761 research outputs found

    Technology Incubators as Nodes in Knowledge Networks

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    It is widely accepted that new knowledge underpinned innovation and growth influences economic activities. Economic agents rely not only on their own knowledge but also knowledge from others, whether it be codified and ’transferred via ICT’ or in tacit form. Moreover, it has long been argued that the acquisition of latter type of knowledge is influenced by geographic proximity. Based on this argument, it follows that the part firms’ supply of knowledge depends on how close, in terms of physical distance, to other firms, suppliers, customers, and research institutions, they are located. They are all can be categorize as a pool of knowledge that important for the firms’ growth and innovation capacity. Today, we witness many initiatives from policy makers around the world to compete in an increasingly technology- driven global economy through the establishing of technology incubators. Technology incubators can be conceived as organizations and/or facilities to enhance high-technology firm establishment and survival. Mostly they are located near the university or research center. There are many success stories on the contribution of incubators to the regional growth. At the same time, technology incubators have been widely criticized in the academic literature when judged in terms of regional innovation and knowledge development. The critics include the relying on an outdated, linear, model of innovation, which assumes that knowledge can be transferred directly from university to firms. However, innovation is now widely recognized as a complex non-linear process involving feedback loops and the creation of synergies through a diverse range of knowledge networks. Therefore, our understanding about knowledge spillover processes connected with incubator is yet poor. Very little is known about the mechanisms of knowledge exchange and spillover initiated by incubator and their role in supporting the growth of the firm. In this study we draw on the current body of literature, mainly agglomeration theories, and use the concepts of tacit knowledge and context to understand how knowledge spillovers actually take place. Our objective is to build a conceptual framework that describes how technology incubators operate as a mediator of knowledge for their tenants. In addition, based on empirical data of high-technology start-ups at TU Delft (The Netherlands), this study tests the proposition that not only geographic proximity to the university, but also that relations with other firms, particularly customers and suppliers matters. We also consider the function of ICT in shaping the new role of technology incubators in providing knowledge support. By explicitly analyzing the knowledge spillovers and mediation role offered by technology incubators, we seek to open up the ‘black box’ of the incubation process as a source of learning and gaining knowledge resources. We conclude the paper with a few recommendations for policymaking and further research.

    Determinants of University Spin-Offs’ Growth: Do Socioeconomic Networks and Support Matter?

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    University spin-offs (USOs), as a type of entrepreneurial firms, face the challenge of obtaining sufficient resources to realize perceived business opportunities. USOs are vulnerable to many obstacles in this endeavor, particularly obstacles related to a lack of entrepreneurial knowledge (skills). Support such as office facilities, loan, and business coaching provided by incubator organizations, may help USOs to overcome obstacles. On the other hand, USOs may also overcome the lack of resources by participating in networks of supportive relationships. Social networking by USOs, including its spatial dimension, is not well understood. For instance, it is still not known how universities as a main source of knowledge contribute to the knowledge needs of nearby USOs; similarly, the spatial layout of knowledge relations of USOs has remained virtually unknown. This paper attempts to fill this knowledge gap. Our conceptual model of early growth of USOs, in terms of knowledge needs and fulfilment, is based on resource-based theory and social network theory. In this paper, we assume that USOs’ embeddedness in a network of ties is an important source of variation in the acquisition of knowledge resources. We argue that, aside from support from incubation organizations, USOs that maintain networks rich in bridging or boundary-spanning ties with knowledge institutions/actors are better-off compared with USOs that don’t employ such ties. We focus on the role of local institutions, particularly the university, as a source of knowledge. Our assumptions are tested on the basis of a sample of academic spin-offs of TU Delft, the Netherlands. The results from regression modeling are expected to support the embeddedness hypothesis and to produce new insights about the link between USOs’ social networks, the acquisition of knowledge and survival and growth.

    Analisa Pengaruh Store Corporate Image Dan Customer Satisfaction Terhadap Store Performance Pada USAha Retail Bahan Bangunan Dan Perlengkapan Rumah Tangga Di Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the affect of corporate image on store store's performance through customer's satisfaction as the intervening variable on retail store building materials and home appliances in Surabaya. Sample of this study is 35 retail stores of building materials and home appliances in Surabaya. Data were collected by distributing questionnaire to the customers and managers of the stores. This study were used path modeling analysis technique with PLS. Results showed that there were positive and significant affect of store corporate image on customer satisfaction, positive and significant affect of customer satisfaction on store performance, and also positive and significant affect of corporate image on store performance on retail store building materials and home appliances in Surabaya

    Hubungan Antara Konsentrasi Amonia Cairan Rumen Dan Degradasi Pakan in sacco Pada Domba

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    INTISARI Konsentrasi amonia cairan rumen memegang peranan penting bagi kehidupan mikroba rumen untuk melakukan aktivitas degradasi terhadap pakan. Dua buah penelitian telah dilakukan path 10 (sepuluh) ekor domba yang diberi pakan basal jerami padi anunoniasi dengan urea (JPAU) plus konsentrat (penelitian 1) atau daun kaliandra (penelitian 2).- Konsentrasi amonia diatur dengan penambahan molasses blok (MB) yang mengandung 3 %, 6% dan 9% urea pada ransum basal. Perlakuan ransum yang digunakan pada penelitian 1 ialah : A= JPAU ad lib. + konsentrat 1 % dari berat badanB= JPAU + MB 6 % ureaC = A + MB 3 % ureaD= A + MB 6% ureadan E= A + MB 9 % urea. Pada penelitian 2 digunakan perlakuan yang sama dengan penelitian 1 kecuali konsentrat diganti dengan daun kaliandra. Ternak tersebut dialokasikan ke dalam kandang metabolis secara individu dalam rancangan bujur sangkar latin 5 X 5 untuk setiap penelitian. Degradasi in sacco pakan (JPAU, konsentrat dan daun kaliandra) ditentukan dengan menggunakan kantong nilon yang diinkubasikan ke dalam rumen domba selama 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 dan 48 jam menurut metode Orskov click. (1980). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi ammonia cairan rumen berfluktuasi sepanjang hari dengan rerata lebih tinggi dan 90 mgN/L, serta secara nyata (

