180 research outputs found
Image of the Thirty-Years-War in Czechoslovak and Czech cinema and television
The aim of the task The image of the Thirty Years' War in Czechoslovak and Czech cinema and television is focused on certain films that are set between the years 1618 and 1648. The task is to present the style of processing of the historical reality shown in these films as well as to present the film impact on society before and after the year 1989. Another task is to show the meaning and reason of creating such films in certain time period. This paper is based on complementation method which combines various academic film studies, various news film reviews, historical context analysis of years 1618-1648 and film materials. KEY WORDS Czechoslovak filmography, Czech filmography, Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648Práce Obraz třicetileté války v československém a českém hraném a televizním filmu se věnuje vybraným českým a československým filmovým snímkům, které se týkají třicetileté války, stylu zpodobnění historických událostí a společnosti tohoto období před rokem 1989 a po něm, stejně tak jako i dobovému ohlasu filmu a tomu, jak se liší nebo podobají historické zkušenosti. Práce vznikla na základě studia odborné literatury a zhlédnutí vybraných filmových pramenů. Cílem práce není pouhé estetické nebo věcné posouzení kvality filmového zobrazení doby, ale i sledování námětů filmů a hledání důvodu jejich výběru. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA československá filmografie, česká filmografie, třicetiletá válka, 1618-1648Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
Determination of surfactants in waste waters
Tenzidy patří mezi povrchově aktivní látky mající schopnost snižovat povrchové napětí; této vlastnosti je využíváno k odstraňování nečistot. Práce je zaměřena na stanovení tenzidů v odpadních vodách, do nichž se tyto látky dostávají z různých čistících a pracích prostředků. V teoretické části je uvedeno základní rozdělení tenzidů, dále jejich vlastnosti a požadavky legislativy ČR na jejich obsah v odpadních vodách. Dále jsou zde popsány vybrané analytické postupy pro stanovení anionaktivních, kationaktivních a neionogenních tenzidů v odpadních vodách. Závěr práce tvoří zhodnocení výsledků měření koncentrace tenzidů na přítoku a odtoku odpadní vody z čistírny odpadních vod situované v areálu Veterinární a farmaceutické univerzity Brno a odpadní vody odebrané z neutralizační stanice FCH VUT v Brně. Pro stanovení aniontových tenzidů byly použity dvě metody, rozhodčí metoda s využitím methylenové modři a metoda mobilní analytiky, která je založena na chemické reakci mezi sledovanou látkou a chemickým činidlem, která vede ke vzniku barevné sloučeniny vhodné ke spektrofotometrickému stanovení.Surfactants belong to surface-active compounds that have ability to restrain the surface tension; this ability is exploited to eliminate impurities. This study is focused on determination of surfactants in waste water to which these compounds can be transported from various cleaning and washing articles. In theoretical part are listed basic classifications of surfactants, their properties and requests of Czech legislative for their content in waste water. Furthermore here are described chosen analytical procedures for determination of anion-active, cation-active and non-ionic surfactants in waste water. The conclusion of the work is evaluation of measured results of surfactants concentration in inflow and outflow of waste water from waste-treatment plant in University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno and waste water from neutralizating station in FCH BUT. To determination of anionic surfactants were used two methods, arbitration method with usage of methylene blue and mobile analytics method which is based on chemical reaction between target compound and chemical agent. This reaction leads to formation of coloured compound able to spectrofotometric determination.
Optimization of chloramination based on raw water quality and operational conditions of a water treatment plant
Při úpravě surové vody na vodu pitnou je nejtěžší krok ošetření vody tak, aby se ke spotřebiteli dostala v nezměněné kvalitě a hlavně hygienicky nezávadná. K hygienickému zabezpečení se používá chlor v dávkách smrtelných pro mikroorganizmy, aby nedocházelo k jejich rozvoji v potrubí. Moderní způsob zabezpečení pitné vody se nazývá chloraminace. Pomocí amonných solí dochází k postupnému uvolňování chloru, a tak nejsou zapotřebí velké jednorázové dávky chloru, které způsobovali tvorbu THM a jiných nebezpečných látek pro lidsky organizmus.The most difficult part of water treatment is to ensure that water will be delivered to consumer in unchanged form and hygienic unexceptionable. To hygienic safety is using doses of chlor, whiches are deadly for organisms and inhibite their proliferation in pipeline. Modern way how to clear water from organism is called chloramination. By the help of ammonium salts chlor is released in sequence. So large single-shot doses of chlor aren´t necessary. Due the big dose was THM and another dangerous compounds formed.
Usage of clustering methods for sequence plan optimization in steel production
The paper deals with production scheduling of heat sequences while are steel types casted on continuous casting
device. For production scheduling are used k-means clustering and fuzzy clustering methods. The parameters for
cluster analysis are chemical composition liquids temperature and another values. From these values were selected
parameters, which has been processed by clustering methods. Proposed clustering algorithm for sorting steel
grades on continuous steel casting device is aimed to cast as many single graded smelts as possible, respectively
more steel grades, which has similarities in chemical composition and liquid temperature. These resulting clusters
are used when designing algorithm for smelting sequence scheduling. The goal of the production scheduling is to
make schedule of production tasks, so how to achieve the agreement between order requirements and capabilities
of production in given time scale.Web of Science55348848
Application of GIS for the Control of Major Accident Hazards
The presentedstudy discussesthe importance of GIS in assessing the fire and explosion modellinginvolved in major accident hazards. The simulation of toxic dispersions in the atmosphere is especially dangerous fordensely inhabited areas, or close to the sensitive environment,which arecalled the target systems. Therefore, mathematical-physical predictions from hazard modellingprograms such as Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) have to be combined with a Geographic Information System (GIS) such as ArcGIS. This multidisciplinary approach allows expertsto couple the consequences and the target systems in one representation of major accident hazards. This unique combination of the two programs allows us to calculate the consequences to human life for a real accident scenario case study. Description of methodical approach and four accident scenarios are investigated based on ALOHAs models for carbon monoxiderelease combined with ArcGIS for Liberty Ostrava a.s. as a case study
Dopravní geografické regiony Karlovarského kraje a jejich aplikace v prostředí GIS
The article concerns regional division of Karlovy Vary Region
upon inclusion of public transport and its application in GIS environment. The regions were
formed according to transport divide method. Resulting regions characterize transportation links
within the Karlovarsky region. The regions were compared with administrative structuring and
complex social geographic regional division by interlacing of particular layers in GIS
environment. Through the use of buffer zone transportationally indifferent areas were identified
in the region. In ArcToolbox application dynamic of transport divide line progress was observed
A color-tunable single-benzene fluorophore-based sensor for sensitive detection of palladium in solution and living cells
Single-benzene fluorophores are bright and the smallest fluorochromes known so far. In single-benzene fluorophores, the fluorescence is mediated by the push/pull effect of substituting groups. Despite a plethora of advantageous properties, this group of molecules has not been extensively studied for design of high-performance fluorescent sensors of catalytic or enzymatic activities. Thus, herein, new fluorescent probes based on the Tsuji-Trost reaction were developed for the selective detection of palladium and other transition metals (platinum and gold) in an aqueous/organic mixed solvent with the sensitivity down to 2.5 nM (for palladium). The relative flexibility in the synthesis of these probes allows for facile color tuning of the emitted fluorescence. In this study, we have successfully utilized a yellow emission variant for sensitive detection of palladium under cell-free conditions and in living cells, validating its possible applicability for high-throughput optical sensing of catalysts for bioorthogonal chemistry under physiological conditions.OA-hybri
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