226 research outputs found

    Syntheses, Structures, Fluorescences and Thermal Stabilities of Coordination Polymers of Silver(I) with Quinoxaline and Amino-1,3,5-triazines

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    过渡金属配合物由于其丰富的光物理和光化学性能及在离子交换、气体储存、光学、电子学、磁性材料、传感器和生物领域的巨大应用潜力,逐渐成为科研工作者关注的热点。本文通过选用几种含氮杂环类配体,合成一系列Ag(I)配位聚合物,并深入探讨了配合物结构、荧光性质之间的关系,通过对配合物结构与性质的研究,为功能配合物的设计合成提供了一些新的方法和思路。(一)三组配位聚合物的溶剂调控:采用不同的溶剂,在其它条件都相同的情况下,合成了三组共六个配位聚合物,它们分别是:化合物1-2(配体:2,4-二氨基-6-甲基-1,3,5-三嗪和萘-1,4-二甲酸;1的溶剂:MeOH-EtOH;2的溶剂:MeOH-DMF),化...Transition metal complexes have attracted most attention for their abundant photophysical and photochemical properties, which exhibit great potential applications in ion exehange, gas storage, optical, electronic, magnet material, sensor and biology fields. This thesis focuses on the design of functional coordination complexes through the cyrstal structures and properties of series Ag(I) complexes...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052008015015


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    目的 :了解卵巢黄体破裂的临床特点 ,提高诊断水平。方法 :对我院 1996年 10月至 2 0 0 1年 4月的卵巢黄体破裂患者 46例进行总结分析。结果 :黄体破裂多发于 2 0岁~ 30岁女性 ,性生活是一重要诱因 ,发病右侧多于左侧 ,易误诊为宫外孕、阑尾炎。诊断准确率为 78 2 6 %(36 / 46 ) ,误诊率 19 5 7%(9/ 46 ) ,漏诊率 2 17%(1/ 46 )。 38例手术治疗 ,8例保守治疗。结论 :黄体破裂多发 ,经准确的诊断 ,及时正确的治疗 ,结果良好


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    Roles of Axin in the Wnt Signaling Pathway

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    Wnt信号转导途径是调控细胞形状、运动、黏附、增殖、分化、癌变及机体发育等过程的主要途径之一.Axin(轴蛋白)是一个体轴发育抑制因子,作为构架蛋白在Wnt信号转导途径中起着关键的作用.Axin通过不同的机制调节β连环蛋白的磷酸化和稳定性.它通过与APC、GSK-3β、β连环蛋白和CKIα结合形成复合体促进β连环蛋白的降解,还通过同源二聚化、核质穿梭、自身磷酸化和稳定性的调控来调节β连环蛋白的稳定性.Axin通过Wnt信号转导途径参与了一系列生物学效应的调控,如体轴发育、细胞死亡、神经元的分化等.作为一个新发现的肿瘤抑制因子,axin将为癌症的诊断和治疗提供新的有效的手段.The Wnt signaling pathway plays important roles in cell shape, cell movement, cell adhesion, cell proliferation and differentiation, oncogenesis and development. Axin is an axis inhibitor. As a scaffold protein, it plays a critical role in the Wnt signaling pathway. Axin regulates the phosphorylation and stability of β-catenin via different mechanisms. It facilitates β-catenin degradation by assembling a β-catenin destruction complex including APC,GSK-3β,β-catenin,CKIα and axin itself. The homodimerization,nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling,phosphorylation and stability of axin itself also play important roles in β-catenin regulation. In the Wnt signaling pathway, axin participates in the regulations of a series of biological effects such as axis development,cell death,neuronal differentiation and so on. As a newly recognized tumor suppressor,axin will provide a newly impactful means for diagnosis and therapy of cancer.福建省重大科技项目(No.2002F002)资助~


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    Detection of incoherent broadband terahertz light using antenna-coupled high-electron-mobility field-effect transistors

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    The sensitivity of direct terahertz detectors based on self-mixing of terahertz electromagnetic wave in field-effect transistors is being improved with noise-equivalent power close to that of Schottky-barrier-diode detectors. Here we report such detectors based on AlGaN/GaN two-dimensional electron gas at 77~K are able to sense broadband and incoherent terahertz radiation. The measured photocurrent as a function of the gate voltage agrees well with the self-mixing model and the spectral response is mainly determined by the antenna. A Fourier-transform spectrometer equipped with detectors designed for 340, 650 and 900~GHz bands allows for terahertz spectroscopy in a frequency range from 0.1 to 2.0~THz. The 900~GHz detector at 77~K offers an optical sensitivity about 1 pW/Hz1~\mathrm{pW/\sqrt{Hz}} being comparable to a commercial silicon bolometer at 4.2~K. By further improving the sensitivity, room-temperature detectors would find applications in active/passive terahertz imaging and terahertz spectroscopy.Comment: 4.5 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of transfection with acidic fibroblast growth factor by electroporation on skeletal muscle satellite cells

