13 research outputs found

    Radiographic Features and Treatment Strategies of Impacted Maxillary Canines

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    Objective: Treatment of impacted maxillary canines is essential, both aesthetically and functionally. This study aims to define the radiographic features of maxillary impacted canines, evaluate treatment options, and to detect related pathologies.Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, orthopantomographs, treatment options, and demographic features of the patients were analyzed. Impacted maxillary canines were classified according to the study of Yamamoto et al. According to this classification, maxillary canines are evaluated under seven types according to the occlusal plane and their relative location to adjacent teeth. Moreover, the pathologies around impacted canines were detected via panoramic radiographies.Results: 323 impacted maxillary canines of 270 patients were analyzed. Two hundred fifteen of these teeth (66.6%) belonged to females, while the rest 108 (33.4%) belonged to males. It was observed that impacted maxillary canines were bilateral in 53 patients and unilateral in 217 patients. In the classification based on direction and position of impacted maxillary canines, the highest rates was Type 2 (55.42%) which was followed by Type 4 (26.93%), Type 1 (12.38%), Type 7 (2.79%), Type 3 (1.86%) and Type 5 (0.62%), respectively. Twenty-eight patients with cystic lesion related to impacted maxillary canines were detected. Impacted maxillary canines concomitant with odontoma was detected in 4 patients. In 52 of the patients, it was detected that maxilla was edentulous except for the impacted canines, and the extractions of impacted canine teeth were due to prosthetic reasons. Thirty impacted maxillary canines of 24 patients (n=30, 9.28%) were placed buttons for orthodontic maintenance, while surgical tooth extraction was preferred as a treatment option in other patients.Conclusions: Orthodontic, surgical treatments or combinations may be preferred depending on the impact level of the canine. Early diagnosis and correct orientation of the patient is essential for the success of the treatment


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    Objectives To determine whether the inflammatory complications following impacted third molar surgeries and varying surgical difficulties impact individuals' mood alterations. Materials and Methods A prospective, double-blind, observational study was designed with three study groups (slightly, moderate, and very difficult) constituted with surgical difficulty scores. The participants were evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively on the sixth hour, second and seventh days. The visual analog scale (VAS) and Beck depression scale (BDS) scores, maximal mouth opening, and swelling amounts were recorded. Results A total of 75 patients were enrolled and divided into three study groups with an equal number of participants. The preoperative mean BDS scores of the study groups (slightly, moderate, very difficult) were 9.16, 7.16, and 8.12, and mean VAS scores were 2.86, 1.4, and 1.56, respectively. A significant correlation was observed between the surgical difficulty and the increased BDS scores on the second and seventh postoperative days (p=0.031, p=0.001). Significant correlations were observed between surgical difficulty and VAS scores (p=0.018) and maximum mouth opening amounts (p=0.021) on the second postoperative day. Also, postoperative swelling amounts were significantly affected by surgical difficulty on the postoperative second day (p=0.007). The impact of surgical difficulty and inflammatory complication-related factors on the postoperative BDS scores' increase was also evaluated, and the postoperative pain, trismus, swelling, and operation time correlated. Conclusion The surgical removal of impacted molar teeth has significant effects on alterations in mood. It would be beneficial to consider different aspects of the postoperative term that the patient will experience in third molar surgeries

    Effects of systemic Anatolian propolis administration on a rat-irradiated osteoradionecrosis model

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    Objective: Radiotherapy after head and neck cancer is associated with the risk of osteonecrosis development. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of systemic propolis application to prevent the disease as it has no definite treatment protocol despite the proposed treatment methods and significantly decreases individuals’ quality of life. Methodology: In total, 29 male Wistar-Albino rats were divided into control, 35 Gy irradiation (Group 1), 35 Gy irradiation+100 mg/kg/ml propolis administration (Group 2), and 35 Gy irradiation+200 mg/kg/ml propolis administration groups (Group 3). Propolis was first applied on the day after radiotherapy, except for the control group. Right first and second molars were extracted from all rats three weeks following radiotherapy. Samples were collected seven weeks after radiotherapy. Osteoblast and osteoclast counts were calculated by histomorphometric analysis. Immunohistochemical analysis determined bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) and transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGFβ-3). Results: Group comparison found non-significant differences regarding osteoblast (p=0.130) and osteoclast (p=0.063) counts. However, Group 1 showed the lowest mean osteoblast (OBL: 82.63 [±13.10]) and highest mean osteoclast counts (OCL: 12.63 [±5.55]). OBL/OCL ratio showed significant differences between groups (p=0.011). Despite the significant difference between the Control and Groups 1 (p=0.006) and 2 (p=0.029), Group 3 showed a non-significant difference (p=0.091). For BMP-2 and TGFB3, the control group showed significant differences with the other two groups (p<0.001), except for Group 3. Conclusion: Anatolian propolis showed beneficial effects in a radiotherapy-mediated osteonecrosis model, highlighting its potential as a promising intervention

