125 research outputs found

    Studien zur Baugeschichte der Wallfahrtskirche Maria Pöllauberg

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    Erarbeitung des Forschungsstandes unter der BerĂŒcksichtigung der vorhandenen Literatur; Zuordnung stilistischer Vergleichsbeispiele; Schlussfolgerungen zur Bauzeit und zur tĂ€tigen BauhĂŒtt

    Josef Strzygowski - Zur Entwicklung seines Denkens

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    Meine Forschungen zu dem Kunsthistoriker Josef Strzygowski konzentrieren sich im Wesentlichen auf zwei Aspekte seines Denkens: Einerseits auf die Entwicklung seines Ă€sthetisch-kulturellen Ansatzes, der ihn zu den verheerenden Aussagen des SpĂ€twerks fĂŒhren sollte, andererseits auf sein methodisches VerstĂ€ndnis. Dieses hat sich vor allem unter dem Einfluss seiner Lehrer in MĂŒnchen und Berlin gestaltet und war ein wesentlicher Grund fĂŒr die Konflikte mit der traditionell orientierten Wiener Schule der Kunstgeschichte. Angesichts Strzygowskis offensiv geĂ€ußerter Sympathien fĂŒr die Nationalsozialisten ist in der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit ihm ĂŒbersehen worden, dass er auch ein elaboriertes methodisches Werk, bestehend aus vielen AufsĂ€tzen und mehreren Monographien hinterlassen hat. Diese offenbaren einen Denker, der seit dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts – unter dem Einfluss des Expressionismus – Forderungen an die Kunstgeschichte als Kunstwissenschaft gestellt hat, die spĂ€ter vom iconic turn, in Unkenntnis Strzygowskis, neu gefordert und formuliert wurden. Ausgehend vor allem von seinen MĂŒnchner Erfahrungen hat Strzygowski das Objekt in den Mittelpunkt des kunstwissenschaftlichen Interesses gestellt und diesem alle anderen kunsthistorischen Diskurse und Kontexte untergeordnet. Die kunstwissenschaftliche Forschung soll ausgehend von einer Dominanz, TotalitĂ€t des Objektes dessen entwicklungsgeschichtliche Einordnung zurĂŒckstellen, wichtiger seien die kĂŒnstlerischen QualitĂ€ten des Objekts und deren Parallelisierungsmöglichkeiten in der Gesamtheit der Bildenden Kunst aller RĂ€ume und Zeiten. Vor dem Hintergrund der Analyse der „kĂŒnstlerischen QualitĂ€ten“ (Strzygowski) des Einzelwerks entwickelt sich nunmehr die Chance einer UmwĂ€lzung bisheriger wissenschaftlicher Modi, Denkmuster und Herangehensweise. Die so starre Chronologie, die Einordnung der Objekte in zeitliche Parameter ist nicht mehr unĂŒberwindbar, nein die Kunst aller RĂ€ume und Zeiten öffnet sich dem wissenschaftlichen, positiven Vergleich. Untrennbar mit der Entwicklung seiner Methodik verbunden, ist die Genese seines Ă€sthetisch-kulturellen VerstĂ€ndnisses. Dieses hat die klassischen RĂ€ume der Kunstgeschichte ĂŒberwunden und versucht, den „Osten“ in die Logik einer „Weltkunstgeschichte“ einzubinden. Bald nach der Jahrhundertwende, dann verstĂ€rkt im Kontext des Ersten Weltkrieges dehnte sich Strzygowskis Interesse nach „Norden“ aus – und ab dann verschwimmt sein positivistischer Ansatz. Zu einem solchen hatte sich Strzygowski immer bekannt, auch um der Kritik an seiner Methode zu begegnen; dieser kann jedoch vor allem fĂŒr die Äußerungen der 1920er Jahre, die von nordisch-völkischer Imagination geprĂ€gt sind, nicht mehr aufrecht erhalten werden. Die Arbeit schließt mit dem Versuch einer Einordnung Strzygowskis in die Geistes- und Ideologiegeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.My research on the Art Historian Josef Strzygowski concentrates mainly on two aspects of his thinking, on the one hand on the development of his aesthetic-cultural approach towards his subject, leading him to the devastating statements of his later works. On the other hand this paper debates his methodological convictions, which had been developed under the influence of his academic teachers in Berlin and Munich. These convictions were a major reason for his conflicts with the traditionally orientated Viennese School of Art History. In the light of Strzygowski `s sympathy for National Socialism the academic discussion did not focus his elaborated methodical approach, consisting of many articles and volumes. These show us a thinker, who, since the beginning of the 20th century, under the influence of expressionist thoughts, claims, that art history has to develop to an extensive, global analysis of art (“Kunstwissenschaft statt Kunstgeschichte”). These claims of a widened approach connect Strzygowski with the requests that have been formulated under the ideas of the iconic turn in the 1990ies. Developing his intellectual experiences from Munich, Strzygowski put his focus on the object itself, as center of the science of art, postponing historically interested contexts and debates. Following Strzygowski, art science should concentrate on the object, analyzing its artistic qualities (“kĂŒnstlerische QualitĂ€ten”), trying to parallel it to art of all spaces and times. Questions of history of development and classifications are of less importance, considering the possibilities of overthrowing previous methods, paradigms and approaches by focusing on the artistic qualities: Fixed chronological perspectives, classifications of the objects in parameters of time and space seem not to be binding any more, art of all times and regions opens to the scientific, positive comparison. Inextricably connected to his methodological convictions is the development of Strzygowski`s approach concerning aesthetic-cultural aspects. Strzygowski enlarged art history`s view in concentrating on regions as the “East”, which were not classical areas of interest and tried to establish sort of a world history of art (“Weltkunstgeschichte”). Soon after the turn of the century, increasing in the context of the First World War, Strzygowski `s interest also included the “North” – from now on his positivistic approach, which he stressed in order to counter critic on his method, begins to disappear. From the 1920ies on Strzygowski integrates obscurantist northern imaginations in his works, which then begin to dominate his thinking. The paper ends in attempting to find a place for Strzygowski in the ideological history of the last century

