386 research outputs found

    Banke kao mjesta počinjenja kaznenih djela razbojništva

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    Banka je financijska institucija koja je od Hrvatske narodne banke dobila odobrenje za rad i koja je osnovana kao dioničko društvo sa sjedištem u Republici Hrvatskoj.1 Dakle, sukladno Zakonu o trgovačkim društvima, banke su organizirane kao dionička društva, te imaju svoje podružnice, poslovnice i ispostave. Sjedišta banaka (centrale) uglavnom se nalaze u velikim gradovima, dok se podružnice nalaze u manjim centrima (županijskim ili općinskim). Poslovnice su razmještene u gradovima i selima, prema tržišnoj orijentaciji banaka; dok se ispostave nalaze na graničnim prijelazima, u trgovačkim centrima, zračnim lukama i si. te u pravilu predstavljaju manje prostore s ograničenim poslovanjem. Banke su poslovne sredine u kojima osnovni vid poslovanja pretpostavlja skup ra¬zličitih transakcija s gotovim novcem i vrijednostima, dragocjenostima te vrijednosnim papirima. Prema tome, kako je u bankama novac primarno manipulativno sredstvo u procesu novčarskih transakcija (uplata/isplata, konverzija, mjenjački poslovi, krediti i si.), postale su zanimljive različitim kriminalnim krugovima koji žele na lak način doći do koristi. S obzirom na te činjenice, banke su postale mjesta kaznenih djela razbojništava, kao najčešćeg oblika kaznenog djela u novčarskim institucijama


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    U današnje vrijeme sve više ljudi pripremanje prezentacije počinje u znaku dileme; može li prezentacija biti uspješna? Jesam li ja pravi govornik za temu prezentacije? Sigurno ima mnogo boljih govornika od mene! Mogu li uspješno održati prezentaciju? Problem je u tome što ljudi danas imaju sve manje fizičkog kontakta te nemaju dovoljno samopouzdanja. U trenutku kada trebaju održati prezentaciju uhvati ih trema jer nisu naučeni prezentirati temu ili prenijeti informacije većem broju ljudi. U ovom završnom radu će se prikazati kako postati uspješniji prezenter, odnosno s kojim se to zaprekama susreću ljudi prilikom odabira teme za prezentaciju, kao i korake kako to izbjeći te kako na najbolji način misao svoje prezentacije uspješno prenijeti auditoriju. Razmotrit će se faze u izradi prezentacije te popratni sadržaji koji su potrebni da bi prezentacija bila uspješna. U početnom poglavlju će se prikazati zlatna pravila koja pridonose uspješnijoj prezentaciji, dok će se u sljedećim poglavljima prikazati razne vrste prezentacija, struktura iste, procesi kod pripreme same prezentacije s posebnim naglaskom na neverbalni aspekt prezentiranja, a završno poglavlje će prikazati primjer prezentacije na njemačkom jeziku koja je nastala u svrhu polaganja njemačke DSD diplome

    The importance of the employees emotional labour in the retirement home Ljutomer

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    V svojem diplomskem delu sem v teoretičnem delu najprej predstavila pomen institucionalnega varstva, nato njegovo delovanje ter opredelila skupino, ki ji je to namenjeno. Zanimalo me je, kako sprememba življenjskega okolja ob vselitvi v dom za starejše vpliva na starostnike, nato pa sem se dotaknila čustev starostnikov. Pri tem me je zanimalo, na kakšen način čustvujejo ter kako na njih gledajo manjše populacije. Raziskala sem odnose med zaposlenimi in stanovalci in kako le ti vplivajo na kakovost življenja starostnika v domu. Veliko pozornosti sem namenila predvsem raziskovanju pojma emocionalno delo. Raziskala sem tudi, v kolikšni meri je emocionalno delo prisotno v domovih za starejše ter kakšna je tam sploh potreba po samem izvajanju emocionalnega dela. V raziskovalnem delu sem ugotavljala, v kolikšni meri je emocionalno delo prisotno v DSO Ljutomer, kakšna so pričakovanja stanovalcev in organizacije glede pravil prikazovanja čustev, kako se zaposleni soočajo s stresnimi situacijami in kako jim pri tem pomaga sama organizacija. Ugotovila sem, da je emocionalno delo v DSO Ljutomer prisotno na različnih področjih dela. Za zaposlene je pri njihovem delu najpomembnejše zadovoljstvo stanovalcev doma, zavedajo se pomembnosti pristnih odnosov kot tudi pomembnosti postavljanja meja. Večina stanovalcev nima nobenih posebnih pričakovanj glede prikazovanja čustev zaposlenih, drugače pa je s strani organizacije. Ta pričakuje prijaznost zaposlenih ter pozitivno atmosfero. Organizacija pri soočanju s stresom zaposlenim ne nudi nobene pomoči, zato se zaposleni v stresnih situacijah s pogovorom obrnejo na ožje sodelavce.In the theoretical part of my graduation thesis, I highlighted the importance and meaning of the institutional care and its impact on the recipients. I focused mainly on the emotions and thoughts of elderly when they leave their home and what kind of an impact the change of scenery has on them. My focus were still the emotions of the elderly and their contact with the outside world, workers at the retirement home and with other residents. Through it, I was able to uncover what kind of lifestyle they receive and if the retirement home, provides them good quality of life. Because of the work I had done, I had to analyse the meaning of emotional labour and how different authors perceive the meaning of it. Through experience, I researched to what extent is the emotional labour present in the Retirement Home Ljutomer and when executed, what does it mean to the recipients, how is it executed, what are the rules that apply and how do the employees cope with stress. I concluded that emotional labour applies to different kinds of work and is present in all work that is done with the residents. Employees strive to accomplish the satisfaction of the resident, because they are aware of the importance of authentic and real relations as well as the boundaries that need to be set. The majority of the residents does not expect special display of emotions from the employees, although the retirement homes expects exactly that. They expect the kindness of all the employees, which creates a positive atmosphere. The retirement home does not provide the support to the employees to cope with the stress, so they turn to their co-workers

