43 research outputs found

    Hope of recovery in patients in the terminal phase of cancer under palliative and hospice care in Poland

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    Introduction. The objective of the presented research is to characterize hope in the situational dimension, i.e., health, in the patients with cancer in the terminal phase of the disease, being treated in hospices and palliative care centers. Hope is very important for all the patients, especially for patients with cancer in various phases of the disease. Giving up on oncologic therapy and causal treatment is often associated with a transition into palliative care. When death and a loss of values become a threat, the individual has got hope to rely on. Material and Methods. The study relies on the Test to Measure Hope in the Health Context (NCN-36) by B.L. Block. 246 patients in the terminal phase of cancer participated in the study. Results. The internal structure of hope of recovery in the patients’ group was varied. The patients showed low levels of hope of recovery since they do not believe in the effectiveness of treatment. They were also not convinced of the effectiveness of modifications in dieting, lifestyle, or the use of nonconventional medicine. They trusted the doctor in charge and were moderately satisfied with the therapy in use. The intensity of hope of recovery was on the low level in the patients in the terminal phase of cancer. Age, sex, place of living, and marital status had a significant influence on the level of hope of recovery. Variables such as living on one’s own or living with one’s family, socioeconomic status, education, or profession did not affect the level of hope of recovery. Conclusions. The presented results allowed as to conclude that the assessment of hope in terminally ill cancer patients can be considered as one of the important tools enabling the personalization and the improvement of palliative care

    2022 MEDAM assessment report on asylum and migration policies in Europe : refugee protection in the EU : building resilience to geopolitical conflict

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    In this MEDAM Assessment Report, we review EU policy developments-both in response to recent geopolitical conflicts and with respect to the broader reform agenda for the EU asylum system. We then turn to the reception and hosting of refugees from Ukraine in the EU member states-focussing on the situation in Poland. At the same time, it remains a long-term challenge to understand and manage migration to Europe from Africa. We report MEDAM research findings on the decision-making behavior of potential migrants, the links between migration prevalence and improving living conditions in low- and middle-income countries, and cooperation on migration management between the European Union and African Union. The 2022 MEDAM Assessment Report concludes six years of research, policy analysis, and interaction with stakeholders by the Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration in Europe (MEDAM)

    Diagnostic accuracy of liquid biopsy in endometrial cancer

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    Background: Liquid biopsy is a minimally invasive collection of a patient body fluid sample. In oncology, they offer several advantages compared to traditional tissue biopsies. However, the potential of this method in endometrial cancer (EC) remains poorly explored. We studied the utility of tumor educated platelets (TEPs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) for preoperative EC diagnosis, including histology determination. Methods: TEPs from 295 subjects (53 EC patients, 38 patients with benign gynecologic conditions, and 204 healthy women) were RNA-sequenced. DNA sequencing data were obtained for 519 primary tumor tissues and 16 plasma samples. Artificial intelligence was applied to sample classification. Results: Platelet-dedicated classifier yielded AUC of 97.5% in the test set when discriminating between healthy subjects and cancer patients. However, the discrimination between endometrial cancer and benign gynecologic conditions was more challenging, with AUC of 84.1%. ctDNA-dedicated classifier discriminated primary tumor tissue samples with AUC of 96% and ctDNA blood samples with AUC of 69.8%. Conclusions: Liquid biopsies show potential in EC diagnosis. Both TEPs and ctDNA profiles coupled with artificial intelligence constitute a source of useful information. Further work involving more cases is warranted.publishedVersio

    Surowce polifenolowe. Zastosowania i perspektywy

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    PRZEDMOWA: "Polifenole są metabolitami wtórnymi roślin i grzybów. Powszechnie występują w kwiatach, korze, korzeniach, łodygach, liściach i owocach roślin. Ich strukturę chemiczną charakteryzuje obecność dwóch lub więcej grup –OH przyłączonych do pierścieni aromatycznych. Do polifenoli zaliczamy lignany, kurkuminoidy, taniny, stilbenoidy, kwasy fenolowe oraz flawonoidy. Ta ostatnia klasa obejmuje: flawony (np. apigenina), flawanony (np. naringenina), flawonole (np. kwercetyna), flawanole (np. katechiny), izoflawony (np. genisteina), antocyjanidyny (np. malwidyna), chalkony (np. buteina), aurony (np. aureuzydyna) i ksantony (np. α-mangostyna). Do tej pory opisano ponad dziesięć tysięcy związków polifenolowych i wciąż nie poznano ich wszystkich. Właściwości polifenoli to temat intensywnie badany na całym świecie ze względu na możliwe wykorzystanie związków polifenolowych w medycynie, farmakologii, kosmetologii, rolnictwie, dietetyce i przemyśle."(...

