1,185 research outputs found

    The Performance Evaluation Of Private Equity Based On Economic Capital

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    私募股权基金(PEPrivateEquity)在国外有近50年的发展历史,最早出现在美国。中国的私募股权基金行业近年来发展迅速,主要受益于外部资本创富效应的带动和法律法规的不断完善。国内PE数量和融资规模急剧扩大,已经成为我国金融体系结构中重要的组成部分。 国外尤其是美国对PE基金的研究起步较早。在PE基金的投资绩效评价方面,大多是对实际案例数据进行统计分析,与公开市场指数的业绩进行比较;也有些学者根据私募股权基金的特点,按投资的阶段和性质进行归类,分为早期阶段、扩展阶段和后期阶段,在他们之间进行业绩比较。 目前国内对PE的研究还主要集中在对国外研究理论的介绍以及适用性的研究,关于私募股权...Began in the United States, private equity fund has nearly 50 years of development history in foreign countries.Benefit from foreign capital investment effect of impetus and the continuous improvement of the law and regulations, China's private equity fund industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Domestic PE quantity and financing scale expands rapidly, has become an important part of Chine...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115091


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    Research on Key Techniques of Virtual Surgery Planning System for Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Based on CT Data Set

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    人体器官的建模与仿真是当前国际上生物医学工程领域研究的前沿课题,它涉及了医学,计算机科学,物理学,电子学等多个学科领域,是一项多学科交叉的研究课题。鼻咽作为人体中一个结构极为复杂且十分重要的器官,其建模仿真与手术计划系统的实现具有十分重大的临床意义。 本文针对鼻咽癌虚拟手术计划系统中若干关键技术进行了系统深入地研究。本研究根据重建出来的鼻咽部三维图像的特点,致力于设计了一个速度较快,检测精确的碰撞检测算法。本文着重论述了一种基于凸块包围盒层次的碰撞检测算法。该方法是解决碰撞检测问题固有时间复杂性的一种有效的方法,它是用体积略大而几何特征简单的包围盒来近似描述复杂的几何对象,并通过构造树状层次...The modeling and simulation of human organs is one of the frontier areas of biomedicine research. It is a multi-disciplinary topic, including computer science, physics, electronics and related medical knowledge. As one of the most important and complex organs within human body, nasopharyngeal tissue’s virtualization and surgery planning system plays a significant role in the practice of medicine. ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机系统结构学号:2005130230

    Experimental study for the treatment of early femoral head necrosis using lantern-shaped, autograft loaded screw

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    目的:股骨头坏死是一种常见且治疗困难的疾病,致病原因众多,其早期的治疗在国内外尚无达到共识,而早期治疗的最终目标是推迟或避免髋关节置换。本实验旨在利用一种新型自行研制的灯笼状植骨螺钉结合传统的髓芯减压植骨对治疗羊早期股骨头坏死的效果进行评价分析。 材料和方法:27只诱导坏死模型成功的山羊纳入本研究,3只山羊进行坏死评估,其余24只成年山羊被分成三组,每组8只,全部按参考文献报道给予坏死造模,造模成功后被分成A、B、C三组,A组不给于任何处理,B组给予髓芯减压植骨处理,C组给予灯笼状植骨螺钉内固定处理;A组8只在造模成功后第4、8、16周时给予X线、MRI检查,其中在第8及16周时随机处死4只...Purpose: Femoral head necrosis is a disease that it is quite uncommon and difficult to treat. No consensus has been reached with regard to the early treatment of the disease until now at home and abroad, and the eventual goal is to delay or avert the total hip replacement for the treatment of the disease. The purpose of the study is to explore the efficacy in the treatment of the early femoral hea...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452011115337

    Research on the Effects of the RMB Appreciation on Foreign Trade

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    自2005年人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币对美元出现了较大幅度的升值。截至2011年4月5日,人民币兑美元年终名义汇率累计升幅超过20%。对于中国来说,改革开放以来对外贸易在国民经济增长中一直占有重要地位,如果人民币的快速升值对进出口贸易产生不利影响,必然会进一步影响国内经济发展。因此,人民币升值的外贸效应问题是目前人们所关注的重要问题之一。 从已有研究来看,对人民币升值外贸效应的研究主要集中在两个方面:一是人民币升值的贸易收支效应;二是人民币升值的贸易条件效应。多数研究认为,人民币升值将恶化我国的贸易收支,但会改善我国的价格贸易条件。然而,这一结论与中国的实际情况并不一致。1994年以...Since the reform of the RMB exchange rate system in 2005, the RMB exchange rate against U.S. dollar has had a more substantial appreciation more than 20% by April 5, 2011. In China, the foreign trade has played an important role in economic growth since the reform and opening. If the rapid appreciation of RMB affects the foreign trade adversely, it must affect the domestic economy. Therefore, one ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院经济系_西方经济学学号:1532008015029

    Performance Evaluation on Enterprise Groups’ Logistics Outsourcing under the Condition of Strategic Alliance with 3PLs