    The GeneOptimizer Algorithm: using a sliding window approach to cope with the vast sequence space in multiparameter DNA sequence optimization

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    One of the main advantages of de novo gene synthesis is the fact that it frees the researcher from any limitations imposed by the use of natural templates. To make the most out of this opportunity, efficient algorithms are needed to calculate a coding sequence, combining different requirements, such as adapted codon usage or avoidance of restriction sites, in the best possible way. We present an algorithm where a “variation window” covering several amino acid positions slides along the coding sequence. Candidate sequences are built comprising the already optimized part of the complete sequence and all possible combinations of synonymous codons representing the amino acids within the window. The candidate sequences are assessed with a quality function, and the first codon of the best candidates’ variation window is fixed. Subsequently the window is shifted by one codon position. As an example of a freely accessible software implementing the algorithm, we present the Mr. Gene web-application. Additionally two experimental applications of the algorithm are shown

    Fachspezifische Lehrerkompetenzen (FALKO) - Teilprojekt Physik

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    Bei der interdisziplinĂ€ren Forschungsgruppe FALKO handelt es sich um einen Zusammenschluss verschiedener Didaktiken der UniversitĂ€t Regensburg. Ziel von FALKO ist die Entwicklung reliabler und valider Testinstrumente zur Erfassung des Professionswissens von LehrkrĂ€ften der Sekundarstufe I fĂŒr unterschiedliche FĂ€cher. Der Wissenstaxonomie von Shulman folgend, werden im Gesamtprojekt drei Kernbereiche des Professionswissens fokussiert: Das Fachdidaktische Wissen (PCK), das Fachwissen (CK) und das PĂ€dagogische Wissen (PK). Des Weiteren lehnt sich  das gemeinsame Rahmenkonzept an die COACTIV-Studie an. Demzufolge werden als Subfacetten des PCK das „ErklĂ€ren und ReprĂ€sentieren von Sachverhalten“ sowie das „Kennen typischer SchĂŒlerfehler und Lernschwierigkeiten“ konzeptualisiert. WĂ€hrend bei COACTIV als dritte Subfacette das „Erkennen des multiplen Lösungspotenzials von Aufgaben“ operationalisiert wurde, beinhaltet das Testinstrument des Teilprojekts FALKO-Physik als dritte Subfacette das „Wissen ĂŒber Messen und Experimentieren“. Der CK-Test Physik umfasst Aufgaben sowohl zum Schulwissen als auch zum vertieften Hintergrundwissen zur Schulphysik der Sekundarstufe I. Im Vortrag werden die theoretische Rahmenkonzeption, die Vorgehensweise bei der Testkonstruktion, sowie Ergebnisse aus der Pilotierungsphase prĂ€sentiert