    Patient care before and after cardiac surgery of mitral valve replacement

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    Wstęp: Niedomykalność zastawki mitralnej to częsta wada serca. Występują różne rodzaje tej wady co powoduje, że są różne sposoby leczenia. Ważne jest opracowanie indywidualnego planu opieki pielęgniarskiej, z uwzględnieniem wszystkich potrzeb i problemów zdrowotnych chorego oraz kierowaniem się aktualną wiedzą medyczną i najnowszymi wytycznymi. Cel pracy: Przedstawienie problemów zdrowotnych pacjentki w opiece zarówno przed i po zabiegu kardiochirurgicznym wymiany zastawki mitralnej.Materiał i metody badawcze: Praca oparta jest na metodzie studium indywidualnego przypadku. Wykorzystano takie techniki badawcze jak: wywiad i obserwacja, analiza dokumentacji medycznej, skalowanie oraz pomiary. Wyniki: Opis przypadku dotyczy 65-letnej kobiety, u której rozpoznano niedomykalność zastawki mitralnej po przebytym zawale serca. Na podstawie oceny stanu bio-psycho-społecznego oraz analizie dokumentacji medycznej, rozpoznano problemy zdrowotne i dodano odpowiednie interwencje pielęgniarskie do stanu i potrzeb pacjentki. Zidentyfikowane problemy ukazały, że niedomykalność zastawki mitralnej jest nie tylko sytuacją zagrażającą życiu ale i uzależniającą od osób trzecich. Pokazały również jak ulega poprawie stan zdrowia fizyczny i psychiczny po zabiegu wymiany nieprawidłowo działającej zastawki.Wnioski: Stan zdrowia pacjentki przed zabiegiem był zagrażający życiu i ograniczający jej funkcjonowanie. Zastosowane leczenie oraz zmiana stylu życia wpłynęły na poprawę sytuacji zdrowotnej i społecznej.Introduction: Mitral valve insufficiency is a common heart defect. There are different types of this defect, which means that there are different treatments. It is important to develop an individual nursing care plan, taking into account all the health needs and problems of the patient, and following the latest medical knowledge and the latest guidelines.Aim of the study: To present the health problems of a patient in care both before and after the cardiac surgery of mitral valve replacement.Material and research methods: The work is based on an individual case study method. Research techniques such as interview and observation, analysis of medical records, scaling and measurements were used.Results: The case report concerns a 65-year-old woman diagnosed with mitral valve insufficiency after a myocardial infarction. Based on the assessment of the bio-psycho-social condition and the analysis of medical records, health problems were identified and appropriate nursing interventions were added to the patient's condition and needs.The problems identified have shown that mitral regurgitation is not only a life-threatening situation and is addictive to third parties. They showed how the state of health, both physical and mental, improves after the procedure of replacing a malfunctioning valve.Conclusions: The state of health of the patient before the surgery was life-threatening and limited her functioning. The applied treatment and lifestyle changes improved the health and social situation

    Selected factors shaping working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic and the health behaviors of nurses.

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    Wstęp: Pandemia Covid-19 wywołana przez wirusa SARS-CoV-2 spowodowała, że praca personelu pielęgniarskie była w tamtym czasie ciężkim doświadczeniem. Nowe, trudne warunki pracy spowodowały zmianę zachowań zdrowotnych pielęgniarek.Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena wpływu pracy podczas pandemii Covid-19 na zachowania zdrowotne pielęgniarek.Materiał i metody: W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i wykorzystano technikę ankiety. Jako wystandaryzowanego narzędzia badawczego użyto Kwestionariusza Zachowań Zdrowotnych autorstwa Zygfryda Juczyńskiego, wykorzystano również autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Badanie przeprowadzono w okresie od maja do lipca 2023 roku na grupie pielęgniarek i pielęgniarzy pracujących w czasie pandemii Covid-19. Badaniem objęto 105 osób.Wyniki: Zarówno w czasie pandemii jak i obecnie personel pielęgniarski prezentował niski poziom zachowań zdrowotnych. Wykazano zależność pomiędzy stażem pracy na oddziale dedykowanym dla pacjentów chorych na Covid-19 a ich zachowania zdrowotne. Największy wpływ na warunki pracy miała konieczność stosowania środków ochrony osobistej w pandemii oraz nadmiar pracy. Zwiększył się również poziom odczuwalnego nasilenia stresu.Wnioski: Praca podczas pandemii miał wpływ na zachowania zdrowotne pielęgniarek zarówno w czasie pandemii jak i obecnie. Warunki pracy z jakimi musiały się zmierzyć pielęgniarki w tamtym okresie wywołały nasilenie poziomu stresu, obniżenie poziomu zachowań zdrowotnych, zaburzenia snu i nasilenia zachowań antyzdrowotnych.Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus made the work of nursing staff a difficult experience at that time. New, difficult working conditions resulted in a change in health behaviors of nurses.Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of work during the Covid-19 pandemic on health behaviors of nurses.Material and methods: The study used the diagnostic survey method and the questionnaire technique. The Health Behavior Questionnaire by Zygfryd Juczyński used as a standardized research tool, and the author's questionnaire also used. The study conducted from May to July 2023 on a group of nurses working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study included 105 people.Results: Both during the pandemic and now, the nursing staff presented a low level of health behaviors. The relationship between seniority in a ward dedicated to patients with Covid-19 and their health behaviors has been demonstrated. The need to use personal protective equipment during the pandemic and excess work had the greatest impact on working conditions. The level of perceived stress intensity has also increased.Conclusions: Work during the pandemic had an impact on the health behavior of nurses both during the pandemic and now. The working conditions that nurses had to face at that time caused an increase in stress levels, a decrease in the level of health behaviors, sleep disorders and an increase in anti-health behaviors

    Cerebral Aneurysms Caused by Atrial Myxoma—A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Background: The association between cerebral aneurysms and left atrial myxoma is known but rare. We described its pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and treatment using a systemic review of the literature. Methods: MEDLINE via PubMed was searched for articles published until August 2022 using the keywords “atrial myxoma”, “cardiac myxoma” and “cerebral aneurysm”. Results: In this review, 55 patients with multiple myxomas aneurysms were analyzed, and 65% were women. The average age when aneurysms were diagnosed was 42.5 ± 15.81; most patients were less than 60 years old (86%). Aneurysms could be found before the diagnosis, at the same time as cardiac myxoma, or even 25 years after resection of the atrial mass. In our review, the mean time to diagnoses was 4.5 years. Our review estimates that the most common symptoms were vascular incidents (25%) and seizures (14.3%). In 15 cases, variable headaches were reported. Regarding management strategies, 57% cases were managed conservatively as the primary choice. Conclusions: Although cerebral aneurysms caused by atrial myxoma are rare, the long-term consequences can be serious and patients should be monitored