244 research outputs found

    Study on The Specific Obligations of Civil Litigant

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    当事人的具体化义务是采民事诉讼辩论主义,奉行主张责任的必然产物,它体现了诉讼促进义务和诉讼效率原则的现实要求。它包括事实主张的具体化和证据声请的具体化双重含义。该义务的设定对提高法庭审理效率、保障诉讼相对人的防御权益、促进当事人达成和解或接受调解等均具有重要意义。由于理论界和实务界的不够重视,当事人的具体化义务在实践运作中仍存在诸多不足。因此,要有针对性地创新立法方法,健全配套的规则体系,并通过审前程序的完善,及法官阐明义务的强调,更好地发挥当事人的具体化义务的程序功效。 本文除引言及结语外,共分为五章。 第一章在界定当事人的具体化义务的意涵与性质的基础上,从事实主张与证据声请两个方面介绍...The specific obligations of civil litigant are the inevitable results of taking the doctrine of adversary hearing, and pursuing the burden of proposition in civil procedure. They reflect the practical requirements of obligations of promoting litigation and efficiency principle of litigation. The specific obligations are two-fold: the specification of plea and the specification of applying for evid...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_诉讼法学学号:1362012115016

    Design and Implementation of the Restaurant Management

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    随着人民群众生活水平的提高,餐饮业的功能向社会交往、休闲享受等方面不断拓展,节日家宴、婚庆消费、日常快餐等大众消费成为餐饮业的消费主流,餐饮行业的个体工商户不断的注册成立,数量不断壮大。但是目前阶段,餐饮业个体工商户由于市场准入门槛较低,技术含量不高,经营规模相对较小,产权的私有化和家庭化相融合,主要还采用手工操作的办法,为餐饮管理带来了一些难点问题。 本文首先介绍餐饮管理系统的基本背景,综述了信息化用于餐饮管理的重要性,重点研究了餐饮企业日在常管理中广泛使用的相关管理模块功能,并采用基于MicrosoftVisualStudio配合SQL数据库的方法,对餐饮管理系统提出相应的解决办法;通过...With the improvement of people's living standards, the catering industry's functions constantly expand to social intercourse and leisure and entertainment. The public consumption, such as: holiday dinners, wedding consumption, daily fast-food and so on, has become the mainstream of the catering industry. More and more individually-owned corporations have registered. But at present, because of the ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123107

    A Study on the Business Model Innovation for the Port Logistic Services

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    厦门地区外向型经济的高度发展与得天独厚的港口资源相得益彰,促进了厦门港集装箱海运业的高速发展。厦门港凭借2004年的288万TEU[1]集装箱吞吐量在全球港口排名第27位。厦门市政府已经把物流产业列为厦门市的支柱性产业来发展,而其中更以集装箱海运业为重点。因此,该行业的可持续发展能力值得关注。在对现代物流理论及行业发展趋势的学习和调研基础上,通过剖析该行业的实际运营情况后,我们发现了该行业所相关的配套产业——港口物流服务业,已经面临着转型、提升等变革压力。伴随着全球经济一体化的进程和电子商务的应用,各行业面临着更加复杂多变的商业环境,原来盈利的经营模式可能逐渐变成企业破产的“掘墓者”,正所谓“...The fast growing of exporting economy and the unique port resource of Xiamen have reciprocated development for each other, significantly gearing up the container transportation for Port of Xiamen. And its throughput of 2880000 TEU in 2004 promoted the port to the 27th in the world ports list. The city government has taken the logistics as one of the backbone industries for the further development,...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011506


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    Marine Policy and Social Economic Development of Jiangnan in the Early Qing Dynasty

