161 research outputs found

    About the epidermic cells in ‘Rosa Narcea’

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    [EN] Epidermic cells of 'Rosa Narcea' are studied at three different moments along the blooming. Qualitative and quantitative studies are carried out. Qualitative research was done by histochemical techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The quantitative one was done by using images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermic cells in the 'Rosa Narcea' present cuticular striation. The volatile essential oils which determine the 'Rosa Narcea' scent have to cross through the cuticle in order to go out. Under transmission electron microscopy (TEM), some microchannels through which the smell molecules are probably released, are observed. These canaliculi are concentrated in the cuticular striation area. The quantitative analysis indicates that there is a higher number of cells and with thicker striation in the epidermis of those roses blooming at the end of the blossom season. This allows the team to hypothesize that the smell emission will be higher at the beginning of July than at the beginning of May, although nothing may be inferred about the aroma qualityS

    Applications of bioclimatology to assess effects of climate change on viticultural suitability in the DO León (Spain)

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    [EN] Spain accounts for 13.1% of the world’s vineyard area, and viticulture is crucial for the socioeconomic and cultural sectors. Vineyards are among the perennial crops that can suffer most negative impacts under climate change which can pose challenges to the sustainability of viticulture. Local and regional studies are needed to assess these impacts to help implement effective strategies in response to climate change. To this end, our approach involves integrating both conventional agroclimatic indices and those new bioclimatic indices that have proven to be essential for the characterization and demarcation of vineyards into species distribution models to assess areas suitable for viticulture under climate change projections. The proposed methodology was tested in a viticultural region located in northwestern Spain (DO León). An ensemble platform was used to build consensus models encompassing three general circulation models, two emission scenario pathways and two time horizons. Only the predictors that effectively characterize each grape variety were included in the models. The results revealed increases in the continentality index, compensated thermicity index, hydrothermic index of Branas, and temperature range during ripening in all the future scenarios analyzed in comparison to current conditions. Conversely, the values for the annual ombrothermic index and growing season precipitation may decrease in the future. The pattern of changes for 2070 will be more pronounced than for 2050. A significant loss of future habitat suitability was detected within the limits of the study area for the grape varieties analyzed. This negative impact could be counteracted to some degree with new and favorable areas for the cultivation of vineyards in territories located at the north of the DO limits. We suggest that our results could help policymakers to develop practices and strategies to conserve existing grape varieties and to implement efficient adaptation measures for mitigating or anticipating the effects of climate change on viticulture.SIThis work was supported by the Regional Ministry of Education, Junta de Castilla y León (Spain), EDU/667/201

    Análisis de las bibliografías de las asignaturas de pedagogía y didáctica de los grados en ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte en España = Analysis of the bibliographies of the subjects on pedagogy and didactics of physical activity and sport sciences degrees in Spain

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    P. 138-143En este trabajo se analizan las bibliografías de las asignaturas relacionadas con la pedagogía y la didáctica presentes en los actuales grados en ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte que se imparten en las universidades españolas. Se diseñó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo y descriptivo, centrado en los ámbitos de la bibliometría relativos a productividad. La muestra final consistió en 70 bibliografías, de las que se recogieron mediante consulta directa un total de 1.365 referencias. Las variables analizadas fueron: años de publicación, títulos, autores, tipología documental y lenguas de publicación. Los resultados muestran que las obras referidas fueron publicadas entre 1966 y 2013, se concentran en las tres últimas décadas y tienen una presencia creciente hasta la primera década del s. XXI. Existe una gran diversidad en cuanto a obras y autores citados (n = 725 y 673 respectivamente), así como una predominancia del libro como tipología documental y del castellano como lengua de publicación (73.5 y 89.5% del total de obras respectivamente). El estudio concluye que actualmente no es posible identificar una o varias obras que sean referidas en la generalidad de estas guías. Asimismo, la posible exclusión de referencias de interés para la formación de titulados, derivada de la primacía del formato libro y del castellano sobre otros formatos e idiomas como el artículo y el inglésS

