the shrubby species had higher ash free caloric value than the tree dwelling species except for Arenga engleri. The seasonal changes in ash free caloric values were different from those in gross caloric values due to various ash contents in the leaves of the 8 Palmae species.国家建设部资助项目;; 厦门市园林局资助项目~

    A Study on the Fiora of Neitian in Tong'an, Xiamen

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    位于福建省同安县西南部的内田金光湖,发育保存有闽东南沿海较好的亚热 带天然次生常绿阔叶林。其植物区系有维管植物146科,479属,784种,其中包括 被子植物119科,442属,733种;裸子植物4科6属7种;蕨类植物23科,31属,44 种。 内田植物区属于泛北极植物区,中国——日本植物亚区。内田植被体现出南 亚热带雨林向中亚热带常绿阔叶林过渡的特点。木荷、青冈、米槠、红楠、刨花楠 等是群落优势种。主要组成科有:壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、茜草科、大戟科、 桑科、豆科、紫金牛科、五加科等。种子植物地理成分中,各类热带成分291属, 温带成分106属,分别占总属数的64.95%和23...In Nelitian Jinguanghu, which is lecated in the south-west part of Tong’s county, Fujian provlnce, there exists a piece of natural but secondary evergreen broad-leaf forest, and maybe the best one in the coastal areas along sounth-east of Fujian. Noitian flera of vascular plants contains 146 families, 479 genera, 784 spieces ( including subsyieces, varieties, introduced and cultivated spieces). N...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:1991400

    Phyto-geographical Characteristics of the Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Jinguanghu in Tong'an, Xiamen

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    金光湖植被主要是以木荷、红楠、米槠、青冈等种类为建群种或优势种的次生常绿阔叶林.其种类组成特点说明该地区植被在垂直结构上处于由南亚热带季雨林带向山地常绿阔叶林过渡的分界线上,与邻近地区植物区系在群落结构和组成特征方面的比较结果也说明金光湖植被具有由南亚热带雨林向中亚热带常绿阔叶林过渡的性质,区系比较结果表明金光湖植物区系与相邻地区的植物区系联系密切,且这种联系以热带、亚热带成分为主,具有明显的南亚热带性特点.The evergreen broadleaved forest in Jinguanghu is the largest and best secondly natural vegetation in Xiamen Economic Special Zone. Schima superba, Machilus thunbergii, Castanopsis carlesii, Cyclobalanopsis glauca etc. are its dominant species. Analyses of the community compositions and comparison of community structure and composition with some neighborhood plant communities indicate that Jinguanghu forest is a transitional type from southsubtropical rain forest to midsubtropical evergreen broadleaved forest. Comparative studies of plant flora demonstrate that Jinguanghu flora bear close relationships with its neighbors, and these relationships affirm its transitional and subtropical characteristics correspondingly

    Study on the dynamics of matter and energy during the decomposition of Ficus microcarpa leaves.

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    对榕树叶片分解过程中物质与能量动态变化研究结果表明 ,叶片分解过程中干物质量呈下降趋势 ,半分解期的理论值为 10 1d ,且与实测值十分接近。叶片分解过程中C含量前 5个月变化较小 ,随后呈下降趋势 ;N含量升高 ,C/N值下降。分解初期单宁含量迅速下降 ,而分解后期其含量相对稳定 ;随榕树叶片分解可溶性糖含量下降而粗蛋白质含量呈上升趋势 ;分解过程中可溶性糖含量与单宁含量均遵循指数方程变化 (P <0 .0 1)。榕树落叶分解的前 2个月其干物质量热值略下降 ,之后 2个月其干物质量热值开始上升 ,特别是在分解的第 4个月其干物质量热值迅速上升并达最大值 ,之后干物质量热值开始迅速下降。分解的第 1个月去灰分热值略下降 ,第 2个月开始上升 ,至第 4个月达 (半分解期 )最高值 ,之后去灰分热值呈下降趋势。The dynamics of matter and energy during the decomposition of Ficus microcarpa leaves are discussed in this paper.The results show that the dry matte r of leaves declines during the decomposition of leaf,the theoretical value half -time of leaf decomposition is 101d,it is simi lar to the tested value;in t he first 5 months,the C content changes little,then declines;N concentration in creases and the ratio of C/N decreases;the tannin content ra pidly decreases at the beginning of decomposition and then keeps stable in the later stage;the sol uble sugar content decreases and the crude protein content increases during the d ecomposition;somewhat the gross caloric value decreases at the beginning of dec omposition and then increases at the third and 4th month,and then decreases;the ash free caloric value increases with increasing degree of decomposition and the n decreases.福建省建设厅及厦门市政园林局项目 (YK 2 0 0 0 14 )共同资