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    背景:课题组早期研究表明体外一定剂量酸性成纤维细胞生长因子对骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖有促进作用。目的:进一步验证电穿孔转染酸性成纤维细胞生长因子基因对骨骼肌卫星细胞生长、增殖及分化的影响。方法:原代培养、纯化骨骼肌卫星细胞,将带有酸性成纤维细胞生长因子基因的质粒P SECTAg-gfP-A fgf通过电转染的方法转染大鼠骨骼肌卫星细胞,荧光显微镜观察绿色荧光蛋白的表达情况并计算转染率,以流式细胞仪分析转染后细胞周期,绘制细胞生长曲线,观察转染后肌管形成情况,WESTErn blOTIng检测酸性成纤维细胞生长因子基因的表达。结果与结论:1免疫细胞化学检测:骨骼肌肌动蛋白呈阳性表达。2转染效率:P SECTAg-A fgf质粒电转染12 H后即可看见散在发绿色荧光的卫星细胞,72-96 H达高峰,阳性表达率约90%。3细胞周期检测:电转染后S期所占的百分比明显多于未转染对照组(P<0.05)。4细胞生长曲线检测:电转染细胞接种后第3天进入对数生长期,第5天后开始减少。5分化能力观察:电转染组肌管较未转染对照组明显减少,老化细胞较少。6WESTErn-blOT:酸性成纤维细胞生长因子基因在转染骨骼肌卫星细胞中表达。结果表明,通过电穿孔法可以将酸性成纤维细胞生长因子基因转染进骨骼肌卫星细胞并获得高效持久的表达,并有促进骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖及抑制分化为肌管的作用。BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that a certain dose of acidic fibroblast growth factor can promote skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in vitro.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of transfection with acidic fibroblast growth factor by electroporation on growth, proliferation and differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells.METHODS: Skeletal muscle satellite cells were cultured and purified, and then transfected with plasmid p Sectag-GFP-a FGF by electroporation.The expression of green fluorescent protein was observed under fluorescence microscope, and the transfection efficiency was calculated.After transfection, cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry to draw the growth curve of skeletal muscle satellite cells.Western blot assay was employed to measure protein level of acidic fibroblast growth factor.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1) Immunocytochemistry detection: The skeletal muscle satellite cells were positive for a-sarcomeric actin.(2) Transfection efficiency: At 12 hours after transfection with p Sectag-a FGF, several cells showed green fluorescence, and the green fluorescent expression reached the peak at 72-96 hours after transfection with a positive rate of about 90%.(3) Cell cycle: After electrotransfection, the proportion of cells at S phase in the electroporation group was higher than that in the control group(P < 0.05).(4) Cell growth curve: At 3 days after electrotransfection, the cells entered logarithmic growth phase but the proliferation slowed down at 5 days.(5) Differentiation capacity: There were fewer myotubes and aging cells in the electroporation group than the control group.(6) Western blot assay: Acidic fibroblast growth factor protein was highly expressed in the cells transfected with target gene detected by western blot assay.These findings indicate that by using electroporation method, acidic fibroblast growth factor can be transferred into skeletal muscle satellite cells and have a high-efficiency and long-term expression, which can promote the proliferation of skeletal muscle satellite cells and inhibit formation of myotubes


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    本文简述以往LHD 脉冲风洞的真空获得系统配置方案,重点描述新建成的JF12 激波风洞真空方案与调试结果,详细介绍了相应的测试系统,文末给出调试结果


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    以酚醛预聚体和苯乙烯为原料通过水热法一步合成中空聚合物球HPS,再以三氯化磷为反应剂通过傅-克反应对HPS处理得到含磷交联聚合物,经高温碳化和KOH活化制备了磷掺杂中空碳球AP-HCS。采用FT-IR、TG、SEM、TEM、Raman、BET、XPS等手段对含磷聚合物和碳材料的组成、结构与形貌进行表征,测试了碳材料在1mol/L H2SO4介质中的电容性能。结果表明,AP-HCS的比表面积可达2177m2/g,在1A/ g电流密度下,比电容为288F/g,5A/g电流密度下经循环充放电5000次后比电容值仍能保持88.9%,具备良好的电容性能。国家自然科学基金项目(51673161,51773172)福建省重大科技创新平台(2014H2006