24,184 research outputs found

    Fall Prevention Among Older Adults Living in the Community

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    Older adults are within the fastest population growth rate in the United States, and as the population ages, the potential for falls increases (DHHS, 2011). This was a mixed-method explanatory study that investigated the perceptions of older adults regarding the usefulness, adequacy, and positive experience of fall information among older adults living in the community when received from healthcare professionals during physician’s office visits. The research questions were: 1. What is the relationship among perceptions of usefulness, adequacy, and positive experience of fall information among older adults? 2. Is there a difference in the perceptions of usefulness and adequacy among older adults who receive fall information in a positive manner and those who receive fall information in a negative manner? 3. Is there a difference in the perceptions of useful and adequacy of fall prevention information between older adults who live alone and those who live with someone? The results to question 1 were that there were strong positive significant correlations. The results to question 2 were that the null hypothesis was rejected. There is evidence to assume that those who received fall prevention information in a positive manner reported it to be more useful and adequate. The results to question 3 were that there was not enough evidence to reject the hypothesis of no difference in the perceptions of usefulness or adequacy of fall prevention information among participants who live alone and those who live with someone. The qualitative questions were: 1. Tell me a little more about what you need from healthcare providers regarding fall prevention information. 2. Tell me what you think healthcare providers should be discussing with older adults regarding fall prevention. 3. Tell me a little bit more what you feel would be beneficial to you in terms of fall prevention information. 4. Tell me about your experience of getting fall prevention information at a doctor’s office. The analyses of the open-ended data were repetitive themes expressed by the participants. The analyses of the closed-ended questions were confirming statements of the same themes found in the closed-ended interviews

    Holographic Relaxation of Finite Size Isolated Quantum Systems

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    We study holographically the out of equilibrium dynamics of a finite size closed quantum system in 2+1 dimensions, modelled by the collapse of a shell of a massless scalar field in AdS4. In global coordinates there exists a variety of evolutions towards final black hole formation which we relate with different patterns of relaxation in the dual field theory. For large scalar initial data rapid thermalization is achieved as a priori expected. Interesting phenomena appear for small enough amplitudes. Such shells do not generate a black hole by direct collapse, but quite generically an apparent horizon emerges after enough bounces off the AdS boundary. We relate this bulk evolution with relaxation processes at strong coupling which delay in reaching an ergodic stage. Besides the dynamics of bulk fields, we monitor the entanglement entropy, finding that it oscillates quasi-periodically before final equilibration. The radial position of the traveling shell is brought into correspondence with the evolution of the entanglement pattern in the dual field theory. The entanglement entropy is not only able to portrait the streaming of entangled excitations, but it is also a useful probe of interaction effects.Comment: 37 pages, 27 figure

    Protegiendo la mente: un análisis al concepto de lo mental en la ley de neuroderechos

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    After examining some of the most fundamental aspects of the general concept of ‘neuroright’ in the current discussion, this paper analyzes the concept of ‘the mental’ contained in the very first law of neurorights in the world currently under discussion in the Senate of the Republic of Chile (Bulletin 13.828-19 of the Chilean Senate). It is claimed that the lack of specificity of the target notion might not only posit difficulties for the creation of specific legal frameworks for the protection of subjects from potential misuses of neurotechnologies with access to neural data, but it might also make very difficult the process of decision-taking when interpreting the law.Luego de examinar algunos de los aspectos más fundamentales respecto del concepto general de ‘neuroderecho’ en la discusión mundial actual, este artículo analiza el concepto de ‘lo mental’ contenido en la primera ley de Neuroderechos en el Mundo en actual proceso de discusión en el Senado de Chile (Boletín N° 13.828-19 del Senado de la República de Chile). Se señala que la caracterización del concepto en cuestión no solo podría dificultar la creación de marcos legales específicos respecto de la protección de los sujetos ante el mal uso de neurotecnologías, sino que también podrían oscurecer la toma de decisiones en torno a la interpretación de la ley