    Exposure to a Nonionic Surfactant Induces a Response Akin to Heat-Shock Apoptosis in Intestinal Epithelial Cells: Implications for Excipients Safety

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society. Amphipathic, nonionic, surfactants are widely used in pharmaceutical, food, and agricultural industry to enhance product features; as pharmaceutical excipients, they are also aimed at increasing cell membrane permeability and consequently improving oral drugs absorption. Here, we report on the concentration- and time-dependent succession of events occurring throughout and subsequent exposure of Caco-2 epithelium to a "typical" nonionic surfactant (Kolliphor HS15) to provide a molecular explanation for nonionic surfactant cytotoxicity. The study shows that the conditions of surfactant exposure, which increase plasma membrane fluidity and permeability, produced rapid (within 5 min) redox and mitochondrial effects. Apoptosis was triggered early during exposure (within 10 min) and relied upon an initial mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization (5-10 min) as a crucial step, leading to its subsequent depolarization and caspase-3/7 activation (60 min). The apoptotic pathway appears to be triggered prior to substantial surfactant-induced membrane damage (observed ≥60 min). We hence propose that the cellular response to the model nonionic surfactant is triggered via surfactant-induced increase in plasma membrane fluidity, a phenomenon akin to the stress response to membrane fluidization induced by heat shock, and consequent apoptosis. Therefore, the fluidization effect that confers surfactants the ability to enhance drug permeability may also be intrinsically linked to the propagation of their cytotoxicity. The reported observations have important implications for the safety of a multitude of nonionic surfactants used in drug delivery formulations and to other permeability enhancing compounds with similar plasma membrane fluidizing mechanisms

    Development of an in vitro system to study the interactions of aerosolized drugs with pulmonary mucus

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Mucus is the first biological component inhaled drugs encounter on their journey towards their pharmacological target in the upper airways. Yet, how mucus may influence drug disposition and efficacy in the lungs has been essentially overlooked. In this study, a simple in vitro system was developed to investigate the factors promoting drug interactions with airway mucus in physiologically relevant conditions. Thin layers of porcine tracheal mucus were prepared in Transwell® inserts and initially, the diffusion of various fluorescent dyes across those layers was monitored over time. A deposition system featuring a MicroSprayer® aerosolizer was optimized to reproducibly deliver liquid aerosols to multiple air-facing layers and then exploited to compare the impact of airway mucus on the transport of inhaled bronchodilators. Both the dyes and drugs tested were distinctly hindered by mucus with high logP compounds being the most affected. The diffusion rate of the bronchodilators across the layers was in the order: ipratropium ≈ glycopyronnium > formoterol > salbutamol > indacaterol, suggesting hydrophobicity plays an important role in their binding to mucus but is not the unique parameter involved. Testing of larger series of compounds would nevertheless be necessary to better understand the interactions of inhaled drugs with airway mucus

    Implementation of a cloud application for monitoring the implementation of student internships

