202 research outputs found

    Değişken Miktarlı Uygulama için Haritalama Programı Geliştirilmesi

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    Gübrelerin ve ilaçların çevre ve insan sağlığına olumsuz etkileri bilinmektedir. Bu araştırmada; tarımda optimum gübre kullanımı ile maksimum verim elde etmek ve gereksiz gübre kullanımını önlemek amacıyla değişken düzeyli uygulama yapabilen elektronik bir sistemi kontrol eden bir bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmada konum belirleme sistemi (Trimble AgGPS 132), çift diskli santrifüj gübre dağıtma makinesi ve değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi kullanılmıştır. Değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi 2 adet step motor, bu motorları kontrol eden bir adet PIC kartı ve mekanik kısmından oluşmaktadır. Programın görevlerinin neler olacağı saptanıldıktan sonra iş akış şeması oluşturulmuştur. İş akış şeması üzerinden hareketle Microsoft Visual Basic programlama dili olarak ve Microsoft Access'de veritabanı olarak araştırmada kullanılmıştır. Geliştirilen programın laboratuar denemeleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda geliştirilen program Değişken Miktarlı Gübre Uygulama Programı (DEMİGUY PRO V 1.0) olarak adlandırılmıştır. Uygulama haritasının oluşturulması ve gerçek zamanlı koordinattan kullanarak gübre normunun ayarlanması program tarafından başarılı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.Negative effects of pesticide and fertiliser on human health are well known. In this research; a computer software was developed to control a variable rate electronic controller for getting maximum yield by using optimum fertiliser and preventing excess fertiliser usage in agriculture. In the study, a DGPS (Trimble AgGPS 132), centrifugal fertiliser spreader with two discs, and a variable rate controller were used as materials. The variable rate controller system consist of two step motors, a PIC card witch control those step motors, and mechanical part Flow chart was developed after determination of the software functions. Microsoft Visual Basic as Programming language and Microsoft Access as a database by using developed flow chat. Laboratory tests of the developed software were realized. The developed software was named as Variable Rate Fertiliser Application (DEMİGUY PRO V 1.0). According to the laboratory tests, the results of the creating of application map and changing of the fertilization rate by using real time kinematics coordinates were successfully by the developed software

    Semicommutativity of rings by the way of idempotents

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    In this paper, we focus on the semicommutative property of rings via idempotent elements. In this direction, we introduce a class of rings, so-called right e-semicommutative rings. The notion of right e-semicommutative rings generalizes those of semicommutative rings, e-symmetric rings and right e-reduced rings. We present examples of right e-semicommutative rings that are neither semicommutative nor e-symmetric nor right e-reduced. Some extensions of rings such as Dorroh extensions and some subrings of matrix rings are investigated in terms of right e-semicommutativity. We prove that if R is a right e-semicommutative clean ring, then the corner ring eRe is clean. © 2019, University of Nis. All rights reserved

    Effects of the customs union on the patterns of Turkey's trade with the world : a panel analysis

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this thesis, the effects of the Customs Union with the EU are analyzed for the case of Turkey, using unbalanced panel data sets consisting of more than 150 countries between 1980-2001. Liberalization of Turkish foreign trade has gained an irrevocable momentum with the realization of substantial adjustments to the Common Custom Tariff System with the European Union (EU). On 6 March 1995, the European Union and Turkey signed agreement on Customs Union (CU). Turkey’s tariffs and levies on imports of manufactured products from the European Union were eliminated by this agreement. Our empirical analysis involves estimating the effects on exports and imports of Turkey of the Customs Union Agreement (CUA), of changes in price, and income, and of economic crises, controlling for additional institutional variables. Our results indicate that the CUA has not only positively impacted on Turkey’s trade, but has also led to changes in the behavior of both exports and imports with regards to their responsiveness to underlying variables. We observe that the income elasticity of both exports and imports are generally lower for the CU period, the effect of the real exchange rate (RER) on Turkey’s exports is stronger for the EU countries after CU. However, real exchange rate changes cease to have a significant impact on imports after the CUA.Üngör, MuratM.S

    Rings having normality in terms of the Jacobson radical

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    A ring R is defined to be J-normal if for any a, r∈ R and idempotent e∈ R, ae= 0 implies Rera⊆ J(R) , where J(R) is the Jacobson radical of R. The class of J-normal rings lies between the classes of weakly normal rings and left min-abel rings. It is proved that R is J-normal if and only if for any idempotent e∈ R and for any r∈ R, R(1 - e) re⊆ J(R) if and only if for any n≥ 1 , the n× n upper triangular matrix ring Un(R) is a J-normal ring if and only if the Dorroh extension of R by Z is J-normal. We show that R is strongly regular if and only if R is J-normal and von Neumann regular. For a J-normal ring R, it is obtained that R is clean if and only if R is exchange. We also investigate J-normality of certain subrings of the ring of 2 × 2 matrices over R. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Accessory tendon variation in a case of hallux rigidus

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    Halluks rigidus, birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemdeki dejeneratif artritin neden olduğu, ayak başparmağında sınırlı dorsifleksiyon (plantar şeksiyon göreceli olarak daha az kısıtlanmıştır) ve ağrı ile karakterize bir durumdur. Halluks rigidus nedeniyle opere edilen bir hastada aym zamanda birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemde aksesuar bir tendonun varlığı saptandı. Vakamızdaki aksesuar tendonun hem birinci metatarsofalangeal eklem kapsülünün medialine, hem de sağ ayak başparmağı proksimal falanksı’nın bazis’inin medialine yapıştığı tespit edildi. Hallux rigidus ile bu aksesuar tendonun birlikteliği daha önce bildirilmemişken halluks valgus ile olan birlikteliğinden söz edilmektedir. Bu aksesuar tendonun birinci metatarsofalangeal eklemin biyomekaniğinde oynadığı rol henüz yeterince açıklığa kavuşmamış olup ileri araştırmaları gerektirmektedirHallux rigidus is a condition caused by degenerative arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and characterized by pain and limited dorsiflexion of the great toe, but relatively unrestricted plantar flexion. In a patient who was operated for hallux rigidus it was also seen that first metatarsophalangeal jo int has got an accessory tendon. In our case the accessory tendon has been inserted to medial side of the capsule of the first metatarsophalangeal joint and also to medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of right hallux. Although in some studies coexistance of this variation with hallux valgus has been noted, coexistence ofthis tendon variation with hallux rigidus has not been reported before. The exact role of the accessory tendon on the biomechanics of first metatarsophalangeal joint is not clear enough and necessitates further investigation

    On Principally Quasi-Baer Modules

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    Let R be an arbitrary ring with identity and M a right R-module with S = EndR(M). In this paper, we introduce a class of modules that is a generalization of principally quasi-Baer rings and Baer modules. The mod- ule SM is called principally quasi-Baer if for any m 2 M, lS(Sm) = Se for some e2 = e 2 S. It is proved that (1) if SM is regular and semicommutative module or (2) if MR is principally semisimple and SM is abelian, then SM is a principally quasi-Baer module. The connection between a principally quasi- Baer module SM and polynomial extension, power series extension, Laurent polynomial extension, Laurent power series extension of SM is investigated