126 research outputs found

    N-Oleoylethanolamine attenuates cytokines and adhesion molecules production in TNF-α-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cells by activating PPAR-α and CB2

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    研究背景:动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis,As)是由多个因素造成的开始于动脉内膜的一种疾病,现如今As的发病率和致死率逐渐升高,并且发病年龄年轻化。大量的流行病学调查和实验研究证明,高血脂、高血压、吸烟、糖尿病等都是与As发生相关的危险因素,但关于As发生的机制一直众说纷纭,直到1999年,ROSS等提出“As是一种慢性炎症性疾病”的观点,给As的研究带来了一个全新的方向与思路。本论文的研究就是基于这个观点,从炎症反应的角度去探索一种新的、副作用小的抗动脉粥样硬化药物。油酰乙醇胺(N-Oleoylethanolamine,OEA)是大麻素的一种类似物,是PPAR-α受体天然的激动...Background: Atherosclerosis(As)is a multi-factor diseAse which is originating in the arterial wall. The morbidity and mortality of As is rising year by year at present and the onset age tend to be younger. A large number of epidemiological and experimental research showed that hypertension, smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia are related to As, however, the mechanism of As is unclear. Until 1999, RO...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_内科学学号:2452012115314

    Multi-objective Topology Optimization and Design for Industrial Robot

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    为了综合提高工业机器人的结构刚度、振动频率,降低结构质量,从而提高机器人整体的静动态性能,提出了一种基于多目标拓扑优化的机器人结构优化方法.该方法首先对机器人整机和部件进行分析,寻找机器人薄弱的零部件;然后对其进行多目标拓扑优化和模型重建,从而获得最佳的结构.将该方法成功应用于一款3kg装配、搬运等多功能机器 人的分析优化中,结果验证了该分析优化方法的可用性和有效性.In order to comprehensively improve the structure of industrial robots stiffness, vibration frequency, reduce the struc-ture mass so as to improve the static and dynamic performance quality of the robot overall, a robot structure optimization method based on multi-objective topology optimization was presented. In this method, first, the overall and its parts were analyzed, so as to find out its weak parts and weak positions of its main parts. Then the weak parts and weak positions of its main parts were multi-objective topolo-gically optimized and reconstructed, thus obtained an best structure. Finally, the method was applied to an multi-functional 3kg indus-trial robot used on assembly and handling, which verified that the method is available and effective

    A Study on the Business Model Innovation for the Port Logistic Services

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    厦门地区外向型经济的高度发展与得天独厚的港口资源相得益彰,促进了厦门港集装箱海运业的高速发展。厦门港凭借2004年的288万TEU[1]集装箱吞吐量在全球港口排名第27位。厦门市政府已经把物流产业列为厦门市的支柱性产业来发展,而其中更以集装箱海运业为重点。因此,该行业的可持续发展能力值得关注。在对现代物流理论及行业发展趋势的学习和调研基础上,通过剖析该行业的实际运营情况后,我们发现了该行业所相关的配套产业——港口物流服务业,已经面临着转型、提升等变革压力。伴随着全球经济一体化的进程和电子商务的应用,各行业面临着更加复杂多变的商业环境,原来盈利的经营模式可能逐渐变成企业破产的“掘墓者”,正所谓“...The fast growing of exporting economy and the unique port resource of Xiamen have reciprocated development for each other, significantly gearing up the container transportation for Port of Xiamen. And its throughput of 2880000 TEU in 2004 promoted the port to the 27th in the world ports list. The city government has taken the logistics as one of the backbone industries for the further development,...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011506

    A Study on the Perfection of Small Claims Procedure in China

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    随着我国司法体制改革的推进,民事诉讼纠纷受案范围不断扩大。加之现实生活中小额纠纷持续增多,人民法院的受案数量急剧上升。当事人提起小额诉讼时,通常期待支付最低廉的诉讼费用得到最高效率的司法程序来解决纠纷。然而,就我国司法实践而言,现行的民事纠纷快速解决机制已不能够完全满足解决小额纠纷的特殊需要。在这样的背景之下,小额诉讼程序以高效率、低成本、诉讼简单便捷的特性逐渐显现出其独特的价值并为大家所接受。 2012年8月新修改的《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第162条规定“基层人民法院和它派出的法庭审理符合本法第一百五十七条第一款规定的简单的民事案件,标的额为各省、自治区、直辖市上年度就业人员年平均工资...With the advancement of judicial structure reformation of our country, the range of civil litigation dispute cases expands constantly.In addition, the small disputes continue to increase in real life, so the number of the small dispute cases needing to be dealt with by the People’s Court rises sharply.When the clients institute the small claims,they usually expect to pay the cheapest litigation fe...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201112008


