74 research outputs found

    Potential use of olive oil solid waste in agriculture

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    Olive (olea europea) orchards are dominant crops in Mediterranean countries. The main use of olive fruits is the extraction of olive oil. The remaining Olive oil solid waste (OSW) can be a good and available source for soil organic matter in Turkey. One method to use OSW in agricultural practices can be making compost. OSW and OSW compost were evaluated for agricultural use. Olive solid wastes were mixed with soil at the rates of 0, 3, 5 and 7% with and without additional nitrogen and phosphorous sources. Sunflower and corn plants were grown in the pots for two months. Additionally changes in soil physical and chemical properties were observed. Results showed that OSW compost can be used as and organic source for plant growth. This research was supported by TUB TAK TOVAG project number 106O371

    Numan Menemencioglu's the period of the ministry of foreign affairs at World War II (1942-1944)

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    Türk Dışişleri Bakanlığı'na yıllardır hizmet etmiş olan Numan Menemencioğlu, dışişleri bakanlığı görevi sırasında Türkiye'yi, diplomaside deneyimi olan kadroyla savaştan uzak tutmuştu. O'nun dışişleri bakanlığı dönemi aynı zamanda Türkiye'nin savaş sırasında karşılaştığı en zorlu dönemi de kapsamaktaydı. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, Menemencioğlu'nun dışişleri bakanlığı döneminin bilimsel bir şekilde incelenmesi ve onu çağının diğer dışişleri bakanlarından ayıran özellikleri ortaya koymaktır. Bunun yanı sıra savaş boyunca Türkiye'nin tarafsızlı politikasına ne derece bağlı kaldığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Millions of People suffered from The World War II as it was first, too. When Hitler's Germany assaulted to Poland on September 1st 1939, the this meaningless war had begun. During this bloody war, Turkey stayed as a neutral state, although there were many pressures. The subject which is forming the main point our this scholarly study is Numan Menemencioglu's The Period of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Turkey. Between 1942-1944 years, his ministry was a quite tension stage. Menemencioglu carried out his service for The Turkish Foreign Department as self-sacrificing. In diplomacy, he had a versatile personality. The success in his career belonges to his studying determination which had been seen especially in 1942-1944. In this stuying, particularly, Numan Menemencioglu's contributions are mentioned for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. Thanks to Inonu, Turkey had stayed away from the destruction of World War II. Throughout the war, Turkey has had several threates which were The Soviet and The Axis. Numan Menemencioglu was Minister of Turkish Foreign Affairs in this difficult period


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    In Industry the improvements in mechanical properties of Al alloys, which are used most commonly after steel, has increased its importance. The full evaluation of material properties would lead the designers to make right chooses. In this study the variation of micro structure and grain size, which has great effect on the mechanical properties, has been investigated against homogenisation process. For the homogenisation workpieces were annealed at 400, 440, 500 and 510 o C for 4,8 and 24 hours respectively and then they were cooled in the air, waters and in a furnace. The workpieces have been rested at room temperature for a week in order to protect then from natural ageing. Then they were etched by the % 0.5 HF separator and pictures were taken at various magnifications. The homogenisation process changing by grain size and microstruture and their effects on the mechanical properties have been investigated

    Evaluation of secondary school students’ written explanations on the basis of improving thought techniques

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin yazılı anlatımlarında, düşünceyi geliştirme tekniklerinin kullanım sıklıklarını ve öğrencilerin bu teknikleri kullanımda yaşadıkları sorunları belirlemektir. Araştırmanın evreni, 2008 -2009 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında Türkiye’de öğrenim gören ortaöğretim 9. v e 10. sınıf öğrencileridir. Türkiye evreninden 23 il ve 32 genel liseden seçilen 524 öğrenci örnekleme alınmıştır. Araştırmada ulaşılan temel sonuçlar şunlardır : Öğrenciler en çok örneklendirme (% 23,84), en az ise sayısal verilerden yararlanma tekniğini kullanmışlardır (% 1,05). Diğer düşünceyi geliştirme tekn iklerinin kullanım oranları şu şekildedir: soru sorma (% 22,91), tanımlama (%15,23), karşılaştırma (% 14,83), zıtlık (10,01), tanık gösterme -alıntı yapma (7,54), benzetme (4,37). Öğrenciler, tanımlama, karşılaştırma, benzetme ve zıtlığı en çok paragrafın başlangıç kısmında; örneklendirme, tanık gösterme -alıntı yapma, sayısal verilerden yararlanma, soru sorma tekniğini ise en çok paragrafın tartışma (orta) kısmında kullanmaktadır. Düşünceyi geliştirme tekniklerinin en az kullanıldığı kısım ise parag raf sonudur. Ayrıca öğrenciler, düşünceyi geliştirme tekniklerinin kullanımında , soru sorma tekniğinin uygun olmayan yerde kullanılması, soruların sık ve gereksiz biçimde kullanılması, okuyucuyu savunulan düşünceye zihinsel olarak hazırlamadan örnek kullanılması, sözlü anlatım dilinin düşünceyi geliştirme tekniklerinin kullanımına olumsuz etkisi, örneklerin paragrafta anlatımın akışını bozan unsur olması, kaynağı yanlış verilen alıntıların olması gibi proble mler yaşa maktadırlar.The purpose of the present study is to determine high school students’ frequency of using opinion development techniques in their written discourses and the problems they face in using these techniques. The population of this study is all of the Grade 9 and Grade 10 students in 2008 -2009 academic period in Turkey. 32 state schools selected in 23 cities in Turkey constituted the sample. The results of the present study as follow: The most frequently used technique by students was sampling (23,84%), whereas the least frequently used techniques was using quantitative data (1,05%). The other techniques were questioning (22,91%), description (15,23%), comparison (14,83%), incongruity (10,01%), quotation (7,54%) and analogy (4,37%). The students mostly used description, comparison, analogy and incongruity at the beginning of the paragraph; sampling, quotation, using quantitative data and questioning at the discussion part of the paragraph. The end of the paragrap h was the place where opinion development techniques were least used. In addition, students faced the problems in opinion development techniques such as using questioning in inappropriate places, making use of questions very frequently and unneccassarily, using examples without making readers ready to the idea that was defended, the negative effects of verbal discourse on using opinion development techniques, examples playing negative roles in discourse coherence and quotations with wrong references

    Comparative study of sugars, organic acids and trans-resveratrol in red and white grapes grown in Denizli region, Turkey

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    Grape berry ripening includes a broad range of physical and biochemical processes. In this study, compare the changes in organic acid, sugar and trans-resveratrol content during at four different ripening stages (lag phase, veraison, maturity and late harvest) between red (Çalkarasi and Shiraz) and white (Sultana and Round Seedless) grapes grown in Denizli region were investigated. Analysis was carried out using the high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). Glucose and fructose content was increased between lag phase stages and late harvest stages. Tartaric and malic acid content of all cultivars decreased throughout the maturation period. A continuous decrease in trans-resveratrol content in all varieties was observed during ripening. © 2015, Chemical Publishing Co. All rights reserved