1,078 research outputs found

    Possible contributions of music class to infants attended in early intervention programs

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    Orientadores: Vilson Zattera, Adriana do Nascimento Araújo MendesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar de que maneira a musicalização para bebês pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de crianças na primeira infância, com deficiência ou que apresentem risco de desenvolvimento. Inicialmente, esboça a criança típica tendo como base conceitual as proposições de Ross A. Thompson, considerando que o desenvolvimento de capacidades corporais, cognitivas, pessoais e cerebrais é entretecido por experiências sociais agradáveis e equilibradas. Além disso, com base nos estudos de Sloboda, Trehub, Ilari e outros, discorre acerca do desenvolvimento da musicalidade do bebê, verificando que sua origem se dá através de dois caminhos. Por um lado, observa-se a capacidade inata de produzir sons vocais e a sofisticada percepção musical dos bebês e, por outro, entende-se que o ambiente musical proporcionado pelos pais e cuidadores é parte essencial desse desenvolvimento. Em seguida, procura traçar um panorama da deficiência relatando algumas das conquistas sociais alcançadas em favor da pessoa com deficiência, visando prover a inclusão e a igualdade de direitos e oportunidades, dando destaque à Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência e a implementação de práticas de triagem neonatal para a identificação precoce de doenças e a intervenção o mais cedo possível. Conjuntamente, apresenta uma reflexão sobre o impacto do diagnóstico da deficiência para a família do bebê, considerando a reação inicial dos pais e os resultados que esta pode trazer ao desenvolvimento do bebê, tendo como base Buscaglia, Petean e Pina Neto, entre outros. Concluindo este panorama, apresenta algumas das necessidades do bebê com deficiência apresentando uma série de procedimentos de estimulação precoce elaborados com base em Formiga et al (2010) e nas Diretrizes de Estimulação Precoce. Com um olhar mais esclarecido sobre a realidade do bebê com deficiência, volta-se para a musicalização para bebês, apresentando um breve histórico desta prática no Brasil, dando destaque ao trabalho iniciado pela Profa. Walkyria Passos Claro e difundido fortemente pela Profa. Josette Feres, bem como por projetos realizados em universidades federais brasileiras. Como resultado da pesquisa de campo realizada na Escola de Música de Jundiaí, descreve os procedimento e objetivos dessa aula e apresenta uma tabela detalhada das atividades musicais propostas no livro Bebês: música e movimento, estabelecendo conexões entre os objetivos da musicalização e os aspectos do desenvolvimento infantil que podem ser trabalhados em cada atividade. Por fim, apresenta uma reflexão acerca das possíveis contribuições da aula de musicalização para bebês no processo de inclusão do deficienteAbstract: This research aims to investigate how music classes for infants can contribute to the development of children in early childhood, with disabilities development risks. Initially, it outlines the typical child on the conceptual basis of the Ross A. Thompson¿s propositions, considering that the development of bodily, cognitive, personal, and cerebral capacities is woven by pleasant and balanced social experiences. Moreover, based on the studies of Sloboda, Trehub, Ilari and others, it discusses the origins of early musicality to conclude that it converge from two different ways. On the one hand, one observes the innate ability to produce vocal sounds and the sophisticated musical perception of infants while, on the other, it is understood that the musical environment provided by parents and caregivers play an essential part in this development. In the sequence, it seeks to outline a picture of disability by reporting some of the social achievements people with disabilities have already obtained with the goal of providing inclusion and equality of rights and opportunities. It highlights Brazilian Law on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities and the implementation of neonatal screening for the early identification of diseases that allows for intervention as early as possible. In addition to that, it presents a reflection about the impact of the diagnosis of the deficiency on the family of the infant, considering the initial reaction of the parents and the results this entails to the development of the infant, based on Buscaglia, Petean and Pina Neto, among others. Concluding this overview, it presents some of the needs of the disabled infant presenting a series of early stimulation procedures elaborated based on Formiga et al (2010) and on the Early Stimulation Guidelines. With a more enlightened look at the reality of the disabled baby, he turns to music classes for infants, presenting a brief history of this practice in Brazil, highlighting the work begun by Profa. Walkyria Passos Claro and widely spread by Profa. Josette Feres, as well as by projects carried out at Brazilian federal universities. Following the findings of the field research carried out at the School of Music in Jundiaí, it describes the procedures and objectives of this lesson and presents a detailed table of the musical activities proposed in the book Bebês: música e movimento. Furthermore, it establishes connections between the goals of music classes for infants and aspects of their development that can be worked on in each activity. Finally, it presents a reflection about the possible contributions of the music classes for infants in the process of stimulating inclusion of the handicappedMestradoMúsica, Teoria, Criação e PráticaCadeira de FilosofiaCAPE

