
Saving the Society by Scholarship : Study On the Thought of New World Journal


对国人进行思想启蒙是晚清知识分子挽救时局的重要途径。通过报刊这一载体,传播中西学说,阐释自己的文化认识,宣传救国理念是时人可选择的重要启蒙方式。探讨报刊中传递的救国策略和理念,对于研究中国近代思想文化史及近代社会转型都极具价值。《新世界学报》是20世纪初一批学堂知识分子创办的杂志。学人创办《新世界学报》主要的目的是为了“济世”,他们希望通过学术层面的讨论,向国人宣传“济世”的理念和主张,从文化层面对国人进行启发,这在中国近代思想启蒙运动中具有特殊性。 本文以《新世界学报》为研究对象,通过对学报史学思想、文化观、经世思想和教育思想的讨论,分析学报的“济世”思想,以及学报投射出“一般”知识分子的...Enlightening the Chinese from the inner of their thoughts is an important way which is pursued by the pioneers who want to save the situation in the late Qing Dynasty.Newspaper,as one kind of carriers ,is an important way to spread Chinese and western theories, explain their cultural views and promote the ideas of saving the nation.To explore the strategy and concept of saving the nation in the ne...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国近现代史学号:1032013115232

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