106 research outputs found

    The Effects of Integrative Capability on Explorative Innovation and Exploitative Innovation

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    经济全球化背景下,环境变化加快,市场风险加剧。企业为巩固市场地位,开拓市场领域,选择与其他企业构建战略联盟。企业间通过获取应用外部资源和惯例,可以解决内部资源和惯例的竞争压力,协调企业同步进行探索性创新和应用性创新。应用性创新可以帮助企业从现有市场快速获取利润,探索性创新可以帮助企业从新的市场获取高额利润。然而联盟企业间的资源和惯例的匹配与协调并非自然发生,是需要合作企业有目的、有意识地培育与管理。很多联盟的失败归根到底是由于企业之间的整合不够充分。现有研究文献中,整合能力对探索性创新和应用性创新的实证研究很少,而企业间整合对创新的实证研究更加缺乏。本文基于企业合作视角,探究整合能力对探索性创...With the pace of the economic globalization, firms are challenged by the rapid change of market environment and increasing market risks. Under such market conditions, firms establish strategic alliances in order to sustain market position and pursue new market opportunities. Strategic alliances enable firms to acquire, utilize and coordinate external resources and routines that consequently allevi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_市场营销学学号:1762013115130

    Application of latent semantic analysis in continuous speech recognition

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    研究了潜在语义分析(lSA)理论及其在连续语音识别中应用的相关技术,在此基础上利用WSJ0文本语料库上构建lSA模型,并将其与3-grAM模型进行插值组合,构建了包含语义信息的统计语言模型;同时为了进一步优化混合模型的性能,提出了基于密度函数初始化质心的k-MEAnS聚类算法对lSA模型的向量空间进行聚类。WSJ0语料库上的连续语音识别实验结果表明:lSA+3-grAM混合模型能够使识别的词错误率相比较于标准的3-grAM下降13.3%。The theory of Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA) for speech recognition is described,and the related techniques for implementing LSA-based language modeling in speech recognition systems are presented.An LSA-based semantic model is constructed on the WSJ0 text corpus.This paper uses the interpolation method to combine this semantic model with conventional 3-gram to form a hybrid language mode(li.e.,LSA+3-gram).To optimize the performance of the hybrid model,it applies k-means algorithm to perform vector clustering in the LSA vector space while the density function is used to initialize the centroid.The constructed hybrid language model outperforms the corresponding 3-gram baseline:Continuous speech recognition experiments conducted on the WSJ0 test corpus show a relative reduction in word error rate of about 13.3%.国家自然科学基金No.60573189;国家高技术研究发展计划(863)No.2006AA01Z139;No.2006AA010107;No.2006AA010108;福建省自然科学基金No.2006J0043---


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    高校是培养高级专门人才的重要基地。体育不但在高校占有十分重要的地位 ,在我国当代体育发展中也占有相当重要的地位 ,发挥相当重要的作用。高校是优秀青少年最为集中的地方 ,高校贯彻实施《全民健身计划纲要》 ,对提高我国国民素质作出极为重要的贡献。高校还是我国竞技体育重要的战略基地 ,高校通过办高水平运动队 ,发挥高校的教育优势和科技优势 ,对进一步提高我国竞技运动技术水平作出了很大的贡献


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    Design and Research of Optical Structure for the Visible Light in the Coaxal

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    在激光技术的应用中,常常要对激光束实现某种实用空间界面的准确定位和聚焦。聚焦和定位的困难在于能够透过红外或紫外辐射的光学材料往往无法透过可见光,使得各种激光束的聚焦光斑的空间定位设计成为困难,阻碍了激光技术的应用。为此,结合课题的科研工作,研究设计了二种性能各异的同轴可见光导引光路结构,并在医疗临床应用中,获得了满意的效果。The main difficulty of pointing out of the visible light in the coaxal is can be transmission the optical material of infrared radiation but often unable to transmission.Given the space fixed position of focusing facula of lasers beam in difficulty.Same of the kinds of coaxied light system of point out are designed,through the clinical application of the exact of fixed position and quick and continues variable and the safe operation is reliable.The devolopings and applications of whole mechine system of the a way of technology is supplied for.福建省科技计划项目(No.2001I017)资


