166 research outputs found


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    当前,各高校对新生入学教育可谓高度重视,各种改革层出不穷,教育内容、教学时间和教育环 节均在不断完善进步.但是通过大量入学教育实践总结发现,高校新生入学教育普遍存在时间集中、方式单一、缺乏互动、没有检测反馈等问题,而这些问题往往直接影响到新生对于教育内容的消化与接收.因此,将 翻转课堂理念引入新生教育,同时引入“易班”教育门户网站,整合易班线上网络资源,实现教学内容、教学手段、 教学空间等的多重翻转,有利于提高新生的学习积极性,增强师生间的教学互动,提升入学教育的实践效果.本文受教育部人文社会科学研究专项任务(高校思想政治工作)野基于‘易班’的高校教育资源整合机制研究冶(项目批准号院15JDSZ2003)资助

    Kartoitus tankotanssijoiden urheiluvammoista : kvantitatiivinen kyselytutkimus

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin tankotanssijoiden urheiluvammoja kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella pystytään jakamaan uutta tietoa lajin urheiluvammoista tankotanssin parissa toimiville henkilöille, kuten valmentajille, harrastajille, kilpailijoille ja lajista kiinnostuneille. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, kuinka monelle tankotanssijalle on tullut urheiluvammoja. Vammoista selvitettiin sen kohdealue, laatu ja koetun haitan kesto. Lisäksi selvitettiin iän, sukupuolen, kokemusvuosien ja viikoittaisen harjoittelutuntimäärän yhteydet vammautumisiin. Kysely jaettiin keväällä 2018 ympäri Suomea tankotanssikouluihin ja se oli menetelmältään kvantitatiivinen. Vastauksia tuli yhteensä 262 kappaletta. Kerätty aineisto syötettiin ja analysoitiin MS Excel- ja IBM SPSS Statistics -ohjelmistoilla. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että yleisimmät urheiluvammat tankotanssissa kohdistuvat yläraajaan olkapään alueelle. Vammat koettiin lihasperäisiksi rasitusvammoiksi ja niiden aiheuttama haitta oli useimmiten 1 – 4 viikkoa. Viikkoharjoittelutuntimäärällä oli selkeästi yhteyttä vammojen esiintyvyyteen (p=0,036), mutta sen riippuvuus oli heikko (C=0,032). Kokemusvuosilla oli selkeästi yhteyttä vammojen esiintyvyyteen (p=0,0065). Vastauksista kävi ilmi, ettei ikä ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä tekijä vammojen esiintyvyydessä (p=0,095).The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to carry out a research of sports injuries among pole dancers with quantitative methods. The material was collected with a structured electric questionnaire. The purpose was to innovate new knowledge about sports injuries among pole dancers. The information can be used by coaches, amateurs, professionals, and others who are interested in the sport. This study’s objective was to clarify how many pole dancers has had a sports injury. The other examined matters were the target areas of sports injuries, their quality, and how long was the duration of one’s experienced drawback after injury. Furthermore, the researchers were interested in the possible connection of age, gender, years of experience, and weekly practice hours to sports injuries incidence. The questionnaire was shared to Finnish pole dancing schools in spring 2018 and a total of 262 replies were received. The survey was quantitative, and the gathered material was analyzed with MS Excel, and IBM SPSS Statistics software. According to the results, it appears that the most general sports injuries in pole dancing are directed to the upper limb, more precisely to the shoulder area. The injuries were experienced as mostly repetitive strain injuries. The usual experienced drawback period was 1 to 4 weeks. There was a clear connection with weekly practice hours and the incidence of injuries (p=0,036), but they only had a weak dependence (C=0,032). The years of experience had a clear connection to the incidence of injuries (p=0,0065). Age was not a statistical significant factor in incidence of sports injuries (p=0,095)

    Surveillance of foodborne pathogenic bacteria contamination in instant food in Jiayuguan

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    目的了解甘肃省嘉峪关市即食食品中食源性致病菌的污染状况,为食源性疾病预防、控制提供科学依据。方法从选定的监测点和采样场所定期随机采样,按样品原有储存温度要求在最短时间内送达实验室,按《全国食源性致病菌监测工作手册》和gb 4789.10—2010《食品安全国家标准》规定的程序和方法检测分离致病菌。结果全年共采集1 022份样品,检出致病菌119株,总检出率为11.64%;共对7种食源性致病菌进行检测分离,其中蜡样芽孢杆菌检出率最高,为18.12%;食源性致病菌检出率学校周边小铺和小型餐馆中较高,散装食品明显高于定型包装食品,第二季度、第三季度明显高于第一季度、第四季度。结论嘉峪关市售即食食品中食源性致病菌污染较为严重,以蜡样芽孢杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌污染为主,主要集中在米面制品、外卖配送午餐、盒饭、婴幼儿食品中。Objective To understand the contamination status of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in food in Jiayuguan,so as to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of foodborne disease.Methods Samples,which were regularly collected from the selected monitoring points and sampling sites the under the original storage temperature of the sample,were delivered to laboratory in the shortest time,and detected and isolated for the pathogens according to the program and method of the The National Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria Monitoring Manual and GB 4789.10—2012 The National Food Safety Standards.Results A total of 1 022 samples were collected in the whole year,and 119 foodborne pathogens were detected with an overall detection rate of 11.64%; 7 kinds of foodborne pathogenic bacteria were detected and isolated,and the highest detection rate was with Bacillus cereus( 18.12%); the detection rate of foodborne pathogenic bacteria was more severe in the shop around schools and the small restaurant; that in the unpacked foods was significantly higher than that in the packaged food; that in the second and the third quarter was higher than that in the first and the fourth quarter.Conclusion Food in Jiayuguan are heavily contaminated by foodborne pathogens,especially Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus,which were dominant in flour products,takeaway delivery lunch,the instant rice and infant food


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    干扰素(Interferon,IFN)的发现是人类抗病毒免疫研究史上的最重大事件。作为确定最早、认识最深的具有先天防御功能的细胞因子,在上个世纪的最后二十年,哺乳类IFN系统的分子研究取得了重大进展。然而除了哺乳类和鸟类,有关低等脊椎动物的IFN系统基因及其分子机制还知之甚少。在鱼类,近40年来能证明IFN系统存在的证据主要有两个:一个是很早就发现在病毒诱导后的多种鱼类机体和细胞能检测到类似哺乳类IFN的抗病毒活性物质,另一个是近年来在少数几种鱼类鉴定、克隆了与哺乳类IFN刺激基因(IFN stimulated gene,ISG)——Mx同源的基因


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    干扰素 (IFN)系统是脊椎动物抵抗病毒入侵的第一道防御系统 .除了哺乳类 ,有关低等脊椎动物的IFN系统基因知之甚少 .在鱼类 ,近 40年来能证明IFN系统存在的证据主要有两个 :一是检测经病毒诱导后的多种鱼类机体和细胞 ,证明能产生类似哺乳类IFN的抗病毒活性物质 ;二是近年来 ,已经证明在少数几种鱼类中存在与哺乳类IFN系统基因Mx同源的基因 .以前的研究结果表明 ,紫外线灭活的草鱼出血病病毒 (GCHV)能够诱导鲤科鱼类培养细胞 ,如鲫鱼囊胚细胞 (CAB)产生类IFN活性物质 ,并建立宿主细


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