119 research outputs found

    Organic Agriculture as Livelihood Strategy: A Case Study in a Rural Community of Southern Brazil

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    This paper presents the findings of a case study of a Brazilian community pursuing a livelihood strategy based on certified organic agriculture. Using the sustainable rural livelihoods framework, the paper identifies three different organic livelihood strategies involving varying degrees of capitals. The paper concludes that understanding the implications of these different organic strategies and their rationales is a prerequisite for policy-makers to tailor policies and programmes aiming to assist rural communities benefit from organic agriculture as a vehicle for advancing rural development

    Haur Hezkuntzako ikasgeletan sexismoa desagerrarazteko beharra: hezkidetza eta generoaren eraiketaren inguruko azterketa

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    34 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 30-34[EUS] Hezkuntza formalak, Haur Hezkuntzako etapa barne, gaur egunera arte aldaketa positiboak egin ditu egoera ahulean dauden kolektibo guztientzat, baina horrek ez du esan nahi ikasleak berdintasunean heztea eskolaren erronka garrantzitsuenetako bat izateari utzi behar dionik. Izan ere, sexismoa gure gizartean bizirik jarraitzen du eta hezkuntza sistema gizartearen isla izanik, era inkontziente batean bada ere, genero ezberdintasunak bultzatzen dituen baloreak transmititzen dira eskola komunitatean. Hau horrela, ikerketa honen helburua Haur Hezkuntzako irakasleek hezkidetzari ematen dieten lanketa ikustea da. Horretarako inkesta bidezko azterlan bat eraman da aurrera, behaketa parte-hartzailean oinarritutako analisi kualitatiboarekin batera. Horrenbestez, hurrengo lerroetan hezkidetzak hezkuntzan hartu behar duen esparruaren garrantzia azpimarratuko da hainbat irizpide metodologietan zentratuz.[ES] La educación formal, incluida la etapa de Educación Infantil, ha supuesto hasta la actualidad cambios positivos para todos los colectivos desfavorecidos. Pero esto no significa que la educación del alumnado en igualdad deje de ser uno de los retos más importantes de la escuela. El sexismo sigue vivo en nuestra sociedad, y con el sistema educativo como reflejo de ésta, en la comunidad escolar se transmiten los valores que favorecen la desigualdad de género, aunque sea de una manera inconsciente. En este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es visualizar el trabajo que el profesorado de Educación Infantil da a la coeducación. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un estudio mediante encuestas, acompañado de un análisis cualitativo basado en la observación participativa. Por lo tanto, en las siguientes líneas se hará hincapié en la importancia del marco que debe ocupar la coeducación en la educación, basado en una serie de criterios en las metodologías.[EN] Formal Education, including Early Childhood Education, has brought many positive changes for all disadvantages groups so far. But this does not mean that educating students equally is not one of the most important challenges of the school. Sexism is still alive in our society, and since the education system reflects it, values that favour gender inequality are transmited in the school community, albeit in an unconscious way. In this way, the objective of this research is the work that Early Childhood Education teachers give to coeducation. To this end, a survery study was carried out, accompanied by a qualitative analysis based on participatory observation. Therefore, the following lines will emphasize the importance of the framework that coeducation in education should occupy, based on a series of criteria in the methodologies

    Haur Hezkuntzako ikasgeletan sexismoa desagerrarazteko beharra: hezkidetza eta generoaren eraiketaren inguruko azterketa

