125 research outputs found


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    The History of Maritime Ceramics in South-East China

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    中国东南海洋性瓷业,是指自汉晋六朝以至明清我国东南沿海以仿烧名瓷为主要内涵,以民窑为主体,以海洋世界为市场,向海外用力的瓷业体系,其年代范围是从东汉末年瓷器开始向海外传播到二十世纪上半叶我国瓷业的衰败,其地域范围主要限定于我国东南沿海。 探索古代中国东南海洋性瓷业是从海洋人文的全新角度来看我国古代陶瓷的对外传播与影响。其研究方法具有以下特色:首先,将东南海洋性瓷业作为沿海手工业的一个有机组成部分,纳入到环中国海海洋社会经济文化体系的宏观视野之中进行研究,对海洋性瓷业格局初兴、发展、繁盛、变化的各个阶段历史做全面梳理。其次,将研究建立在陶瓷窑址考古资料之上,将海洋性瓷业研究由器物表象特征的对比...The study on southeast maritime ceramics of China is an archaeological integrative study about the impact of ceramics system in oversea areas. The main content is the imitated ceramics in southeast of China from Han Dynasty to Ming and Qing Dynasties. And it is based on the civilian kilns and faced the sea world market. The time range is from the end of East Han when the ceramic was successfull...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_考古学及博物馆学学号:B20040200

    Several Issues on the Study of the Aborigines in Taiwan

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    台湾原住民研究肇始于清代理番时期的采风民族志,日据时期开启了近代民族学、人类学意义上的调查研究阶段,光复后台湾学者主导的原住民研究,在民族志调查与社会文化人类学理论层面的研究都有很大的进展。近年来,台湾学者原住民研究中出现了片面强调台湾原住民与南岛语族的区域文化关系的错误倾向。以最新的民族志调查研究为基础,通过多学科整合研究,重建台湾原住民的民族起源、历史与现状、族群关系与国家认同等重要课题,是新时期大陆学者责无旁贷的历史任务。The study of the aborigines in Taiwan began from Qing Dynasty ,and developed into the phase of indagation during the time that Taiwan was occupied by Japan. Then the study of the aborigines leaded by scholars in Taiwan got great development on the indagation of ethnography and the research of social and cultural anthropology. A kind of inaccurate tendency that several scholars unilaterally emphasize the relation between the aborigines in Taiwan and Austronesian family has been appearing in recent years. Basing on the new research of ethnography indagation and by integrated multi-subject research , rebuilding the important item such as the origin, the history, the relationship and the identifying of the nation on the aborigines in Taiwan, is the unshirkable responsibility to the continent scholars in the new century.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2006年度重大项目“台湾原住民研究”成


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    采用气相色谱与质谱联用 (GC/MS)技术 ,通过 3个航次对厦门西港沉积物中 1 6种优先监控的PAHs的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查。结果表明 ,厦门西港沉积物中检出的PAHs均以 4— 6环的为主 ,其中荧蒽和芘在不同航次及不同站位均为优势组分。PAHs的总含量变化不明显 ,但高分子量的PAHs(5— 6环 )的含量却有升高的趋势。厦门西港沉积物中的PAHs主要来源于矿物的不完全燃烧 ,与 1 993年的调查结果相比 ,厦门西港沉积物中PAHs的含量有所减少 ,与国内外其他相似地区比较属中等水


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    通过 3个航次对厦门西港表层海水中 16种优先监控的PAHs的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查 .结果表明 :表层海水中PAHs的含量与组成具有明显的时间差异 .在 4月和 10月的PAHs含量较 7月高 ;PAHs的组成在 4月以 2环的萘为优势组分 ,在 7月以 3环的苊烯为优势组分 ,10月以 4环的为优势组分 .分析 3个航次的调查结果发现 :厦门西港表层海水中的PAHs主要来源于石油类物质的输入 .厦门西港表层海水中各种PAHs的含量与国际生物学组织或国家制定的评价水生生物暴露于水体的安全食用标准相比虽未超标 ,但个别组分如蒽、苯并 [a]芘的含量已达到生态毒理评价标准

    Concentration , composition and origin of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water of Xiamen Harbor

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    通过3 个航次对厦门西港表层海水中16 种优先监控的PAHs 的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查. 结果表明:表层海水中PAHs 的含量与组成具有明显的时间差异. 在4 月和10 月的PAHs 含量较7 月高;PAHs 的组成在4 月以2 环的萘为优势组分,在7 月以3 环的苊烯为优势组,10 月以4 环的为优势组分. 分析3 个航次的调查结果发现:厦门西港表层海水中的PAHs 主要来源于石油类物质的输入. 厦门西港表层海水中各种PAHs 的含量与国际生物学组织或国家制定的评价水生生物暴露于水体的安全食用标准相比虽未超标,但个别组分如蒽、苯并[ a ]芘的含量已达到生态毒理评价标准.国家自然科学基金项目(No130070157) ;华东师范大学河口海岸动力沉积和动力地貌综合国家重点实验室开放课题基金(2002 —2003

