2,296 research outputs found

    Research on the Application of Entropy-TOPSIS Model for Substation Location

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    变电站是电力系统的枢纽中心,其站址选择的合理与否不仅与投资总额、运维成本、社会经济发展等经济效益息息相关,更影响着电网的稳定、设备的可靠运行等安全因素。变电站的选址是一个复杂、综合的过程,其影响因素众多,既有定量的又有定性的,既有效益型的又有成本型的。论文从电网构架、经济效益、施工便利程度、自然环境、基础设施等五方面出发,构建了以系统位置等16个影响因素为评价指标的评价体系,并深入分析了变电站选址的基本原则及流程。在此基础上,根据构建的评价指标体系详细分析了宁德市A地区220kV乙变电站四个待选方案的各影响因素,建立评价指标体系原始数据矩阵,引入基于熵权的TOPSIS模型进行深入地分析和计算,...Substation is the hub of electrical power system. The location of substation influences not only the total investment, operational costs, social development, but also the stability of power system and the safety of equipment etc. The substation location is a complex and comprehensive process. The factors which influence substation location are various, some of them are quantitative, some of them a...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115103

    Analysis and Design of Network Public Opinion Monitoring System Based on Cloud Platform

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    随着移动互联网技术的发展,网络传播也随之兴起,以往在传统新闻媒介上无法实现的个人表达自由的言论得到空前的发展,而这种言论往往具有突发性、非理性等特点,因此对网络舆情监测系统及相关技术进行研究设计具有很好的实际意义。 网络舆情监测需要对网络舆情进行采集、分析、提取并保存,以供查询、展示及预测等,数据抓取、数据解析、云存储是其中的三个关键技术。为了有效进行网络舆情监测,本文对以上三方面的关键技术展开研究,主要创新内容包括: 1.设计网络信息获取过程中的各种关键算法,包括:分布式bloom过滤器设计,解决爬虫系统的url重复爬取问题;高效http代理算法设计,解决网站对ip限制的问题;基于双消息...With the development of mobile internet, network communication is popular and people can exchange opinions with each other easily. Unfortunately, some of these opinions always seems to be unexpected and irrational. Thus, it is necessary to do some researches on how to detect network public opinions. In order to view and forecast network public opinions, it needs to collect all kinds of network in...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223119

    A Scheme Research and Demonstration Report of YCGC’s Acquisitions of HGYRLC

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    义马煤业集团股份有限公司(以下称义煤集团)的主要业务板块包括煤炭、化工等,其中,煤炭板块是义煤集团的核心业务板块,对整个集团的发展具有举足轻重的作用。义煤集团在河南境内的煤炭生产集中在西部的义马矿区和东部的洛阳矿区共两个矿区。西部的义马矿区现有13对生产矿井,其中10对生产矿井通有准轨铁路专用线,与国铁5个车站接轨。义煤集团位于洛阳的东部矿区共9对矿井,规划年产能843万吨,无配套铁路专用线的矿井,加上河南省煤炭资源整合后在东部矿区又整合了数十对小煤矿,也都没有铁路专用线。这些小煤矿复工复产后,其煤炭销售和运输将成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。 河南国能黄河物流有限公司(以下称黄河物流),位于新安县...The main business of Yima Coal Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refers to as Yima Coal Group ) covers coal, chemical industry etc., of which coal is its core business and plays a prominent role in the development of the whole group. Coal production of Yima Coal Group in Henan concentrates on two mining areas of western Yiam mining area and eastern Luoyang mining area. Western Yima mining area has 13 c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201215618

    A Study on Real Estate Development Investment Model and Its Taxation Policies of ShenZhen——Collectively Owned Land Development and Urban Redevelopment

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    我国房地产行业经过多年的发展,房地产开发投资模式已经比较成熟,房地产开发企业主要是通过招标、拍卖或挂牌(简称招、拍、挂)方式获得土地用于房地产开发。但在深圳,由于土地资源十分有限,多数房地产开发企业无法通过招、拍、挂方式获得可开发的土地。为了应对土地资源供应不足的问题,早在2009年,深圳首次在全国提出“城市更新”概念,以市场化手段对城中村、旧工业区等存量土地进行二次开发,并允许以协议出让的方式出让土地使用权。在此背景下,传统的房地产开发投资模式在深圳已退为次要地位,取而代之的是集体土地开发(非农建设用地与征地返还用地项目投资)和城市更新项目投资,这一特点显著有别于全国其它城市。但由于开发程序...After many years of urban development, Chinese real estate developers obtain land mainly through biding, auction and listing. But Shenzhen real estate developers cannot grab land through biding, auction and listing because of severe shortage of residential land supply. To tackle this problem, Shenzhen launched the urban redevelopment project in 2009, allowing real estate developers to participate ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792014115101

    Research on Social Work Intervention of College Graduate Village Official’s Work Adaptable Ability Improvement with Empowerment Perspective——take whom in Y Town in Zhangzhou City as an example

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    摘要 2008年,“大学生村官计划”作为一项党和国家事业长远发展的重要决策在全国推广普及,越来越多的高校毕业生加入到这个队伍中来,接受基层农村工作的锻炼,在实现自我提升的同时,也协助解决了驻点村的各类社会民生问题,为我国提升农村基层组织干部队伍、建设社会主义新农村注入了强大的力量,发挥着重要作用。但是,实践表明,很大一部分大学生村官到村任职后,在适应农村工作、生活环境方面出现了各类问题,在一定程度上制约了大学生村官作用的发挥,影响着党和国家的政策发挥最佳的效用。因此,提升大学生村官的工作适应能力显得尤为重要。近年来,在社会工作介入各类人群都有了一定的探索和成效,但在大学生村官领域的社会工...Abstract In 2008, the University Graduate Village Officials Program, as an important policy of the Party and state, was widely popularized in whole society; more and more undergraduates join it, practice in specific basic rural work, improve themselves, along with working out kinds of social livelihood issues, and playing a vital role in cultivating rural officers and building the new socialist c...学位:社会工作硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_社会工作硕士学号:1402015115123

    Diffusion mechanisms in the Fe3ASi

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    In this paper, the possible reasons for the high thermal vacancy concentration and the low migration barriers for the Fe atom diffusion in the DO3 structure Fe3Si have been discussed

    Two Analysis Approaches of Addiction: Moral Model and Disease Model

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