30 research outputs found

    The effects of short-term vernalization applications to protein

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    Bu araştırma 2005 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma Uygulama Çiftliği‘nde yürütülmüş ve elde edilen materyaller Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Kalite ve Değerlendirme Laboratuarında analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada; Sürak, Yayla-305, Köse 220/33, Kıraç-66, Bezostaja-1, Gerek-79, Gün-91, Demir-2000 ve Bayraktar-2000 ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinde; farklı vernalizasyon süreleri (kontrol, 2 hafta ve 4 hafta vernalizasyon uygulaması) uygulanmıştır. Hasat edilen buğdaylar ekmeklik kalitesinin belirlenmesi yönünden önemli parametreler olan toplam protein ve SDS Sedimentasyon analizlerine tabi tutulmuşlardır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda elde edilen verilerin istatistik analizleri yapılmıştır. Vernalizasyon uygulamaları ve uygulama x çeşit interaksiyonu yönünden, protein ve SDS sedimentasyon analiz sonuçları arasındaki farklılıklar, vernalizasyon uygulanmayan kontrol çeşitlerinde, 2 hafta ve 4 hafta vernalizasyona tabi tutulan çeşitlerde uygulamalar arasında önemsiz bulunurken, çeşitler arasındaki farklılıklar ise önemli bulunmuştur.This research was carried out at the Research and Training Farm of Agricultural Faculty, University of Ankara in 2005. Samples were analyzed at the Department of Quality and Evaluation, Central Research Institute for Field Crops. Different vernalization applications (control, 2 and 4 weeks) were applied for bread wheat cultivars Sürak, Yayla-305, Köse 220/33, Kıraç-66, Bezostaja-1, Gerek-79, Gün-91, Demir-2000 and Bayraktar-2000 in this research. Effects of vernalization applications were examined for SDS sedimentation and protein content which are very important parameters for determining bread wheat quality. The results obtained were compared statistically. In terms of vernalization applications and applicationXvariety interaction, the differences among the SDS sedimentation and protein content were not significant for the check varieties without vernalization and varieties applied vernalization with 2 and 4 weeks. With regard varieties the differences among the varieties for SDS sedimentation and protein content were significantly important

    Pemantauan Senyawa Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (Ddt) dan Turunannya di Daerah Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) merupakan senyawa organik yang relatif bertahan lama di lingkungan, sulit terdegradasi melalui proses kimia, biologi, dan fotolisis serta sukar larut di dalam air tetapi cenderung larut dalam lemak. Oleh karena sifatnya ini, POPs cenderung bersifat akumulatif dan bertahan di lingkungan. Selain itu, sen­yawa ini juga bersifat semivolatil sehingga dapat berada dalam fase uap ataupun terserap di dalam partikel debu, sehingga POPs dapat menempuh jarak yang jauh di udara (long-range air transport) sebelum akhirnya terdepo­sisi di bumi. Dari beberapa bentuk senyawa POPs, senyawa insektisida organoklorin yang paling bertahan lama dan mempunyai sifat bioakumulasi, diantaranya adalah Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane ( DDT ). Pemantauan kualitas lingkungan akibat pencemaran kelompok senyawa POPs, termasuk senyawa DDT dan turunannya telah dilakukan didaerah holtikultura Cianjur. Sampel diambil di beberapa lokasi yaitu PLTA Cijedil, Desa Cibeureum, Desa Sukatani, Agropolitan, dan Desa Sindang Jaya. Matriks yang diambil adalah air, sedimen sungai, dan tanah pertanian/perkebunan. Sampling air dan sedimen sungai dilakukan dengan metode sesaat sedangkan untuk tanah, menggunakan metode komposit tempat. Pemantauan ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menginventarisir jenis dan kon­sentrasi residu senyawa POPs yang terdapat di lingkungan terutama DDT dan turunannya. Isomer DDT yang paling banyak terbentuk di lingkungan adalah p,p\u27-DDT ( 80 % ) dan o,p\u27-DDT ( 20 % ). Senyawa POPs diekstrak dengan menggunakan pelarut organik, kemudian di clean-up dan dianalisis dengan GCMS menggunakan kolom kapiler non polar. Pada pemantauan tahun 2011, senyawa p,p\u27-DDT tidak terdeteksi dalam sampel sedimen, tetapi pada tahun 2012, ditemukan sekitar 3.7 ng/g dalam sedimen Sungai Cibeureum dekat PLTA Cijedil, Cugenang -Jawa Barat dan meningkat sebesar 6.95 ng/g pada tahun 2012 di lokasi yang sama. Masih pada tahun 2011, p,p\u27-DDT dan p,p\u27-DDE ditemukan tertinggi di tanah perkebunan Desa Sindang Jaya, Cipanas – Jawa Barat sebesar 446 ng/g, dan 184 ng/g, Tahun 2012 dan 2013 DDT dan turunannya masih terdeteksi namun konsentrasi cenderung menurun. Sementara itu pada sampel air tidak ditemukan senyawa DDT dan turunanny

    Çeşitli biyotik ve abiyotik stres koşullarında bitkilerde rol alan genlerin farklılık gösterim yöntemiyle bulunması, fonksiyonlarının belirlenmesi ve ilişkide bulunan proteinlerin belirlenilmesi.

