175 research outputs found

    A Study of the National Identity of University Students in the center and south of today's Taiwan

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    政治社会化是每个政治系统通过影响民众的政治思想与态度来维持自身政治秩序和稳定的重要途径。同时,它也是一些社会动员公民政治参与,并促进政治系统变革的重要途径。从台湾社会转型的环境背景下看,“解严”之前,台湾社会都以大一统中国的论述为主,以中国人自居。在“解严”之后,随着民主化和政治社会化的进程,台湾社会的认同感逐渐扭曲,表现为台湾本土意识对抗中国意识的现象,由此造成两者认同之间的二元对立,特别在台湾高校大学生的国家认同中,更是表现出“全盘台湾化”现象。台湾民众受到当局“去中国化”、“反共”教育的熏陶,本土媒体主体意识的宣传,以及在同辈团体和社会氛围的影响下,对中国大陆产生了极为负面的印象。201...Political socialization is an important way for each political system to maintain its political order and stability by influencing people's political thoughts and attitudes. At the same time, it is also an important way to mobilize citizens' political participation and promote the political system reform. From the perspective of environmental transformation of Taiwan's social transformation, befor...学位:法学硕士院系专业:台湾研究院_中外政治制度学号:2562014115264

    Study of Distribution and Generating Mechanism of Eastern Guangdong and Vietnam Coastal Upwelling

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    本文基于2000年夏季的航次资料及相应的卫星遥感海面温度场(SST)和海面风场数据,对粤东沿岸上升流现象进行了综合分析。结果表明:观测期间,珠江冲淡水向东扩展的趋势很明显,116ºE以西近岸海域表层为低盐的沿岸水团所控制。东山—汕头沿岸海域的水团具有低温、高盐、高叶绿素的性质,显示了沿岸上升流的存在。在不同水团的交汇区,形成了温度和盐度锋面。通过对卫星遥感SST和风场的比较可知,上升流强度和风场的变化密切相关,海面风场平行岸分量的变化是夏季该上升流强度发生改变的重要原因。通过Levitus气候平均温盐资料和卫星遥感资料的综合分析,揭示了夏季越南沿岸低温中心在不同深度上的空间差异。越南...Based on in situ measurements in July 2000 and satellite remote sensing data of NOAA-derived sea surface temperature and QuikSCAT sea surface wind fields, upwelling phenomena off the Eastern Guangdong coast have been analyzed. It is observed that an eastward Pearl River plume, indicated by the low sea surface salinity off the Eastern Guangdong coast, extended to the west of 116ºE. On the othe...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_物理海洋学学号:20012700

    Role of Chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 in Acute Transplant Rejection Mediated by Alloreactive Memory T Cells in a Mouse Cardiac Retransplantation Model

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    目的 在机体抵抗感染等外来致病原入侵的这些环节上,记忆性T淋巴细胞起着相当关键的作用,但越来越多的研究证明,在器官移植中记忆性T淋巴细胞所起的作用却是非常不利的。由于有记忆性T淋巴细胞的存在,再次器官移植急性排斥反应的发生、发展速度都远快于初次器官移植。本研究主要探讨趋化性细胞因子CXCL9和CXCL10在记忆性T淋巴细胞介导的小鼠再次心脏移植急性排斥反应中表达的变化及意义。 方法 Balb/c小鼠作为供鼠,C57BL/6小鼠作为为受鼠,进行背部皮肤移植。分为四组进行实验:实验组,C57BL/6小鼠进行皮肤移植饲养6周后,以Balb/c小鼠为供鼠,采用套管法进行颈部异位心脏移植;对照组,...Objective: Although memory T cells are always useful for resisting infection by pathogens, it is indeed a barrier to achieving the long-term allograft survival and transplant tolerance. Due to donor-reactive T cells, rejection of most second transplantations of organs is more intense than the first transplantation. Here, we investigated the effect of the chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 in a mouse re...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452011115342

    Analysing on Dynamic Profit of Interorganizational Information Platform--Based on the Perspective of Transaction Cost and Structure Cost

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    组织际信息平台的盈利问题是目前研究的焦点,现有平台提供者与平台使用者对其提供的服务实施动态定价,而动态定价规则往往对每个使用服务者是一致的且不同平台盈利策略无显著差异。本文在此基础上,研究组织际信息平台提供者与使用者的动态服务定价、动态成本与动态补贴,则动态定价规则是变化的;同时考虑在不同运作模式下,平台盈利策略的差异性。 本文以交易成本和结构成本为视角,研究组织际信息平台动态盈利问题。运用最优控制理论与方法,构建平台提供者与使用者的盈利最优控制模型,分析服务定价、使用者数量和盈利等变量的最优演化轨迹,进而给出最优盈利下平台提供者与使用者的运作模式选择策略。得到以下几个方面的主要结论:(1)...The profit of interorganizational information platform(IOP) is the current central issue. Dynamic pricing has been adopted across the provider and user of current IOP, however, the rule of dynamic pricing is consistent with each service adopter, and there is no too many different profit strategies over different IOP. In this dissertation, considering separately the dynamic pricing , dynamic cost a...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_技术经济及管理学号:1772010015354

