
The Importance Of End-User Analysis In New Information System Adapters: Lessons Learned From Practice


The implementation of Information System (IS) in new-IS adapters can remain unused even when they developed properly. The previous research shows that the unsuccessful IS utilization problem primarily related to behavioral issues rather than technical issues. The behavioral issues should be addressed in the stakeholder analysis, an activity in the inception phase of requirement engineering. End-users of an IS are one of the focuses in stakeholder analysis. We studied the correlation of the end-user analysis in new-IS adapters with the successfulness of IS utilization. We conducted a qualitative studied on 20 IS development projects. The findings show strong correlation of the end-user behavior and the IS adoption. We suggest the end-user analysis is necessary for the IS development project in new-IS adapters. We concluded that it is recommended to formally get the end-user commitment before starting the IS development process. Keyword : Information System, end-user analysis, new-IS adapters, end-user commitmen

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