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    34 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 30-34[EUS] Hezkuntza formalak, Haur Hezkuntzako etapa barne, gaur egunera arte aldaketa positiboak egin ditu egoera ahulean dauden kolektibo guztientzat, baina horrek ez du esan nahi ikasleak berdintasunean heztea eskolaren erronka garrantzitsuenetako bat izateari utzi behar dionik. Izan ere, sexismoa gure gizartean bizirik jarraitzen du eta hezkuntza sistema gizartearen isla izanik, era inkontziente batean bada ere, genero ezberdintasunak bultzatzen dituen baloreak transmititzen dira eskola komunitatean. Hau horrela, ikerketa honen helburua Haur Hezkuntzako irakasleek hezkidetzari ematen dieten lanketa ikustea da. Horretarako inkesta bidezko azterlan bat eraman da aurrera, behaketa parte-hartzailean oinarritutako analisi kualitatiboarekin batera. Horrenbestez, hurrengo lerroetan hezkidetzak hezkuntzan hartu behar duen esparruaren garrantzia azpimarratuko da hainbat irizpide metodologietan zentratuz.[ES] La educación formal, incluida la etapa de Educación Infantil, ha supuesto hasta la actualidad cambios positivos para todos los colectivos desfavorecidos. Pero esto no significa que la educación del alumnado en igualdad deje de ser uno de los retos más importantes de la escuela. El sexismo sigue vivo en nuestra sociedad, y con el sistema educativo como reflejo de ésta, en la comunidad escolar se transmiten los valores que favorecen la desigualdad de género, aunque sea de una manera inconsciente. En este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es visualizar el trabajo que el profesorado de Educación Infantil da a la coeducación. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un estudio mediante encuestas, acompañado de un análisis cualitativo basado en la observación participativa. Por lo tanto, en las siguientes líneas se hará hincapié en la importancia del marco que debe ocupar la coeducación en la educación, basado en una serie de criterios en las metodologías.[EN] Formal Education, including Early Childhood Education, has brought many positive changes for all disadvantages groups so far. But this does not mean that educating students equally is not one of the most important challenges of the school. Sexism is still alive in our society, and since the education system reflects it, values that favour gender inequality are transmited in the school community, albeit in an unconscious way. In this way, the objective of this research is the work that Early Childhood Education teachers give to coeducation. To this end, a survery study was carried out, accompanied by a qualitative analysis based on participatory observation. Therefore, the following lines will emphasize the importance of the framework that coeducation in education should occupy, based on a series of criteria in the methodologies

    Principales NTC y protocolos de caracterización en productos derivados de caña de azúcar

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    Products derived from sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L) make up one of the rural agro-industries with the longest tradition in Colombia. In order to establish the main indicators and protocols that allow the bromatological, phytochemical and antioxidant characterization of products derived from S. officinarum, a bibliographic search was carried out through the Icontec and Scopus documentary bases, in the period between January of 1990 and February 2021. The foregoing, under guidelines that would allow establishing a global panorama on research and development trends, analysis of final products and identification of the main standardized and non-standardized protocols. This is how it was possible to identify the main CTS (Colombian Technical Standards) and the most used protocols for the quantification of physicochemical indicators and of some metabolites of interest, confirming and establishing their positive effects for animal and human health, as an immunological enhancer, antitoxic, cytoprotective, anticariogenic and antioxidant. Additionally, it was possible to determine that heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic), furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and acrylamide are the main pollutants on which a mitigation strategy should be established. With this, it becomes evident the need to generate a national policy that makes it possible to quantify the required physicochemical indicators, the content of bioactive compounds and the presence of dangerous contaminants in products derived from sugar cane, in order to comply with the legal regulations for the distribution and commercialization of sugary products in the national and international market and, why not, start their diversification.Los productos derivados de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum L) conforman una de las agroindustrias rurales de mayor tradición en Colombia. Con el fin de establecer los principales indicadores y protocolos que permitan la caracterización bromatológica, fitoquímica y antioxidante de productos derivados de S. officinarum, se realizó un rastreo bibliográfico a través de la base documental del Icontec y Scopus, en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1990 y febrero de 2021. Lo anterior, bajo lineamientos que permitieran establecer un panorama mundial sobre las tendencias de investigación y desarrollo, análisis de productos finales e identificación de los principales protocolos normalizados y no normalizados. Fue así como se lograron identificar las principales NTC (Normas Técnicas Colombianas) y los protocolos más empleados para la cuantificación de los indicadores fisicoquímicos y de algunos metabolitos de interés, confirmando y estableciendo sus efectos positivos para la salud animal y humana, como potenciador inmunológico, antitóxico, citoprotector, anticariógeno y antioxidante. Adicionalmente, se logró determinar que los metales pesados (plomo, mercurio, cadmio, arsénico), furfural, 5-hidroximetilfurfural y acrilamida son los principales contaminantes sobre los cuales se debe establecer una estrategia de mitigación. Con esto, se hace evidente la necesidad de generar una política nacional que posibilite cuantificar los indicadores fisicoquímicos exigidos, el contenido de compuestos bioactivos y la presencia de contaminantes peligrosos en los productos derivados de la caña de azúcar, con el fin de dar cumplimiento a la normativa legal para la distribución y comercialización de productos azucarados en el mercado nacional e internacional y, por qué no, iniciar su diversificación