    Examining change in entrepreneurial networks:Using visualisation as an alternative approach

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    Although network-based research in entrepreneurship has considered the importance of networks for small firm growth, studies have been criticised for their contradictory inferences on how entrepreneurs should embed in networks, and for overlooking the fact that networks are dynamic in nature. In this paper, we seek to contribute to entrepreneurial network literature by exploring changes in entrepreneurial networks using a network mapping approach. To meet our research objectives, we implement an innovative research design (network mapping) where entrepreneurs visually demonstrate how their networks have changed. We find that entrepreneurial networks evolve dynamically in relation to entrepreneurial stages such as opportunity exploration, initial resource gathering, incubation, early market entry, and growth. Based on the characteristics of network, the change can be defined as the initial networks change towards support-based networks, market-based networks, and the development of core networks. Given the nature of these findings, this study contributes to fostering understanding on network changes and the effectiveness of a network mapping approach as an alternative data collection methodology in network research


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    Sistem distribusi menjadi penting bagi perusahaan karena menghantarkan barang dari perusahaan hingga ke konsumen akhir. Pengiriman barang menjadi salah satu alasan utama seorang konsumen memilih seller atau agen memilih supplier. Rancangan untuk sistem distribusi pada CV Putra-Putri dilakukan dengan pendekatan menggunakan  strategi distribusi yaitu cross docking, direct shipment, dan warehousing, Kemudian dengan membandingkan biaya total untuk masing-masing strategi distribusi tersebut. Konsep yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi distribusi yang dikemukakan oleh Simchi-Levi et.al (2003) yang terdiri dari cross docking, direct shipment, dan warehousing.  CV Putra-Putri merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur mainan edukasi untuk anak-anak yang berlokasi di Jombang. CV Putra-Putri sedang mengalami masalah terkait sistem distribusi, khusunya transportasi barang hingga ke konsumen akhir. Sistem distribusi yang digunakan oleh CV Putra-Putri adalah sistem distribusi langsung, yaitu mengirimkan langsung kepada pelanggannya. Sistem distribusi seperti ini menyebabkan biaya transportasi membengkak. Masalah ini terjadi karena jarak yang terlalu jauh dan pengiriman dilakukan secara langsung. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan bahwa berdasarkan perbandingan biaya total untuk masing-masing strategi distribusi, maka dapat memberikan sistem distribusi yang tepat dan disarankan dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan dalam mendistribusikan produk hingga ke konsumen akhir. Berdasarkan perbandingan biaya distribusi yang dilakukan pada penilitian ini, maka dianjurkan perusahaan menggunakan strategi distribusi warehousing dan berdasarkan perbandingan masing-masing biaya distribusi dan total cost, maka dianjurkan agar CV Putra-Putri menggunakan strategi distribusi warehousing untuk mendistribusikan produknya hingga ke konsumen akhir

    Motivational Education Practices and Their Effects on Kandoh in University Lectures

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    Sistem distribusi menjadi penting bagi perusahaan karena menghantarkan barang dari perusahaan hingga ke konsumen akhir. Pengiriman barang menjadi salah satu alasan utama seorang konsumen memilih seller atau agen memilih supplier. Rancangan untuk sistem distribusi pada CV Putra-Putri dilakukan dengan pendekatan menggunakan  strategi distribusi yaitu cross docking, direct shipment, dan warehousing, Kemudian dengan membandingkan biaya total untuk masing-masing strategi distribusi tersebut. Konsep yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi distribusi yang dikemukakan oleh Simchi-Levi et.al (2003) yang terdiri dari cross docking, direct shipment, dan warehousing.  CV Putra-Putri merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur mainan edukasi untuk anak-anak yang berlokasi di Jombang. CV Putra-Putri sedang mengalami masalah terkait sistem distribusi, khusunya transportasi barang hingga ke konsumen akhir. Sistem distribusi yang digunakan oleh CV Putra-Putri adalah sistem distribusi langsung, yaitu mengirimkan langsung kepada pelanggannya. Sistem distribusi seperti ini menyebabkan biaya transportasi membengkak. Masalah ini terjadi karena jarak yang terlalu jauh dan pengiriman dilakukan secara langsung. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan bahwa berdasarkan perbandingan biaya total untuk masing-masing strategi distribusi, maka dapat memberikan sistem distribusi yang tepat dan disarankan dapat digunakan oleh perusahaan dalam mendistribusikan produk hingga ke konsumen akhir. Berdasarkan perbandingan biaya distribusi yang dilakukan pada penilitian ini, maka dianjurkan perusahaan menggunakan strategi distribusi warehousing dan berdasarkan perbandingan masing-masing biaya distribusi dan total cost, maka dianjurkan agar CV Putra-Putri menggunakan strategi distribusi warehousing untuk mendistribusikan produknya hingga ke konsumen akhir
