831 research outputs found

    A Study on the Establishment of Ideography and its Derivative Mode

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    意符是构成汉字合体字的表意构件,也是汉字系统的基因单位,从意符到衍生字的发展模式,也就是汉字系统形成的意序模式。 本文以《说文解字》部首与各部从属字为基础语料,合理借鉴和运用汉字学、词汇学和训诂学等研究成果,采用定量和定性相结合的方法,对《说文解字》的意符系统进行了多层次的研究。重点在于构建汉字的意符系统,在此基础上对汉字意符系统内部结构进行分析,并重点分析意符在衍生字当中充当的字义角色和字义功能。总结归纳出各个意符场的衍生模式。 首先,坚持以义为主兼顾字形,形义结合的原则,对《说文解字》540部首进行删减、合并。得出《说文解字》中共有意符总数295个,其中基础意符64个,一般意符231个...The ideogram is the ideographic component of compound characters as well as the gene unit of Chinese character system. The development mode of the derivatives deriving from ideograms is the same as the meaning order mode of the formation of Chinese character system. This paper selected radicals and subordinate characters from Shuo Wen Jie Zi (《说文解字》) as basic research materials, employed the comb...学位:文学博士院系专业:人文学院_汉语言文字学学号:1022010015385

    Design and Implementation of Multimedia in Music Teaching

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    目前各领域都在全面推进信息化建设,这不仅改变着人类的生活方式,而且还变革了现有的教育方式和学习方式。各学科都在尝试构建信息化系统以便为学生和教师之间搭建一个不受时空限制的交流平台,从而达到提高教学质量的目的。教育信息化与传统教学模式互为补充,在教育系统中发挥着越来越重要的作用,这其中也包括音乐教育,音乐作为教育领域中的一门重要课程,其信息化建设也是未来的发展趋势。 本文基于J2EE技术,设计并实现了音乐多媒体教学系统,其主要研究内容如下: (1)本文使用J2EE技术实现系统功能,以SQLServer2008数据库存储数据信息。为了实现音乐资源共享,系统基于B/S模式进行构建。音乐多媒体教学...At present, all fields are comprehensively promoting the informationization construction, which not only changes the way of life of human beings, but also changes the existing educational methods and learning styles. All subjects are trying to construct the information system to build an exchange platform which is not restricted by time and space between the students and the teachers, so as to ach...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323091

    Empirical Researches on Term Structure Models of Interest Rates with Macroeconomic Factors

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    宏观经济学家需要理解宏观经济因素对利率的影响,而金融经济学家则想找到驱动收益率曲线变动的因素。为了能够研究以上两个问题,本文建立了债券收益率和宏观经济因素结合的动态过程,使用向量自回归模型,并在向量自回归模型基础上施加无套利的限制。本文采用结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)与线性动态利率期限结构模型(ATSM)进行实证分析,并把ATSM模型分为不含宏观因素的Yield-Only模型和含有宏观因素的Yield-Macro模型。其中,Yield-Macro模型允许我们定义通货膨胀冲击、实体经济冲击和货币供给冲击,这三个模型通过参数估计、脉冲响应函数和方差分解等研究方法,得出实证结论,让我们认识这些宏观...Macroeconomists want to understand the effect of macroeconomic factors on interest rates, while financial economists look for the factors that drive the yield curve dynamics. To shed light on both issues, we describe the joint dynamics of bond yields and macroeconomic variables in a Vector Auto Regression, where identifying restrictions are based on the absence of arbitrage. We use three models to...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融工程学号:1562006115103

    Research on Feeding and Fatty Acid Composition of Brachionus plicatilis enriched with microalgae

