3,941 research outputs found

    What Causes Financial Frauds and How to Prevent Them: A Case Study of Yunnan Greenland

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    我国资本市场上频繁出现的财务造假事件,给广大投资者带来了巨大损失,摧毁着上市公司的信誉和投资者的信心,阻碍了我国资本市场的正常发展。为此需要对上市公司财务造假的内部动因、手段、产生环境进行分析,从而找到问题的症结所在,并有针对性的提出建议。 本文首先从理论研究入手,通过对财务造假相关文献回顾,对财务造假动因几种主要理论进行了研究,在此基础上根据博弈理论构建了造假-监督博弈模型,并通过推导分析得出了影响造假概率的几个关键因素(惩罚力度、造假额外收益、造假成本、监管成本)及其相互之间的关系;对财务造假的一些常见手段进行了总结。 其次,介绍了我国上市公司财务造假的一个典型案例——绿大地案,以绿大...Cases involving financial frauds have been reported repeatedly in China’s capital market and caused heavy losses to investors. They have also tarnished the image of listed companies and shaken investors’ confidence, thus hurting the development of the country’s capital market. Thus it is necessary to find out the crux of the problem through analyzing the reasons behind financial frauds by some lis...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X201015703

    Shipping and Social management system on Min River during Ming and Qing Dynasties

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    福建闽江上下游之间经济的不平衡性,促使明代至清代初期上下游以粮盐为主的大宗货物运输的发生与发展。五口通商之后,闽西北茶叶、土纸等土特产品的大量外运,进一步促进了闽江航运的发展与繁荣,19世纪中后期福州港更是一跃成为举世闻名的茶港。这段时期闽江航运业的发展,主要表现为:沿岸城镇水埠码头的兴起;浅水船型的建造与改进;以地域和船型为区分的船帮组织的成立。 伴随着闽江航运业的发展与进步,中央王朝与地方政府逐步加深了对水域管理的认识。明代早中期的河泊所制度,因阻碍了闽江沿岸渔业经济的发展,到明代中后期已经基本消失。明代中晚期,在闽江上游建溪流域,出现了埠头制度,这是航运和商品经济发展到一定阶段出现的产...The imbalance between the upper and lower reaches of Fujian , Min River to promote the development of grain and salt bulk cargo transportation in the upper and lower reaches of the Ming Dynasty to the early Qing dynasty. After the opening of five ports, a large number of Sinotrans northwest of Fujian tea and other native products, promote the development and prosperity of Min Rivel shipping.In lat...学位:文物与博物馆硕士院系专业:人文学院_文物与博物馆硕士学号:1032014115230

    Anti-freezing Mechanism of Superhydrophobic Substrate

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    广泛存在于自然界的结冰现象对人类社会有着很大的影响,非预期的结冰往往会给日常生活带来不便和经济损失,甚至人员伤亡。基于生物仿生的超疏水界面材料不仅具有很好的抗冻效果,还克服了传统抗冻方法能耗高,不环保和不便捷等缺陷,为界面抗冻的研究提供了新的途径,成为最近几年界面抗冻的研究热点,一系列具有卓越抗冻性能的超疏水界面材料被发现,促进了相关研究的进行,加深了人们对超疏水界面材料抗冻的认识。然而,由于目前的研究工作采用的实验条件不同,对超疏水界面材料抗冻性能的实验条件没有进行严格控制,同时对超疏水材料的抗冻性能多为定性描述,没有定量的描述超疏水材料的抗冻性能,这使得不同研究工作的结果不能相互比较印证,...Icing and frosting cause inconvenience for the daily life of human beings. Although research on anti-icing has been carried out for decades, environmentally harmless, economical, and efficient strategies for anti-icing remain to be developed. The new anti-freezing strategy by superhydrophobic substrate (SHS) becomes a potential candidate for its unique properties, which could increase the ice nucl...学位:博士后院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_物理化学学号:201419001