19 research outputs found

    Case report: Death due to COVID-19 in three brothers

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    We report fatal cases of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in three brothers in Iran. An increased susceptibility to specific pathogens has been reported for a number of genetic defects. Considering the fact that most of them who are affected by COVID-19 recover, deaths in three brothers who lived separately and had no known underlying disease suggest genetic predisposition to COVID-19 in some individuals. Copyright © 2020 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygien

    Notable sequence homology of the ORF10 protein introspects the architecture of SARS-CoV-2

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    The current Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) shows similar pathology to MERS and SARS-CoV, with a current estimated fatality rate of 1.4%. Open reading frame 10 (ORF10) is a unique SARS-CoV-2 accessory protein, which contains eleven cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes each of nine amino acids in length. Twenty-two unique SARS-CoV-2 ORF10 variants have been identified based on missense mutations found in sequence databases. Some of these mutations are predicted to decrease the stability of ORF10 in silico physicochemical and structural comparative analyses were carried out on SARS-CoV-2 and Pangolin-CoV ORF10 proteins, which share 97.37% amino acid (aa) homology. Though there is a high degree of ORF10 protein similarity of SARS-CoV-2 and Pangolin-CoV, there are differences of these two ORF10 proteins related to their sub-structure (loop/coil region), solubility, antigenicity and shift from strand to coil at aa position 26 (tyrosine). SARS-CoV-2 ORF10, which is apparently expressed in vivo since reactive T cell clones are found in convalescent patients should be monitored for changes which could correlate with the pathogenesis of COVID-19

    Primary immunodeficiency disorders in Iran: Update and new insights from the third report of the national registry

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    Background: Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) are a group of heterogeneous disorders mainly characterized by severe and recurrent infections and increased susceptibility to malignancies, lymphoproliferative and autoimmune conditions. National registries of PID disorders provide epidemiological data and increase the awareness of medical personnel as well as health care providers. Methods: This study presents the demographic data and clinical manifestations of Iranian PID patients who were diagnosed from March 2006 till the March of 2013 and were registered in Iranian PID Registry (IPIDR) after its second report of 2006. Results: A total number of 731 new PID patients (455 male and 276 female) from 14 medical centers were enrolled in the current study. Predominantly antibody deficiencies were the most common subcategory of PID (32.3 %) and were followed by combined immunodeficiencies (22.3 %), congenital defects of phagocyte number, function, or both (17.4 %), well-defined syndromes with immunodeficiency (17.2 %), autoinflammatory disorders (5.2 %), diseases of immune dysregulation (2.6 %), defects in innate immunity (1.6 %), and complement deficiencies (1.4 %). Severe combined immunodeficiency was the most common disorder (21.1 %). Other prevalent disorders were common variable immunodeficiency (14.9 %), hyper IgE syndrome (7.7 %), and selective IgA deficiency (7.5 %). Conclusions: Registration of Iranian PID patients increased the awareness of medical community of Iran and developed diagnostic and therapeutic techniques across more parts of the country. Further efforts must be taken by increasing the coverage of IPIDR via electronically registration and gradual referral system in order to provide better estimation of PID in Iran and reduce the number of undiagnosed cases. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media

    Evaluering av generativa maskininlÀrningsmodeller : Evaluering av genererad data med hjÀlp av neurala nÀtverk

