184 research outputs found

    Appropriate Strategies of Transport Companies for More Efficient Management with the Aim of their Further Assessment Using the Operations Research Methods

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    This article is aimed to present the basic characteristics in evaluating the real economic and operational activity which may lead to streamlining of the transport company´s management. The basic materials which can be used for evaluation include the balance sheets and the profit and loss accounts. Last but not least, the author included his own observations and knowledge of the urban public transport and the required information from the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and some methods of the applied mathematics (operations research)

    Transport Planning Realized Through the Optimization Methods

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    AbstractThe passenger traffic is the most sensitive field in terms of the passengerś perception of the transport line layout. Every drawback will show soon and be transferred into the whole range of the provided services. The aim in the passenger traffic is to remove any obstacles that prevent the passengers from obtaining the continuous, available and high quality transport and to develop such activities to meet the requirements of the passengers as much as possible

    Residential House in Prague 6

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    Diplomová práce Bytový dům v Praze 6 je zpracována jako projektová dokumentace statické části. Šestipodlažní budova byla navržena jako železobetonový monolitický objekt. Dvě podzemní podlaží tvoří železobetonový skelet se sloupy. V těchto dvou podlažích jsou umístěna garážová stání a zároveň obytná část. Čtyři nadzemní podlaží byla navržena jako železobetonový skelet se stěnami. Tato čtyři nadzemní podlaží jsou obytná. Práce řeší kompletní návrh prvního nadzemního patra jednoho dilatačního celku a detaily jako jsou stropní deska, průvlaky, schodiště, sloupy a stěny.The thesis called Block of Flats in Prague 6 is composed as a project documentation of the static part. This six-level building was designed as a ferroconcrete monolithic object. Two underground floors are formed by a ferroconcrete frame with columns. There are placed parking slots and also a residential section on these two floors. Four other levels are designed as a ferroconcrete frame with walls. These four floors serve as a residential section. The thesis deals with the complete design of the first floor of one structural unit of the building, and also with some details such as floor slab, bearers, staircase, columns, and walls.


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    This article focuses on the verification of the effect of selected grouting agents on historicbrick masonry with different degrees of weathering using different techniques of groutingapplication. The effectiveness of grouting was verified by changes in the masonry strength.Experimental research also verified the effectiveness of the penetration of grouting agents asbonding primers on the surface of selected materials often found in historic buildings

    Synthesis of zeolites using the ADOR (Assembly-Disassembly-Organization-Reassembly) route

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    R.E.M. thanks the Royal Society and the E.P.S.R.C. (Grants EP/L014475/1, EP/K025112/1 and EP/K005499/1) for funding work in this area. J.Č. acknowledges the Czech Science Foundation for the project of the Centre of Excellence (P106/12/G015) and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-‐‐2013) under grant agreement n°604307.Zeolites are an important class of materials that have wide ranging applications such as heterogeneous catalysts and adsorbents which are dependent on their framework topology. For new applications or improvements to existing ones, new zeolites with novel pore systems are desirable. We demonstrate a method for the synthesis of novel zeolites using the ADOR route. ADOR is an acronym for Assembly, Disassembly, Organization and Reassembly. This synthetic route takes advantage of the assembly of a relatively poorly stable zeolite which can be selectively disassembled into a layered material. The resulting layered intermediate can then be organized in different manners by careful chemical manipulation and then reassembled into zeolites with new topologies. By carefully controlling the organization step of the synthetic pathway, new zeolites with never before seen topologies are capable of being synthesized. The structures of these new zeolites are confirmed using powder X-ray diffraction and further characterized by nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy. This new synthetic pathway for zeolites demonstrates its capability to produce novel frameworks that have never been prepared by traditional zeolite synthesis techniques.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Utilization of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with the Capacity Limitation of Nodes in Water Transportation

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    The paper discusses the option of using the capacitated vehicle routing problem with the capacity limitation of nodes in water transportation. The problem is used to design circular routes for vehicles of different carriers, each of which services the selected nodes of the transportation network. The goal is to design circular routes where the capacity of vehicles is not exceeded and the value of the objective function is minimal. The limited capacity of nodes is given by the limited number of vehicles that can be operated at a particular node at any given time. The problem allows to design circulation so that the waiting time of vehicles to release the capacity of the node is minimized. This makes it possible to achieve an additional reduction in the total traffic time. The possibility of using the role of the CVRPCLN in water transportation is demonstrated in a case study for the design of circular routes for vessels serving ports. The design of routes is performed using the described problem and using the capacitated vehicle routing problem, which does not take into account the limited capacity of the nodes. To solve both problems, the author uses an evolutionary algorithm, which is part of the optimization module Solver. A comparison of the results indicates that the use of the investigated task can lead to a significant reduction in waiting times in ports for selected tasks in the field of water transportation. This also leads to a significant reduction in the total traffic time

    Macroeconomic Effects on Development of Sparsely Populated Areas in Public Transport

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    Traffic services in public transport rank among the most debated topics in the context of the living in the country. Many foreign and domestic expert studies acknowledge importance of this issue and the fact that the transportation and the related accessibility of the country is a problem even in foreign countries. The main aim of this study is to highlight the differences in traffic services in the Czech Republic as their level is different in every region. Another goal is to describe traffic services provided by the public transport in the size categories of villages in individual regions of the Czech Republic and to compare them with the availability of passenger cars in individual households. Passenger cars are more or less necessary alternative to the public mass transport

    The application of carbon composites in the rehabilitation of historic baroque vaults

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    The stabilization and reinforcement of damaged barrel vaults with lunettes over an arcaded walk, applying composite strips based on high-strength carbon fibers and epoxy resin, was performed during the restoration of a historic monastery. The application of reinforcing composite strips in the soffit of damaged barrel vaults was preceded by relatively extensive experimental research and theoretical analyses. This method significantly reduces the interventions into and the degradation of the original historic structure (surface application) and is reversible.Web of Science7122689267


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    The grouting of historic masonry with degraded binders or masonry units, masonry with insufficient load-bearing capacity, masonry damaged by cracks, with a high void content and cavities and multi-leaf masonry is one of the rehabilitation methods of masonry frequently applied in practice, restoring its integrity and increasing its load-bearing capacity

    The Application of Mathematical Methods to the Determination of Transport Flows

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    This article deals with the basic mathematical methods applied to the determination of the size of traffic flows in an urban area transport network. The methods were applied to the design of a new system of public bus transport in the city of České Budějovice. This article represents the partial outcome of the research carried out by the Institute of Technology and Businesses in České Budějovice