    Interactive videos: Plausible video editing using sparse structure points

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    Video remains the method of choice for capturing temporal events. However, without access to the underlying 3D scene models, it remains difficult to make object level edits in a single video or across multiple videos. While it may be possible to explicitly reconstruct the 3D geometries to facilitate these edits, such a workflow is cumbersome, expensive, and tedious. In this work, we present a much simpler workflow to create plausible editing and mixing of raw video footage using only sparse structure points (SSP) directly recovered from the raw sequences. First, we utilize user-scribbles to structure the point representations obtained using structure-from-motion on the input videos. The resultant structure points, even when noisy and sparse, are then used to enable various video edits in 3D, including view perturbation, keyframe animation, object duplication and transfer across videos, etc. Specifically, we describe how to synthesize object images from new views adopting a novel image-based rendering technique using the SSPs as proxy for the missing 3D scene information. We propose a structure-preserving image warping on multiple input frames adaptively selected from object video, followed by a spatio-temporally coherent image stitching to compose the final object image. Simple planar shadows and depth maps are synthesized for objects to generate plausible video sequence mimicking real-world interactions. We demonstrate our system on a variety of input videos to produce complex edits, which are otherwise difficult to achieve

    Crowd Motion Capture

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    International audienceIn this paper a new and original technique to animate a crowd of human beings is presented. Following the success of data-driven animation models (such as motion capture) in the context of articulated figures control, we propose to derivate a similar type of approach for crowd motions. In our framework, the motion of the crowds are represented as a time series of velocity fields estimated from a video of a real crowd. This time series is used as an input of a simple animation model that ”advect” people along this timevarying flow. We demonstrate the power of our technique on both synthetic and real examples of crowd videos. We also introduce the notions of crowd motion editing and present possible extensions to our work

    Exploring the use of skeletal tracking for cheaper motion graphs and on-set decision making in Free-Viewpoint Video production

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    In free-viewpoint video (FVV), the motion and surface appearance of a real-world performance is captured as an animated mesh. While this technology can produce high-fidelity recreations of actors, the required 3D reconstruction step has substantial processing demands. This means FVV experiences are currently expensive to produce, and the processing delay means on-set decisions are hampered by a lack of feedback. This work explores the possibility of using RGB-camera-based skeletal tracking to reduce the amount of content that must be 3D reconstructed, as well as aiding on-set decision making. One particularly relevant application is in the construction of Motion Graphs, where state-of-the-art techniques require large amounts of content to be 3D reconstructed before a graph can be built, resulting in large amounts of wasted processing effort. Here, we propose the use of skeletons to assess which clips of FVV content to process, resulting in substantial cost savings with a limited impact on performance accuracy. Additionally, we explore how this technique could be utilised on set to reduce the possibility of requiring expensive reshoots

    Identifying protein complexes directly from high-throughput TAP data with Markov random fields

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Predicting protein complexes from experimental data remains a challenge due to limited resolution and stochastic errors of high-throughput methods. Current algorithms to reconstruct the complexes typically rely on a two-step process. First, they construct an interaction graph from the data, predominantly using heuristics, and subsequently cluster its vertices to identify protein complexes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a model-based identification of protein complexes directly from the experimental observations. Our model of protein complexes based on Markov random fields explicitly incorporates false negative and false positive errors and exhibits a high robustness to noise. A model-based quality score for the resulting clusters allows us to identify reliable predictions in the complete data set. Comparisons with prior work on reference data sets shows favorable results, particularly for larger unfiltered data sets. Additional information on predictions, including the source code under the GNU Public License can be found at http://algorithmics.molgen.mpg.de/Static/Supplements/ProteinComplexes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We can identify complexes in the data obtained from high-throughput experiments without prior elimination of proteins or weak interactions. The few parameters of our model, which does not rely on heuristics, can be estimated using maximum likelihood without a reference data set. This is particularly important for protein complex studies in organisms that do not have an established reference frame of known protein complexes.</p