    Narcea—an unknown, ancient cultivated rose variety from northern Spain

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    [EN] The present work reports the discovery and the complete characterisation of an ancient cultivated rose variety found growing in a private garden in the southwest of the Principality of Asturias (northern Spain). The variety is here given the name Narcea. The majority of roses currently cultivated belong to the so-called group of ‘Modern Roses’, all of which were obtained after 1867 via artificial crosses and improvement programmes. All are destined for ornamental use. Until the 19th century, the great majority of the many ancient cultivated roses in Europe were used in perfumery and cosmetics, or had medicinal uses. Rosa damascena and Rosa centifollia are still grown and used by the French and Bulgarian perfume industries. The Asturian Massif of the Cantabrian Mountain Range provides a natural habitat for some 75% of the wild members of the genus Rosa, but until now there was no evidence that this area was home to ancient cultivated roses. A complete botanical description is here provided for a discovered ancient rose. It is also characterised according to a series of sequence tagged microsatellite sites, and its agronomic features are reported. In addition, a histological description (optical and scanning electronic microscope studies) of the petals is offered, along with an analysis of the volatile compounds present in these organs as determined by solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. The results reveal the uniqueness of this ancient type of rose and suggest it may be of interest to the perfume industryS

    Molecular Determinants of Kv1.3 Potassium Channels-induced Proliferation

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    Producción CientíficaChanges in voltage-dependent potassium channels (Kv channels) associate to proliferation in many cell types, including transfected HEK293 cells. In this system Kv1.5 overexpression decreases proliferation, whereas Kv1.3 expression increases it independently of K+ fluxes. To identify Kv1.3 domains involved in a proliferation-associated signaling mechanism(s), we constructed chimeric Kv1.3-Kv1.5 channels and point-mutant Kv1.3 channels, which were expressed as GFP- or cherry-fusion proteins. We studied their trafficking and functional expression, combining immunocytochemical and electrophysiological methods, and their impact on cell proliferation. We found that the C terminus is necessary for Kv1.3-induced proliferation. We distinguished two residues (Tyr-447 and Ser-459) whose mutation to alanine abolished proliferation. The insertion into Kv1.5 of a sequence comprising these two residues increased proliferation rate. Moreover, Kv1.3 voltage-dependent transitions from closed to open conformation induced MEK-ERK1/2-dependent Tyr-447 phosphorylation. We conclude that the mechanisms for Kv1.3-induced proliferation involve the accessibility of key docking sites at the C terminus. For one of these sites (Tyr-447) we demonstrated the contribution of MEK/ERK-dependent phosphorylation, which is regulated by voltage-induced conformational changes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Programa Estatal de Investigación , Fundación Ramón Areces y Consejería de Sanidad de la Junta de Castilla y León

    Follow-Up Biomarkers in the Evolution of Prostate Cancer, Levels of S100A4 as a Detector in Plasma

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    The management and screening of prostate cancer (PC) is still the main problem in clinical practice. In this study, we investigated the role of aggressiveness genetic markers for PC stratification. We analyzed 201 plasma samples from PC patients and controls by digital PCR. For selection and validation, 26 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, 12 fresh tissues, and 24 plasma samples were characterized by RNA-Seq, immunochemistry, immunofluorescence, Western blot, and extracellular-vesicles analyses. We identified three novel non-invasive biomarkers; all with an increased expression pattern in patients (PCA3: p = 0.002, S100A4: p <= 0.0001 and MRC2: p = 0.005). S100A4 presents the most informative AUC (area under the curve) (0.735). Combination of S100A4, MRC2, and PCA3 increases the discriminatory power between patients and controls and between different more and less aggressive stages (AUC = 0.761, p <= 0.0001). However, although a sensitivity of 97.47% in PCA3 and a specificity of 90.32% in S100A4 was reached, the detection signal level could be variable in some analyses owing to tumor heterogeneity. This is the first time that the role of S100A4 and MRC2 has been described in PC aggressiveness. Moreover, the combination of S100A4, MRC2, and PCA3 has never been described as a non-invasive biomarker for PC screening and aggressiveness.Ministry of Health, Andalusia Government Leonardo de la Pena 2020 research grant - Urology Research Foundation (FIU) PI-0319-201