    Correlation Analysis of Cocoa Consumption Data with Worldwide Incidence Rates of Testicular Cancer and Hypospadias

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    The underlying reasons for the increasing occurrence of male reproductive diseases (MRD) such as hypospadias, cryptorchidism, and testicular cancer (TC) over the last decades are still unknown. It has been hypothesized that the risk of MRD is determined in utero and that pregnancy dietary intake could also affect MRD risk in the offspring. Various studies in animals reported that cocoa and theobromine, the main stimulant of cocoa, exert toxic effects on the testis, inducing testicular atrophy and impaired sperm quality. A correlation analysis was conducted to examine the possible role of cocoa consumption on the occurrence of selected MRD during the prenatal and early life period of cases. The incidence rates between 1998–2002 of TC in 18 countries obtained from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents were correlated with the average per-capita consumption of cocoa (kg/capita/year) (FAOSTAT-Database) in these countries from 1965 to 1980, i.e. the period corresponding to the early life of TC cases. In order to test the above correlation in the case of hypospadias, the mean prevalence at birth in 20 countries (1999–2003) with average per-capita consumption of cocoa in these countries in the same period corresponding to pregnancy were used. The consumption of cocoa in the period 1965–80, was most closely correlated with the incidence of TC in young adults (r=0.859; p<0.001). An analogous significant correlation was also observed between early cocoa consumption and the prevalence rates of hypospadias in the period 1999–2003 (r=0.760; p<0.001). Although the ecological approach used in this study cannot provide an answer on the causal relationship between consumption of cocoa in early life and TC and hypospadias, the results are suggestive and indicate the need of further analytic studies to investigate the role of individual exposure to cocoa, particularly during the prenatal and in early life of the patients

    Efecto del desarrollo económico en la mortalidad relacionada con el transporte, entre diferentes tipos de usuarios de las vías: un estudio transversal internacional.

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    Este artículo presenta un análisis de regresión transversal con datos recientes de mortalidad en 44 países, utilizando datos de certificados de defunción provenientes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud

    Efecto del desarrollo económico en la mortalidad relacionada con el transporte, entre diferentes tipos de usuarios de las vías: un estudio transversal internacional

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    Introducción: La relación entre el estado de desarrollo económico de un país y su tasa de mortalidad por colisiones de vehículos de motor (CVM) no ha sido definida para los diferentes tipos de usuarios de las vías. Métodos: Este artículo presenta un análisis de regresión transversal con datos recientes de mortalidad en 44 países, utilizando datos de certificados de defunción provenientes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: Para cinco tipos de usuarios de las vías, la mortalidad por CVM es expresada como muertes por 100.000 habitantes, y muertes por 1.000 vehículos de motor. El desarrollo económico es medido como el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) per cápitaen dólares de Estados Unidos, y como vehículos de motor por 1.000 habitantes. Los resultados mostraron que la mortalidad total por CVM en los países con bajos ingresos presentó un pico a un PIB alrededor de US 2.000percaˊpita,ycercade100vehıˊculospor1.000habitantes.Conclusiones:Lamortalidadtotaldisminuyoˊconelincrementodelingresonacionalalrededor deUS2.000 per cápita, y cerca de 100 vehículospor 1.000habitantes.Conclusiones: La mortalidad total disminuyó con el incremento del ingreso nacional alrededor de US 24.000. La mayoría de los cambios en la mortalidad por CVM asociados con el desarrollo económico fueron explicados por cambios en las tasas de usuarios nomotorizados, especialmente de peatones. Las tasas totales de CVM fueron más bajas cuando la exposición de los peatones fue menor o porque hubo pocos vehículos de motor o peatones; y fueron más altas durante un periodo crítico de transición hacia transporte motorizado, cuando gran cantidad de peatones y otros usuarios vulnerables compitieron por el uso de las vías con vehículos de motor.AbstractIntroduction: The relationship between a country’s economic development and its fatality rate from motor vehicle accidents (MVA) has not been studied according to the different types of users of public thoroughfares. Methodology: This article presents a cross analysis of recent mortality data from 44 countries through the use of information found in the death certifications supplied by the World Health Organization. Results: For five types of users of public roadways the mortality rate by MVA is presented as deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and deaths per 1000 motor vehicles. Economic development is measured by the per capita GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in US dollars and the number of motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants. The results showed that the total mortality rate by MVA in low income countries reached a peak at a GDP of around US 2000percapitaandaround100motorvehiclesper1000inhabitants. Conclusions:TheoverallmortalityratediminishedwiththeincreaseofnationalincomeataroundUS2000 per capita and around 100 motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants. Conclusions: The overall mortality rate diminished with the increase of national incomeat around US 24,000. The majority of the changes in fatality by MVA in association with economic development were explained by changes in the number of nonmotorized users of public ways, especially pedestrians. The total number of MVA was reduced when the exposure of pedestrians to motorized traffic was lower either because there were fewer motor vehicles or because there were fewer pedestrians. The rate was higher during critical periods of transition towards more motorized transportation when many pedestrians and other non-motorized users of public thoroughfares were competing for space with increased numbers of motorized vehicles. Key words: Transit accidents, fatalities, economic developmen

