423 research outputs found

    The Next Step--Beyond Disaster Resistance to Resilience

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    The Disaster Resistant University program was initiated by FEMA during the Clinton administration. It eventually lost funding, but has been continued by several institutions of higher learning (IHLs) because they found that the program provided a practical common sense approach to disaster planning and mitigation. Recently, the Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI) has begun an initiative to help IHLs go beyond resistance to resilience. No matter how resistant an institution is, it will eventually have to respond to and recover from an unexpected crisis ā€“ a lone gunman, an epidemic, an athletic scandal, or a natural disaster that exceeds its resources. Sometimes, the IHL will be caught in the cascading impacts of a crisis that strikes its neighboring community. CARRI has developed a Community Resilience System (CRS) to help communities enhance their resilience. At FEMAā€™s request, CARRI is adapting its CRS to help IHLs to become more resilient. At its heart, the CRS (like the Disaster Resistant University program) is rooted in a Whole Community approach ā€“ looking at all of an IHLā€™s stakeholders. CARRIā€™s campus resilience system will extend the successful framework of the DRU program by: Ā· Looking beyond continuity of operations toward rapid and complete recovery of the institution. Ā· Considering a wider range of risks. Ā· Developing deeper partnerships with its stakeholders so that, if necessary, they can be more rapidly mobilized to assist in recovery. The essence of resilience is being able to rapidly recover from adversity without lasting harm; that is the goal of the campus resilience system

    The Next Step--Beyond Disaster Resistance to Resilience

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    The Disaster Resistant University program was initiated by FEMA during the Clinton administration. It eventually lost funding, but has been continued by several institutions of higher learning (IHLs) because they found that the program provided a practical common sense approach to disaster planning and mitigation. Recently, the Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI) has begun an initiative to help IHLs go beyond resistance to resilience. No matter how resistant an institution is, it will eventually have to respond to and recover from an unexpected crisis ā€“ a lone gunman, an epidemic, an athletic scandal, or a natural disaster that exceeds its resources. Sometimes, the IHL will be caught in the cascading impacts of a crisis that strikes its neighboring community. CARRI has developed a Community Resilience System (CRS) to help communities enhance their resilience. At FEMAā€™s request, CARRI is adapting its CRS to help IHLs to become more resilient. At its heart, the CRS (like the Disaster Resistant University program) is rooted in a Whole Community approach ā€“ looking at all of an IHLā€™s stakeholders. CARRIā€™s campus resilience system will extend the successful framework of the DRU program by: Ā· Looking beyond continuity of operations toward rapid and complete recovery of the institution. Ā· Considering a wider range of risks. Ā· Developing deeper partnerships with its stakeholders so that, if necessary, they can be more rapidly mobilized to assist in recovery. The essence of resilience is being able to rapidly recover from adversity without lasting harm; that is the goal of the campus resilience system