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    Generative machine learning models are capable of generating remarkably realistic samples. Some models generate images that look entirely natural, and others generate text that reads as if a human wrote it. However, judging the quality of these models is a major challenge. Today, the most convincing method is to use humans to evaluate the quality of generated samples. However, humans are biased, costly, and inefficient. Therefore, there is a great need for automatic methods. MAUVE is a recent advancement in the evaluation of generative text models. It compares generated data with real data and returns a score that quantifies their similarity. This is accomplished with the help of a neural network, which provides the understanding of text required to evaluate its quality. MAUVE is motivated by its correspondence with human judgment, and this is shown in multiple experiments. This thesis contributes in two significant ways: First, we complement experiments and discussions made in the original paper. Importantly, we demonstrate that MAUVE sometimes fails to recognize quality differences between generative models. This failure is due to the choice of neural network. Later, we demonstrate that MAUVE can be used for more than just text evaluation. Specifically, we show that it can be applied to images. This is accomplished by using a neural network specialized in image recognition. However, the steps can be repeated for any data type, meaning that MAUVE can potentially become a more generalized measurement than suggested in the original paper. Our second contribution is an extension toMAUVEcalled Sequence-MAUVE (S-MAUVE). The score MAUVE produces can be seen as an average of the overall quality of generated text. However, some generative models initially produce excellent text, but see drops in quality as the sequences grow longer. Therefore, a single score that represents entire sequences is likely to omit important details. Instead, S-MAUVE evaluates generated text at the smallest possible level. The result is a sequence of scores, which give users more detailed feedback about the behavior of a generative model. Generativa maskininlÀrningsmodeller kan generera data av enastÄende kvalitet. Vissa modeller genererar bilder av ansikten som ser helt realistiska ut, och andra genererar text som verkar varit skriven av en mÀnniska. Trots detta sÄ Àr det inte klart hur dessa modeller ska evalueras. Idag sÄ Àr den frÀmsta metoden mÀnsklig evaluering: En person fÄr utgöra huruvida generade data verkar realistisk eller inte. MÀnsklig evaluering har flera nackdelar. MÀnniskor Àr partiska, dyra och lÄngsamma. DÀrför behövs det automatiska evalueringsverktyg. MAUVE Àr ett ny metod för att evaluera generative textmodeller som jÀmför hur lik genererad data Àr med Àkta data. Detta Ästadkoms med hjÀlp av ett neuralt nÀtverk, som bidrar med den förstÄelse av text som krÀvs för att evaluera den. MAUVE Àr motiverat av att dess omdömen överensstÀmmer med mÀnsklig evaluering. Den hÀr uppsatsen bidrar pÄ tvÄ sÀtt. Till att börja med komplementerar vi experiment och diskussioner gjorda i den ursprungliga rapporten o m MAUVE. Till exempel sÄ visar vi att MAUVE ibland inte lyckas kÀnna av kvalitetsskillnader mellan olika generativa modeller. Detta pÄ grund av val av neuralt nÀtverk. EfterÄt sÄ demonstrerar vi att MAUVE kan appliceras pÄ andra typer av data Àn text. Mer specifikt sÄ applicerar vi MAUVE pÄ bilder. Detta Ästadkoms genom att anvÀnda ett neuralt nÀtverk specialiserat pÄ bildigenkÀnning, istÀllet för text. Stegen vi följer kan upprepas för vilken typ av data som helst, vilket innebÀr att MAUVE kan anvÀndas som ett mer generellt mÄtt Àn vad den ursprungliga artikeln ger sken för. VÄrt andra bidrag Àr att utveckla MAUVE till det vi kallar för S-MAUVE. MAUVE anvÀnder bara sammanfattningar av hela texter som bas för sina jÀmförelser. En konsekvens av det Àr att den endast gör pÄstÄenden om textdatas genomsnittliga kvalitet. Men, det Àr vÀlkÀnt att kvaliteten hos genererad textdata kan variera beroende pÄ var i texten man befinner sig. MÄnga generativa textmodeller producerar sekvenser som Àr verklighetstrogna i början, men blir sÀmre och repetitiva senare. Till skillnad frÄn MAUVE sÄ evaluerar S-MAUVE genererad text pÄ minsta möjliga detaljnivÄ. Resultaten Àr en sekvens av poÀng, som ger anvÀndare mer information om egenskaperna hos den studerade generativa modellen

    Evaluering av generativa maskininlÀrningsmodeller : Evaluering av genererad data med hjÀlp av neurala nÀtverk

