147 research outputs found

    The motivational factors behind Norwegian seafood exporters’ choice to follow foreign unsolicited orders

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    Masteroppgave i International business and marketing (MSc

    Exploiting Unhappy Orcs & Gullible Hobbits: Colonialism and Oppression in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings

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    This master’s thesis investigates J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and specifically its three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King, from a post-colonial literary perspective. By examining these books based on Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism and Frantz Fanon’s ideas on national culture, reveals a new and original argument about Orcs and Hobbits which has been previously overlooked. In this thesis, I aim to argue the colonial situation of Orcs, and the oppressed situation of Hobbits. The first chapter explores the history of Orcs, from their creation, onto their portrayal in LotR and ultimately their chances of survival post-LotR. This chapter aims to explain that Orcs are deliberately portrayed as irredeemable, evil monsters and the reader is predisposed to see them objectively throughout LotR. Further, this portrayal is a result of the Orcs’ history as a colonised race, in which they have been colonised by Morgoth, set free, and recolonized by Sauron and Saruman. The second chapter will explore the Hobbits’ history as well and argue that they have been gradually oppressed by the Free Peoples to a point where they barely exist socially nor politically in Middle-earth. This oppression becomes problematic when discussing the Hobbits’ portrayal in LotR, and what it means for them to partake in the War of the Ring. In the end, this thesis will compare the histories and oppressed situations of the Orcs and Hobbits and discuss the similarities and what benefits they gain from being part of the War of the Ring

    The motivational factors behind Norwegian seafood exporters’ choice to follow foreign unsolicited orders

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    Masteroppgave i International business and marketing (MSc

    Partially Organised, Partially Successful? - A Case Study of the Partial Organisation of the COVAX Initiative

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    Master's Thesis in Public AdministrationAORG351MASV-PUBA

    Differences in Information Systems Development and Evolution Practice between the Local and Governmental Public Sector

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    We have in earlier work reported differences between how public and private Norwegian organizations are able to use time on value adding activities in their work on IT. Using responses to the ‘IT i Praksis’ – surveys done by Rambøll in 2021, we in this paper look upon differ-ences between local (municipalities) and governmental agencies. ‘IT i praksis’ is distributed to Norwegian public organizations, and the overall response rate is around 45-50%, although not all respondents answer all questions. The data presented in this paper is based on re-sponses from 255 public organizations, with 176 municipalities, and 79 public organizations on national or regional level that have re-sponded. Overall, the investigation confirms the results from earlier investigations when it comes to maturity of practice in public sector and how this might influence their ability to have time available for value added IT-activities. In this investigation we also find differ-ences within public sector, with municipalities scoring worse on sev-eral parameters for successful management and evolution of IT

    Bruk av alternative opplæringsarenaer for elever som sliter i den ordinære undervisningen: En analyse av alternative opplæringsarenaer og hvordan et slikt tilbud kan oppleves av elevene

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    Alternative opplæringsarenaer er opplæring med en praktisk tilnærming som kan brukes for elever i forhold til ordinær undervisning, tilpasset undervisning og spesialundervisning. Slike tiltak har de senere årene økt i omfang i forhold til smågruppebaserte deltidstiltak. Det har vært et viktig tiltak for ungdom som har vist problematferd, og som generelt har hatt lav motivasjon for skole. Jeg har ønsket å finne ut noe om hvilke kvaliteter slike tilbud kan ha, og hvordan elevene selv opplever slike tilbud. Prosjektet er en kombinasjon av kvalitativ forskning og litteraturstudie. Tidligere elevers opplevelser kan gi interessant informasjon om kvaliteter ved alternative opplæringsarenaer. Jeg har utført to kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med en kvinne og en mann som gikk ut av ungdomsskolen for omkring 10 år siden. I tillegg har jeg brukt litteratur og rapporter som har sett på ulike kvaliteter ved alternative opplæringsarenaer, og som ellers berører forskningsspørsmålene mine

    Musisering i barnehagen

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan gi barn muligheten til å musisere i barnehagen?bachelor-v201

    Hvordan er innovative prosjekter implementert i offentlig sektor?

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi - Nord universitet, 2016Sperra for utlån til 2021-06-2

    Forvaltning : støtte eller brems for operativ evne?

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