15 research outputs found

    Study on Autonomous Enrolment of Higher Vocational Schools of China

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    本研究以高职院校自主招生改革为研究对象,综合运用历史研究法、文献分析法、访谈法等研究方法,梳理我国高职院校招生制度的发展、演变脉络,并重点考察各省、市、自治区高职院校自主招生的改革现况。 本研究第一部分主要介绍选题缘由与研究意义、核心概念、文献综述、研究思路与方法、研究重点以及可能的创新;接着回顾我国高职院校招生制度的历史沿革,主要对古代生产技术教育和专学教育及其入学方式、近代高等职业教育招生制度以及建国后高职院校的招生制度进行归纳与整理;进而重点介绍国家示范性(骨干)高职院校自主招生的改革现况以及各省、市、自治区积极探索的高职院校自主招生创新模式;另外,详细阐述福建省高职院校自主招生的改革...This research took autonomous enrolment scheme of historical development and the current implementation in higher vocational schools as study subject. Author integrated historical research method, literature analysis and interview to comb enrollment development and evolution of higher vocational schools. This study mainly focused on autonomous enrolment reform and the current situation in differen...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572009115154


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    Survey on the Self-positioning Situation among Masters in China:a Case Study of Xiamen University

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    根据对厦门大学300名在校硕士研究生的问卷调查,发现我国硕士研究生普遍存在自我发展定位的困惑,且不同性别的硕士研究生对于未来计划的明确度、读博及放弃读博的原因、有无工作经验之于自我定位的影响等问题表现出显著的差异。除此之外,本研究还对硕士研究生自我发展定位困惑产生的原因进行了深入研究。According to a questionnaire survey on 300 masters in Xiamen University,it proposes that most of the masters have the problem of self-positioning confusion,and gender differences exist in the clarity of their future plans,the reason of doing or giving up a PhD,whether the work experience influence on the self-positioning or not and what should be the first of the female masters' self-positioning.But there are no gender differences in the consideration of whether doing a PhD or not,the attitude to the people around who decided to doing a PhD,the choice to the encouragement of their mentor and the opportunity of doing a PhD without exam and the biggest confusion they faced now.In addition,the reasons of the self-positioning confusion is also been researched.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题“高考改革与入学机会公平研究(编号:08JJD880246)”;“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(编号:2010221037)”研究成果之

    An Empirical Research on Gender Differences of University Students' Entrepreneurial Motivation——Taking Xiamen University as an Example

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    文章采用问卷调查法,以厦门大学420名本科生为调查对象,从性别视角切入,对大学生创业意向进行简单统计,进而对阻碍无创业意向男、女大学生创业的重要因素,有创业意向男、女大学生的创业动机特征做了深入分析。Based on the data on entrepreneurial intention collected through a survey of 420 undergraduate students at Xiamen University by questionnaires,the author makes an in-depth analysis of the key factors that hinder entrepreneurship of male and female university students,and the features of male and female students' entrepreneurial motivation.吉林省社会科学基金项目(项目编号:2006069

    From Humboldt to Burton Clark:Adhere and Extension to the Concept of University Research

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    洪堡“科研与教学相结合“的原则在知识经济和高等教育大众化的新形势下似成旧章,而伯顿.克拉克教授在对德、英、法、美、日五国科研和研究生教育的结构进行深入比较分析的基础上,提出并论证了在大学建立科研—教学—学习连结体的主张,有力地保护了科研在大学职能中的地位。但是新的连结体并不是洪堡心目中的连结,而是不管在内涵与外延上都较洪堡原则有了极大的拓展与提升。The Humboldt's principle of combination of research and teaching like the old chapter in the new situation of the knowledge economy and the mass higher education.and Burton Clark Professor proposed and demonstrated the idea of establish the union body of research-teaching-learning at the university based on the comparative analysis the structure of research and graduate education-depth of five countries of German,English,French,American and Japanese,which effectively protecting the functions position of research at the university.But the new link is not Humboldt's,but no matter,both in content and extension of the principle has been dramatically changed in the expansion and upgradehigher than Humboldt's principle.福建省教育科学“十一五”规划课题“普通高校学业考试制度改革研究”(FJI10052);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2010221037)---

    On the multifaceted evaluation of the college entrance examination across the Taiwan straits

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    两岸的大学入学考试因其社会、文化背景的不同而存在差异,但也显现不少相似的发展和问题,积极探索多元评价制度便是两岸的重要共识之一。对比两岸大学入学考试多元评价的改革方案,发现二者在改革目的、策略、方向等方面几乎一致,但在改革路径、力度和原则方面则存在较大差异。两岸改革的历史经验和现实教训告诉我们:高考改革必须以公平为主旋律,强化循序渐进原则,同时重视传统文化和观念的改造。Taiwan and mainland vary in the college entrance examination despite similarities.The paper argues for multifaceted assessment mechanisms.It is observed that the objectives,strategies and reform orientations are more or less the same,but approaches and principles of the reform are substantially different.So the study shows that the reform of college entrance examination should be based on equality,and the transformation of traditional culture and ideas.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题“高考改革与入学机会公平研究”(08JJD880246);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2010221037

