8 research outputs found

    Ab initio calculations on the magnetism of small-sized metal clusters

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    金属团簇是团簇家族中的重要成员,在理论和实验方面都得到了广泛的研究。小的金属团簇通常能够表现出净磁矩,对于金属团簇的电子结构和磁性的研究可以更好的理解金属团簇的物理和化学特性。密度泛涵理论的发展就为物质的电子结构性质的理论研究打开了一个广阔的天地,提供了关键的方法步骤。本论文中采用了基于自旋极化的密度泛函理论的第一原理方法,对简单金属小团簇Aln(n=2-7)的磁性,重金属小团簇Wn(n=2-7)磁性,Al4团簇在NaCl(001)表面的结构和磁性进行了计算,主要内容包括: 1)对简单金属铝的小团簇Aln(n=2-7)的结构特性和磁性进行了理论计算。结果表明:团簇的结合能随着团簇中原子数的增...Metal clusters are important members of the cluster family, and many theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out on their properties. Small metal cluster usually shows magnetism. The study of the electronic structures and magnetism of metal clusters could help us understand the physical and chemical properties of metal clusters better. The development of density functional theory (D...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:1982006115180


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    Magnetism of Small-sized Al_n Clusters(n=2~7)

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    使用自旋极化的密度泛函理论下的第一原理方法,对简单金属铝的小团簇Aln(n=2~7)的结构特性和磁性进行了理论计算.结果表明:团簇的结合能随着团簇中原子数的增加而增大;虽然Al是简单金属,但是其小团簇Aln(n=2~7)具有磁性,磁矩在1μB和2μB间变化;通过能级图分析了Aln团簇磁矩的变化规律.此外,还分析了Aln团簇的磁矩、结合能、能量的一阶和二阶差分随原子数n的变化,讨论了最稳定团簇Al5的电子结构和电荷密度.The structural properties and magnetism of Aln small clusters(n=2~7) were studied by employing the first-principles calculations based on the spin-polarized density functional theory.The calculation results showed that:the binding energies increased with the number of atoms in the Alnclusters,although Al was a simple metal,the small-sized Aln clusters(n=2~7) could exhibit magnetism,with the magnetic moments changing between 1 μB and 2 μB.From the plot of energy levels,the magnetic moments of spin-polarized Aln clusters were discussed.Furthermore,the magnetic moment,the binding energy,the first and second differences of binding energies versus the number of atoms in the clusters were analyzed.The electronic structure and charge density of the most stable cluster Al5 were also discussed.国家自然科学基金(10774124,10702056)资


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    采用电流加速的电应力老化方法研究GaN基绿光LED芯片的失效机理。LED芯片在经过60 mA电流老化424 h后,其发光效率总体趋势都是随老化时间增加而减小,但是小测量电流相比于大测量电流的发光效率衰减程度更为明显。同时,在正向偏压下电流电压曲线基本没有变化,而反向偏压下的反向电流随老化时间的增加而快速增加。笔者认为在电应力老化作用下,随老化时间增加,有源区的缺陷能级增多,在正向偏压下,缺陷能级起到一个有效陷阱的作用,增加了载流子的寿命,降低了辐射复合的几率,使得发光效率降低,但是并没有减小正向偏压下的电流,而反向偏压时,缺陷能级起到了一个漏电通道的作用,使得反向电流增大。福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2015J01655);;\n福建省教育厅基金项目(A类)(JA14025,JA13429)资助项


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    JUNO Sensitivity on Proton Decay pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ Searches

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this paper, the potential on searching for proton decay in pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated.The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits to suppress the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ is 36.9% with a background level of 0.2 events after 10 years of data taking. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years exposure is 9.6×10339.6 \times 10^{33} years, competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel

    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay pνK+p → νK^{+} searches

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    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay p → ν K + searches*

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this study, the potential of searching for proton decay in the pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated. The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits suppression of the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ is 36.9% ± 4.9% with a background level of 0.2±0.05(syst)±0.2\pm 0.05({\rm syst})\pm 0.2(stat) 0.2({\rm stat}) events after 10 years of data collection. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years of exposure is 9.6×1033 9.6 \times 10^{33} years, which is competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel and complements the use of different detection technologies