Probe and Innovation:Modes of Autonomous Enrollment in Higher Vocational Colleges


高职院校自主招生政策自2007年试点以来,试点院校、招生规模不断扩大,考核内容与形式不断完善。目前,国家示范性(骨干)高职院校的自主招生主要有“文化基础测试+综合素质评价“、“校长推荐+综合素质评价“、免试入学等模式,各省、市、自治区也在不断探索分组联考、“三位一体“综合评价招生、注册入学等模式。在高职教育岌岌可危、不少高职院校濒临倒闭的当下,自主招生改革是一条适合高职教育自身发展规律的新路,也是“挽狂澜于既倒“的最有力手段。Since 2007,the autonomous enrollment in higher vocational colleges has developed with an everexpanding volume of pilot colleges and enrolled students as well as the improvement of examination content and form.Current modes of autonomous enrollment in pilot higher vocational colleges include an overall evaluation of applicant's academic background and general quality,a combination of school principal's recommendation and evaluation of applicant's general quality,and open admission.The reform on autonomous enrollment is a way to revitalize vocational education which is consistent with the law of vocational education“2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”(NCET-10-0720); “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(2010221037

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