310 research outputs found

    Monarchia – archaiczna czy naturalna forma rządów? Przyczynek do analizy historyczno­‑antropologicznej

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    The text presents an analysis of history and anthropology. The defended and argued thesis is: the monarchy is a natural human form of government. The data presented from zoology also seem to confirm the stated thesis. The real monarchy has been compiled with the current European monarchies

    Conceptual Model of Resolution

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    In this document, we look at three aspects of the resolution of identifiers to a URI representing the resource: dynamic data citation, content negotiation, and machine-enabled licence information

    Krytyka i propozycje rozszerzenia ontycznych podstaw odpowiedzialności Romana Ingardena

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    The goal of this paper is to identify deficiencies of Roman Ingar­den’s con­cept of responsibility. It points to a couple of illegitimate assumptions made by Ingarden. Moreover, in the place of rejected elements of his ana­lyses, it proposes supplements coherent to Ingarden’s further line of thought. One of these proposed supplements is an attempt to introduce a category of “fundamental responsibility” which is ontically fundamental.W pracy zostały wskazane braki w koncepcji odpowiedzialności Romana Ingardena. Wykazano również bezzasadność kilku założeń, które Ingarden poczynił. W miejsce odrzuconych elementów analizy zaproponowano uzupełnienie, które wpisuje się w pweien sposób w dalszą myśl Ingardena. Jedną z propozycji jest próba wprowadzenia ontycznie podstawowej kategorii "odpowiedzialności fundamentalnej"

    Ratusz i jego rola w kształtowaniu archiwum i kancelarii miasta Lwowa w późnym średniowieczu

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    The town hall and its role in shaping the archives and chancellery of the town of Lwów in late medieval times(Summary) There is no information on the initial period of operation of the municipal chancellery in Lviv. The town writers and documents issued by the council and the municipal tribunal were first mentioned in the second half of the 14th century. One of the chancellery’s basic tasks was to produce and maintain documents of various provenance. The first, unfortunately lost, archive was established in the second half of the 14th century. There are various hypotheses as to its location, including the former town hall, which was erected around the mid-14th century. The archives were burnt down in 1381 together with the town hall, as is mentioned in the old chronicles of Lviv and later in the town books of Lviv. From the early 15th century, with the development of various forms of chancellery, the town hall became the place where activities of the chancellery and of particular offices of the municipality were conducted; the place where current documentation was maintained, the place where official activities took place and parties for the chancellery staff were held. Until the end of the 15th century the municipal archives were housed in the town hall, then in the house of the writer, in a building on Szewska Street. The most important documents and deeds were stored in the treasury at the town hall.The town hall and its role in shaping the archives and chancellery of the town of Lwów in late medieval times(Summary) There is no information on the initial period of operation of the municipal chancellery in Lviv. The town writers and documents issued by the council and the municipal tribunal were first mentioned in the second half of the 14th century. One of the chancellery’s basic tasks was to produce and maintain documents of various provenance. The first, unfortunately lost, archive was established in the second half of the 14th century. There are various hypotheses as to its location, including the former town hall, which was erected around the mid-14th century. The archives were burnt down in 1381 together with the town hall, as is mentioned in the old chronicles of Lviv and later in the town books of Lviv. From the early 15th century, with the development of various forms of chancellery, the town hall became the place where activities of the chancellery and of particular offices of the municipality were conducted; the place where current documentation was maintained, the place where official activities took place and parties for the chancellery staff were held. Until the end of the 15th century the municipal archives were housed in the town hall, then in the house of the writer, in a building on Szewska Street. The most important documents and deeds were stored in the treasury at the town hall

    Konferencja: Wszyscy jesteśmy filozofami. Kraków, 13–14 grudnia 2017

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    Розвиток травної системи у курчат-бройлерів за різного рівня селену в комбікормах