    Preparation of Advanced Silica Materials by Using Pressurized Carbonation Technology

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    二氧化硅是一种化学性质稳定、无毒、无味的无定型态白色或无色材料,它具有良好的分散性、消光性、补强性、绝热性、绝缘性以及触变性等性能,被广泛应用于橡胶行业、涂料行业、石油化工行业、农药行业以及日用化学品等行业,而各行业和新应用领域的进展对二氧化硅的性能提出了更高的要求。碳化反应和超临界流体干燥技术作为绿色工艺技术,在纳米材料的制备中既能实现CO2的固定,又能减少纳米颗粒团聚和保护多孔纳米材料的结构,已引起了人们的广泛关注。基于此,本文研究应用加压(含超、亚临界二氧化碳参与)碳化反应结合超临界干燥技术制备高性能二氧化硅,研究不同工艺及条件对产品性能的影响。 以硅酸钠为硅源,采用超/亚临界(指超、...Silica is a kind of chemical stable, non-poisonous and tasteless white or transparent amorphous material. Because of some special properties such as dispersible feature, matting effect, reinforcing performance, thermal insulation, insulativity, thixotropy, etc, it has been widely used in the rubber, coating, petrochemical, pesticide, daily chemical industries. Following the development of these in...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062010115149

    Research on Labeling Schemes over Dynamic XML Data

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    随着网络应用的快速发展,XML(eXtensibleMarkupLanguage)数据正成为主流的数据形式,如何对XML数据建立有效索引进而实现高效查询是当前的研究热点。大部分XML相关索引和查询技术基于某种对XML树的编码方法。XML编码方法保存了文档树的结构信息,使得在执行查询时不必遍历整个XML文档。传统的区间编码方法和前缀编码方法支持XML节点间位置关系和结构关系计算,但是不能有效处理文档更新,一旦更新发生,整个树需要重新编码,系统代价高。为解决该问题,研究人员提出了动态XML编码方法,包括浮点数区间、CDBS(CompactDynamicBinaryString)、QED(Dynam...Along with the increasing development of Internet-based application, more and more information is being stored, exchanged and presented in XML format. The ability to efficiently index and query XML data sources become increasingly important. Most of XML indexing and querying techniques are based on labeling schemes which are designed to label the XML nodes so that both ordered and un-ordered queri...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机软件与理论学号:2302009115271

    Corporate Credit Business Processes and Credit Risk Management Study——ICBC as an example

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    银行是以其信用为基础而存在的行业,其高负债、高风险的行业特点决定了风险管理是银行核心工作内容。风险管理水平的高低已成为商业银行的核心竞争力的体现。目前我国商业银行面临着信用、市场、操作等各式各样的风险。由于我国商业银行主要资产是信贷资产,收入主要来源也是信贷利息收入,因此信用风险是所有风险中的主要风险,信贷风险管理也是商业银行的核心业务。信贷风险管理理论与方法具有多样性,其中信贷业务流程控制的信贷风险管理就是其中一种重要信贷风险管理方法。信贷风险管理流程的设计与改造已成为建设先进银行的关键所在。本文通过介绍信贷风险管理理论,结合工行现行法人客户信贷业务流程现状,对现行信贷业务流程控制的信贷业务...Bank credit is the basis of its existence the industry. High debit and high risk are the features of the bank. Risk management skills illustrates whether the bank has core competencies. Currently Chinese commercial bank faces credit, market and operations risks. Because our bank’s main asset is credit and income is mainly from credit interests. Therefore credit risk is the main risk among all...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200715615


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    Research on the Clinical Pathway PDCA Continuous Improvement System Based on the Theory of Feedback Closed-loop Control System

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    运用控制论方法,将控制理论领域反馈的闭环控制法、管理学的PDCA循环等方法运用于信息系统的整合建设,建立电子病历一电子医嘱一临床路径一医院管理信息系统的“全闭环”临床路径执行和反馈体系,建立了疾病诊疗规范制定、临床操作服务、过程质量监管三位一体的医疗服务安全质量监测与持续改进闭环体系,临床路径信息管理平台对加强医疗服务安全动态监管,促进科学化、精细化、专业化管理,改善服务水平,提高效率具有不可或缺的重要作用。With the method of control theory, the feedback closed loop control method in the field of control theory, PDCA circulation of management and other methods are applied to the integrative construction of information system. The "closed loop" clinical pathway implementation and feedback system of electronic medical records-electronic medical advice-clinical pathway- hospital management information system is established. The medical service safety quality monitoring and continuous improvement closed-loop system integrating disease diagnosis and treatment specification formulation, clinical operation service and process quality supervision is set up. The clinical path information management platform has an indispensable important role on strengthening the dynamic supervision of medical service security, promoting scientific, refined and professional management, and improving the service level and eficiency.国家自然科学基金面上项目一大数据驱动的抗菌药物使用与管理决策优化研究(编号:71672160


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