    Métodos de alimentación alternativa para recién-nacidos prematuros

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    OBJECTIVE: To present a literature review about the use of glass/cup as an alternative method of feeding premature newborns and to identify if there is a consensus on its indication for this population. DATA SOURCE: A narrative review of the literature. Articles were selected from Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, and Cochrane databases, regardless of year, using the following specific key-words: feeding, premature newborn, breastfeeding, feeding methods. DATA SYNTHESIS: Although some studies showed that feeding premature and term newborns using the glass/cup is safe and efficient, most of them did not apply an objective evaluation of the swallowing to identify the effect of the method in this population. CONCLUSIONS: There is no consensus in the literature about feeding premature newborn infants by glass/cup. Controlled studies should be conducted in order to evaluate risks and benefits of alternative feeding methods in preterm newborn infants.OBJETIVO: Presentar revisión de literatura sobre el uso de vaso/taza como método alternativo de alimentación para recién-nacidos prematuros y verificar si hay consenso sobre su indicación para esta población. FUENTES DE DATOS: Revisión de literatura narrativa, habiendo sido seleccionados artículos en las bases de datos Medline, Lilacs, SciELO y Cochrane, independientemente del año, usando descriptores específicos: alimentación artificial, recién-nacido prematuro, lactancia materna, métodos de alimentación. SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Aunque algunos estudios afirmen que el método vaso/taza es eficaz y seguro para alimentar a recién-nacidos pre-término y a término, tales estudios no evalúan de modo objetivo el efecto del método sobre la deglución de estos pacientes. CONCLUSIONES: Se verificó que no hay consenso en la literatura respecto a la complementación de la alimentación de recién-nacidos prematuros mediante vaso/taza. Se debe realizar estudios controlados con la finalidad de rever riesgos y beneficios del uso de métodos alternativos en la alimentación del recién-nacido prematuro.OBJETIVO: Apresentar revisão de literatura sobre o uso do copo/xícara como método alternativo de alimentação para recém-nascidos prematuros e verificar se há consenso sobre sua indicação para essa população. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão de literatura narrativa, tendo sido selecionados artigos nas bases de dados Medline, Lilacs, SciELO e Cochrane, independentemente do ano, usando descritores específicos: alimentação artificial, recém-nascido prematuro, aleitamento materno, métodos de alimentação. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Apesar de alguns estudos afirmarem que o método do copo/xícara é eficaz e seguro para alimentar recém-nascidos pré-termo e a termo, tais estudos não avaliam de forma objetiva o efeito do método sobre a deglutição desses pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Verificou-se não haver consenso na literatura quanto à complementação da alimentação de recém-nascidos prematuros por meio do copo/xícara. Estudos controlados devem ser realizados com a finalidade de rever riscos e benefícios do uso de métodos alternativos na alimentação do recém-nascido prematuro.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUNIFESPSciEL

    El sostenimiento de la educación en México

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    Los recursos asignados a la educación se reconocen como la inversión más rentable que se pueda hacer para impulsar el desarrollo de un país, pero son escasos los estudios sobre el sostenimiento del sistema educativo mexicano en su conjunto. En este trabajo se analiza la evolución en los últimos años del gasto educativo en México, la participación de los sectores público y privado, las disposiciones legales al respecto y la medida en que se cumplen. La situación nacional se evalúa en el contexto de la OCDE. Se recurre a indicadores inclusivos en lugar de números absolutos para facilitar la comprensión de las grandes cantidades que involucran los análisis y a precios internacionales para permitir comparaciones directas entre países con economías asimétricas

    Long-Term Fish Assemblage Dynamics of the Alvarado Lagoon Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico

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    The fish assemblages of Alvarado Lagoon Estuary (a complex of coastal lagoons in the state of Veracruz, Mexico) have been surveyed intermittently by different researchers over the last 40 years. Assessing longterm trends in fish assemblage composition for this ecosystem is problematic due to differences in sampling efforts among the survey periods (1966–1968, 1987–1988, 1989, 1989–1990, 1990–1991 and 2000–2001) and by the inherent ecological variability of estuaries. To overcome these data limitations and better understand fish assemblage change over time, we used robust, simulation-based analyses to compare collections from the different surveys. The 107 fish species collected from the Alvarado Lagoon Estuary in these surveys represent 4 ecological guilds: marine stenohaline, marine euryhaline, estuarine, and freshwater fishes. The occurrence frequency of fish species representing each guild did not change significantly among the survey periods: the chi-square deviation statistic ( 2 = 8.53) was not significantly larger than the average value for 1000 simulated matrices ( 2 = 138.64; P = 1.00). A non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) based on Bray-Curtis similarities of fish species presenceabsence data showed that the 1966–1968 survey period was the least similar to the other survey periods. For the 1966–1968 survey, the range of Bray-Curtis inter-survey similarities was 40.4–58.6 (n = 5). By comparison, the remaining range of inter-survey similarities was 61.5–81.7 (n = 10). Average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+), two sample size-independent measures of diversity, were calculated for all survey periods. Although Δ+ and Λ+ for all survey periods were within the simulated 95% confidence limits for expected values, these values for the 2000–2001 survey period were less than the average Δ+ and Λ+ values for the entire species pool. This suggests that the fish assemblage collected during the latest survey reflects a loss of both widespread higher taxa (reduced Δ+) and that the higher taxa lost are those with only a few representative species in the assemblage (reduced Λ+). These assemblage data show that fish assemblages of Alvarado Lagoon Estuary have not experienced significant changes over 40 years, but differences among the earliest (1966–1968), the latest (2000–2001), and the remaining survey periods indicate a recent decline in diversity