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    当今时代,客户需求日益多样化和个性化,企业间的竞争越来越激烈化,使得企业越来越倾向于将非核心业务外包以专注于自身的核心业务,外包已经成为企业运作其物流业务的最重要的方式。其中,企业与第三方物流企业建立战略联盟关系以外包其物流业务也逐渐成为一种重要的形式,据《中国现代物流调查报告2010》的调查显示,2009年,所有选择物流外包企业中,22.4%的企业选择战略联盟的形式和物流企业之间展开合作。 本文所关注的正是这种背景下集团企业物流外包的绩效评价问题,在回顾了物流外包、战略联盟以及绩效评价的相关理论之后,本文从外包管理集权与分权的角度将集团企业的物流外包分为两种模式,即单个子公司分别外包其物流...At the present times, customers’ demands have become more and more diversified and individualized, and competition between companies becomes fiercer. This environment forces enterprises to outsource their noncore business and focus on core business. Logistics outsourcing is one of outcomes of such development trend. Besides, more and more enterprises choose to cooperate with the third party logist...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_物流工程学号:1772009115092

    What is shuili——a study based on Local Records of Fujian since Ming and Qing Period

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    本文以明清以来福建地方志为主要资料,探讨传统意义上人们所认识和关注的“水利”这一观念。文章从“水利”条目在地方志目录中的归类、具体记载内容两个方面着手,分析人们对于“水利”的不同归类及影响这种归类的因素,然后主要按照农田水利、城市水利、海洋水利和水能利用四个类别,探讨当时人们对“水利”观念的认识及其变化。全文基本结构如下: 第一章为绪论部分,说明选题缘由、基本资料和思路,并在回顾相关学术史的基础上,提出本文的立意所在。 第二章对“水利”条目在地方志中的归类展开时空分析,并探讨影响其归类的因素。文章通过统计发现,明清以来地方志中对于“水利”条目的归类主要有《食货志》、《地理志》、《建置志》、...In this paper, we count and analyze the comprehension of the concept of shuili about traditional society people, based on Fujian`s Local Records since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The article is mainly from two aspects to discuss the problem: classifying the shuili subheading and comparing the record of shuili subheading in Local Records. According to the study, we can get that the different class...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:1032009115189

    Surface Activation of Hydroxylated Silica Microbeads Using N,N-Carbonyldiimidazole for Immobilization of Antibodies

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    E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]微珠是微珠阵列芯片平台的核心敏感元件,研究其合成、表征以及生物分子固定化方法,目的是为构建高灵敏的蛋白质研究平台提供基础支持。本文针对二氧化硅微珠,运用羰基二咪唑(CDI)进行羟基表面化学活化研究及表征。为考察微珠表面的活化效率,将微珠表面咪唑基团连接上伯胺基团,利用茚三酮显色反应测定活化微珠表面伯胺基团的量,从而获得微珠表面连接上的有效咪唑 基团的量。实验测得活化微珠表面的有效咪唑基团的含量为1.66mmol/g。为表征活化微珠偶联抗体分子的效果,在荧光显微镜下拍摄活化微珠接上一抗后再偶联FITC 标记二抗的荧光图像。同时用未活化的羟基微珠进行了相同的实验用于对照(图1)。运用荧光成像分析软件,通过计算以上三组实验图片中微珠的平均荧光密度,可以定量获得微珠活化前后分子固定化的效果。[英文文摘]Hydroxylated silica microbeads were activated using N,N-Carbonyldiimidazole and were coupled with antibodies in this study. The activated groups were quantitatively measured, and the activation efficiency was also observed via fluorescence microscopy.论文工作得到了国家自然科学基金(No.20775065)、教育部高校博士点基金(No.20070384023)、 化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室(湖南大学)开放课题(No.2006021)、国家基础科学人才培 养基金(No.J0630429)项目资助

    The Method of Separation of Tongue Coating and Tongue Texture in the Process of Tongue Diagnosis Informatization

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    应用计算机分析舌像,在舌像信息辅助下推断中医证型的过程中,实现舌质、舌苔区域的自动化分离是前提条件,分离结果直接影响到后续舌质、舌苔颜色分类识别的质量,最终影响证型推断的准确性。在质苔分离实验中采用两种方法,即基于HSV色彩空间的最佳阈值迭代算法和基于彩色特征组合的分割方法,根据两者各自特点,综合叠加运用这两种方法,有效的解决质苔分离问题。The separation of the coating and the texture of the tongue is crucial and prerequisite for the TCM-diagnosing from the information of the tongue which derived from the analysis of the tongue picture with the computer. The qualify of the separation will directly affect the classification and recognition of the color of the tongue coating and tongue texture in the following step, at last, the accuracy of syndrome differentiation. Hence, this article concentrates on analysis of the automatic separation of coating and the texture of the tongue. Two methods are comprehensive applied in the separation,first is Optimal Threshold Iterated Algorithm based on HSV color space, and second is based on the color characteristics.Through comprehensive use of the two methods according to their own characteristics, we achieve the purpose of the perfect separation.国家自然科学基金(编号:60601025);; 卫生部联合基金(编号:WKJ2005-2-001);; 厦门市科技计划(编号:3502Z20055003