    Physical and chemical properties of functionalized titanate nanostructures

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    Nanostrukturni titanati (nanocjevčice, nanokristali, nanožice) pokazuju jedinstvenu kombinaciju fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava, kao Å”to je velika specifična povrÅ”ina, veliki omjer dužine i promjera, mogućnost interkalacije i ionske izmjene, protonska vodljivost, te fotokatalitička aktivnost. Cilj disertacije je bio istražiti svojstva titanata i funkcionalizirati ih za primjenu kod fotokatalize, kao ojačavala u kompozitnim polimerima, te za dobivanje feroelektričnih nanostruktura. Kako bi se postigla željena svojstva nanostruktura od ključne važnosti je bilo odrediti strukturu, temperaturnu i mehanokemijsku stabilnost i prilagoditi uvjete sinteze. Prilikom funkcionalizacije titanata za primjenu u fotokatalizi titanatne nanocjevčice su dekorirane nanočesticama srebra i grijane u vodikovoj atmosferi. Za primjenu u kompozitnim polimerima titanatne nanocjevčice su silanizirane i istražena je njihova temperaturna stabilnost i čvrstoća. Prilikom dobivanja feroelektričnog nanostrukturnog BaTiO3, titanatne nanostrukture su koriÅ”tene kao početni materijal za sintezu. Rezultati su pokazali koji su granični uvjeti mehanokemijske stabilnosti titanatnih nanocjevčica. Odredio se utjecaj funkcionalizacije i modifikacije titanatnih nanostruktura na njihova strukturna, kemijska i fizikalna svojstva kao Å”to je apsorpcija Sunčevog zračenja i feroelektričnost barijevih titanatnih nanostruktura. Određivanje i poboljÅ”anje navedenih svojstava od posebne je važnosti zbog moguće primjene navedenih nanostruktura u razgradnji otpadnih voda, solarnim ćelijama, povećanju čvrstoće i temperaturne otpornosti polimera, te moguće primjene dobivenih fotovodljivih BTO-TiO2 heterostruktura za holografsku memoriju.Titanate nanostructure (nanotubes, nanocrystals, nanowires) show a unique combination of physical and chemical properties, such as high specific surface area, a large aspect ratio, possibility of intercalation and ion exchange, proton conductivity and photocatalytic activity. The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the properties of titanate nanostructures and functionalize them for potential applications in photocatalysis, as strengthen in the composite polymers, and to obtain ferroelectric nanostructures. To achieve desired properties of nanostructures, it is crucial to determine the structure, temperature and mechanochemical stability and optimize the synthesis. For the application in photocatalysis, titanate nanotubes surface were decorated by silver nanoparticles and annealed in hydrogen atmosphere. The temperature stability and the strength of silanized titanate nanotubes were studied to improve their application in polymer composites. For the synthesis of nanostructured BaTiO3, titanate nanostructures were used as a precursor. The obtained results showed limitation of mechanochemical stability for titanate nanostructures, the influence of functionalization and modification of titanate nanostructures to their structural, chemical and physical properties. Properties as the Sun light absorption and ferroelectricity of barium titanate was studied. Determination and improvement of mentioned properties is of main importance for possible application of nanostructures for degradation of waste water, in solar cells, for increase of strength and thermal resistivity of polymers and possible application of photoconductive BTO-TiO2 heterostructures for holographic memories

    Morphological and phenological characteristics of invasive weed Abutilon theophrasti Med.

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    Abutilon theophrasti (europski mračnjak) je invazivna korovna vrsta podrijetlom iz Kine. Zbog svojih morfoloÅ”kih svojstva vrlo je jak kompetitor u okopavinskim i povrtnim usjevima gdje izaziva velike gubitke prinosa. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi morfoloÅ”ka i fenoloÅ”ka svojstva europskog mračnjaka pri različitim gustoćama sklopa (2, 5, 10 i 20 jedinki m-2). Pokus je postavljen u proljeće 2014. na pokuÅ”aliÅ”tu Maksimir Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu po shemi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u tri ponavljanja. Zbog tvrde ovojnice i prethodno utvrđene niske klijavosti, sjemenke mračnjaka su neposredno prije sjetve skarificirane. U istraživanju su mjerena morfoloÅ”ka, fenoloÅ”ka i reproduktivna svojstva mračnjaka pri različitim gustoćama sklopa. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se visina biljaka na početku cvatnje između različitih gustoća sklopa nije značajno razlikovala. Međutim, nakon cvatnje biljke mračnjaka su bile značajno viÅ”e u najrjeđem sklopu (2 biljke m-2) u odnosu na biljke s većom intra-kompeticijom (5-20 biljaka m-2). Isti trend utvrđen je i kod broja listova, promjera stabljike te mase suhe stabljike gdje su najviÅ”e vrijednosti utvrđene kod biljaka s najmanjom gustoćom sklopa. Gustoća sklopa utjecala je i na reproduktivna svojstva mračnjaka. Na biljkama mračnjaka kod veće gustoće sklopa (5-20 biljaka m-2) prosječno je utvrđen manji broj tobolaca (124-44) i manji broj sjemenki po biljci (1656-1020) u odnosu na biljke kod najmanje gustoće (175 tobolaca, 3654 sjemenki po biljci). Unatoč tome, utvrđen je trend povećanja sjemena po metru kvadratnome (7307 ā€“ 20401) s povećanjem gustoće biljaka. Ostale komponente prinosa nisu se značajno razlikovale između biljaka s različitim gustoćama sklopa. Tako je utvrđeno prosječno 33 sjemenki po tobolcu, a prosječna masa 1000 sjemenki je iznosila 9,9 grama. Za fenoloÅ”ka svojstva nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između tretmana, pa je tako biljkama mračnjaka bilo potrebno prosječno 162 toplinskih jedinica za nicanje, 979 za cvatnju i 1105 za razvoj prvog tobolca.Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) is an invasive weed species that originated from China. The competitive nature of velvetleaf makes it a serious problem in arable and vegetable crops causing significant yeild losses. The aim of this study was to determinate morphological and phenological characteristics of velvetleaf as affected by various plant densities (2, 5, 10 and 20 plants m-2). The field trial was conducted during spring 2014 on experimental station Maksimir at Faculty of Agriculture in radomized blocks with 3 replicates. Due to impermeable seed coat and previously observed low germination, seeds were scarified before sowing. In the study morfological, fenological and reproductive characteristis of velvetleaf were recorded. Results show that plant height between different velvetleaf densities did not differ at the beginning of flowering. However, plants after flowering were significantly higher in lower densities (2 plants m-2) then those that were growing with more intra-competition (5-20 plants m-2). The same trend is evident from the number of leafs, the diameter of the stem and dry weight of the stem where the higher values were recorded in lower velvetleaf densities. Density of plants affected reproductive characteristics of velvetleaf. Plants in higher densities (5-20 plants m-2) had less capsules (124-44) and smaller number of seeds pre plant (1656-1020) in comparison to the plants that grew in lowest densities (175 capsules, 3654 seeds pre plant). In contrast, more seeds per square meter (7307-20401) were recorded with increasing density of plants. Other yield components were not significantly different between plants in different densities. There was on average of 33 seeds per capsule, and the average weight of 1000 seeds amounted to 9.9 grams. There was no significant difference between treatments in phenology of velevetleaf. Plants needed 162 growing degree days for sprouting, 979 for flowering and 1105 for the development of the first capsule, in average

