289 research outputs found

    Design and improving the work of a concave solar collector - CSC

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    The purpose of the project is to design and improve the work of a concave solar collector CSC to heat the water; it works by reflecting the solar radiation and the global warming, also it works in the cloudy and fractional cloudy ambience. Used materials available on the local market to build and improve design: The body of the design is concave, mirrors, copper tube, Clear glass panel, thermal insulating materials, Matte black pigment and devices were used to record the temperature of H2O leaving the CSC. Tested CSC before and after the improvements during the period from Dec-2017 to Jan-2020, showed the test results stability in the work of CSC where the temperature of H2o produced on sunny days is (58-97) C°, cloudy days are (49-70) C° and fractional cloudy days are (45-70) C° to take into account the ambience temperature on that day. Before the improvement, the flux velocity stabilized at 0.162 L/min but after the improvement, the flux velocity stabilized at 0.17 L/min where the productivity of the CSC per one day of hot H2O is 112.2 L/m², it can be used in various fields far from other energy sources

    Restoration for blurred noisy images based on guided filtering and inverse filter

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    The development of complex life leads into a need using images in several fields, because these images degraded during capturing the image from mobiles, cameras and persons who do not have sufficient experience in capturing images. It was important using techniques differently to improve images and human perception as image enhancement and image restoration etc. In this paper, restoration noisy blurred images by guided filter and inverse filtering can be used for enhancing images from different types of degradation was proposed. In the color images denoising process, it was very significant for improving the edge and texture information. Eliminating noise can be enhanced by the image quality. In this article, at first, The color images were taken. Then, random noise and blur were added to the images. Then, the noisy blurred image passed to the guided filtering to get on denoised image. Finally, an inverse filter applied to the blurred image by convolution an image with a mask and getting on the enhanced image. The results of this research illustrated good outcomes compared with other methods for removing noise and blur based on PSNR measure. Also, it enhanced the image and retained the edge details in the denoising process. PSNR and SSIM measures were more sensitive to Gaussian noise than blur

    Image Fusion: A Review

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    At the present time, image fusion is considered as one of the types of integrated technology information, it has played a significant role in several domains and production of high-quality images. The goal of image fusion is blending information from several images, also it is fusing and keeping all the significant visual information that exists in the original images. Image fusion is one of the methods of field image processing. Image fusion is the process of merging information from a set of images to consist one image that is more informative and suitable for human and machine perception. It increases and enhances the quality of images for visual interpretation in different applications. This paper offers the outline of image fusion methods, the modern tendencies of image fusion and image fusion applications. Image fusion can be performed in the spatial and frequency domains. In the spatial domain is applied directly on the original images by merging the pixel values of the two or more images for purpose forming a fused image, while in the frequency domain the original images will decompose into multilevel coefficient and synthesized by using inverse transform to compose the fused image. Also, this paper presents a various techniques for image fusion in spatial and frequency domains such as averaging, minimum/maximum, HIS, PCA and transform-based techniques, etc.. Different quality measures have been explained in this paper to perform a comparison of these methods

    The Study of Pleonasm in Some Selected Texts of Shakespeare's Drama: Julius Caesar

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    التطويل: هو عبارة عن استخدام عدة كلمات لنفس المعنى  اكثر من الضرورة او هو تكرار لكلمات مختلفة من اجل التأكيد . يستخدم التطويل من اجل تعزيز فكرة ما بسبب عدم فهم الكلام او عدم سماعه بصورة جيدة او ربما يكون هنالك  انعدام في التواصل فكري او انعدام وسيلة التواصل الاجتماعي.على سبيل المثال:ترى منى المنظر الجميل بعينيها,ان العبارة الزائدة(بعينيها)هي لتكرار فكرة النظر. تم الافتراض بان الزيادة في استخدام التعابير التطويلية في الظاهر فقط حيث ان العبارات والجمل الاضافية هي ليست عديمة الجدوى كما ذكرت مسبقا. ان الهدف من استخدام التطويل هو للتأكيد على شيء يريد المتكلم ان يسلط الضوء عليه . تحاول هذه الدراسة عرض الفرضيات الاتية: التطويل نوعين هما : التطويل النحوي والدلالي,  وكل نوع منهما له عدة انواع فرعية , تنتهي الدراسة بالاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها الباحث . يستخدم التطويل  في بعض الاحيان من دون قصد من قبل المتكلم او يعزو ذلك الى اسلوبه في الكلام.Pleonasm is the use of more words rather than necessary or it is the repetition of the same words for emphasizing.Pleonasm can be viewed as a repetition of words in order to reinforce the idea for understanding because in most cases there is misunderstanding, mishearing or there is unknown and misfound a mean of communication.e.g. Muna sees the beautiful view with her eyes .So ,in this sentencethe superfluous phrase is (with her eyes )because it repeats the idea of (seeing). It is hypothesized that the increasing of using the pleonasm expressions is just a superficially whereas the words ,phrases and the additional sentences are not a useless according to aforementioned. The aim behind using pleonasm is the emphasis about something that the speaker wants to shed lights on it.The present study proposes the following hypothesis :Pleonasm in English has two types: syntactic and semantic and each one has its own sub-types. The study ends up with the conclusion that pleonasmis sometimes used.pleonasm is used  unconsciously by the speaker because he is backed to his style of speaking

    Design and implementation of dual-core MIPS processor for LU decomposition based on FPGA

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    Many systems like the control systems and in communication systems, there is usually a demand for matrix inversion solution. This solution requires many operations, which makes it not possible or very hard to meet the needs for real-time constraints. Methods were exists to solve this kind of problems, one of these methods by using the LU decomposition of matrix which is a good alternative to matrix inversion. The LU matrices are two matrices, the L matrix, which is a lower triangular matrix, and the U matrix, which is an upper triangular matrix. In this paper, a design of dual-core processor is used as the hardware of the work and certain software was written to enable the two cores of the dual-core processor to work simultaneously in computing the value of the L matrix and U matrix. The result of this work are compared with other works that using single-core processor, and the results found that the time required in the cores of the dual-core is more less than using single-core. The designed dual-core processor is invoked using the VHDL language