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    清朝初期,江南地区由于兵燹之乱,人口锐减、经济破败、社会一片萧条。战乱之后,江南地区重新崛起,而清朝从康熙至乾隆年间持续半个多世纪实行以开放为主导的海洋政策,为沿海地区社会经济发展提供巨大的动力。江南地区得海之利,在拥有海洋这个经济“引擎“之后,与国内外的商贸联系日益紧密,社会经济发展出现腾飞。原来传统农耕文明的社会形态,在这一时期出现了不少海洋的元素。In the early Qing Dynasty,due to the ravages of war,population,economy and society all run down to a great depression.After the war,the Jiangnan area came back to life again,At this time,the Qing Dynasty implemented the ocean open policy,thus providing a great impetus for the economic development of the coastal area.Because of the economic engine of ocean,Jiangnan area had a rapid development of the domestic and foreign trade.At this period,there has been many marine elements in the traditional farming civilization

    A Research on the Power Transition during the Period of the Republic of China :Taking Xiamen Zhongshan Park as an Example

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    厦门中山公园是在西方文化影响下,伴随着现代市政模式进入中国而兴起的产物。中山公园在民国时期的发展历程,充分展现了其作为公共空间的矛盾性和冲突性。在“前公共空间“阶段,中山公园就成为不同主体之间意识叙述较为丰富的区域。作为调和各方而成的新型城市公共空间,强权势力利用公园进行社会教化、宣传主体意识,此外其他主体亦于其中羼入自身的意识。中山公园成为意识的集合体,展现出民国时期社会权势的转移。Xiamen Zhongshan Park is a product of the influence from both the modern municipal development and western culture.From its development history in the Republic of China, the contradiction and conflict has been fully demonstrated as public space.In the phase of "first public space", Zhongshan Park has become a plentiful narrative region for different subjects have all kinds of consciousness in this park.As a new style city public space, powerful forces make full use of the park for the social education and propagate subject consciousness.Besides, other subjects also add their consciousness to the park.Thus, Zhongshan Park becomes a collection of consciousness, which shows the different aspects of the society and power transition during the period of the Republic of China


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    Saving the Society by Scholarship : Study On the Thought of New World Journal

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    对国人进行思想启蒙是晚清知识分子挽救时局的重要途径。通过报刊这一载体,传播中西学说,阐释自己的文化认识,宣传救国理念是时人可选择的重要启蒙方式。探讨报刊中传递的救国策略和理念,对于研究中国近代思想文化史及近代社会转型都极具价值。《新世界学报》是20世纪初一批学堂知识分子创办的杂志。学人创办《新世界学报》主要的目的是为了“济世”,他们希望通过学术层面的讨论,向国人宣传“济世”的理念和主张,从文化层面对国人进行启发,这在中国近代思想启蒙运动中具有特殊性。 本文以《新世界学报》为研究对象,通过对学报史学思想、文化观、经世思想和教育思想的讨论,分析学报的“济世”思想,以及学报投射出“一般”知识分子的...Enlightening the Chinese from the inner of their thoughts is an important way which is pursued by the pioneers who want to save the situation in the late Qing Dynasty.Newspaper,as one kind of carriers ,is an important way to spread Chinese and western theories, explain their cultural views and promote the ideas of saving the nation.To explore the strategy and concept of saving the nation in the ne...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国近现代史学号:1032013115232

    Design and Implementation of the Monitoring and Management System for Internet Audio and Video Programs

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    互联网作为一种互动媒体、信息渠道、生活平台,网络在社会活动中发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着网络与多媒体技术的迅猛发展,互联网上资源存在方式也由单一的文本向多媒体形式过渡。互联网的开放性也使得它具有了广泛的音视频内容来源,在给人们学习、工作和生活带来了极大的便利的同时,也导致了不良信息的泛滥。互联网上的不良视听节目信息的传播对我国的精神文明建设乃至国家安全以及和平稳定产生了不利影响。因此,互联网内容舆情分析急需有效的图像与视频的获取、采集、分析、鉴别和索引技术,从而保障合法内容的高效传播,遏制侵权的、色情等不良音视频的传播。针对当前互联网发展与应用的现状,需要建立一套适合地方行政管理的互联网视听节...The role that the internet plays is becoming more and more important in the modern society as a kind of mutual media, information channel and plat of life. With the development of mutual technology, the way of resources existence is transferring form single text to multimedia. Also with the wide spreading of internet , the open character make it have widen video and vision resources, which not on...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023010


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