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    Implementation and Optimization of High-performance I/O Completion Ports Server

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    该文介绍了I/O完成端口机制,并提出了基于I/O完成端口机制的高性能服务器设计的一种方法。改文所设计的高性能服务器能够处理海量套接字连接请求,保证了数据通信的高效性,很好的解决了像网络游戏服务器、WEb服务器以及代理服务器这些爆发式客户端连接的问题。经过压力测试,该IOCP服务器达到了6500客户端同时在线的负载标准。This paper mainly introduces the I/O completion ports mechanism and brings forward a method to design high-performance server which base on this mechanism.This kind of server has the ability to handling with massive connection request , the efficiency of data communication and deals with the outbreak client connection such as online game server, web server, proxy server and so on.After stress testing, this IOCP server has achieved the load requirements that 6500 client online at the same time

    Concentrations and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organo chlorides in surface sediment of Xiamen Western Harbour and Minjiang Estuary

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    参考美国EPA标准方法对厦门西港和闽江口的表层沉积物样品中持续性有机污染物PAHs、PCBs、和DDTs的含量及分布进行分析和考察 ,并对若干污染特征及成因进行探讨 .结果表明 ,厦门西港沉积物样品中总PAHs含量 (ng/ g(干重 ) )较闽江口海域为高 ,其中厦门样品测值范围是 42 5 3 - 15 2 2 4,大多高于 10 0 0 ,推断主要来源于石油类污染 ;闽江口为 316 8-12 6 0 7,大多低于 10 0 0 ,化石燃料燃烧可能是其主要来源 .PCBs和DDT的分析结果表明 ,PCBs并非两海域的主要污染物 ,其含量 (ng/ g(干重 ) )测值范围是厦门西港 9 72— 33 72 ,闽江口 8 71— 30 5 5 ;DDT类含量测值 (ng/g(干重 ) )厦门西港高于闽江口 ,范围分别为 8 6 1— 73 70和 6 17— 30 70 (河口高值站位为 6 3 88) ,空间分布呈近岸高于远岸趋势 .同时表明 ,在厦门海域表层沉积物中DDD是主要降解产物 ,而在闽江口DDE为主要降解产物The U.S.EPA analytical methods were employed to examine surface sediment concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organo chlorides (PCBs and DDTs) in Xiamen Western Harbour (XM),in June,1999,and Min River Estuary (MJ) in Oct., 1996.The spatial distribution and main possible sources of these pollutants were discussed.The ranges of PAHs concentration (ng/g(DW)) are 425-1520,with most values higher than 1000 in XM samples,and 315-1260,with most values lower than 1000 in MJ samples respectively.The main possible sources of sediment PAHs were identified as petroleum pollutants for Xiamen Western Harbour,and fossil fuel combustion products by river input for Minjiang Estuary,respectively.Sediment PCBs were found not the main pollutants in the study areas,with concentrations(ng/g(DW))ranging from 9.72 to 33.72,and from 8.71 to 30.55,in XM samples and MJ samples,respectively.Concentrations (ng/g(DW)) of sediment DDT and its degraded compounds show the trend of decreasing off the shore,while ranging from 20 to 70,and 6 to 30,in XM samples and MJ samples,respectively.Meaningful information also displays that the main degradation products are DDD in XM samples and DDE in MJ samples.As for the general results,the disadvantage of hydrodynamics,industrial and municipal wastewater discharge,and harbour activities are inferred as the main aspects of the factors affecting pollution in Xiamen Western Harbour,comparing with those in Minjiang Estuary,which is significantly affected by Minjiang River input.Measures for pollution prevention thus should be taken differently in the two areas