    Morphological and phenological characteristics of invasive weed Abutilon theophrasti Med.

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    Abutilon theophrasti (europski mračnjak) je invazivna korovna vrsta podrijetlom iz Kine. Zbog svojih morfoloÅ”kih svojstva vrlo je jak kompetitor u okopavinskim i povrtnim usjevima gdje izaziva velike gubitke prinosa. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi morfoloÅ”ka i fenoloÅ”ka svojstva europskog mračnjaka pri različitim gustoćama sklopa (2, 5, 10 i 20 jedinki m-2). Pokus je postavljen u proljeće 2014. na pokuÅ”aliÅ”tu Maksimir Agronomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu po shemi slučajnog bloknog rasporeda u tri ponavljanja. Zbog tvrde ovojnice i prethodno utvrđene niske klijavosti, sjemenke mračnjaka su neposredno prije sjetve skarificirane. U istraživanju su mjerena morfoloÅ”ka, fenoloÅ”ka i reproduktivna svojstva mračnjaka pri različitim gustoćama sklopa. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se visina biljaka na početku cvatnje između različitih gustoća sklopa nije značajno razlikovala. Međutim, nakon cvatnje biljke mračnjaka su bile značajno viÅ”e u najrjeđem sklopu (2 biljke m-2) u odnosu na biljke s većom intra-kompeticijom (5-20 biljaka m-2). Isti trend utvrđen je i kod broja listova, promjera stabljike te mase suhe stabljike gdje su najviÅ”e vrijednosti utvrđene kod biljaka s najmanjom gustoćom sklopa. Gustoća sklopa utjecala je i na reproduktivna svojstva mračnjaka. Na biljkama mračnjaka kod veće gustoće sklopa (5-20 biljaka m-2) prosječno je utvrđen manji broj tobolaca (124-44) i manji broj sjemenki po biljci (1656-1020) u odnosu na biljke kod najmanje gustoće (175 tobolaca, 3654 sjemenki po biljci). Unatoč tome, utvrđen je trend povećanja sjemena po metru kvadratnome (7307 ā€“ 20401) s povećanjem gustoće biljaka. Ostale komponente prinosa nisu se značajno razlikovale između biljaka s različitim gustoćama sklopa. Tako je utvrđeno prosječno 33 sjemenki po tobolcu, a prosječna masa 1000 sjemenki je iznosila 9,9 grama. Za fenoloÅ”ka svojstva nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između tretmana, pa je tako biljkama mračnjaka bilo potrebno prosječno 162 toplinskih jedinica za nicanje, 979 za cvatnju i 1105 za razvoj prvog tobolca.Abutilon theophrasti (velvetleaf) is an invasive weed species that originated from China. The competitive nature of velvetleaf makes it a serious problem in arable and vegetable crops causing significant yeild losses. The aim of this study was to determinate morphological and phenological characteristics of velvetleaf as affected by various plant densities (2, 5, 10 and 20 plants m-2). The field trial was conducted during spring 2014 on experimental station Maksimir at Faculty of Agriculture in radomized blocks with 3 replicates. Due to impermeable seed coat and previously observed low germination, seeds were scarified before sowing. In the study morfological, fenological and reproductive characteristis of velvetleaf were recorded. Results show that plant height between different velvetleaf densities did not differ at the beginning of flowering. However, plants after flowering were significantly higher in lower densities (2 plants m-2) then those that were growing with more intra-competition (5-20 plants m-2). The same trend is evident from the number of leafs, the diameter of the stem and dry weight of the stem where the higher values were recorded in lower velvetleaf densities. Density of plants affected reproductive characteristics of velvetleaf. Plants in higher densities (5-20 plants m-2) had less capsules (124-44) and smaller number of seeds pre plant (1656-1020) in comparison to the plants that grew in lowest densities (175 capsules, 3654 seeds pre plant). In contrast, more seeds per square meter (7307-20401) were recorded with increasing density of plants. Other yield components were not significantly different between plants in different densities. There was on average of 33 seeds per capsule, and the average weight of 1000 seeds amounted to 9.9 grams. There was no significant difference between treatments in phenology of velevetleaf. Plants needed 162 growing degree days for sprouting, 979 for flowering and 1105 for the development of the first capsule, in average

