A Study on the Fiora of Neitian in Tong'an, Xiamen


位于福建省同安县西南部的内田金光湖,发育保存有闽东南沿海较好的亚热 带天然次生常绿阔叶林。其植物区系有维管植物146科,479属,784种,其中包括 被子植物119科,442属,733种;裸子植物4科6属7种;蕨类植物23科,31属,44 种。 内田植物区属于泛北极植物区,中国——日本植物亚区。内田植被体现出南 亚热带雨林向中亚热带常绿阔叶林过渡的特点。木荷、青冈、米槠、红楠、刨花楠 等是群落优势种。主要组成科有:壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、茜草科、大戟科、 桑科、豆科、紫金牛科、五加科等。种子植物地理成分中,各类热带成分291属, 温带成分106属,分别占总属数的64.95%和23...In Nelitian Jinguanghu, which is lecated in the south-west part of Tong’s county, Fujian provlnce, there exists a piece of natural but secondary evergreen broad-leaf forest, and maybe the best one in the coastal areas along sounth-east of Fujian. Noitian flera of vascular plants contains 146 families, 479 genera, 784 spieces ( including subsyieces, varieties, introduced and cultivated spieces). N...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:1991400

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