2,010 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem pengendalian intern, pemahaman regulasi, dan sistem informasi terhadap manajemen aset pada SKPK di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah kepala SKPK dan pengurus barang di SKPK Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus, total populasi adalah 38 SKPK dengan jumlah responden 78 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda linear, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendalian intern, pemahaman regulasi, dan sistem informasi berpengaruh terhadap manajemen aset baik secara simultan dan parsial

    A social accounting matrix approach to appraise sectors with a zero deficit public budget

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de una metodología empírica mixta para identificar, en un marco de déficit público cero, los sectores que tienen la capacidad de crecimiento de la producción y el empleo, teniendo también en cuenta las implicaciones ambientales de la producción de cada sector. Las actividades económicas se clasifican y seleccionan en función de sus multiplicadores de producción, empleo, y emisiones. Para un análisis empírico, se utiliza una Matriz de Contabilidad Social de la economía española para 2008. Entre los resultados, destaca el hecho de que la consideración del déficit cero en el presupuesto público altera significativamente la importancia de los sectores de desarrollo económico, resultando clave la elección de un criterio para determinar la asignación de los fondos públicos.The aim of this paper is to develop a mixed empirical methodology to identify, in a zero public deficit framework, those sectors with the capability for growth of output and employment, while also considering the environmental implications of the production of each sector. Their economic activities are ranked and selected in terms of their output, employment, and emissions multipliers. For an empirical analysis, a Social Accounting Matrix of the Spanish economy for 2008 is used. Among the findings, highlights the fact that consideration of the zero deficit in the public budget significantly alters the importance of the sectors for economic development, turning out key choosing a criterion for determining the allocation of public funds


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    ABSTRAKKecemasan sering dialami oleh ibu hamil dikarenakan banyak terjadinya perubahanselama kehamilan baik secara fisik maupun psikis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui pengaruh usia, paritas, dan tingkat pendidikan terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamiltrimester ketiga di RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasionaldengan pendekatan desain cross sectional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniberjumlah 30 orang ibu hamil trimester ketiga di RSUDZA Banda Aceh di pilih secaraaccidental sampling. Kecemasan diukur menggunakan kuesioner HARS. Besar sampel dalampenelitian ini berjumlah 30 responden. Uji spearman menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruhyang bermakna pada usia terhadap kecemasan dengan p 0,000, paritas terhadap kecemasandengan p 0,022, dan tinggkat pendidikan terhadap kecemasan dengan p 0,038, dan uji regresiordinal dari ketiga variabel yang diukur, usia merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruhterhadap kecemasan ibu hamil trimester ketiga dengan p 0,001. Kesimpulan dari penelitian iniadalah semakin bertambahnya usia maka semakin tinggi tingkat kecemasan, semakin tinggijumlah paritas maka semakin berkurangnya tingkat kecemasan, dana semakin tinggi tingkatpendidikan maka semakin rendah tingkat kecemasan.Kata Kunci : Usia, Paritas, Tingkat Pendidikan, Tingkat Kecemasa

    Spiking neural networks trained with backpropagation for low power neuromorphic implementation of voice activity detection

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    Recent advances in Voice Activity Detection (VAD) are driven by artificial and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), however, using a VAD system in battery-operated devices requires further power efficiency. This can be achieved by neuromorphic hardware, which enables Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) to perform inference at very low energy consumption. Spiking networks are characterized by their ability to process information efficiently, in a sparse cascade of binary events in time called spikes. However, a big performance gap separates artificial from spiking networks, mostly due to a lack of powerful SNN training algorithms. To overcome this problem we exploit an SNN model that can be recast into an RNN-like model and trained with known deep learning techniques. We describe an SNN training procedure that achieves low spiking activity and pruning algorithms to remove 85% of the network connections with no performance loss. The model achieves state-of-the-art performance with a fraction of power consumption comparing to other methods.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Returns to education and to experience within the EU: are there differences between wage earners and the self-employed?