    Applications of a ā€œWhole Communityā€ Framework for Enhancing Community or Campus Resilience

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    AbstractThe Community and Regional Resilience Institute (CARRI) has developed a unique approach to community resilience based on a ā€œWhole Communityā€ concept. It treats communities as a collection of systems, each with its own resilience. CARRI has applied its approach to two kinds of communities: civil communities, and institutions of higher education (IHEs). For both civil communities and IHEs, CARRI carried out a pilot program. For each participant, their leadership directed an assessment of the resilience of the component systems to the types of changes most relevant to that community. Each assessment provided suggestions for filling any gaps identified as part of the assessment. The pilot for the seven IHEs followed that for the seven civil communities and was able to take advantage of lessons learned from the first. These two pilot programs led to the following conclusions:ā€¢CARRI's systems-based approach is both understandable and usable by both types of communities. In practice, it seemed to provide a natural way to look at a community.ā€¢In general, IHEs were able to make better use of the approach than civil communities. This is due, in part, to the improvements made in the IHE pilot program based on the civil communitiesā€™ results. However, it also reflects the more hierarchical nature of IHEs, the tighter coupling of systems within an IHE and greater discretion in the use of resources in an IHE.ā€¢College campuses can be crucial catalysts for enhancing the resilience of civil communities.ā€¢Leadership is a key, perhaps the key, element in the success of a community resilience initiative

    Insights into Chemical Dynamics and Their Impact on the Reactivity of Pt Nanoparticles during CO Oxidation by Operando TEM

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    The functionality of heterogeneous catalysts is influenced by a delicate interplay of multiple parameters, including morphology and structure, chemical potential gradients and related dynamics. Here, we report on how these factors are interconnected. Combining time-resolved transmission electron microscopy imaging and selected area electron diffraction with online conversion detection, CO oxidation over Pt nanoparticles was studied at a pressure of 700 mbar and temperatures up to 500 Ā°C. The different interactions between reactants and catalysts over the entire range of catalytic conversion were investigated. Chemical dynamics in this reaction were found to consist of both morphological transformations and fluctuating structural dynamics. Morphological transformations were observed mostly in low activity regimes, leading to nanoparticles with increased stable surface facets. Meanwhile structural changes were observed during high activity regimes where the partial pressures remained constant. Furthermore, the observed changes were found to occur in both the bulk and the surface of the catalyst. Catalytic cycling revealed that morphological transformations and structural dynamics have different implications on the reactivity and are mostly irreversible

    Mechanochemical stability of hydrogen titanate nanostructures

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    Structural stability of nanostructured titanates was investigated for further processing and possible applications. With the aim to investigate their mechanochemical stability we applied highenergy ball milling and studied induced phase transitions. Hydrogen titanates having two different morfologies, microcrystals and nanotubes, were taken into consideration. During mechanochemical treatment of both morphologies, we observed the phase transition from hydrogen titanate to TiO2 anatase and then to TiO2 rutile. Anatase to rutile phase transition occurred without appearance of intermediate high pressure TiO2 II typically observed in the case of mechanochemical treatment of TiO2. In the case of microcrystals, phase transition from hydrogen titanate to anatase starts after longer milling time than in the case of nanotubes, which is explained by larger particles sizes of crystalline powder. On the contrary, further phase transition from anatase to rutile was occurred faster in crystalline powder than in the case of nanotubes. The sequence of phase transitions was studied by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction, while morphology and crystal structure at nanoscale were analyzed by high resolution electron microscopy
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