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    Generative machine learning models are capable of generating remarkably realistic samples. Some models generate images that look entirely natural, and others generate text that reads as if a human wrote it. However, judging the quality of these models is a major challenge. Today, the most convincing method is to use humans to evaluate the quality of generated samples. However, humans are biased, costly, and inefficient. Therefore, there is a great need for automatic methods. MAUVE is a recent advancement in the evaluation of generative text models. It compares generated data with real data and returns a score that quantifies their similarity. This is accomplished with the help of a neural network, which provides the understanding of text required to evaluate its quality. MAUVE is motivated by its correspondence with human judgment, and this is shown in multiple experiments. This thesis contributes in two significant ways: First, we complement experiments and discussions made in the original paper. Importantly, we demonstrate that MAUVE sometimes fails to recognize quality differences between generative models. This failure is due to the choice of neural network. Later, we demonstrate that MAUVE can be used for more than just text evaluation. Specifically, we show that it can be applied to images. This is accomplished by using a neural network specialized in image recognition. However, the steps can be repeated for any data type, meaning that MAUVE can potentially become a more generalized measurement than suggested in the original paper. Our second contribution is an extension toMAUVEcalled Sequence-MAUVE (S-MAUVE). The score MAUVE produces can be seen as an average of the overall quality of generated text. However, some generative models initially produce excellent text, but see drops in quality as the sequences grow longer. Therefore, a single score that represents entire sequences is likely to omit important details. Instead, S-MAUVE evaluates generated text at the smallest possible level. The result is a sequence of scores, which give users more detailed feedback about the behavior of a generative model. Generativa maskininlÀrningsmodeller kan generera data av enastÄende kvalitet. Vissa modeller genererar bilder av ansikten som ser helt realistiska ut, och andra genererar text som verkar varit skriven av en mÀnniska. Trots detta sÄ Àr det inte klart hur dessa modeller ska evalueras. Idag sÄ Àr den frÀmsta metoden mÀnsklig evaluering: En person fÄr utgöra huruvida generade data verkar realistisk eller inte. MÀnsklig evaluering har flera nackdelar. MÀnniskor Àr partiska, dyra och lÄngsamma. DÀrför behövs det automatiska evalueringsverktyg. MAUVE Àr ett ny metod för att evaluera generative textmodeller som jÀmför hur lik genererad data Àr med Àkta data. Detta Ästadkoms med hjÀlp av ett neuralt nÀtverk, som bidrar med den förstÄelse av text som krÀvs för att evaluera den. MAUVE Àr motiverat av att dess omdömen överensstÀmmer med mÀnsklig evaluering. Den hÀr uppsatsen bidrar pÄ tvÄ sÀtt. Till att börja med komplementerar vi experiment och diskussioner gjorda i den ursprungliga rapporten o m MAUVE. Till exempel sÄ visar vi att MAUVE ibland inte lyckas kÀnna av kvalitetsskillnader mellan olika generativa modeller. Detta pÄ grund av val av neuralt nÀtverk. EfterÄt sÄ demonstrerar vi att MAUVE kan appliceras pÄ andra typer av data Àn text. Mer specifikt sÄ applicerar vi MAUVE pÄ bilder. Detta Ästadkoms genom att anvÀnda ett neuralt nÀtverk specialiserat pÄ bildigenkÀnning, istÀllet för text. Stegen vi följer kan upprepas för vilken typ av data som helst, vilket innebÀr att MAUVE kan anvÀndas som ett mer generellt mÄtt Àn vad den ursprungliga artikeln ger sken för. VÄrt andra bidrag Àr att utveckla MAUVE till det vi kallar för S-MAUVE. MAUVE anvÀnder bara sammanfattningar av hela texter som bas för sina jÀmförelser. En konsekvens av det Àr att den endast gör pÄstÄenden om textdatas genomsnittliga kvalitet. Men, det Àr vÀlkÀnt att kvaliteten hos genererad textdata kan variera beroende pÄ var i texten man befinner sig. MÄnga generativa textmodeller producerar sekvenser som Àr verklighetstrogna i början, men blir sÀmre och repetitiva senare. Till skillnad frÄn MAUVE sÄ evaluerar S-MAUVE genererad text pÄ minsta möjliga detaljnivÄ. Resultaten Àr en sekvens av poÀng, som ger anvÀndare mer information om egenskaperna hos den studerade generativa modellen

    Formell sÀkerhetsanalys av autentisering i en asynkron kommunikationsmodell

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    Formal analysis of security protocols is becoming increasingly relevant. In formal analysis, a model is created of a protocol or system, and propositions about the security of the model are written. A program is then used to verify that the propositions hold, or find examples of where they do not. This report uses formal methods to analyse the authentication aspect of a protocol that allows private individuals, enterprises, and systems to securely and asynchronously share sensitive data. Unpublished, early drafts of the protocol were studied and algorithms described in it were verified with the help of the formal verification tool Tamarin Prover. The analysis revealed two replay attacks. Improvements to the protocol were suggested based on this analysis. In later versions of the protocol, the improvements have been implemented by the protocol developers.Det blir alltmer relevant med formell analys av sÀkerhetsprotokoll. I formell analys sÄ skapas en modell av ett protokoll eller ett system, och pÄstÄenden om modellens sÀkerhet skrivs. Ett program anvÀnds sedan för att verifiera att pÄstÄendena gÀller, eller för att hitta exempel dÀr de inte gÀller. Den hÀr rapporten avÀnder formella metoder för att analysera autentiseringsaspekten av ett protokoll som tillÄter privatpersoner, företag och system att asynkront dela kÀnslig information pÄ ett sÀkert sÀtt. Opublicerade och tidiga utkast av protokollet studerades och de algoritmer som beskrivs i protokollet verifierades med hjÀlp av Tamarin Prover. Analysen avslöjade tvÄ Äterspelningsattacker. FörbÀttringar till protokollet föreslogs baserat pÄ denna analys. I senare versioner har protokollutvecklarna implementerat förslagen