    Effects of Whole-Season Training and Match-Play on Hip Adductor and Abductor Muscle Strength in Soccer Players: A Pilot Study.

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    Background: Previous investigations have associated weakness of hip muscles with a higher likelihood of developing hip groin injury. However, no previous investigation has examined the influence of soccer training and match-play during the season on maximal isometric hip adductor and abductor muscle strength. Hypothesis: Maximal hip adductor and abductor muscle strength would increase after the preseason, maintaining relatively constant levels across the soccer season. Design: Cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: A total of 26 semiprofessional male soccer players underwent measurements of maximal isometric hip adductor and abductor muscle strength at 3 time points of the soccer season: preseason, midseason, and end-season to investigate the longitudinal effect of soccer training and competition during a complete season on maximal isometric hip adductor and abductor muscle strength in the semiprofessional Spanish soccer player. Results: Compared with preseason, hip abductor muscle strength increased in the midseason (14.2% and 17.1%, for dominant and nondominant limb, respectively; P 0.05). Conclusion: While maximal hip abductor muscle strength increased throughout the season, hip adductor muscle strength remained stable across the season. This produced a substantial deficit in hip adductor/abductor strength ratio at midseason and end-season. Clinical Relevance: The progressive imbalance in adductor/abductor strength across the soccer season may be an indicator of increased risk of groin injury and may reinforce the need for preventive rehabilitation activities focused on enhancing adductor muscle strength.pre-print243 K


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    Mechanical properties and coefficient of thermal expansion of β-eucryptite sintered by microwave technique

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    [ES]: La técnica de sinterización no convencional de microondas permite obtener materiales de ß-eucriptita en estado sólido cristalino con densidades cercanas a la teórica (~99 %). Se ha observado una diferencia considerable en estos materiales respecto a la técnica convencional en términos de densificación, microestructura, coeficiente de expansión térmica y propiedades mecánicas. Los valores de dureza y módulo de Young obtenidos mediante sinterización por microondas a 1200 ºC-5 min han sido relativamente altos, 6.8 GPa y 101 GPa, respectivamente, en comparación con el material obtenido mediante horno convencional (3.9 GPa y 58 GPa, respectivamente). Los datos dilatométricos obtenidos, incluyendo el intervalo de temperatura criogénica (-150 ºC a +150 ºC), muestran un coeficiente de expansión térmica controlado y negativo en todo el rango de temperaturas. La combinación de un calentamiento rápido junto con la reducción drástica en el tiempo de ciclo y el ahorro energético, hace que la técnica de microondas sean una clara alternativa a otro tipo de calentamientos.[EN]: Microwave non-conventional sintering technique allows obtaining fully dense glass-free β-eucryptite bulk material (∼99 %). A considerable difference in the densification, microstructure, coefficient of thermal expansion behaviour and mechanical properties, between conventional and non-conventional sintered specimens was observed. The hardness and Young’s modulus values obtained by microwaves at 1200 °C-5min have been relatively high, 6.8 GPa and 101 GPa, respectively, compared to conventional sintering (3.9 GPa and 58 GPa, respectively). Very low thermal expansion materials have been obtained in a wide temperature range including cryogenic temperatures (from -150 ºC to 150 ºC). The high heating rate along with the lower energy consumption makes microwave technique a clear alternative to other types of sintering methods.Los autores desean agradecer el apoyo financiero recibido de la UPV dentro de los proyectos SP20120621 y SP20120677 y, al gobierno español a través del proyecto (TEC2012-37532-C02-01). A. Borrell, agradece al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación su contrato de Juan la Cierva (JCI-2011-10498).Peer Reviewe

