205 research outputs found

    Conditions of the Development of Logistic Centers in Poland in the Context of European States Experiences

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    The article is, for the most part, the aftermath of his own examinations carried out in years 2007-2010 and concerning logistic centers development conditioning.Artykuł jest w znacznej mierze pokłosiem badań własnych autora przeprowadzonych w latach: 2007-2010 dotyczących uwarunkowań rozwoju centrów logistycznych

    Durational variation in Polish fricatives provides evidence for hybrid models of phonology

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    The neighborhood density of a word is the number of words that sound similar to it. Phonotactic probability is a measure of how typical (for a given language) the phoneme sequences in a word are. These two factors are known to affect speech perception in opposing directions: high neighborhood density slows down processing while high phonotactic probability speeds it up [30]. This finding supports hybrid models of phonological representation [24], as neighborhood density effects operate on lexical, and phonotactic probability effects on sublexical representations. The present paper, investigating word-initial double clusters retrieved from the Greater Poland Spoken Corpus [14], tests the predictions for durational variation in fricatives following from Vitevitch and Luce [30]. It has been found that high neighborhood density is associated with longer - while high phonotactic probability with shorter - fricative durations. Thus, further support for hybrid models of phonological storage is provided.19972001Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 201

    Prevocalic t-glottaling across word boundaries in Midland American English

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    Rates of t-glottaling across word boundaries in both preconsonantal and prevocalic contexts have recently been claimed to be positively correlated with the frequency of occurrence of a given word in preconsonantal contexts (Eddington & Channer, 2010). Words typically followed by consonants have been argued to have their final /t/s glottaled more often than words less frequently followed by consonants. This paper includes a number of ‘internal’ and ‘external’ predictors in a mixed-effects logistic regression model and has two goals: (1) to replicate the positive correlation of the frequency of occurrence of a word in preconsonantal contexts (its ‘contextual frequency’) with its rates of t-glottaling in both preconsonantal and prevocalic contexts postulated by Eddington and Channer (2010), and (2) to quantify the factors influencing the likelihood of t-glottaling across word boundaries in Midland American English. The effect of contextual frequency has been confirmed. This result is argued to support a hybrid view of phonological storage and processing, one including both abstract and exemplar representations. T-glottaling has also been found to be negatively correlated with bigram frequency and speech rate deviation, while positively correlated with young age in female speakers.NCN; UMO-2017/26/D/HS2/0002711112313Laboratory Phonolog

    On the role of perception in the acquisition of the peach - pitch contrast by Polish learners of English

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    1822441Vienna English Working Paper


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    The techniques presented herein provide efficient, scalable, and comprehensive industrial asset inventory and vulnerability detection in operation technology (OT) networks. The techniques achieve this by adaptively and dynamically chaining traffic-monitoring methods through an OT network. Additionally, the techniques automatically and efficiently deploy sensors in an OT network to support the traffic-monitoring chaining and efficiently utilize resources in the OT network. These techniques may resolve vulnerability detection issues and inventory tracking and classification issues that are commonly encountered in OT networks, which that often utilize network elements without traffic sensing features

    Assessing the effect of ambiguity in compositionality signaling on the processing of diphones

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    Consonantal diphones differ as to their ambiguity (whether or not they indicate morphological complexity reliably by occurring exclusively either within or across morphemes) and lexicality (how frequently they occur within morphemes rather than across morpheme boundaries). This study empirically investigates the influence of ambiguity and lexicality on the processing speed of consonantal diphones in speech perception. More specifically, its goal is to test the predictions of the Strong Morphonotactic Hypothesis, which asserts that phonotactic processing is influenced by morphological structure, and to clarify the two conceptions thereof present in extant research. In two discrimination task experiments, it is found that the processing speed of cross-morpheme diphones decreases with their ambiguity, but there is no processing difference between primarily crossmorphemic and morpheme-internal diphones. We conclude that the predictions of the Strong Morphonotactic Hypothesis are borne out only partially, and we discuss the discrepancies

    Reversal of antithrombotic treatment in intracranial hemorrhage – A review of current strategies and guidelines

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    In the last few years, there has been a rapid increase in patients being treated with various anticoagulation and antiplatelet agents. In clinical neurology, these drugs are administered for primary and secondary stroke prevention or to avoid the consequences of immobilization of severe stroke patients. Additionally, thrombolytic intravenous therapy and, recently, intra-arterial therapy for stroke have been increasingly employed all over the world. These therapies are associated with an increased risk of hemorrhage, including the most dangerous, intracranial hemorrhage. The knowledge of the standards for the treatment of hemorrhagic complications in the central nervous system is crucial for doctors in neurology and stroke units as well as in emergency rooms. Therefore, we conducted a review of various guidelines and recommendations, including manufacturers’ opinions contained in the summaries of product characteristics (Polish and British or European versions), in Guidelines of the Polish Neurological Society and in international and American guidelines i.e., European Stroke Organization (ESO) and American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA). In addition, we compared these guidelines with expert opinions published in recent manuscripts and manuals on intensive care in neurology

