72 research outputs found


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    目的观察紫菜降血压肽对高血压大鼠(SHR)和京都Wistar大鼠(WKY)的降压效果,并与降压药物卡托普利的作用效果比较。方法分别以500、1 000和1 500 mg.kg-1剂量的紫菜降血压肽一次性给药后,每隔2 h测量大鼠收缩压(SBP),连续测量8 h;长期实验持续4 w,每天1 500 mg.kg-1灌胃一次,每隔1周测量一次SBP、心率及体重。结果 SHR给予紫菜降血压肽后,血压均显著下降;而正常血压大鼠WKY服用紫菜降血压肽后血压没有显著变化,服用卡托普利血压仍保持显著下降的趋势。结论紫菜降血压肽对SHR具有显著的降压效果,长期服用可稳定血压,对正常血压大鼠无明显影响;卡托普利对SHR的降压效果虽高于紫菜降血压肽,但会导致正常大鼠血压过低


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    [中文文摘]在非线性系统观测理论基础上给出满足一定条件的不可测输入可观性的简化充分性条件 ,在此基础上分析催化裂化提升管反应器 (FCCU)不可测输入的可观测条件 ,提出一更为有效的观测方案 ,给出仿真结果和工业运行结果.[英文文摘]On-line optimizing control of FCCU has been considered as a very important work.Although there have been so many studies on this topic but the practical application results are not so ideal.This is due to essentially th at the process is very complicated so there exist some key input variables which affect the reaction and cannot be measured online.This is the bottleneck of optimization. This paper discusses the problem of on-line observation of unmeasurable variables in nonlinear systems such as FCCU1Based on the theory of nonlinear observers, a simplified sufficient conditon under certain conditons is presented to confirm the observability of the unmeasurable inputs in these systems1Based on it , the observable condition for the unmeasurable inputs in the riser of FCCU is discussed and a more available on2line observation method for these variables isput forward1Simulation results and industrial running results are also given

    Zooplanktonic diversity in the western Pacific

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    西太平洋区是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域,因此,在该区开展种类多样性的研究不仅重要和必要,而且具有在跨国尺度上进行综合管理和相互合作的迫切性。本文在西太平洋的浮游动物样品鉴定分类、编目、文献资料整理和分析的基础上,记录和编入西太平洋10个浮游动物类群2,658种(含亚种),隶属于206科675属,其中水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科35属86种,介形类8科89属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科58属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科22属105种,毛颚类5科8属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。The western Pacific region has been operating as a centre for the origin of marine biodiversity: the richest diversity of many marine taxa was found in these waters.Therefore,biodiversity research and con-servation efforts in this area are necessary in order to promote the integrative and international management of this resource.The present work is a compilation of numbers of all the families,genera and species of ma-jor taxa of zooplankton known in the western Pacific Ocean(106°–150°E,0°–44°N).In all,2,658 zooplank-tonic species(including subspecies) belonging to 206 families and 675 genera have been recorded from taxonomic identifications and literature,99 families,251 genera and 697 species belong to the Medusozoa,12 families,22 genera and 59 species to the Ctenophora,14 families,35 genera and 86 species to the pelagic Molluscs(Pteropoda and Heteropoda),8 families,89 genera and 416 species to the Ostracoda,51 families,156 genera and 908 species to the Copepoda,4 families,58 genera and 202 species to the Mysidcea,2 fami-lies,8 genera and 56 species to the Euphausiacea,8 families,22 genera and 105 species to the Decapoda,5 families,8 genera and 48 species to the Chaetognatha,5 families,26 genera and 81 species to the Tunicata.908专项“中国海洋生物种类名录和图谱”(908-ZC-II-02)和908专项海洋生物样品库;科技部基础工作专项“我国和邻近西北太平洋海洋生物物种编目和分布图集编制”(2006FY220700

    シヨウ ゴキョウ カラ ノ ミンシン ハクワ ショウセツ ノ シンゾク コショウゴ ノ ブンルイ ニ ツイテ : チチ ハハ フウフ オ アラワス ゴ オ チュウシン ト シテ

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    There are some varieties of a name of relative. These varieties are used in different context. But, the present categorizations about the varieties of the name of relatives are not able to identify the difference of the context. So this paper tries to build a classification standard of the names of relatives from the context, which makes the difference of the context that these varieties are used clearer

    セイセイインエンデン ノ ヒ シンゾク エ ノ シンゾク コショウ ゴ ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ : 大嫂 ト 奶奶 オ レイ ト シテ

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    《醒世姻縁伝》(西周生、清初)(略称《醒》。以下同じ)において、様々な非親族を呼称する時、親族呼称語が使われる。親族呼称語は、普通は呼称される相手との親族関係を指示する以外に、相手の性別、年齢(ここでは、中国語の”年龄”、“辈分”という二つの意味を指す)と年長者への尊敬などを表す意味機能もある。しかし、≪醒≫で、それらの親族呼称語は非親族の人への呼称語として使われる時、上記の意味機能と同じであるのか。差異があるのか。もしあるとすれば、それは何なのか。本稿は“大嫂”と“奶奶”を例としてこの問題を検討する。その研究をもって、近世漢語の研究及び中国の白話小説を日本語に翻訳する仕事に一つの手がかりを提出する。“XingshiYinyuanZhuan”, the Chinese novel in 17th century, (abbreviate to “xing”, similarlyhereinafter), when a variety of non-relatives are addressed, names of relatives are used. Thisreport will study these names of relatives addressed to non-relatives in “xing”. As namesof relatives, in addition to demonstrate the relationship of speaker and the addressed one,they can also demonstrate sex, age (in this report, the “age” means age and the status of ageneration in Chinese) and regard to the elder. However, in “xing”, when they are used tocall the non-relatives, is the meaning of those names of relatives still the same? If there is adifference, what is it? This paper will consider this issue by analysing “dasao” and “nainai”,which is the typical names of relatives addressed non-relatives in “xing


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    背景 老年健康議題,隨人口老化逐年上升而倍備受重視。瑜珈對促進老年健康之身心運動,雖有多位學者曾探討老年人執行瑜珈的成效,但文獻中鮮少提供具體實證性結論。目的 本文經由系統性文獻回顧,整合及探討瑜珈運用於老年人憂鬱及睡眠品質之成效。方法 搜尋六個中英文資料庫,使用關鍵字瑜珈(yoga)、老年人(elderly, aged, or older adult)、憂鬱(depression)、睡眠品質(sleep and quality)進行搜尋,時間至2013年3月前,於摘要為根據篩選納入及排除條件,並以modified Jadad score評定文獻品質。結果 最後納入七篇文獻,其中有五篇文獻顯示在執行瑜珈後老年人的憂鬱症狀有顯著改善;三篇測量睡眠品質文獻,顯示瑜珈課程六個月後睡眠品質達到顯著改善。結論 不論居住於機構或社區的老人,其憂鬱症狀及睡眠品質在執行六個月瑜珈後皆有顯著性改善。但由於受試者大多為女性、社會參與度高及具有健康促進的觀念者,建議未來可針對不同族群老年人進行探討,此外,亦建議進行世代研究,長期觀察瑜珈者的身心狀態,藉以了解瑜珈應用於老年人之效益,使老年人能將運動與日常生活結合