10 research outputs found

    Function of SAV6 in Maintenance of Genome Integrity and Root Development in Arabidopsis

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    flap核酸内切酶FEN1(flapendonuclease1)是RAD2家族的一种能够识别特异底物结构的核酶。FEN1具有三种酶活性:flap核酸内切酶(FlapEndonuclease,FEN)活性、5’核酸外切酶(5’-Exonuclease,EXO)活性和缺口依赖的核酸内切酶(GapEndonuclease,GEN)活性,在DNA复制、修复以及维持端粒稳定性等方面发挥着重要作用。人们对FEN1在哺乳动物、酵母中的功能已经有了深入了解,但是拟南芥中尚无相关研究。 我们在筛选遮荫反应相关基因的突变体时筛到了一个sav6(shadeavoidance6)突变体,表现为下胚轴和根短小。通过图...FEN1 (Flap endonuclease1) belongs to Rad2 nuclease family,it recognizes the DNA substrate with special structure. It possesses 3 kinds of enzyme activity: flap endonuclease activity, exonuclease activity and gap endonuclease activity. It is required for several DNA metabolic pathways, including DNA replication, repair and maintenance of telomere stability. Despite the wealth information available ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162010015390

    Effects of Different Concentrations of Alcohol On Spatial Learning and Memory Ability and Hippocampal GFAP/NEUN in Mice

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    目的 探究长期饮酒对小鼠行为学能力以及空间学习记忆能力的影响。方法 雄性KM小鼠45只,随机分成对照组(Con),低剂量组(Low)和高剂量组(High)。分别每天对照组0.10 ml/10 g自来水,低剂量组0.05 ml/10 g的56度红星二锅头,高剂量组0.10 ml/10 g的56度红星二锅头进行灌胃。连续灌胃13 d后进行衣架实验测行为学能力,最后取海马做免疫荧光染色观察海马神经元和星形胶质细胞。结果衣架实验得分,自主活动数值总体显示Low组高于其他两组,而且与Con组差异显著;免疫荧光结果显示无论是CA3区,还是DG区,海马的星形胶质细胞含量与神经元细胞含量比值上Con,Low,High三组依次升高,而且Con,High之间对比,P〈0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论 长期大量饮酒会损伤学习记忆能力,但适量饮酒可以促进机体兴奋性和活动度。Objective To investigated the effects of long-term alcohol drinking on the ability of learning and memory in mice. Methods 45 male KM mice were randomly divided into control group (Con), low dose group (Low) and high dose group (High). The control group were daily 0.10 ml/10 g tap water, low dose group 0.05 ml/10 g, 56 degree star erguotou, high dose group 0.10 ml/10 g, 56 degree star Erguotou by intragastric administration. After 13 days of continuous feeding, the experiment was conducted to test the behavior of the horse's tail, and the hippocampus was observed by immunofluorescence staining. Results The hanger score, numerical display Low overall locomotor activity was higher than the other two groups, and group Con; immunofluorescence results showed that both the CA3 region or DG region, astrocytes and neurons of hippocampus content ratio on Con, Low, High three group were significantly increased, and Con, High had significant difference, Conclusion A large number of long-term drinking will damage the ability of learning and memory, but moderate alcohol consumption can promote the body excitability and activity

    Tannin Content of Different Casuarina Species and Its Distribution Law

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    探讨了几种木麻黄单宁含量与种类、年龄、部位、生态环境的关系。结果表明:8种木麻黄小枝总多酚含量排序为:细枝木麻黄(CASuArInA CunnIngHAMInA)>山地木麻黄(C.JungHuHnIAnA)>山神木麻黄(C.COllIA)>短枝木麻黄(C.EQuISETIfOlIA)>鸡冠木麻黄(C.CrISTATA)>粗枝木麻黄(C.glAuCA)>肥木木麻黄(C.ObESA)>滨海木麻黄(AllOCASuArI-nA lITTOrAlIS);不同年龄木麻黄小枝总多酚含量随着年龄的增加而增大。短枝木麻黄和细枝木麻黄总多酚、可溶性单宁、蛋白质结合缩合单宁以及纤维素结合缩合单宁含量大体上以细根>树皮>小枝。随着离海岸带距离的增加,木麻黄小枝总多酚含量降低。木麻黄小枝蛋白质结合态缩合单宁含量非常低,而纤维素结合态缩合单宁含量较高,这可能与木麻黄鳞片叶退化为小枝,纤维素含量高有关。Tannin contents of different Casuarina species and tannin distribution rules of species,ages,position and ecological environment were studied.The results showed that the total phenol of branchlet of Casuarina was under the order as follows:Casuarina cunninghamina>C.junghuhniana>C.collia>C.equisetifolia>C.cristata>C.glauca>C.obesa>Allocasuarina littoralis.The total phenol contents of branchlets of different years old of Casuarina increased with ages.The total phenol,solubility tannins,protein binding condensing tannins,fibrin binding condensing tannins contents of short and thin Casuarina branchlets were under the following order wholly:thin root>bark>branchlet.With the increasing of the distance from coastal belt,the total phenol of branchlet declined.The protein binding condensing tannin of Casuarina branchlet was very low,whereas fibrin binding condenseing tannins content was highest.The reason could be the high fibrin content after Casuarina scale leaf degenerated to branchlet国家“十一五”科技支撑计划(2006BAD01A1605);福建省林业厅科研项目“木麻黄单宁生化活性与提取利用技术研究”资


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    Ziprasidone versus other atypical antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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