63 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling of the quasiespecies model

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    We use finite-size scaling to investigate the critical behavior of the quasiespecies model of molecular evolution in the single-sharp-peak replication landscape. This model exhibits a sharp threshold phenomenon at Q=Q_c=1/a, where Q is the probability of exact replication of a molecule of length L and a is the selective advantage of the master string. We investigate the sharpness of the threshold and find that its characteristic persist across a range of Q of order L^(-1) about Q_c. Furthermore, using the data collapsing method we show that the normalized mean Hamming distance between the master string and the entire population, as well as the properly scaled fluctuations around this mean value, follow universal forms in the critical region.Comment: 8 pages,tex. Submitted to Physical Review

    Dynamic fitness landscapes: Expansions for small mutation rates

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    We study the evolution of asexual microorganisms with small mutation rate in fluctuating environments, and develop techniques that allow us to expand the formal solution of the evolution equations to first order in the mutation rate. Our method can be applied to both discrete time and continuous time systems. While the behavior of continuous time systems is dominated by the average fitness landscape for small mutation rates, in discrete time systems it is instead the geometric mean fitness that determines the system's properties. In both cases, we find that in situations in which the arithmetic (resp. geometric) mean of the fitness landscape is degenerate, regions in which the fitness fluctuates around the mean value present a selective advantage over regions in which the fitness stays at the mean. This effect is caused by the vanishing genetic diffusion at low mutation rates. In the absence of strong diffusion, a population can stay close to a fluctuating peak when the peak's height is below average, and take advantage of the peak when its height is above average.Comment: 19 pages Latex, elsart style, 4 eps figure

    A Population Genetic Approach to the Quasispecies Model

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    A population genetics formulation of Eigen's molecular quasispecies model is proposed and several simple replication landscapes are investigated analytically. Our results show a remarcable similarity to those obtained with the original kinetics formulation of the quasispecies model. However, due to the simplicity of our approach, the space of the parameters that define the model can be explored. In particular, for the simgle-sharp-peak landscape our analysis yelds some interesting predictions such as the existence of a maximum peak height and a mini- mum molecule length for the onset of the error threshold transition.Comment: 16 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Submited to Phy. Rev.

    Error threshold in the evolution of diploid organisms

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    The effects of error propagation in the reproduction of diploid organisms are studied within the populational genetics framework of the quasispecies model. The dependence of the error threshold on the dominance parameter is fully investigated. In particular, it is shown that dominance can protect the wild-type alleles from the error catastrophe. The analysis is restricted to a diploid analogue of the single-peaked landscape.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Submitted to J. Phy. A: Mat. and Ge

    Error threshold in simple landscapes

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    We consider the quasispecies description of a population evolving in both the "master sequence" landscape (where a single sequence is evolutionarily preferred over all others) and the REM landscape (where the fitness of different sequences is an independent, identically distributed, random variable). We show that, in both cases, the error threshold is analogous to a first order thermodynamical transition, where the overlap between the average genotype and the optimal one drops discontinuously to zero.Comment: 10 pages and 2 figures, Plain LaTe

    Error threshold in finite populations

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    A simple analytical framework to study the molecular quasispecies evolution of finite populations is proposed, in which the population is assumed to be a random combination of the constiyuent molecules in each generation,i.e., linkage disequilibrium at the population level is neglected. In particular, for the single-sharp-peak replication landscape we investigate the dependence of the error threshold on the population size and find that the replication accuracy at threshold increases linearly with the reciprocal of the population size for sufficiently large populations. Furthermore, in the deterministic limit our formulation yields the exact steady-state of the quasispecies model, indicating then the population composition is a random combination of the molecules.Comment: 14 pages and 4 figure

    Mutation-Selection Balance: Ancestry, Load, and Maximum Principle

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    We show how concepts from statistical physics, such as order parameter, thermodynamic limit, and quantum phase transition, translate into biological concepts in mutation-selection models for sequence evolution and can be used there. The article takes a biological point of view within a population genetics framework, but contains an appendix for physicists, which makes this correspondence clear. We analyze the equilibrium behavior of deterministic haploid mutation-selection models. Both the forward and the time-reversed evolution processes are considered. The stationary state of the latter is called the ancestral distribution, which turns out as a key for the study of mutation-selection balance. We find that it determines the sensitivity of the equilibrium mean fitness to changes in the fitness values and discuss implications for the evolution of mutational robustness. We further show that the difference between the ancestral and the population mean fitness, termed mutational loss, provides a measure for the sensitivity of the equilibrium mean fitness to changes in the mutation rate. For a class of models in which the number of mutations in an individual is taken as the trait value, and fitness is a function of the trait, we use the ancestor formulation to derive a simple maximum principle, from which the mean and variance of fitness and the trait may be derived; the results are exact for a number of limiting cases, and otherwise yield approximations which are accurate for a wide range of parameters. These results are applied to (error) threshold phenomena caused by the interplay of selection and mutation. They lead to a clarification of concepts, as well as criteria for the existence of thresholds.Comment: 54 pages, 15 figures; to appear in Theor. Pop. Biol. 61 or 62 (2002

    Field theory for a reaction-diffusion model of quasispecies dynamics

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    RNA viruses are known to replicate with extremely high mutation rates. These rates are actually close to the so-called error threshold. This threshold is in fact a critical point beyond which genetic information is lost through a second-order phase transition, which has been dubbed the ``error catastrophe.'' Here we explore this phenomenon using a field theory approximation to the spatially extended Swetina-Schuster quasispecies model [J. Swetina and P. Schuster, Biophys. Chem. {\bf 16}, 329 (1982)], a single-sharp-peak landscape. In analogy with standard absorbing-state phase transitions, we develop a reaction-diffusion model whose discrete rules mimic the Swetina-Schuster model. The field theory representation of the reaction-diffusion system is constructed. The proposed field theory belongs to the same universality class than a conserved reaction-diffusion model previously proposed [F. van Wijland {\em et al.}, Physica A {\bf 251}, 179 (1998)]. From the field theory, we obtain the full set of exponents that characterize the critical behavior at the error threshold. Our results present the error catastrophe from a new point of view and suggest that spatial degrees of freedom can modify several mean field predictions previously considered, leading to the definition of characteristic exponents that could be experimentally measurable.Comment: 13 page

    Finite-size scaling of the error threshold transition in finite population

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    The error threshold transition in a stochastic (i.e. finite population) version of the quasispecies model of molecular evolution is studied using finite-size scaling. For the single-sharp-peak replication landscape, the deterministic model exhibits a first-order transition at Q=Qc=1/aQ=Q_c=1/a, where Q% Q is the probability of exact replication of a molecule of length L→∞L \to \infty, and aa is the selective advantage of the master string. For sufficiently large population size, NN, we show that in the critical region the characteristic time for the vanishing of the master strings from the population is described very well by the scaling assumption \tau = N^{1/2} f_a \left [ \left (Q - Q_c) N^{1/2} \right ] , where faf_a is an aa-dependent scaling function.Comment: 8 pages, 3 ps figures. submitted to J. Phys.

    Schwinger Boson Formulation and Solution of the Crow-Kimura and Eigen Models of Quasispecies Theory

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    We express the Crow-Kimura and Eigen models of quasispecies theory in a functional integral representation. We formulate the spin coherent state functional integrals using the Schwinger Boson method. In this formulation, we are able to deduce the long-time behavior of these models for arbitrary replication and degradation functions. We discuss the phase transitions that occur in these models as a function of mutation rate. We derive for these models the leading order corrections to the infinite genome length limit.Comment: 37 pages; 4 figures; to appear in J. Stat. Phy
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