1,931 research outputs found

    Sources and Inventory of Cesium and Plutonium in the China Seas

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    1940年代以来,核工业发展迅速,137Cs和239+240Pu等人为放射性核素通过多种途径进入海洋环境,引起广泛关注。本论文缘起2011年发生的福岛第一核电站事故,基于37Cs和239+240Pu评估了福岛第一核电站事故对中国海的影响;与此同时,通过对中国海沉积物和海水中Pu同位素组成的研究,查明了中国海Pu的主要来源和储量。 2011年3月在日本福岛第一核电站发生的核泄漏事故,是历史上最严重的海洋核事故,引起了国际社会和公众的高度关注,甚至在日本之外也曾引起社会恐慌。中国海位于北太平洋西部,福岛核事故排入太平洋的放射性物质由于受北向之黑潮的阻隔难以在短时间内直接传输进入中国海,而释放至大...As anthropogenic radionuclides, 137Cs and 239+240Pu have been intentionally and/or accidentally introduced into the marine environment since the nuclear era in the early 1940s through various human activities including above-ground nuclear tests, nuclear accidents and reprocessing of nuclear materials. This has caused major concerns both from the general public and the academic community. This stu...学位:理学博士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262010015361

    Risk Management and Control Issues for Service Outsourcing in Logistics Support Industry

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    摘要 服务外包作为一种现代新兴产业,适应了目前全球经济一体化,社会分工细致化的趋势,成为当下学术研究的热点和企业实践争相仿效的对象。但是在服务外包的实务中暴露出的许多风险监控的漏洞和难点,也成为了进一步推进我国服务外包产业发展深度和广度的瓶颈。 作为我国国民经济支柱的物流辅助业的服务外包问题研究也是近年来的业内降低成本,提升企业核心竞争力的竞争策略筹划的新趋势,虽然起步较晚,但是由于行业本身的涉外程度较高,所以推进速度很快。有感于此,本文从服务外包的发包企业的角度出发,分析了物流辅助业服务外包的进程中在服务外包范围的决策,实施方案制定,接包方的选择,前期知识转移和具体实施阶段对接包方的监管...Abstract As a modern and newly arisen business, service outsourcing is the current hot spot of academic research and the object which is followed by lots of companies' business fulfillment. But many risks are disclosed in the practice of outsourcing, also becomes the bottleneck of depth and extent the development of Chinese Outsourcing business. Logistics support industry is the pill...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:X201115700

    Design and Implementation of the Project Management System for a Company

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    当今世界,商业环境正面临着诸多的问题和挑战,组织正变得以客户为导向;市场变化越来越快;组织正在从功能型向过程型演化;组织正越来越频繁地使用任务突击队;组织正越来越多地以项目为焦点。今天的企业面临着迅速变化的市场环境,需要根据外界的变化而不断对自身进行调整,重新组织企业的资源、工作流程等,加强风险管理,变革管理已经成为企业适应变化而生存的基本出路,而项目管理正是这样一种被实践证明行之有效的管理方法。在新的商业环境下,项目管理正成为企业发展的有力保障和竞争力,但许多年来项目管理往往专注于单一项目的运作。如何通过项目的成功保证组织战略目标的实现,如何提高组织项目管理能力成为项目管理界研究的前沿课题。...Nowadays, business environment is facing many problems and challenges, the organization is becoming customer-oriented; the market is changing more quickly; the organization is evolving from a function-type to a process-type; the organization is frequently used tasks commando; the organization is increasingly focused on project. Today, the enterprise is faced with a rapidly changing market environm...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323080

    Cross-strait Industrial Cooperation Room For Improvement In East Asia Production Network

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    自1978年大陆改革开放以来,两岸经贸快速发展,产业合作如火如荼地开展,20多年间两岸贸易额及台湾对大陆的投资额高速增长,一方面为两岸经济发展提供了强劲动力;另一方面让两岸经济成为东亚生产网络的重要组成部分。两岸经贸发展如此快速,其主要原因就是两岸产业合作顺应了东亚生产网络的发展,同时两岸产业合作的开展也深刻地影响甚至改变了东亚生产网络格局。因此,从东亚生产网络的价值链地位分析两岸的产业合作具有重要的意义,这将有助于分析两岸产业进一步合作空间所在。 本文首先从两岸贸易和投资两个角度分析两岸产业合作发展的历程、特点及与东亚生产网络之间的密切联系,梳理了两岸在贸易和投资最为密集的行业,为后续文章...Since the Reform and Opening in mainland China in 1978,cross-strait economic and trade has developed rapidly, and industrial cooperation has been carried out in full swing. The the rapid growth ofcross-strait trade volume and Taiwan's investment in the mainland over the past 20 years, on one hand, have provided a strong impetus for cross-strait economic development, on the other hand, havemade cro...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_世界经济学号:1572014115192