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    褶皱臂尾轮虫已被广泛用作海水养殖动物幼体的开口饵料,其大规模培育技术日趋成熟,然而其作为幼体饵料存在着固有的营养缺陷,尤其高不饱和脂肪酸(HUFAs)含量较低,如ARA(C20:4n-6)、EPA(C20:5n-3)和DHA(C22:6n-3)等几种必需脂肪酸(EFAs),对其进行HUFA营养强化具有重要意义。本研究采用小球藻、牟氏角毛藻和球等鞭金藻对轮虫进行营养强化,从轮虫摄食和生化成分分析等两方面探讨单种微藻和混合微藻对轮虫营养强化的效果,以期为更有效地利用微藻对轮虫进行营养强化提供参考。主要结果如下: 1.研究了轮虫以单种微藻和混合微藻培养时滤水率和摄食率的动态变化,结果表明微藻浓度、...The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis can be mass cultivated and is commonly used for first feeding of altricial larvae in mariculture. But it is low in the HUFAs such as ARA(C20:4n-6), EPA(C20:5n-3) and DHA(C22:6n-3) which are essential fatty acids for larviculture of fish and crustaceans. Chlorella sp., Chaetoceros muelleri and Isochrysis galbana were cultured as foods of the rotifers. The rotifer B...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2112005130218

    The Optimization of Travel Agency Value Chain Based on Production Function

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    摘要 我国旅游市场的迅猛发展,作为连接旅游需求与供给的纽带,旅行社已经成为了旅游行业中的龙头企业。但爆发式的增长,日益激烈的竞争环境,也使得旅行社出现了竞争力流失、治理水平低下等问题。在这种情况下,旅行社价值链的优化研究非常具有现实意义。尤其在全球都陷入经济危机的时刻,如何优化自身的价值链,提升自身的整体竞争力,更是旅行社迫切需要解决的问题。综观目前对于旅游社价值链优化的研究,大多数局限于概念上的探讨和定性的层面,少有深入的量化研究。 本文首先立足于价值链理论和顾客价值理论,提出旅行社价值链应该以顾客价值为导向。然后用顾客价值理论对旅行社价值活动进行识别,建立起区别于传统制造业价值链的旅行...Abstract With the rapid development of our country’s tourism market, travel agency, as the connection between supply and demand of tourism, has become a leading enterprise in the tourism industry. The rapid growth and increasingly competitive environment bring the travel agencies some problems, such as the loss of competitiveness, the low levels of management, etc. In this case, the study about t...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782006115140

    A Research on Product Development and Management for Low Cost Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus in Company A

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    低压电器市场是一个充分竞争的市场,其产品具有技术门槛低,原材料成本占产品总成本份额大,产量较大且产品可靠性要求较高等特点。A公司生产的中低端产品由于市场定位失当,目前正面临着产品成本过高,研发速度与市场需求不匹配等严峻挑战。为了缩小与竞争对手的差距,提高产品在低压电器中低端市场的占有率,A公司研发部与公司总部一起制定出有针对性的研发管理流程改进方案。 本文旨在以A公司中低端低压电器产品研发与管理为例,运用产品的竞争维度、逆向工程、质量功能展开等理论和方法研究不同竞争厂家某类中低端低压电器产品,从成本、性能方面更准确的定义A公司中低端低压电器产品。同时,参照敏捷项目管理和改善文化理论,利用利特...Low voltage apparatus market is a fully competitive one, which products with low technical doorsill and high reliability. Raw material cost is the key part of low voltage product’s total cost. The turnover of this market is big. Nowadays both domestic and international low voltage apparatus manufactures are focusing on the low cost with right performance products development. Because the improper ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115076


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    Research on Internal Control of Sales: Risk analysis, Guidelines Review and Practices Design

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    自萨班斯法案颁布之后,世界各国监管当局与实务界都非常关注企业内部控制问题。我国财政部、证监会等五部委联合发布了《企业内部控制基本规范》,在此基础上即将发布内部控制应用指引。在这些指引中,一个重要的内容便是《企业内部控制应用指引第9号—销售业务》。在这一制度背景下,本文拟对销售业务内部控制进行系统的研究。 本文从长虹危机出发,分析销售业务在企业生产经营活动中的重要地位,在此基础上全面、系统地分析了销售业务存在的风险,主要有信用、合同、发货、收款、应收账款以及退货等六大类风险,共包括缺乏专门的部门统一管理客户信用等20个风险点,严重影响了企业健康、安全发展。 为了更好地指导企业建立、实施销售业...Since the enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley Act, regulatory authorities and the practitioners all around the world have paid special attention to internal control issues. China's Ministry of Finance, Securities Regulatory Commission and other three ministries, jointly issued the Basic Norms of Internal Control, on the basis of the Basic Norms of Internal Control; the Chinese Ministry of Finance will iss...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752007115107


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