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    The main objective of this thesis dissertation is functionally characterizing the genes involved in biotic and abiotic stresses of plants at molecular level. Previously, upon pathogen attack Rad6 gene expression was found to be changed in wheat and barley plants. To functionally characterize the Rad6 gene, VIGS (Virus induced gene silencing) system was used. HR (Hypersensitive response) like symptoms was detected in every silenced barley and wheat plants. To figure out, transcriptomes and proteomes of Rad6 silenced plants were analyzed. 2-D PAGE analysis was also performed on silenced and control wheat plants. No pathogen growth was observed in Rad6 silenced barley lines. Additionally, the susceptible wild type Arabidopsis plants showed resistant phenotype when any of the Rad6 gene copies is mutated. This suggests that Rad6 gene has a negative regulatory role in plant disease resistance which was proved for the first time. Yeast two hybrid protein interaction study suggests that RAD6 carrying out its function by interacting with SGT1 protein and regulating resistance related genes. It has been first time reported in this thesis that E2 (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme) takes role in plant disease resistance. Boron which is the other consideration in the scope of thesis as an abiotic stress factor at a very limited amount is necessary for the normal development of plants. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L. collected from a location in the boron mining area. The plant samples were tested in the presence of high boron (35 mg/kg) concentrations. The transcriptomes of the plant samples treated with the excess levels of boron to that of the samples grown under normal concentration were compared using differential display PCR method. Thirty bands showing differential expression levels at varying time points were analyzed. 18 of them were confirmed via qRT-PCR.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Regulation of barley miRNAs upon dehydration stress correlated with target gene expression

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    We aim to identify conserved and dehydration responsive microRNAs (miRNAs) in Hordeum vulgare (barley). A total of 28 new barley miRNAs belonging to 18 distinct miRNA families were identified. Detailed nucleotide analyses revealed that barley pre-miRNAs are in the range of 46-114 nucleotides with average of 77.14. Using 28 newly detected miRNAs as queries, 445 potential target mRNAs were predicted. The predicted miRNAs were differentially expressed and some of them behaved similarly in leaf and root tissues upon stress treatment. Hvu-MIR156, Hvu-MIR166, Hvu-MIR171, and Hvu-MIR408 were detected as dehydration stress-responsive barley miRNAs. To discover target transcripts of barley miRNAs a modified 5' RLM-RACE was performed and seven cleaved miRNA transcripts were retrieved from drought stressed leaf samples. In silico analysis indicated 15 potential EST targets. Measurement of expression levels showed a positive correlation between levels of miRNA expression and suppression of their target mRNA transcripts in dehydration-stress-treated barley

    Uyuzlu hastaya yaklaşım

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    Scabies is an ectoparasitosis caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. Clinical types can be highly variable. There might be a problem in diagnosis due to difficulty in detecting the parasite and atypical clinical features. Delayed diagnosis may be the cause of outbreaks for people living in overcrowded places such as poorhouses, orphanages and barracks. The different types of treatment have been discussed as well as rules for prevention.Uyuz bir ektoparazitoz olup etkeni, Sarcoptes scabiei'dir. Klinik şekilleri çok çeşitli olabilmektedir. Etkenin bulunmasındaki güçlükler ve atipik klinik şekillerden kaynaklanan tanı güçlükleri olabilmektedir. Gecikmiş tanı, huzurevleri, yetimhaneler ve kışlalar gibi toplu yaşanan yerlerde salgınlara neden olabilmektedir. Farklı tanı metodları ve korunma önlemleri tartışılacaktır

