891 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study investigates the chemical composition, in vitro antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Curcumaamada Methods: GC-MS analysis of these extracts was performed using a Perkin-Elmer GC Clarus 500 system. The antioxidant activity was done by using 2, 2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, total antioxidant assay, Ferric reducing power assay, Hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity, and nitric oxide scavenging assay. Evaluation of in vitro antibacterial activity was carried out by the disc diffusion method. Thirteen bacterial strains were used in this study. Results: The GC-MS analysis of the ethanolic extracts has shown a profile of 15 compounds. The antioxidant study proves that the leaf extracts could serve as an important bio-resource of antioxidants for the pharmaceutical industry. The extracts of leaf remarkably inhibited the growth of 13 bacterial strains Conclusion: This study revealed that phytochemicals compound present in ethanolic extract, antioxidant properties of ethanol and acetone extract and antimicrobial activity

    Pour une anthropologie politique de la mer

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    International audienceThis paper presents an innovative collaborative approach, devoted to strengthening and institutionalization of political anthropology applied to the sea. He first shows what political sciences have to say concerning our understanding of sea management, established to ensure their "sustainability". It then presents the cooperative research structure ApoliMer (political Anthropology of the sea), which address this issue by proposing to grasp the management of coastal and marine "socioecosystems" as a demonstrator of contemporary transformations of politics. Ultimately, it suggests the added value of a stronger link between the human and social sciences and natural sciences, to produce a critical analysis of the categories of thought and action attached to the "systemic management" of the environment.Cet article présente une démarche de recherche collaborative et innovante, consacrée au renforcement et à l'institutionnalisation d'une anthropologie politique de la mer étroitement articulée aux sciences de la nature. Il dit d'abord ce que les sciences sociales du politique ont à apporter à la compréhension de la « gouvernance » de la mer, établie en vue de sa « gestion durable ». Il présente ensuite la structure coopérative de recherche ApoliMer (Anthropologie politique de la mer), qui traite cette question en proposant de faire de la gestion des « socio-écosystèmes » marins et côtiers un démonstrateur des transformations contemporaines du politique. In fine, il laisse entrevoir la plus-value d'une articulation, entre les sciences humaines et sociales et les sciences de la nature pour produire une analyse critique des catégories de pensée et d’action attachées à la «gestion systémique» de l’environnement

    Interleukin-10 Promoter Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Skin Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Renal Transplantation

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    After organ transplantation, susceptibility to cancer is multifactorial, especially for skin carcinomas. Risk factors may include genetic susceptibilities, such as the control of cytokine production. Interleukin-10 is a cytokine that is implicated in tumorigenesis, and it has been shown that polymorphisms in its gene promoter correlate with differential amounts of production. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible association between interleukin-10 gene promoter polymorphisms and the occurrence of skin carcinomas after renal transplantation. Seventy kidney transplant recipients who developed a squamous cell carcinoma or a basal cell carcinoma were examined for polymorphisms in the interleukin-10 gene promoter using polymerase chain reaction based methods. Single base pair mutations were studied at positions –1082, –819, and –592. These patients were compared to 70 healthy controls and to 70 matched renal transplant recipients without cancer. The interleukin-10 secretion capability was tested in a subgroup of 40 of these patients by in vitro stimulation of peripheral mononuclear cells. Interleukin-10 genotypes and haplotypes were differently distributed in kidney transplant recipients who developed a skin carcinoma, but especially a squamous cell carcinoma, with an increased frequency of the GCC haplotype and a decreased frequency of the ATA haplotype. Subsequently, we found a shift in the predicted phenotypes from the low production phenotype to the high production phenotype. Secretion of interleukin-10 was strongly correlated to the production predicted phenotype, and tended to be higher in patients who developed a squamous cell carcinoma than in the others. These results indicate that interleukin-10 gene polymorphisms and interleukin-10 production capability may contribute to the development of skin squamous cell carcinomas after renal transplantation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran Fisika Dasar berbasis problem solving (MPFD-BPS) yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan metakognisi dan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan R & D. MPFD-BPS yang dikembangkan dicirikan dengan fase-fase pembelajaran sebagai berikut: fase pertama, mengorientasikan mahasiswa pada masalah; fase kedua, mengorganisasikan mahasiswa untuk belajar; fase ketiga, membimbing penyelidikan individual dan kelompok berbasis problem solving; fase keempat, mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil penyelidikan; dan fase kelima, penguatan dan tindak lanjut belajar. Untuk merancang MPFD-BPS, analisis kebutuhan dilakukan melalui studi literatur dan studi lapangan, selanjutnya dilakukan validasi ahli dan ujicoba terbatas untuk menyempurnakan draft MPFD-BPS. Ujicoba terbatas dilakukan pada mahasiswa yang mengontrak matakuliah Fisika Dasar I di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri di Medan pada topik Kinematika dan Dinamika Partikel. Draft MPFD-BPS yang telah disempurnakan, selanjutnya diujicobakan skala luas pada perguruan tinggi yang sama menggunakan kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ujicoba skala luas adalah kuasi-eksperimental dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Hasil-hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah: (1) Karakteristik MPFD-BPS meliputi: Masalah yang disajikan kontekstual dan diselesaikan dengan tahap-tahap problem solving melalui eksperimen berbasis video. (2) Pembelajaran berpusat pada mahasiswa. (3) Pembelajaran terjadi dalam kelompok kecil. (4) MPFD-BPS lebih efektif meningkatkan kemampuan metakognisi dan pemahaman konsep dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran konvensional. (5) Melalui penerapan MPFD-BPS, kemampuan metakognisi dan pemahaman konsep berada pada kategori sedang, baik pada topik Kinematika maupun Dinamika Partikel. (6) Melalui penerapan MPFD-BPS, peningkatan perilaku metakognisi mahasiswa lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penerapan model konvensional. (7) Dosen dan mahasiswa merespon MPFD-BPS dengan baik. (8) MPFD-BPS dapat membantu dosen mengelola pembelajaran, menggali ide-ide mahasiswa lebih mendalam, dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar. This research aimed to develop basic physics problem solving based learning (MPFD-BPS) which can improve student’s metacognition ability and conceptual understanding. The research used R & D method. The MPFD-BPS includes 5 phases; (1) orient student on the problem, (2) organize students to learn, (3) guide the investigation of individual and group-based problem solving, (4) develop and present the results of the investigation, and (5) reinforce and follow-up study. Need assessment has been conducted through literature and field study to design the MPFD-BPS. This model was validated by expert and then was tested at students enrolling Basic Physics part one at one of the universities in Medan of particle kinematics and dynamics topics. The results of limited testing were used to revise MPFD-BPS draft. The revised MPFD-BPS draft was implemented in the same university. Method that used research is quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The result showed that (1) The characteristics of MPFD-BPS: Contextual problems and solved with the stages of problem solving trough video-based experiments. (2) Students centered learning. (3) Learning happens in small groups. (4) MPFD-BPS more effective improve students’ metacognition ability and conceptual understanding than conventional model. (5) Through implementation of MPFD-BPS, student’s metacognition ability and conceptual understanding of particle kinematics and dynamics topics in midle category. (6) Through implementation of MPFD-BPS, there is behavior student’s metacognition better than conventional model. (7) Both lectures and students has responded to the MPFD-BPS positively. (8) MPFD-BPD: help lectures manage the learning, explores student’s ideas deeply, and motivates students to lear


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    A proposta deste estudo é discutir, com base na análise do conto “Caolha”, a literatura de Júlia Lopes de Almeida, evidenciando duas linhas de abordagem: a primeira diz respeito à recepção que a autora tem recebido por parte da crítica literária contemporânea, relegando-a a um papel subalterno, embora, a partir dos estudos relativos ao “gênero”, tenha saído do olvido a que foi submetida durante muitos anos; a segunda abordagem, valendo-se dos estudos sobre a descrição, propõe a aplicabilidade destes em relação ao conto “Caolha”

    NGAL, biomarker of acute kidney injury

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    peer reviewedLe diagnostic precoce de l’insufissance renale aigue (IRA) est necessaire et devrait se faire au stade de lesion renale avant meme la degradation du debit de filtration glomerulaire. Plusieurs biomarqueurs d’atteinte renale aigue sont actuellement a l’etude. Parmi ceux-ci, le Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) semble l’un des plus prometteurs et fait l’objet de nombreuses publications. La performance diagnostique de NGAL, dose dans le plasma ou les urines, pour le depistage de l’IRA depend de nombreux facteurs. Bien que les donnees experimentales recentes soient en faveur de l’utilisation preferentielle du dosage urinaire de NGAL, les donnees cliniques issues de nombreuses etudes ne permettent pas de trancher formellement sur la superiorite du dosage urinaire par rapport au dosage plasmatique pour le depistage des atteintes renales aigues. Il n’en reste pas moins que sur le plan analytique, les techniques de dosage du NGAL urinaire sont actuellement plus fiables que celles du dosage plasmatique. La performance diagnostique de NGAL dans un contexte d’IRA est maximale en chirurgie cardiaque pediatrique. Les resultats, chez l’adulte en postoperatoire de chirurgie cardiaque et dans d’autres situations (reanimation, urgences, transplantation), sont moins convaincants. Par ailleurs, il n’est actuellement pas possible d’extrapoler des etudes cliniques une valeur seuil discriminante unique de NGAL, aussi bien dans les urines que dans le plasma. D’autres etudes sont necessaires pour valider definitivement NGAL comme biomarqueur de l’atteinte renale aigue et en preciser les conditions d’utilisation en pratique clinique

    Factors Associated with the Diversification of the Gut Microbial Communities within Chimpanzees from Gombe National Park.

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    The gastrointestinal tract harbors large and diverse populations of bacteria that vary among individuals and within individuals over time. Numerous internal and external factors can influence the contents of these microbial communities, including diet, geography, physiology, and the extent of contact among hosts. To investigate the contributions of such factors to the variation and changes in gut microbial communities, we analyzed the distal gut microbiota of individual chimpanzees from two communities in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. These samples, which were derived from 35 chimpanzees, many of whom have been monitored for multiple years, provide an unusually comprehensive longitudinal depth for individuals of known genetic relationships. Although the composition of the great-ape microbiota has been shown to codiversify with host species, indicating that host genetics and phylogeny have played a major role in its differentiation over evolutionary timescales, the geneaological relationships of individual chimpanzees did not coincide with the similarity in their gut microbial communities. However, the inhabitants from adjacent chimpanzee communities could be distinguished based on the contents of their gut microbiota. Despite the broad similarity of community members, as would be expected from shared diet or interactions, long-term immigrants to a community often harbored the most distinctive gut microbiota, suggesting that individuals retain hallmarks of their previous gut microbial communities for extended periods. This pattern was reinforced in several chimpanzees sampled over long temporal scales, in which the major constituents of the gut microbiota were maintained for nearly a decade

    The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio of the human microbiota changes with age

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In humans, the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the maintenance of host health by providing energy, nutrients, and immunological protection. Applying current molecular methods is necessary to surmount the limitations of classical culturing techniques in order to obtain an accurate description of the microbiota composition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report on the comparative assessment of human fecal microbiota from three age-groups: infants, adults and the elderly. We demonstrate that the human intestinal microbiota undergoes maturation from birth to adulthood and is further altered with ageing. The counts of major bacterial groups <it>Clostridium leptum, Clostridium coccoides</it>, <it>Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus </it>and <it>Escherichia coli </it>were assessed by quantitative PCR (qPCR). By comparing species diversity profiles, we observed age-related changes in the human fecal microbiota. The microbiota of infants was generally characterized by low levels of total bacteria. <it>C. leptum </it>and <it>C. coccoides </it>species were highly represented in the microbiota of infants, while elderly subjects exhibited high levels of <it>E. coli </it>and <it>Bacteroidetes</it>. We observed that the ratio of <it>Firmicutes </it>to <it>Bacteroidetes </it>evolves during different life stages. For infants, adults and elderly individuals we measured ratios of 0.4, 10.9 and 0.6, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this work we have confirmed that qPCR is a powerful technique in studying the diverse and complex fecal microbiota. Our work demonstrates that the fecal microbiota composition evolves throughout life, from early childhood to old age.</p