    Chronic Opioid Use in Women Following Hysterectomy: Patterns and Predictors

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    Background: Most women are prescribed an opioid after hysterectomy. The goal of this study was to determine the association between initial opioid prescribing characteristics and chronic opioid use after hysterectomy. Methods: This study included women enrolled in a commercial health plan who had a hysterectomy between 1 July 2010 and 31 March 2015. We used trajectory models to define chronic opioid use as patients with the highest probability of having an opioid prescription filled during the 6 months post‐surgery. A multivariable logistic regression was applied to examine the association between initial opioid dispensing (amount prescribed and duration of treatment) and chronic opioid use after adjusting for potential confounders. Results: A total of 693 of 50 127 (1.38%) opioid‐naïve women met the criteria for chronic opioid use following hysterectomy. The baseline variables and initial opioid prescription characteristics predicted the pattern of long‐term opioid use with moderate discrimination (c statistic = 0.70). Significant predictors of chronic opioid use included initial opioid daily dose (≥60 MME vs \u3c40 MME, aOR: 1.43, 95% CI: 1.14‐1.79) and days\u27 supply (4‐7 days vs 1‐3 days, aOR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.06‐1.54; ≥8 days vs 1‐3 days, aOR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.05‐1.89). Other significant baseline predictors included older age, abdominal or laparoscopic/robotic hysterectomy, tobacco use, psychiatric medication use, back pain, and headache. Conclusion: Initial opioid prescribing characteristics are associated with the risk of chronic opioid use after hysterectomy. Prescribing lower daily doses and shorter days\u27 supply of opioids to women after hysterectomy may result in lower risk of chronic opioid use

    Sex Differences in Suicide Incident Characteristics and Circumstances among Older Adults: Surveillance Data from the National Violent Death Reporting System—17 U.S. States, 2007–2009

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    Each year in the U.S. more than 7,000 adults aged 60 years and older die of suicide and as the population ages, these numbers are expected to increase. While sex is an important predictor of older adult suicide, differences between males and females are often overlooked due to low occurrence, particularly among women. The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) bridges this gap by providing detailed information on older adult suicide by sex in 17 US states (covering approximately 26% of the U.S. population). NVDRS data for 2007–2009 were used to characterize male (n = 5,004) and female (n = 1,123) suicide decedents aged 60 years and older, including incident characteristics and circumstances precipitating suicide. Stratification of NVDRS data by sex shows significant differences with regard to the presence of antidepressants (19% and 45% respectively), opiates (18%, 37%), and 14 precipitating circumstances concerning mental health, interpersonal problems, life stressors and a history of suicide attempts. No differences were found for alcohol problems, suicide/other death of family or friends, non-criminal legal problems, financial problems, or disclosure of intent to take their own life. The findings of this study demonstrate the value of using comprehensive surveillance data to understand sex-specific suicide circumstances so that opportunities for targeted prevention strategies may be considered