    Design and Implementation of the Commercial Bank Loan Pricing System

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    目前国际先进银行的定价关注基于客户关系的整体风险收益,而不仅仅是单个产品的收益。其中,信贷业务通常是带头产品,带动存款,现金管理,支付业务,票据贴现等利润较高的辅助产品。同时,与这些产品和服务相关的风险也在客户关系层面上进行部署。有别于短期的、局部的定价技巧或方法,客户关系定价是银行长期,系统的定价战略和定价方法论,这样的产品定价便是基于目标收益率的客户关系定价。 产品定价是市场竞争的重要因素,银行如果对于产品没有量化的定价机制,必然在竞争中处于被动的处境,并逐渐流失优质客户。由于长期的利率管制,银行已经习惯于无差异化的统一利率,即对大多数客户采取相同的定价策略——不同信用等级和不同抵质押担...At present, the international advanced bank's pricing is concerned with the overall risk of the customer relationship, rather than the income of a single product. Among them, the credit business is usually the leading products, driven by the deposit, cash management, payment services, bills discounted and other higher profit margin. At the same time, the risks associated with these products and se...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323205

    Simulation analysis of the relationship between the sampling time and tracking error of the model predictive control in inverter

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    模型预测控制(Model Predictive Control,MPC)是电压型逆变器(Voltage Source Inverter,VSI)电流跟随控制装置定频调制的典型方法,得到了广泛的应用。论文使用统计的方法研究MPC的采样时间与跟踪误差(方差)的函数关系。该函数关系是研究和解决逆变器切换优化问题的基础。仿真结果可得出采样时间与跟踪误差呈线性关系的结论。Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a typical method of voltage source inverter (VSI), which is widely used to control the constant frequency modulation. In this paper, we use statistical methods to study the function relationship between the sampling time of MPC and the tracking error (variance). The function relationship is the basis of research and solves the optimization problein of inverter switching. The simulation results show that the sampling time and tracking error are linear relationship.国网湖南省电力公司科技项目(5216A31350D6

    The Valuation on Gemdale Corporation’s Stock ——The Discounted Free Cash Flow Approach

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    2005年5月我国对上市公司正式实施股权分置改革,从而使得中国资本市场历史遗留的制度性缺陷得到了基本的解决,为中国证券市场长期健康稳定发展打下了坚实的基础。目前,股权分置改革已接近尾声,中国的证券市场价值投资的功能得以逐步实现。但中国证券市场仍很不成熟,特别是股权分置改革开始后的三年股票指数暴涨暴跌,投资者[y1]损失巨大。面对中国证券市场的现状,为取得合理的投资回报,投资者应树立价值投资的理念,注重上市公司的基本面和成长性的分析,从而进行理性投资。 在中国经济持续快速稳健发展、城市化进程不断深化和人民币升值的背景下,中国的房地产行业发展前景广阔。本文分析在上海证券交易所上市的金地(集团)股...In May 2005, China’s listed companies started the share-trading reform, which basically solved the systemic defect in the China’s capital market, and laid a solid foundation for the long-term, healthy and stable development of the China’s securities market. Now, China’s share-trading reform is nearing completion. The function of value investment in China’s securities market began to achieve gradua...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:S20041519

    Unsteadiness in non-transferred dc arc plasma generators

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    Non-transferred dc arc plasma generators are widely used in materials processing. They are generally considered steadily-operating devises. However, unsteady phenomena do exist in them, and may cause non-ideal effects in processes which require high controllability and reproducibility. These unsteady phenomena can cause parameter fluctuations in the arc and the plasma jet, some of which have been studied in recent years. Several types and mechanisms of these phenomena have been identified. This paper reviews the research progress in this specific area, hoping to present a more complete picture of this subject


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    提出了一种利用小波包检测调速阀故障信号的方法。通过小波的小波包分析将信号按一定的尺度进行划分,不同频率的信号被划分到不同的频段中。由经过预处理的信号经过小波包分解与重构后,可以得到小波包重构图,由图中可以获得故障产生的时间点和频率,再对故障的严重程度进行了量化分析。实验结果表明用小波包理论进行故障检测是可行的。We propose the method of flow control valve fault diagnosis employing wavelet packet analysis.We can filter signals into different frequency band based on wavelet packet.According to the wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction of preprocessed signal,we can get the wavelet packet reconstruction map,through which the time and frequency of the fault signal could be extracted as to measure the damage extent.The experiment results indicate it is feasible to carry out fault diagnosis using wavelet packet theory.2008福建省重大专项课题(2008HZ0201