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    A Study of Foreign Language Learning Motivation——with application in classroom setting

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    Throughout the whole language teaching in China, the study of learning motivation, especially the study of foreign language learning motivation, has long been neglected. It has been realized that motivation is one of the most significant factors which result in successful learning. Although there have been discussions on this issue in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) in recent years,...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外文系_英语语言文学学号:19980400


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    符号化是戏剧符号学研究中最重要的基点。符号化的研究主要分为系统和符号化两个过程。布拉格学派的\"结构\"就是系统,布拉格学派关于结构的概念和理解奠定了戏剧符号理论的系统观念,其中包含两种对系统的理解。其一是整体论的结构观点(holistic structure),其二是从实证论观点(positivist interpretation of structure)对结构的理解。布拉格学派对结构和系统的研究理清了戏剧符号理论的系统范畴,对象的符号化(semiotization of the object)是布拉格结构主义剧场理论的首要原则。布拉格学派认为,舞台上所有对象的符号化是戏剧符号学研究的基础。所有的剧场符号都参与了戏剧表意的生成

    フニン チリョウ オ ウケル フウフ ノ カカエル モンダイ ト シエン ノ アリカタ

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    本稿では,不妊治療を受ける夫婦の身体的・精神的・社会的側面の問題と支援のあり方について,先行研究を基に論考した.不妊治療を受ける夫婦にとっては,治療そのものやホルモン療法による副作用や不妊治療にかかる高額な費用が,日常生活を脅かし大きなストレスとなっている.これらが関係に大きな影響を与えることが考えられる.不妊治療を受ける夫婦の心理的ストレスの実態や,ストレス対処,社会的支援については報告されるようになった.しかし,不妊治療を受けている夫婦の日常生活に焦点をあてた調査報告は見当たらない.夫婦で不妊治療を継続するためには,日常生活での役割や思いを明らかにし,看護師として今後の援助の方向性を見い出す必要がある.This article focuses on couples experiencing infertility treatment. Describe the literature in Japan was reviewed carefully. The purpose of the study is to descript; 1) the details of the physical, psychological and social health problems of those couples, 2) nursing care suitable for those couples. Suffering from treatment, harmful side effects from hormone therapy, and the high cost of treatment, infertile couples experience many kinds of psychological distress. Their marital relationships might be affected by the psychological distress. Recently it has come to be known that couples are experiencing psychological distress from this treatment. How they cope with the distress and get social support. are also clarified. However, there is no study focused on those couples\u27 daily life. Conclusions: The role of the man and woman in their home, details of their feelings and the best nursing care for those couples to continue the treatment have to be clarified from hereafter

    A case of major depressive disorder accompanied by multiple somatic delusion

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     About 15% of cases of major depressive disorder (MDD) are accompanied by psychotic features, typically as delusions of guilt and hypochondriacal delusions. We report the case of a 55-year-old woman with MDD accompanied by delusions of infestation and body odor, which are characteristic of delusional disorder somatic type (DDST). She developed a major depressive episode that gradually deteriorated. Four months later, she felt that “some liquid” was welling out from skin of her palms, soles and face, and also that she was emitting a foul odor from her body. Treatment with paroxetine at 40 mg/day and olanzapine at 5 mg/day resolved somatic delusions, but some depressive symptoms remained. After addition of mirtazapine 30 mg/day, depressive symptoms were completely resolved. The present report definitively shows that MDD can accompany multiple somatic delusions typically observed in DDST


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    This study investigates small-scale hydropower generation utilizing the dam water currently released solely for maintaining the river discharge. Toward improving such small-scale hydropower generation, a method for flexible operation of dams is proposed. In flexible operation, a portion of the flood control capacity is allocated to water storage. When a flood is forecasted, it is necessary to release that amount of water to recover the dam\u27s flood control capacity. In conducting such release, accurate forecasting with sufficient lead time is desirable. This study examined the possibility of determining the necessity of water release ahead of forecasted rainfall by estimating the amount of water flowing into the dam reservoir based on forecasted cumulative rainfall computed from numerical weather prediction models (RSM and GSM).The examinations clarified that by employing the proposed method it would be possible to secure water which is about 8 times that currently used for power generation