    Survey on Difference of the Influencing Factors on the Curriculum Selection Will among Freshmen in Different Types of Universities——a case study of students of grade 2007

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    根据对全国31个省(市、区)的175所普通高校47000余名2007级大一学生的问卷调查,发现影响我国普通高校大一学生课程选择意愿的主要因素为兴趣爱好、课程内容的实用性、教师的授课特点、本人的修课计划等。对12项影响因素进行因子分析,发现其呈现四因素结构。此外,不同类型高校的大一学生对影响其课程选择意愿因素的重视程度存在显著差异。According to a questionnaire survey on 47,000 freshmen of grade 2007 of 175 higher education institutions in 31 provinces(municipalities,or autonomous regions),the results show that freshmen’s curriculum selection will is mainly affected by personal interests,the practicality of course content,the characteristics of instructor and their own plans.Through the method of factor analysis,the article finds that the 12 factors present four-factor structure.In addition,there exists significant difference in the influence factors on the curriculum selection will among freshmen in different types of universities.福建省教育科学“十一五”规划课题“普通高校学业考试制度改革研究”(FJI10052);“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(项目编号:2010221037)研究成果之

    Probe and Innovation:Modes of Autonomous Enrollment in Higher Vocational Colleges

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    高职院校自主招生政策自2007年试点以来,试点院校、招生规模不断扩大,考核内容与形式不断完善。目前,国家示范性(骨干)高职院校的自主招生主要有“文化基础测试+综合素质评价“、“校长推荐+综合素质评价“、免试入学等模式,各省、市、自治区也在不断探索分组联考、“三位一体“综合评价招生、注册入学等模式。在高职教育岌岌可危、不少高职院校濒临倒闭的当下,自主招生改革是一条适合高职教育自身发展规律的新路,也是“挽狂澜于既倒“的最有力手段。Since 2007,the autonomous enrollment in higher vocational colleges has developed with an everexpanding volume of pilot colleges and enrolled students as well as the improvement of examination content and form.Current modes of autonomous enrollment in pilot higher vocational colleges include an overall evaluation of applicant's academic background and general quality,a combination of school principal's recommendation and evaluation of applicant's general quality,and open admission.The reform on autonomous enrollment is a way to revitalize vocational education which is consistent with the law of vocational education“2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-10-0720); “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(2010221037

    Empirical Research on Students' Entrepreneurial Motivation Features

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    随着国际上就业形势的不断严峻,创业教育成为高等教育不得不面对的新课题。创业动机的培养与激发是创业教育的首要任务。调查厦门大学420名本科生,统计其创业意向,进而分析阻碍无创业意向大学生创业的重要因素为:“社会经验不足“、“缺乏创业资金“和“个性不适合创业“。有创业意向大学生的创业动机特征呈低级需求动机、中级需求动机和高级需求动机三因素结构。不同性别、家庭背景的大学生在创业动机结构上不存在显著性差异,不同专业背景和不同年级大学生在低级需求动机层面存在显著性差异。Along with the spread of the international worsening employment situation,enterprise education becomes the new task that higher education has to face.The first mission of higher education is to train and stimulate the entrepreneurial motivation.This paper carries out the empirical study on the survey of 420 students in Xiamen University;we make simple statistics in their entrepreneurial intention,thereby inquiring into the key factor that deteriorates the passion of starting new businesses and the characters of their entrepreneurial motivation.福建省教育科学“十一五”规划课题“普通高校学业考试制度改革研究”(FJI10052

    Trends of recruitment of Chinese vocational colleges

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    高职招生制度作为生源入口关,是一个关乎高职院校以及高职教育发展的重要因素。从历史的视角,对近代以来我国大陆高职招生制度之发展历程进行回顾,并结合历史的经验,评析高职院校招生改革现况。从近代以来高职教育招生发展变迁看,高职招生相比于普通高校招生始终处于弱势地位。造成这种状况有传统观念、人才观、发展基础以及招生方式等多方面原因。要改变这种状况,除了扭转传统观念、树立科学理性的人才观以及加大对高职教育的扶持力度外,高职招生方式的改革至关重要。The recruitment is a key to the development of higher vocational education.This paper studies the recruiting of Chinese vocational colleges via retrospect and prospect.It is found that the vocational college recruitment is subordinate to that of the normal higher education institutions.Strategies are discussed for the new educational conceptions.2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-10-0720); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2010221037