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    Scientific studies of foreign and domestic scientists convincingly proved that selenium is a vitally necessary trace element for farm animals and birds with a wide range of biological effects. It performs unique multifunctional functions in the body – structural, catalytic, regulatory, possesses antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic radioprotective, immunostimulant, antiviral, anti-mutagenic, anti-toxic and adaptogenic properties, participates in the formation of mechanisms that determine the reproductive function of animals and birds, affects osteogenesis, participates in the processes of growth and development. In the scientific and economic research the influence of additives of various doses of selenium into mixed fodder on the development of the digestive system in broiler chickens was studied. As a source of selenium, selenite sodium was used. The research was conducted in the production conditions on broiler chickens of the COOB 500 cross. The duration of the experiment corresponded to the period of growing the young for meat and was 42 days. It was established that the use of selenium in the composition of mixed fodder for broiler chickens at doses of 0.3; 0.4 and 0.5 mg/kg positively influenced the development of the digestive system in young, in particular, contributed to an increase in the mass (by 4.1–11.6%) and total length (1.3–3.5%) of the intestine in general, and its thin and thick parts in particular, as well as the mass of the muscular stomach (17.3–23.2%) and liver (3.6–10.0%). The best macromorphological parameters of the digestive system development were chicken broilers, which, during the entire period of growing, mixed fodder, were enriched with selenium at a rate of 0.3 mg/kg. Comparison of the live weight of broiler chickens of experimental groups with indicators of intestinal development, muscular stomach and liver allows us to assume that the digestive systems in them have been developed better and during the growing period they function more actively.Наукові дослідження зарубіжних і вітчизняних учених переконливо довели, що селен є життєво необхідним мікроелементом для сільськогосподарських тварин і птиці з широким спектром біологічної дії. Він виконує в організмі унікальні багатопланові функції – структурну, каталітичну, регуляторну, володіє антиоксидантними, антиканцерогенними радіопротекторними, імуностимулюючими, антивірусними, антимутагенними, антитоксичними та адаптогенними властивостями, бере участь у формуванні механізмів, які визначають відтворювальну функцію тварин і птиці, впливає на остеогенез, бере участь у процесах росту та розвитку. У науково-господарському досліді вивчено вплив добавок різних доз селену в комбікорми на розвиток травної системи у курчат-бройлерів. Як джерело селену, використовували селеніт натрію. Дослідження проводилися у виробничих умовах на курчатах-бройлерах кросу СОВВ 500. Тривалість досліду відповідала періоду вирощування молодняку на м’ясо і становила 42 дні. Встановлено, що використання селену в складі комбікормів для курчат-бройлерів у дозах 0,3; 0,4 та 0,5 мг/кг позитивно вплинуло на розвиток травної системи у молодняку, зокрема сприяло збільшенню маси (на 4,1-11,6%) та загальної довжини (на 1,3-5,4%) кишечнику загалом і його тонкого та товстого відділів зокрема, а також маси м’язового шлунка (на 17,3-23,2%) та печінки (на 3,6-10,0%). Кращі макроморфологічні показники розвитку травної системи мали курчата-бройлери, комбікорми яких, упродовж усього періоду вирощування, збагачували селеном із розрахунку 0,3 мг/кг. Співставлення живої маси курчат-бройлерів дослідних груп з показниками розвитку кишечнику, м’язового шлунка та печінки дозволяє стверджувати, що органи травлення у них були розвинуті краще та упродовж періоду вирощування функціонували більш активно

    Methylotrophic extremophilic yeast Trichosporon sp. : a soil-derived isolate with potential applications in environmental biotechnology

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    A yeast isolate revealing unique enzymatic activities and substrate-dependent polymorphism was obtained from autochthonous microflora of soil heavily polluted with oily slurries. By means of standard yeast identification procedures the strain was identified as Trichosporon cutaneum. Further molecular PCR product analyses of ribosomal DNA confirmed the identity of the isolate with the genus Trichosporon. As it grew on methanol as a sole carbon source, the strain appeared to be methylotrophic. Furthermore, it was also able to utilize formaldehyde. A multi-substrate growth potential was shown with several other carbon sources: glucose, glycerol, ethanol as well as petroleum derivatives and phenol. Optimum growth temperature was determined at 25°C, and strong inhibition of growth at 37°C together with the original soil habitat indicated lack of pathogenicity in warm-blooded animals and humans. The unusually high tolerance to xenobiotics such as diesel oil (>30 g/l), methanol (50 g/l), phenol (2 g/l) and formaldehyde (7.5 g/l) proved that the isolate was an extremophilic organism. With high-density cultures, formaldehyde was totally removed at initial concentrations up to 7.5 g/l within 24 h, which is the highest biodegradation capability ever reported. Partial biodegradation of methanol (13 g/l) and diesel fuel (20 g/l) was also observed. Enzymatic studies revealed atypical methylotrophic pathway reactions, lacking alcohol oxidase, as compared with the conventional methylotroph Hansenula polymorpha. However, the activities of glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase, formaldehyde reductase, formate dehydrogenase and unspecific aldehyde dehydrogenase(s) were present. An additional glutathione-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase activity was also detected. Metabolic and biochemical characteristics of the isolated yeast open up new possibilities for environmental biotechnology. Some potential applications in soil bioremediation and wastewater decontamination are discussed