    A study on shade tolerance of 13 species of palm trees

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    研究13种盆栽棕榈植物在不同遮荫处理条件下的生长、叶片叶绿素含量、含水量及比叶重的变化,并通过系统聚类分析及主分量分析,将13种棕榈植物的耐阴性分为三类,其中缨络椰子、散尾葵和小琼棕较耐阴,国王椰子、假槟榔、金帝葵和美丽针葵耐阴性较差,短穗鱼尾葵、袖珍椰子、雪佛里椰子、穗花轴榈、蒲葵和棕竹等棕榈植物耐阴性居中。Under different shading treatments, the growth, contents of water and chlorophyll in leaves, and ratio of leaf dry weight to leaf area of 13 species of palm trees were studied. By system cluster analysis and principal factor analysis, 13 species of palm trees were classified into three levels of shade tolerance. The species with strong tolerance to shade included Chamaedorea cataractarum, Chuniophoenix nana and Dypsis lutescens, the medium ones included Caryota mitis, Chamaedorea elegans, Chamaedorea seifrizii, Licuala fordiana, Livistona chinensis and Rhapis exelsa, and the weak ones included Archontophoehix alexandrae, Howea forsteriana, Phoenix roebelenii and Ravenea rivularis

    RAPD Analyses of 10 Species in Palmae

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    用RAPD法对厦门植物园引种栽培的4属10种棕榈科植物样本进行了基因组DNA多态性分析.从29个随机引物中筛选出9个有效引物共获得RAPD谱带558条,多态性谱带占71.32%.利用UPGMA法对10种棕榈科植物聚类分析,得其DNA的分子分类系统图.结果表明,棕榈属、琼棕属和鱼尾葵属聚类成一组,蒲葵属另成一组;棕榈属、琼棕属和蒲葵属中6种掌状叶型植物的平均遗传距离为0.47,羽状叶型的4种鱼尾葵属植物间的平均遗传距离为0.55;而羽状叶植物与掌状叶植物间的遗传距离达0.72.在同一属内,棕榈属内两种距离最近,蒲葵属两种最远.尽管分子分类结果与形态分类结果存在一定差异,但RAPD分子标记技术对棕榈等引种植物的分类鉴定和遗传多样性评价是有效可行的.Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used in analyzing the genetic distance of 10 species in 4 genera of Palmae, of which DNAs were extracted by the CTAB method. 9 effective primers from 29 arbitrary primers were used to amplify 558 DNA bands, of which polymorphic RAPD loci covered an average of 71.32%. A DNA molecular dendrogram based on UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the 10 species of palms can be divided into 2 main groups. Group A consisted of 8 species in 3 genera, which can also be divided into 3 subgroups. Group B included only two species of Livistona. The average genetic distance between 6 palmate palms was 0.47, while the 4 pinnate shared 0.55, but the distance between the 6 palmate and the 4 pinnate reached 0.72. In a same genus, Trachycarpus fortunei and T.nana shared the nearest genetic distance (0.23), while Livistona rotundifolia and L. chinensis shared the farthest (0.71). RAPD is valuable in solving problems in plant taxonomy and phylogeny, especially with introduced or cultivated materials.国家建设部和厦门市园林局(YK 2000 05)资