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    U svim visokoškolskim ustanovama provodi se određeni oblik stručne studentske prakse. Sam proces provođenja stručne prakse, svakim danom je sve zahtjevniji, a posebno se to odnosi na popratnu dokumentaciju i obvezno praćenje kvalitete u provođenju prakse. U cilju digitalizacije cijeloga procesa, razvijena je oblak aplikacija koja spaja sve dionike ovoga procesa. Studentima se pruža prijava stručne prakse, preuzimanje potrebnih dokumenata te predaja svih dokumenata nakon obavljene stručne prakse. Voditeljima stručne prakse, aplikacija omogućava nadzor i upravljanje cijelim nastavnim procesom te mogućnost generiranja raznih izviješća po obavljenoj stručnoj prakse na razini akademske godine. Treći dionik je sama visokoškolska ustanova, koja ima uvid u cijeli proces te raznim funkcionalnostima u aplikaciji dobiva informacije koje se koriste u procjeni kvalitete ovoga nastavnoga procesa. Aplikacija je izrađena pomoću Spring Boot i AngularJS tehnologije korištenjem integriranoga razvojnoga okruženja Eclipse IDE (engl. Integrated Development Enviroment). Sigurnost aplikacije osigurava implementirana Spring Security okvir koji pruža autentikaciju i autorizaciju korisnika. Aplikacija u svom radu koristi MySQL bazu podataka razvijenu upravo za potrebe ovoga projekta.: In all higher education institutions, a certain form of student internship is conducted. The process of conducting student internship is becoming more and more demanding every day, especially the accompanying documentation and mandatory monitoring of quality in the implementation of practice. In order to digitize the entire process, a cloud application has been developed that connects all stakeholders in this process. Students are given the opportunity to apply for a student internship, download the necessary documents and submit all documents after the internship. For the leaders of student internships, the application enables the supervision and management of the entire teaching process and the possibility of generating various reports on the completed student internship at the level of the academic year. The third stakeholder in student practice is the higher education institution itself. The application institution provides insight into the entire process and obtaining the information needed to assess the quality of this teaching process. The application was created using Spring Boot and AngularJS technology using the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Application security is ensured by the implemented Spring Security framework that provides user authentication and authorization. In its work, the application uses a MySQL database developed specifically for the needs of this project

    Prikaz rada trenažnoga simulacijskog oružja u praktičnoj nastavi policijskih službenika

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    Prikaz rada trenažnoga simulacijskog oružja u praktičnoj nastavi policijskih službenik

    Rapid formulation of redox-responsive oligo-β-aminoester polyplexes with siRNA via jet printing

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    Here we describe a rapid inkjet formulation method for screening newly-synthesised cationic materials for siRNA delivery into cancer cells. Reduction responsive oligo-β-aminoesters were prepared and evaluated for their ability to condense siRNA into polyplexes through a fast inkjet printing method. A direct relationship between the oligomer structures and charge densities, and the final cell response in terms of uptake rate and transfection efficacy, was found. The oligo-β-aminoesters were well-tolerated by the cancer cells, compared to conventional cationic polymers so far employed in gene delivery, and were as active in silencing of a representative luciferase gene

    Mammalian cell-driven polymerisation of pyrrole

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    A model cancer cell line was used to initiate polymerisation of pyrrole to form the conducting material polypyrrole. The polymerisation was shown to occur via cytosolic exudates rather than via membrane redox sites which normally control the oxidation state of iron as ferricyanide or ferrocyanide.. The data demonstrate for the first time that mammalian cells can be used to initiate synthesis of conducting polymers, and suggest a possible route to detection of cell damage and/or transcellular processes via an in‐situ and amplifiable signal generation

    Poly(triazolyl methacrylate) glycopolymers as potential targeted unimolecular nanocarriers

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019.Synthetic glycopolymers are increasingly investigated as multivalent ligands for a range of biological and biomedical applications. This study indicates that glycopolymers with a fine-tuned balance between hydrophilic sugar pendant units and relatively hydrophobic polymer backbones can act as single-chain targeted nanocarriers for low molecular weight hydrophobic molecules. Non-covalent complexes formed from poly(triazolyl methacrylate) glycopolymers and low molecular weight hydrophobic guest molecules were characterised through a range of analytical techniques-DLS, SLS, TDA, fluorescence spectroscopy, surface tension analysis-and molecular dynamics (MD) modelling simulations provided further information on the macromolecular characteristics of these single chain complexes. Finally, we show that these nanocarriers can be utilised to deliver a hydrophobic guest molecule, Nile red, to both soluble and surface-immobilised concanavalin A (Con A) and peanut agglutinin (PNA) model lectins with high specificity, showing the potential of non-covalent complexation with specific glycopolymers in targeted guest-molecule delivery.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio