749 research outputs found

    O conflicto de Nagorno-Karabakh e perspetivas futuras: análise da opinión pública en Armenia

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the roots of the conflict surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh, a region located in the Caucasus whose control has been disputed between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan since the last century, as well as the future possibilities of new hostilities being initiated again between both ethnic groups. By conducting a bibliographical review and subsequently implementing the technique of the personal interview, we will determine the discourse of the public opinion in Armenia regarding the signature of the ceasefire agreement that ended the 2020’s war, the ethnic components of the issue, and the willingness of Armenian society to engage in a new round of aggression.Este estudio tiene como finalidad analizar las raíces del conflicto que rodea Nagorno-Karabakh, una región localizada en el Cáucaso cuyo control ha estado disputado entre la República de Armenia y la República de Azerbaiyán desde el siglo pasado, así como las posibilidades de que las hostilidades se reinicien de nuevo entre ambos grupos étnicos. A partir de la realización de una revisión bibliográfica y la posterior implementación de la técnica de la entrevista personal, determinaremos el discurso de la opinión pública de Armenia con respecto a la firma del acuerdo que puso fin a la guerra de 2020, el componente étnico del problema, y la disposición de la sociedad Armenia a volver a enzarzarse en una nueva ronda de agresiones.Este estudo ten como finalidade analizar as raíces do conflito que rodea Nagorno-Karabakh, unha rexión localizada no Caúcaso cuxo control ten sido disputado entre a República de Armenia e a República de Acerbaixán dende o século pasado, así como as posibilidades de que as hostilidades se reinicien de novo entre ambos grupos étnicos. A partires da realización dunha revisión bibliográfica e a posterior implementación da técnica da entrevista persoal, determinaremos o discurso da opinión pública en Armenia con respecto á sinatura do acordo que puxo fin á guerra de 2020, o compoñente étnico do problema, e a disposición da sociedade Armenia a volver a enguedellarse nunha nova rolda de agresións

    Estudio de inclusiones fluidas y vítreas en mineralizaciones hidrotermales de la Zona de Ossa Morena (SO de España)

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    269 págs.Tesis doctoral (lectura 23/11/12). Director: Fernando Tornos Arroyo. Tribunal: Casquet Martín, César (presidente); Morales Ruano, Salvador (secretario); Pascual Martínez, Emilio (vocal); Heinrich, Cristoph Andreas (vocal); Ruiz de Almodóvar Sel, Gabriel (vocal). La Zona de Ossa Morena (ZOM), situada en el suroeste de España, representa una de las áreas geológicas más complejas y mejor estudiadas del cinturón Varisco europeo. Esta complejidad deriva de la evolución tectónica heterogénea que ha registrado la ZOM desde la orogenia Cadomiense (Neoproterozoico - Cámbrico temprano) hasta la orogenia Varisca (Paleozoico tardío). La ZOM se caracteriza por una gran variedad de depósitos minerales relacionados tanto con ambas orogenias como con la etapa de rifting que tuvo lugar durante el Cámbrico temprano y el Ordovícico medio. Los depósitos de óxidos de Fe, Cu Au y Ni Cu situados a lo largo del Cinturón de Olivenza Monesterio (COM, estructura anticlinal situada en la parte central de la ZOM) son de particular importancia e interés por su origen controvertido. Este estudio está enfocado en tres áreas dentro del COM que representan problemas metalogenéticos bien definidos: el filón de Cu Au de la mina Sultana, el depósito de magnetita de La Berrona y la albitita del área de Valuengo, asociada al depósito de La Berrona. La mineralización de Cu Au de Sultana se sitúa al sureste del COM y consiste en venas o filones de cuarzo y anquerita encajadas en el Stock Varisco de Sultana así como en las pizarras negras y metagrauvacas Precámbricas de la Serie Negra. La mineralización se compone principalmente de calcopirita, bismutinita y maldonita y desarrolla una altiiieración sericítica en la roca de caja. Por su parte, el depósito de La Berrona es un cuerpo epigenético de forma cilíndrica encajado en el granito albítico del mismo nombre así como en las calizas de edad Cámbrico temprano y medio de la formación Malcocinado. La mineralización es de tipo remplazante con desarrollo de brechas y stockwork en la parte alta the la intrusión albítica. Esta albitita forma parte de las albititas Cámbricas del área de Valuengo situadas en la parte central del COM, y como La Berrona, algunas de ellas están asociadas a depósitos de magnetita. La roca presenta una textura porfirítica con predominancia de plagioclasa albita e intruye las calizas, pizarras y corneanas calcosilicatadas del Cámbrico temprano medio así como las pizarras negras Precámbricas de la Serie Negra. Los objetivos principales de esta tesis son (1) caracterizar los fluidos e investigar las causas de la precipitación del Cu y el Au en el yacimiento de Sultana, (2) investigar la formación del stock albítico de La Berrona así como su origen magmático o hidrotermal, y (3) caracterizar la evolución magmático hidrotermal del depósito de magnetita de La Berrona, desde la intrusión del stock albítico hasta el depósito de los metales. Para alcanzar estos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un estudio detallado de inclusiones fluidas y vítreas mediante su caracterización petrográfica y microtermometrica, combinado con análisis de catodoluminiscencia por microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM CL), ablación láser con espectrometría de masas con fuente de plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (LA ICPMS) y espectroscopía Raman. Además, se han realizado isótopos estables de S e isótopos radiogénicos de Sr Nd Pb para confirmar las hipótesis establecidas mediante las inclusiones fluidas y vítreas

    An Analysis of Personal Learning Environments and Age-Related Psychosocial Factors of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors

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    This research was carried out within the project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational Intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs). Effective Tools for School and Social Integration were subsidized by the excellence projects and state research agency, Call 2017, the autonomous governments of Melilla City and Ceuta City.Spain is one of the countries with the greatest influx of immigrants and, specifically, of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs). The educational and social inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors poses both a challenge and a threat to current policy. Nonetheless, studies linking educational aspects to the phenomenon of the integration of these children are scarce and do not specify the most influential educational tools and strategies. In this sense, a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional research study is presented. The aim of this study is to examine whether variables such as age and the use of applications and social networks determine the personal learning environments (PLE) of unaccompanied foreign minors. The sample of the present study was formed by 624 individuals (♂ = 92.1% (n = 575); ♀ = 7.9% (n = 49)) aged between 8 and 17 years old. The majority came from Morocco and resided in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The “PLE and Social Integration of UFMs” questionnaire was used as the study instrument. Amongst the main findings, significant differences are highlighted in the personal learning environments as a function of age-related psychosocial factors as they pertain to unaccompanied foreign minors. Four factors were seen to exist in relation to the personal learning environments of unaccompanied foreign minors: self-concept of the learning process, planning and management of learning, use of resources and tools, and communication and social interaction. The same trend was observed in the four factors, with older age groups reporting better scores. On the other hand, results show that the use of applications and social networks have a significant and favourable impact on personal learning environment construction.R + D + R National Project: Hybrid Learning Models for Educational InterventionUnaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs)Effective Tools for School and Social Integration EDU2017 88641-

    Analysis of Psychometric Properties and Validation of the Personal Learning Environments Questionnaire (PLE) and Social Integration of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENA)

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to validate and develop the dimensions of the Personal Learning Environments (PLE) questionnaire with regards to the social integration of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENA), in addition to analyzing its psychometric properties. Methods: This study was conducted using an expert panel and exploratory techniques in a population of unaccompanied foreign minors (referred to hereon as MENA). The sample used for the validation was formed of 250 MENA aged between 13 and 17 years, with 206 (83.6%) being male and 41 (16.4%) being female. An expert panel was formed including 10 scholars of Education Sciences. The panel identified four dimensions, which were confirmed through exploratory factorial analysis conducted using the program called FACTOR Analysis (Lorenzo-Seva and Ferrando, 2006). Results: The results indicate that the PLE questionnaire provides reliable dimensions at the level alpha = 0.902. Examination of Pearson correlations identified significant values (p < 0.01) for almost all dimensions, with the highest value being produced for the association between the dimensions of communication and social interaction (CIS) and planning and management of learning (r = 0.641). Conclusions: From this study, it is concluded that the results of the study and the validation of the PLE in MENA populations through the four identified dimensions are valid and reliable for enabling multi-dimensional analyses to be carried out.This research was funded by I + D + I Project “Hybrid learning models for educational intervention with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENAs)”. Effective tools for school and social integration “(EDU2017-88641-R)”

    Polyfluorene-Based Multicolor Fluorescent Nanoparticles Activated by Temperature for Bioimaging and Drug Delivery

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    Multifunctional nanoparticles have been attracting growing attention in recent years because of their capability to integrate materials with di erent features in one entity, which leads them to be considered as the next generation of nanomedicine. In this work, we have taken advantage of the interesting properties of conjugated polyelectrolytes to develop multicolor fluorescent nanoparticles with integrating imaging and therapeutic functionalities. With this end, thermosensitive liposomes were coated with three recently synthesized polyfluorenes: copoly-((9,9-bis(60-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl)-2,7-(fluorene)-alt-1,4-(phenylene)) bromide (HTMA-PFP), copoly-((9,9-bis(60-N,N,N-trimethylammonium)hexyl)-2,7-(fluorene)-alt-4,7-(2- (phenyl)benzo(d) (1,2,3) triazole)) bromide (HTMA-PFBT) and copoly-((9,9-bis(60-N,N,Ntrimethylammonium) hexyl)-2,7-(fluorene)-alt-1,4-(naphtho(2,3c)-1,2,5-thiadiazole)) bromide (HTMA-PFNT), in order to obtain blue, green and red fluorescent drug carriers, respectively. The stability, size and morphology of the nanoparticles, as well as their thermotropic behavior and photophysical properties, have been characterized by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zeta Potential, transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis and fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, the suitability of the nanostructures to carry and release their contents when triggered by hyperthermia has been explored by using carboxyfluorescein as a hydrophilic drug model. Finally, preliminary experiments with mammalian cells demonstrate the capability of the nanoparticles to mark and visualize cells with di erent colors, evidencing their potential use for imaging and therapeutic applications

    Conventional vs. Organic: Evaluation of Nutritional, Functional and Sensory Quality of Citrus limon

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    Organic farming is growing rapidly worldwide since it is perceived as more respectful of the environment than conventional farming. In this sense, organic agriculture is highly appreciated by consumers since consumers around the world believe that organic food has a higher content of beneficial compounds for health and consider it of higher quality. For that reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the nutritional, sensorial, and functional quality of the ‘Fino 49’ lemon grafted on Citrus macrophylla in conventional and organic cultivation. Fatty acids, amino acids, total phenol, and polyphenols were quantified, antioxidant activity was measured, and sensory descriptive analysis was performed. Conventional farming led to an increase in amino acid content (641 mg L1) and an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids (254 mg 100 g1) and monounsaturated fatty acids (37.61 mg 100 g1). On the other hand, organically produced lemon fruits had better sensory profile (highlighting overall aroma (6.5), lemon odor (6.8), sourness (5.8), floral (0.6), and fresh lemon flavor (9.8)), and lower thrombogenicity index (0.15). The type of cultivation (organic and conventional) had no influence on the antioxidant activity (~1.60, ~3.08, and ~4.16 mmol Trolox L1 for ABTS+, DPPH , and FRAP, respectively) and polyphenols content (85.51 and 86.69 conventional and organic, respectively). However, to establish the advantages and disadvantages of different types of cultivation on lemon quality more studies are needed

    The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production

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    [EN] Due to the increase of high-density holdings, especially of olive trees, the nutritional requirements of the plants are higher per unit area, which implies that a greater contribution of fertilizers to the soil is needed. Opting for fertilizers of inorganic origin will produce an increase in the pollution of the soil. In the face of this possible soil contamination, our aim is to analyze the effect of biostimulants as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, to steadily produce and maintain high quality standards during the life of the crop. Our objective is using more environmentally friendly products in order to satisfy one of the most important demands from both consumers and the authorities. In this study, we carried out five different treatments in addition to a control treatment with a supply of NPK, from inorganic products, which are used to control fertilization with a solution obtained from seaweed extracts. These treatments were applied in two crop cycles for two of the most important varieties in the current olive tree growing scenario: Arbequina and Koroneiki. This study was developed in the farm Pozohondo, which is located in a crop zone by the Palancia river (Castellón, Valencia, Spain), in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, where the olive trees were established in a high-density system with a planting framework of 4 x 1.5 m. We ensured an exhaustive control of the nutritional needs of the holding by using a fertigation system. We could notice differences in the productions of each applied treatment, avoiding any possible biases through the additional control of 100 randomly selected olives from each of the samples. There is an improvement in the set of physical characteristics of the olives with the treatment that provides amino acids and extra potassium based on amni acids. We analyzed the quality of the olive oil obtained from the production of each treatment by measuring the fatty acids, tocopherols and polyphenols contents. We also carried out an organoleptic tasting analysis following the rules of the International Olive Committee (IOC). We observed an improvement with regard to the rest of treatments in the pomological parameters of the olives when applying the potassium and amino acid biostimulant, while the quality of the oils was not affected by the type of fertilization applied in each treatment.This work was funded by Project AICO/2017/047. Development of methods of quantification of riparian vegetation biomass for the management of channels of the Comunitat Valenciana. Dirección General de Universidades. Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).Hernández-Hernández, GJ.; Salazar Hernández, DM.; Martínez-Tomé, J.; López-Cortés, I. (2019). The use of biostimulants in high-density olive growing: Quality and production. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research. 10(4):1-11. https://doi.org/10.9734/AJAAR/2019/v10i430034S11110

    Disposable Electrochemical Biosensor Based on the Inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase Encapsulated in Acrylamide Hydrogels

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    The present work describes the development of an easy-to-use portable electrochemical biosensor based on alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as a recognition element, which has been immobilized in acrylamide-based hydrogels prepared through a green protocol over disposable screen-printed electrodes. To carry out the electrochemical transduction, an electroinactive substrate (hydroquinone diphosphate) was used in the presence of the enzyme and then it was hydrolyzed to an electroactive species (hydroquinone). The activity of the protein within the matrix was determined voltammetrically. Due to the adhesive properties of the hydrogel, this was easily deposited on the surface of the electrodes, greatly increasing the sensitivity of the biosensor. The device was optimized to allow the determination of phosphate ion, a competitive inhibitor of ALP, in aqueous media. Our study provides a proof-of-concept demonstrating the potential use of the developed biosensor for in situ, real-time measurement of water pollutants that act as ALP inhibitors.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (projects PID2019-105923RB-I00, PDC2021-120884-I00, European Union NextGenerationEU PRTR-C17.I1) and Generalitat Valenciana (project GVA-THINKINAZUL/2021/015 and PROMETEO/2018/087)

    The Interaction of Temozolomide with Blood Components Suggests the Potential Use of Human Serum Albumin as a Biomimetic Carrier for the Drug

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    The interaction of temozolomide (TMZ) (the main chemotherapeutic agent for brain tumors) with blood components has not been studied at the molecular level to date, even though such information is essential in the design of dosage forms for optimal therapy. This work explores the binding of TMZ to human serum albumin (HSA) and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), as well as to blood cell-mimicking membrane systems. Absorption and fluorescence experiments with model membranes indicate that TMZ does not penetrate into the lipid bilayer, but binds to the membrane surface with very low affinity. Fluorescence experiments performed with the plasma proteins suggest that in human plasma, most of the bound TMZ is attached to HSA rather than to AGP. This interaction is moderate and likely mediated by hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic forces, which increase the hydrolytic stability of the drug. These experiments are supported by docking and molecular dynamics simulations, which reveal that TMZ is mainly inserted in the subdomain IIA of HSA, establishing -stacking interactions with the tryptophan residue. Considering the overexpression of albumin receptors in tumor cells, our results propose that part of the administered TMZ may reach its target bound to plasma albumin and suggest that HSA-based nanocarriers are suitable candidates for designing biomimetic delivery systems that selectively transport TMZ to tumor cells

    Formation of Multicolor Nanogels Based on Cationic Polyfluorenes and Poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic monoethyl ester): Potential Use as pH-Responsive Fluorescent Drug Carriers

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    In this study, we employed the copolymer poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic monoethyl ester) (PMVEMA-Es) and three fluorene-based cationic conjugated polyelectrolytes to develop flu orescent nanoparticles with emission in the blue, green and red spectral regions. The size, Zeta Potential, polydispersity, morphology, time-stability and fluorescent properties of these nanoparticles were characterized, as well as the nature of the interaction between both PMVEMA-Es and fluorescent polyelectrolytes. Because PMVEMA-Es contains a carboxylic acid group in its structure, the effects of pH and ionic strength on the nanoparticles were also evaluated, finding that the size is responsive to pH and ionic strength, largely swelling at physiological pH and returning to their initial size at acidic pHs. Thus, the developed fluorescent nanoparticles can be categorized as pH-sensitive fluorescent nanogels, since they possess the properties of both pH-responsive hydrogels and nanoparticulate systems. Doxorubicin (DOX) was used as a model drug to show the capacity of the blue-emitting nanogels to hold drugs in acidic media and release them at physiological pH, from changes in the fluorescence properties of both nanoparticles and DOX. In addition, preliminary studies by super-resolution confocal microscopy were performed, regarding their potential use as image probes