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    This paper investigates the returns to education and to experience within the 15 pre-enlargement EU countries, distinguishing between wage earners and the self-employed. These returns are estimated by using a comparable data set coming from the European Community Household Panel during the period 1994-2000. To correct for the ability bias and recover the education coefficients, an Efficient Generalized Instrumental Variable technique is applied. Although the results differ across countries, two common features can be observed. First, the earnings-experience profiles indicate certain traits of competitiveness in the labor markets and, secondly, the returns to education show that signaling plays a relevant role in the earnings of workers.Returns to education, wage earners, self-employed, panel data, European Union

    Severe Atopic Dermatitis In Spain: A Real-Life Observational Study

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    Objective: To determine the epidemiology and characterize the treatment prescribed for severe atopic dermatitis (AD) in children/adults in usual clinical practice. Methods: Observational, retrospective study made through review of medical records of Spanish patients aged >= 6 years. Patients diagnosed with severe AD who required care between 2013 and 2017 were included. The study groups were: 6-12 years; 13-18 years; and > 18 years. Patients were followed for 5 years. The main measurements were the prevalence of AD, comorbidity and treatment duration. Statistical significance was established as p <0.05. Results: We included 2323 patients with severe AD. The overall prevalence was 0.10% (95% CI: 0.09-0.11%) and was 0.39%, 0.23% and 0.07% in the 6-12 years, 13-18 years and >18 years age groups, respectively (p <0.001), the percentage of males was 58%, 48.6% and 39%, respectively, and general comorbidity was 0.1, 0.2 and 0.9 points, respectively (p <0.001).The most frequent comorbidities were asthma in 49.0%, 44.9% and 20.8%, respectively (p <0.001), and anxiety in 79.7%, 65.8% and 67.3%, respectively (p <0.001). Oral corticosteroids were administered in 97.3%, 90.9% and 81.7%, respectively (concomitant-medication). Cyclosporine (45.3%), azathioprine (15.9%) and methotrexate (9.0%) were the most frequently prescribed drugs; biologic agents were administered in 5.8% of patients (for AD). Conclusion: In AD the presence of comorbidities was significant, especially in the psychological, immunoallergic and cardiovascular areas. Cyclosporine was the most widely used immunosuppressant. There was a degree of variability in the use and duration of the treatments prescribed

    Behaviour of the anomalous regions of the Continuos Shouldered Well isotropic soft-core potential

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    Projecte de final de màster realitzat en col.laboració amb el Departament de Física Fonamental, Facultat de Física.Using molecular dynamics we simulate a system of particles interacting through a continuous isotropic pairwise coresoftened potential, proposed by Giancarlo Franzese, consisting on a repulsive shoulder and an attractive well. The model is known to display a phase diagram with three fuid phases with a gas-liquid critical point and liquid-liquid critical point and to present density, diffusion and structural anomalies, in the same hierarchy that characterizes water. In this work we increase systematically the slope of the repulsive shouder to study the effect on the anomalies. We find that the different anomalous regions are sensible to the changes and get narrow as the slope increases. While diffusion and density anomalous regions tend to colapse into one single point in the T − ρ plane, structural anomalous region tends asimptotically to a fixed value

    Intra-Household Time Allocation: Gender Differences in Caring for Children

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    This paper analyses the intra-household allocation of time to show gender differences in childcare. In the framework of a general efficiency approach, hours spent on childcare by each parent are regressed against individual and household characteristics, for five samples (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), with data being drawn from the European Community Household Panel-ECHP (1994-2001). Empirical results show a clear inequality in childcare between fathers and mothers, with this being more evident in Mediterranean countries. Panel data estimates reveal that, in general, caring tasks are mainly influenced by the presence of young children in the household, by the total non-labor income, and by the ratio of mothers' non-labor income to family's non-labor income, with this latter variable exhibiting a different behavior across genders and across countries.childcare, gender differences, intra-household allocation, time use

    Beach recovery capacity along Catalan Beaches

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    Onshore offshore transport at the surfzone and close to the breaking zone is mainly induced by waves. Wave regimes then controls the capacity to transport sediment from the submerged part of the beach to the upper/emerged area. The study aims to analyse the capacity of waves to induce such transport along the Catalan coast. The results will serve to evaluate the capacity of beaches to recover the oroginal shape after tyhe pass of an extreme event