    Distribution and Activity of Marine Bacterioplankton at Frequent HAB Area of East China Sea

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    作者简介: 王新( 1979~ ), 男, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为资源与环境微生物学, E-mail :wxxmu@ 163. com 通讯联系人, E-mail:microzh@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]于2006年4~5月对东海近海28°~30.7°N之间的赤潮高发区浮游细菌的分布、活性和群落结构特征进行了调查.采用荧光显微计数法测定细菌丰度,荧光模拟底物法测定细菌胞外酶活性,PCR-DGGE分析该区域的细菌群落结构特征.结果表明,东海赤潮高发区的浮游细菌丰度在5.85×104~9.26×105cells.mL-1之间,其中舟山外海区域较高,在整个调查区域北部海域高于南部海域.β-葡萄糖苷酶的平均活性为0.023μmol.(L.h)-1,氨肽酶的平均活性约为其3.6倍,在5μm以上颗粒中的胞外酶活性平均占总活性分别为47.4%和44.24%.细菌胞外酶活性的分布与细菌丰度的分布无相关性,在整个调查区域南部海域高于北部海域.细菌群落结构和多样性差异较大,南部海域的细菌多样性低于北部海域.人类活动和陆源输入是影响浮游细菌分布的决定性因素,台湾暖流对细菌胞外酶活性及其分布有着决定性的影响,复杂的环境条件是细菌群落结构和多样性差异的主要原因之一.海洋细菌在东海赤潮高发区的生态作用有待进一步研究. [英文文摘]The distribution, activity and community structure of bacterioplankton in surface waterwere investigated at frequent harm fulalgae blooms (HABs) a rea in East China Sea (28b23017bN ) from April to May, 2006. The abundance of bacte riop lankton was determ ined by using the DAPI (4, 62d iamidino222phenylindole) direct count (DDC) method. The B2glucosidase and am inopeptidase activityweremeasured with fluorogenicmodel substra tes. And the bacterial community structure was analyzed by PCR2DGGE. Results showed that bacterial abundance in northern of the sampling area wasmuch more than that in southern of the sampling area. It ranged from 5185@104 ce lls# mL- 1 to 9126@105 ce lls# mL- 1. And there was the highest vaue area outer the costa l of Zhou Shan Island.The average aminopeptidase activity was 316 times of B2glucosidase activity which was 01023 Lmol# ( L# h) - 1 in th is area. The B2 glucosidase ac tivity in > 5Lm fraction contr ibuted 4714% of the tota,l and that of the aminopep tidase activity was 441 24% of the tota .l Bacteria l extracellular enzyme activity had a higher average value in southern of the sampling area. This indica ted that the bacterial activity had no direct relationship with bacteria l abundance. Bac terial diversity and community structure differed from each sampling station. Thereweremore divers in northern sampling area. The results suggested that the human being activity and continental inputting organic matte rsplayed a key role on the distribution of bacterial abundance. The d istribution of bacterial extrace llular enzyme activity wasmainly a ffected by the Taiwan warm current. And it was the complicated unknown factors that caused the difference of the bacterial community structure and diversity from each sampling station. Obviously, it needed furtherwork to enhance the knowledge of the ecological function of the bacte riop lankton at frequentHABs area of the coastal water in East Ch ina Sea.国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2008AA09Z408);国家自然科学基金项目(40876061,40930847,30940002,30800033);国家海洋局海洋生态系统与生物地球化学重点实验室开放基金项目(LMEB200601);长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(40821063

    Advance in research of marine microbial toxins

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    国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2001CB409710); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40206015,30370276

    To Compare Study on the the Cognition,Attitude and Behavior of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Medical Students and Normal Students

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    目的比较医学生和师范生对性传播疾病STD防治知识的掌握情况以及对性行为态度及性行为的差异,为健康教育工作提供依据。方法自行设计性传播疾病KAP调查问卷,采用整群抽样的方法,对牡丹江师范学院和牡丹江医学院注册在读的学生进行问卷调查。结果医学生对STD相关知识的了解程度普遍高于师范生;医学生和师范生知晓性病的三大传播途径(性交、输血或血制品、孕妇传给婴儿)的比例差别无统计学意义(P>0.05),但在某些传播、非传播途径和预防性传播疾病知晓情况上,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),but there were significant differences in the awareness of some transmission,non transmission routes andPrevention(P<0.05). CONCLUSION according to the needs of students in science students, the knowledge of sexual behavior andsexual behavior should be carried out to prevent sexually transmitted diseases