    Retrospective analysis of dental implants immediately placed in extraction sockets with periapical pathology: immediate implant placement in infected areas

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    Abstract Background The aim of this study is to examine the survival rates of immediate implants placed in extraction sockets with chronic periapical pathology. Methods 69 patients and 124 immediate implants were included in the study. The patients included in the study were examined in 3 groups. Group 1: Patients who underwent tooth extraction with periapical pathology and immediate implant placement. Group 2: patients who underwent tooth extraction with periapical pathology, immediate implant placement and guided bone regeneration. Group 3: Patients who underwent tooth extraction with periapical pathology, sinus lift procedure and immediate implant placement. In statistical analysis, t-test and Anova analysis were used in the evaluation of quantitative data, cross-tables and chi-square (χ2) test were used in the evaluation of classified qualitative data. Statistical significance was determined as p < 0.05. Results It was observed that 116 (95.55%) of 124 implants were successful and 8 (4.45%) failed. The success rate was 97.2% in Group 1, 93.5% in Group 2 and 81.8% in Group 3. A significant correlation was found between the study groups and implant success in terms of χ2 test (p = 0.037). A significant relationship was found between smoking and success in terms of the χ2 test (p = 0.015). Conclusions High survival rates are observed for immediate implant placement in sockets with periapical pathology. The success rates observed in guided bone regenerations simultaneously with immediate implant placement are at satisfactory levels. In cases where simultaneous sinus lifting procedures are required, the success rates were observed to be significantly lower. In case of adequate curettage and debridement in sockets with periapical pathology, high implant survival rates are observed. As the complexity of the surgical procedure increases, treatment protocols may progress in safer ways

    Large Dentigerous Cyst Associated With ImpactedCanine: A Case Report

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on esitellä case-aineiston avulla, miten liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa voidaan hyödyntää projektien suunnittelussa. Lisäksi selvitetään, millaisia vaikutuksia liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan käyttöönotolla voi olla ja minkälaista lähtötietoa liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan järjestelmä projektien suunnittelun kontekstissa voi käyttää. Työ on tehty toimeksiantona projektiliiketoimintaan erikoistuneelle suunnitteluyritykselle, joten tutkimustuloksia tarkastellaan insinööri- ja erityisesti suunnitteluprojektien näkökulmista. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoksi valittiin erilaisia case-artikkeleita liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan järjestelmien käyttöönottoon ja vaikutuksiin liittyen. Aineistot pyrittiin valitsemaan siten, että ne käsittelisivät aihetta mahdollisimman monista näkökulmista, mutta olisivat kuitenkin sovellettavissa toimeksiantajan liiketoimintaan. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa voidaan hyödyntää yrityksissä kolmeen päätarkoitukseen: vertailuun, seurantaan ja ennustamiseen. Vertailu sisältää perinteisen liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan, eli historiatietojen vertailun nykyhetkeen ja erilaiset raportoinnit menneistä tapahtumista. Seuranta ja ennustaminen ovat nykyaikaisempaa liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan soveltamista ja vaativat vertailua monimutkaisempia teknologioita, kuten koneoppimista taustalleen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan suurimmat hyödyt liittyvät päätöksenteon nopeutumiseen ja päätösten tarkentumiseen, kun päätösten tukena on dataa pelkän projektipäällikön arviointikyvyn lisäksi. Tästä seuraa myös konkreettisia taloudellisia hyötyjä, kun projektien kestoja pystytään lyhentämään ja virheitä välttämään. Liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan implementoinnin hyötyjen lisäksi tutkimuksessa huomattiin, että käyttöönoton suurimmat haasteet eivät välttämättä liity teknologiaan, vaan haasteet voivat olla myös organisatorisia. Esimerkiksi työntekijöiden asenteiden ja organisaation kulttuurin muutos datalähtöiseksi voi olla oikean teknologiaratkaisun valitsemista suurempi haaste. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että merkityksellistä dataa liiketoimintatiedon hallinnan hyödyntämiseksi projektien suunnittelussa voi olla esimerkiksi budjettiin ja aikatauluihin, sekä projektin riskeihin liittyvä data