    Effects of Football Training and Match-Play on Hamstring Muscle Strength and Passive Hip and Ankle Range of Motion during the Competitive Season.

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    Deficits in hamstring muscle strength and in hip range of motion (ROM) have been considered risk factors for hamstring muscle injuries. However, there is a lack of information on how chronic exposure to regular football training affects hamstring muscle strength and hip ROM. The aim of this study was to examine the longitudinal effect of football training and competition during a complete season on hamstring muscle strength and hip ROM in football players. A total of 26 semi-professional football players underwent measurements of isometric hamstring muscle strength and passive hip flexion/extension, and internal/external hip rotation (IR/ER) ROM during the football season (pre-season, mid-season, end-season). Compared to pre-season, hamstring muscle strength increased in the dominant (+11.1%, p = 0.002) and non-dominant (+10.5%, p = 0.014) limbs in the mid-season. Compared to mid-season, hamstring strength decreased in the dominant (−9.3%, p = 0.034) limb at end-season. Compared to the pre-season, hip extension ROM decreased in mid-season in the dominant (−31.7%, p = 0.007) and non-dominant (−44.1%, p = 0.004) limbs, and further decreased at end-season (−49.0%, p = 0.006 and −68.0%, p < 0.001) for the dominant and non-dominant limbs. Interlimb asymmetry for hip IR ROM increased by 57.8% (p < 0.002) from pre-season to mid-season. In summary, while hamstring muscle strength increased during the first half of the football season in football players, a progressive reduction in hip extension ROM was observed throughout the season. The reduced hip extension ROM suggests a reduced mobility of the hip flexors, e.g., iliopsoas, produced by the continuous practice of football. Consequently, hip-specific stretching and conditioning exercises programs should be implemented during the football season.post-print577 K

    Un posible complejo de especies gemelas en el género Eurema (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). I - Evidencias biológicas

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    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio biológico y ecológico a una presunta población polimórfica de Eurema salome Felder, conformada por dos formas descritas por Klot Sen 1928 con base en el patrón de coloración alar de los machos. Se encontró que estas presuntas formas presentan diferentes plantas hospederas y características específicas de coloración tanto a nivel larvario como del adulto. Al realizar intercambio de hospederos se estableció que las características que diferencian las dos formas son heredadas genéticamente y no inducidas por condiciones de hospedero o medioambientales. A partir de estos resultados se plantea que la población en estudio probablemente no está conformada, como se pensó inicialmente, por dos formas de la especie E. salome Feld., sino por dos especies diferentes actualmente aisladas reproductivamente y cuya diferenciación se dio inicialmente a partir del hospedero. Dichas especies presentan un grado de semejanza morfológica tal que permite tratarlas como especies gemelas.This research is a biological and ecological study of a polymorphic population of Eurema salome Felder similar to that previously described by Klots (1928) as composed by two different forms according to the wing color pattern of its males. The two supposed forms showed different host plant and specific color in both larva and adult stage. Host plant exchange experiment indicate that the two color forms are genetically determined rather than induced by the host plant or enviroment. These results suggest that the polymorphic populations studied is composed of two distinct species reproductively isolated rather than two polymorphic forms of the same species. We also speculate that host plant use played a crucial role in the initial diferentiation of these two species. We conclude that these species could be consider as sibbling species because of their significant morphological likeness