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    Layer-by-layer self-assembly preparation and performance of GO-ceramics composite nanofiltration membrane

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    氧化石墨烯(GO)的片层边缘含有COOH等含氧官能团,因而带负电荷,可以在带正电荷多孔基体上通过层层自组装实现快速沉积。以由3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅; 烷(APTES)修饰的多孔氧化铝管式陶瓷膜为基膜,令GO和聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)以溶液形态在其表面交替沉积实现自组装,继以环氧氯丙烷(ECH)交联; 之,制备新型氧化石墨烯-陶瓷复合纳滤膜。最佳制备工艺是,PEI浓度5 g·L~(-1)、pH=9,NaCl浓度0.3; mol·L~(-1),GO浓度0.6 mg·ml~(-1)、pH=4.5,层数2层,ECH用量6.25 ml·L~(-1),50℃条件下处理70; min。层数为1~4层的自组装膜在0.6 MPa操作压力下对2; g·L~(-1)的MgCl_2的截留率分别为90.16%、93.71%、97.54%、92.93%,其中1层自组装膜的渗透通量为21.92; L·m~(-2)·h~(-1)。氧化石墨烯-陶瓷复合纳滤膜对4种无机盐的截留率大小为MgCl_2>MgSO_4>NaCl>Na_2SO_4,符合; 典型正电荷纳滤膜的特征。Graphene oxide (GO) can be quickly deposited on a positively charged; porous matrix via a layer-by-layer self-assembly strategy because GO; nanosheets contain rich negatively charged, oxygen-containing function; groups, such as COOH. In this paper, the GO-ceramics composite; nanofiltration membrane was prepared via layer-by-layer deposition of GO; solution and eolyethyleneimine (PEI) solution alternately, and then; cross-linked by epoxy chloropropane (ECH) on; 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-modified porous Al_2O_3 supports. The; optimum preparation conditions were: PEI 5g·L~(-1), pH=9; NaCl 0.3; mol·L~(-1); GO 0.6 mg·L~(-1), pH=4.5; ECH 6.25 ml·L~(-1) and heat; treatment 50℃/70 min. Under the conditions of 0.6 MPa, when the; self-assembly layer number increased from 1 to 4, the rejection to 2; g·L~(-1) MgCl_2 were 90.16%, 93.71%, 97.54%, and 92.93% respectively,and; the flux of self-assembled monolayer membrane was 21.92 L·m~(-2)·h~(-1).; The rejection orders of inorganic salts of GO-ceramics composite; nanofiltration membrane were as follows: MgCl_2>MgSO_4>NaCl>Na_2SO_4,; therefore they showed the typical positively charged nanofiltration; membrane characteristics


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    先由氧化石墨烯(GO)、硫酸铝和尿素通过水热法制得氧化石墨烯/碱式硫酸铝(GO-BAS)复合物,继与哌嗪(PIP)溶液共混作为水相;均苯三甲酰氯(TMC)溶于正己烷作为有机相;采用界面聚合法使两相单体在聚醚砜(PES)基膜表面形成聚酰胺(PA)功能层,制得氧化石墨烯/碱式硫酸铝复合物掺杂的聚醚砜/聚酰胺(PES-PA-GO-BAS)复合纳滤平板膜,并在较低的工作压力(0.3 MPa)下对其进行性能研究。其对无机盐溶液的截留率依次为:Na——2SO4(91.08%)>MgSO4(83.42%)>MgCl——2(68.97%)>NaCl(17.62%);纯水通量可达24.19 L·m-2·h-1,较之聚酰胺纳滤膜提高了近60%,且具备良好的稳定性和耐碱性


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