    Wykształcenie a zaburzenia funkcji poznawczych u osób z chorobą Parkinsona

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    Background and purpose Parkinson disease (PD) is a risk factor for dementia. In addition, specific cognitive deficits can occur in PD patients without dementia. A patient's level of education could have an influence on the development of cognitive impairment in PD. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of education and cognitive performance in non-demented patients with PD. Material and methods Thirty-seven consecutive, nondemented PD patients and 40 healthy controls fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the case-control study. Each of the controls and PD patients were classified, for the purpose of this study, into one of three groups (low, intermediate, higher), categorized by the number of years of education. There were no differences in education and age between the controls and PD patients. All of the subjects were evaluated with a battery of neuropsychological tests: Mini-Mental State Examination, Trail Making Tests, Stroop Test, Mental Rotation Test, and Verbal Fluency Test. Results Less (low and intermediate) education was correlated with poor results from tests. The comparison of all groups of PD patients and controls demonstrated that PD subjects received lower test scores, especially for the low and intermediate groups. However, no statistically significant difference was reached between educationally advanced PD patients and the appropriate control subjects. Conclusions As compared to the controls, most non-demented PD patients presented executive-type cognitive dysfunction. The higher educational level, however, was associated with a lower risk of cognitive deterioration. We conclude that higher education might have protective effects in cognitive decline in PD.Wstęp i cel pracy Choroba Parkinsona (ChP) jest czynnikiem ryzyka wystąpienia otępienia, pewne zaburzenia poznawcze mogą występować jednakże już u chorych niespełniających kryteriów demencji. Poziom wykształcenia może mieć wpływ na obecność zaburzeń poznawczych. Postuluje się, że niski poziom edukacji może być związany z szybszym pogorszeniem funkcjonowania poznawczego, a wyższe wykształcenie może stanowić czynnik ochronny. Celem badań była próba ustalenia związku pomiędzy obecnością zaburzeń poznawczych a poziomem wykształcenia u chorych na ChP bez otępienia. Materiał i metody Przebadano 37 chorych na ChP i 40 osób z grupy kontrolnej. Dla celów pracy badanych podzielono na trzy podgrupy w zależności od poziomu wykształcenia (podstawowe/zawodowe, średnie, wyższe). Poszczególne podgrupy osób badanych i kontrolnych nie różniły się pod względem liczebności i wieku. W obu grupach oceniono funkcjonowanie poznawcze przy zastosowaniu testów psychologicznych (Krótka Skala Oceny Stanu Psychicznego, Test Łączenia Punktów, Test Stroopa, Test Rotacji Figury, Test Fluencji Słownej). Wyniki Niższe wykształcenie (podstawowe/zawodowe i średnie) wiązało się z gorszymi wynikami testów psychologicznych. Porównanie grupy chorych i kontrolnej wykazało, iż chorzy osiągają gorsze wyniki testów, w szczególności chorzy z niższym wykształceniem (podstawowym/zawodowym i średnim) w porównaniu z osobami z grupy kontrolnej o tym samym poziomie wykształcenia. Porównując chorych na ChP i grupę kontrolną z wykształceniem wyższym, nie stwierdzono znamiennych statystycznie różnic dla wyników żadnego z testów. Wnioski U osób z ChP bez otępienia stwierdzono występowanie niewielkiego stopnia, łagodnych zaburzeń poznawczych. Wyższy poziom wykształcenia związany był z niższym ryzykiem wystąpienia zaburzeń, dlatego może być czynnikiem ochronnym dla zaburzeń poznawczych w Ch

    The Support for Clustering Development in Polish Realities

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    Therefore, cluster-based policy gains an exceptional meaning. Selecting that model of policy, the problem of public aid and support instruments’ appliance areacrucial issues.Beside the aspects that were mentioned above, the author also discusses barriers and limitations which are connected with cluster-based policy.The conclusions and implications that are presented for the most part the aftermath of the author’s own research on cluster development issues

    Podstawy prawne geoinformacyjnego wsparcia ocen oddziaływania na środowisko w Polsce

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    Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an instrument ensuring environmental protection at the stage of the decision-making process preceding investment implementation. It enables the preparation of an investment process in such a way that the implementation and functioning of the investment has the lowest negative impact on the geographical environment possible negative. After World War II, economic growth became very intensive. Only the technical and economic aspects of investment enterprises were analysed during the design of new investments. The impact of new, large-scale investments on the environment in various parts of the world was so significant, that it caused concern for the balance in the environment and its functioning, not only on a local, but also on a global scale (Synowic, Rzeszot 1995). This concern resulted in, among others, the development of legislation on environmental impact assessment. Impact assessments may refer to direct undertakings (which served as prototypes for international and European solutions), but also to programmes, plans, policies, and draft laws (as was provided for by the US legislation and the E uropean legislation since 2001). The article does not discuss the issue of strategic environmental impact assessment of draft documents (programmes, plans, and policies), only signalling their existence. The development of environmental impact assessment and legal basis for spatial information infrastructure presented in the article point to the need of permanently including geoinformation systems into administrative proceedings concerning assessments or decisions motivated by environmental factors. The geoinformational support functioning pursuant to the INSPIRE directive will enable administrative bodies to make decisions based on reliable spatial information with legal basis.Organy administracji zaangażowane w ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko planowanego przedsięwzięcia winny korzystać z informacji i metod weryfikacji o jak najwyższej jakości i pewności.  Współcześnie rozwijające się społeczeństwo geoinformacyjne dysponuje takimi rozwiązaniami, które mogą spełnić wymienione wyżej wymagania stawiane organom administracji. Dlatego też istotnym jest wypracowanie zasad wsparcia administracji rządowej i samorządowej w postępowaniach administracyjnych systemami geoinformacyjnymi, które dostarczają danych, procedur i narzędzi do obiektywizacji podejmowanych decyzji środowiskowych.