    Türk serpantin topraklarında doğal bitkilerce hiper nikel birikimi

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    Karagöz, Alptekin (Aksaray, Yazar)Natural plants in Turkish serpentine soils were surveyed to determine their Ni accumulation capability. Geographic distribution and diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable nickel contents of the western Anatolian serpentine soils and their vegetative contents were studied to fi nd the possible relationships between the phytoavailable Ni amount in the soil and the Ni content of potential accumulator plants. Over half of the surface area of Turkey was targeted in the study. Aboveground parts of 413 herbaceous plants and the surface soil (0-15 cm) of 192 serpentine samples were collected. A digital elevation model and ANUSPLIN and ArcGIS 8.1 soft ware packages were employed for generation of climatic surfaces and analysis in preparation of comparative maps. Scientifi cally approved Ni hyperaccumulator plant taxa as well as readily emerging species were tested under greenhouse and climate chamber conditions. Th e varying magnitude of nickel determined in the aboveground parts of the test plants indicated that the resistance or vulnerability and Ni requirements of a plant species were species-specifi c and were more eff ective than the Ni amount in the soil on the uptake of the element. Signifi cant diff erences were found between the amount of DTPAextractable Ni in the soil and the Ni content of hyperaccumulator Brassicaceae plants grown in the same soil bodies. Isatis pinnatiloba, which is endemic to Turkey, was introduced as a nickel hyperaccumulator species. Bottlenecks and drawbacks of phytoremediation techniques for commercial use were discussed.Türk serpantin topraklarındaki doğal bitkiler, Ni biriktirme kapasitelerinin saptanması amacıyla etüt edilmiştir. Batı Anadolu’da serpantin topraklarının coğrafi dağılımı ve DTPA (dietilen triamin pentaasetik asit) ile ekstrakte edilebilir nikel kapsamları, üzerlerindeki bitki varlığıyla birlikte incelenerek, topraktaki bitkilerce alınabilir Ni miktarı ile potansiyel hiper toplayıcı bitkilerde biriken Ni kapsamı arasındaki ilişki ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında, Türkiye yüz ölçümünün yarısından fazlası taranmıştır. Dört yüz on üç adet otsu bitkinin toprak üstü aksamı ile bunların yaşadığı 192 serpantin alanından yüzey toprak örnekleri (0-15 cm) toplanmıştır. Karşılaştırmalı haritaların hazırlanmasında iklim yüzeylerinin ve analizlerinin elde olunabilmesi için, sayısal yükselti modeli (DEM), ANUSPLIN ve ArcGIS 8.1 yazılım paketlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Sera ve iklim odası denemelerinde, bilimsel açıdan kabul görmüş Ni hiper toplayıcı taksonların yanı sıra kolay çıkış yapan türler test edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, bir elementin alımında bitki türünün duyarlılık veya direncinin topraktaki miktarından daha önemli olduğunu göstermiştir. Topraktaki DTPA ile ekstrakte edilebilir Ni miktarı ile o toprakta yetişen bitkinin biriktirdiği Ni miktarı yönünden, hiper toplayıcı Brassicaceae türleri arasında önemli farklar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Türkiye endemiği olan Isatis pinnatiloba’nın, nikel hiper toplayıcısı türler arasına alınması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Fitoremidasyon tekniklerinin uygulamadaki darboğazları ve sakıncaları tartışılmıştır

    Genome-wide profiling and analysis of Festuca arundinacea miRNAs and transcriptomes in response to foliar glyphosate application

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    Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide which has been widely used for non-selective weed control in turfgrass management. Festuca arundinacea cv. Falcon was shown to be one of the tolerant turfgrass species in response to varying levels of glyphosate [5% (1.58 mM), 20% (6.32 mM)] recommended for weed control. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the mRNA expression patterns and miRNA, critical regulators of gene expression, in response to varying levels of glyphosate treatments. Here, we investigate the transcriptome and miRNA-guided post-transcriptional networks using plant miRNA microarray and Affymetrix GeneChip(A (R)) Wheat Genome Array platforms. Transcriptome analysis revealed 93 up-regulated and 78 down-regulated genes, whereas a smaller number showed inverse differential expressions. miRNA chip analysis indicated a number of (34 out of the 853) plant miRNAs were differentially regulated in response to glyphosate treatments. Target transcripts of differentially regulated miRNAs were predicted and nine of them were quantified by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Target transcripts of miRNAs validate the expression level change of miRNAs detected by miRNA microarray analysis. Down-regulation of miRNAs upon 5 and 20% glyphosate applications led to the up-regulation of their target observed by qRT-PCR or vice versa. Quantification of F. arundinacea miRNA, homologous of osa-miR1436, revealed the agreement between the Affymetrix and miRNA microarray analyses. In addition to miRNA microarray experiment, 25 conserved F. arundinacea miRNAs were identified through homology-based approach and their secondary structures were predicted. The results presented serve as analyses of genome-wide expression profiling of miRNAs and target mRNAs in response to foliar glyphosate treatment in grass species