    Genetic complexity impacts the clinical outcome of follicular lymphoma patients

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    © The Author(s) 2021.Follicular lymphoma (FL) is the second most common non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL, 20–30%) after diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Despite the introduction of rituximab and the high response rate to first-line treatment, approximately 20% of the FL patients relapse or progress within 2 years of receiving first-line therapy. Therefore, the major challenge is finding biomarkers that identify high-risk patients at diagnosis.This work was partially supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness PI15/01393, PI18/00410, CIBERONC-CB16/12/00233, and “Una manera de hacer Europa” (Innocampus; CEI-2010-1-0010)”, the Education Council or Health Council of the Junta de Castilla y León (CAS102P17, GRS 1180/A/15), Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC; PROYE18020BEA), and Gilead Sciences (GLD17/00334). CJ, MES, and AMe are supported by the ISCII (CD19/00030, CPII18/00028, and FI19/00320). MGA, IPC, and CJ were supported by the Spanish Society of Hematology Foundation (FEHH). All Spanish funding is co-sponsored by the European Union FEDER program

    Memorias : Coloquio Vida Cotidiana y Diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (259 páginas)Memorias del coloquio realizado en noviembre de 2007 en las instalaciones de la UAM Azcapotzalco en donde la temática, incluyó investigaciones variadas que iban desde utensilios para comer hasta las librerías y vecindades en el siglo XIX, pasando por el diseño japonés, empaques y embalajes, cooperativas y la España Musulmana, todo esto relacionado con la vida cotidiana ya que dicho concepto está modificando la manera en que los científicos sociales se acercan a la realidad

    Propuesta de un sistema espacialmente explícito para evaluar el peligro de incendios

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    Los incendios forestales suponen un factor muy destacado en la transformación ambiental de buena parte de los ecosistemas terrestres. Tienen impactos globales, afectando a la superficie forestal y a las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y efectos locales, relacionados con la degradación de suelos, erosión, modificación de la dinámica de la vegetación y pérdida de recursos y de vidas humanas. La prevención de incendios resulta cada vez más crítica, para paliar los efectos negativos de los mismos. Se presentan en este trabajo las variables de entrada y el esquema de integración para estimar el peligro de ocurrencia de incendios que se desarrolló en el marco del proyecto Firemap. Se generó información de diversas fuentes, que hacen referencia a variables socio-económicas, así como al estado de los combustibles y las características del territorio, utilizando sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) e imágenes de satélite. Todas las variables se cartografiaron a una resolución espacial de un 1 km2 y se integraron en un servidor web, que estuvo operativo para su evaluación durante el verano de 2007. Se presenta la comparación entre la variación temporal de los índices generados y la ocurrencia observada en la Comunidad de Madrid, una de las regiones del estudio.Forest fires are a major factor of environmental transformation in several ecosystems. Fires have global impacts, affecting forested areas and having an important impact in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, fires have local impacts, associated to soil degradation, soil erosion, vegetation dynamics, and lost of lives and properties. Fire prevention is critical to reduce the negative impacts of fire. This paper presents the input variables and the integration scheme developed within the Firemap project (funded under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) to map wildland fire occurrence probability. The project first generated fire risk variables related to several factors of fire ignition or propagation. They were generated from a wide variety of sources using geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies. All variables were mapped at 1 sq km spatial resolution, and were integrated into single indices. The risk system included the development of a dedicated web-mapping server to facilitate the access to the end-users. This service was tested in the summer of 2007 for semi-operational use. The paper presents the first validation results of the danger index, by comparing temporal trends of the different danger components to the fire occurrence in the Madrid region, one of the test sites