    Formell sÀkerhetsanalys av autentisering i en asynkron kommunikationsmodell

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    Formal analysis of security protocols is becoming increasingly relevant. In formal analysis, a model is created of a protocol or system, and propositions about the security of the model are written. A program is then used to verify that the propositions hold, or find examples of where they do not. This report uses formal methods to analyse the authentication aspect of a protocol that allows private individuals, enterprises, and systems to securely and asynchronously share sensitive data. Unpublished, early drafts of the protocol were studied and algorithms described in it were verified with the help of the formal verification tool Tamarin Prover. The analysis revealed two replay attacks. Improvements to the protocol were suggested based on this analysis. In later versions of the protocol, the improvements have been implemented by the protocol developers.Det blir alltmer relevant med formell analys av sÀkerhetsprotokoll. I formell analys sÄ skapas en modell av ett protokoll eller ett system, och pÄstÄenden om modellens sÀkerhet skrivs. Ett program anvÀnds sedan för att verifiera att pÄstÄendena gÀller, eller för att hitta exempel dÀr de inte gÀller. Den hÀr rapporten avÀnder formella metoder för att analysera autentiseringsaspekten av ett protokoll som tillÄter privatpersoner, företag och system att asynkront dela kÀnslig information pÄ ett sÀkert sÀtt. Opublicerade och tidiga utkast av protokollet studerades och de algoritmer som beskrivs i protokollet verifierades med hjÀlp av Tamarin Prover. Analysen avslöjade tvÄ Äterspelningsattacker. FörbÀttringar till protokollet föreslogs baserat pÄ denna analys. I senare versioner har protokollutvecklarna implementerat förslagen

    Formell sÀkerhetsanalys av autentisering i en asynkron kommunikationsmodell

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    Formal analysis of security protocols is becoming increasingly relevant. In formal analysis, a model is created of a protocol or system, and propositions about the security of the model are written. A program is then used to verify that the propositions hold, or find examples of where they do not. This report uses formal methods to analyse the authentication aspect of a protocol that allows private individuals, enterprises, and systems to securely and asynchronously share sensitive data. Unpublished, early drafts of the protocol were studied and algorithms described in it were verified with the help of the formal verification tool Tamarin Prover. The analysis revealed two replay attacks. Improvements to the protocol were suggested based on this analysis. In later versions of the protocol, the improvements have been implemented by the protocol developers.Det blir alltmer relevant med formell analys av sÀkerhetsprotokoll. I formell analys sÄ skapas en modell av ett protokoll eller ett system, och pÄstÄenden om modellens sÀkerhet skrivs. Ett program anvÀnds sedan för att verifiera att pÄstÄendena gÀller, eller för att hitta exempel dÀr de inte gÀller. Den hÀr rapporten avÀnder formella metoder för att analysera autentiseringsaspekten av ett protokoll som tillÄter privatpersoner, företag och system att asynkront dela kÀnslig information pÄ ett sÀkert sÀtt. Opublicerade och tidiga utkast av protokollet studerades och de algoritmer som beskrivs i protokollet verifierades med hjÀlp av Tamarin Prover. Analysen avslöjade tvÄ Äterspelningsattacker. FörbÀttringar till protokollet föreslogs baserat pÄ denna analys. I senare versioner har protokollutvecklarna implementerat förslagen

    A 6-Year-Old Boy with COVID-19-Positive Pleural Effusion and Kawasaki-Like Features

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    The ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has exposed many pediatric patients from around the world to coronavirus disease. Although pleural effusions are classified as atypical features of COVID-19 infection, we report a 6-year-old boy who had a positive IgG antibody ELISA test for COVID-19 and presented with respiratory distress, bilateral pleural effusions, and signs and symptoms of multisystem inflammatory syndrome. The RT-PCR test of the pleural fluid specimen was positive for novel coronavirus. To our knowledge, this is the first pediatric report of a COVID-19-positive pleural fluid