14 research outputs found

    A fuzzy array-based clustering method in team building.

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    International audienceAn array-based approach is proposed as an effective mean for providing an alternative solution in team building problem. The proposed approach generates a systematic formation of task and team member families by sequencing the rows and the columns of a task-personnel incidence matrix. To obtain the task-personnel incidence matrix, a fuzzy sets approach will be proposed to combine two fundamental incidence matrices : the task-discipline and personnel-discipline incidence matrices. The proposed method is demonstrated by applying to an example in team building problem

    A team building approach for competency development.

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    International audienceAn approach for multidisciplinary team building is proposed through three steps. We suppose that tasks and team members are characterized by a set of attributes (technical competencies). First, the calculation of distance measure between task and team member (profile matching) are proposed. Second, an array-based clustering algorithm is used as an effective means for providing an alternative solution in task and team-member clustering. The proposed approach generates a systematic formation of task and team member families by sequencing the rows and the columns of a task/team member incidence matrix. Finally, an integer programming model is formulated to solve the task assignment problem. The proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to an example in a team building problem

    A multidisciplinary team building method based on competency modelling in design project management.

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    International audienceThis research aims to develop a new team building method on competency modelling in the field of project management. This method is divided into three main stages. First, a competency matrix based on a task-actor compatibility indicator helps to characterise the competency levels. Second, we apply a clustering algorithm in order to reduce the problem complexity and favour the employees expertise. The clustering algorithm will decompose large sets of tasks and actors into smaller task groups related to different actor groups. It facilitates the project leaders to organise the actors into teams. Finally, the proposed task assignment model incorporates a learning curve in order to take the competency dynamics into account. Our computational experiments suggest that incorporating a clustering algorithm as a step of the method results in preserving expertise and thus helps project managers to find better tradeoffs between project cost (short term goal) and competency dynamics (long term goal)

    MĂ©thodologie pour la constitution d'Ă©quipes de projet de conception.

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    International audiencePiloter un projet comporte plusieurs dimensions organisationnelles comme l'organisation des tâches du projet, la formation des équipes et le développement des compétences. Dans la littérature, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas le travail considérant simultanément ces trois aspects. Dans ce papier, nous présentons une méthodologie d'aide à la constitution des équipes d'un projet de conception comme un premier pas vers la prise en compte de ces trois aspects. Deux étapes fondamentales de notre approche seront présentées : l'organisation des tâches et la constitution des équipes. En premier lieu, la théorie de la logique floue et un algorithme de regroupement (Rank Order Clustering-ROC) seront utilisés pour regrouper des tâches du projet. Ensuite, on s'appuiera sur une méthode d'aide à la décision multicritères pour constituer les équipes, avec prise en compte d'un critère portant sur le développement des compétences

    Affectation multi-périodes de tâches de conception en fonction de l'évolution des compétences.

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    International audienceLes projets de conception de produits complexes nécessitent des acteurs pluridisciplinaires afin de réaliser l'intégralité des activités du projet. Les chefs de projet ont besoin d'outils d'aide à l'affectation des ressources humaines en fonction de l'évolution des compétences. Dans cet article, un modèle d'affectation permettant de modéliser le développement des compétences sur plusieurs périodes et sur plusieurs projets est proposé. Nous cherchons un compromis entre le coût supplémentaire lié au manque de compétence et le coût pénalisant dû à l'écart de l'objectif de compétences. Un cas d'études est présenté. Nous utilisons un algorithme de recuit simulé pour résoudre le problème

    Managing the competencies of team members in design project through multi-period task assignment.

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    International audienceProduct design projects involve multiple team members with various knowledge and competencies that have to evolve with time, due to rapid organizational, technological and marketing changes. Project managers require management methods to optimize the assignment of tasks to human resources according to their competency levels and the need for competency evolution. In this paper, we tackle this optimization problem in the context of multiple design projects and multiple periods. The model we propose seeks to minimize two function objectives: (i) minimize the supplementary salary cost due to the extended task duration when using under-competent employees and (ii) minimize the financial penalties when the competency goals have not been reached. This problem has been solved by means of a simulated annealing -based optimization algorithm

    Design and Core Competency, The Missing Links.

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    International audienceDesigning in an industrial context is a very complex activity. It needs the integration of heterogeneous knowledge or skills, to transform a set of ill-defined requirements into an artefact that satisfies esthetical, functional, technical, economical criteria. Design process optimization with methods like system engineering and core competency building are key issues for managers of product development process, design skills networks, communities of design practices... In the literature, these issues have been dealt with separately. In this paper, we propose a framework of reference that helps us to explicit the content of the core design competency. This framework is a first step beyond an efficient compentency based management of design structures

    Human resource allocation management in multiple projects using sociometric techniques

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    This article describes a new application of key psychological concepts in the area of Sociometry for the selection of workers within organizations in which projects are developed. The project manager can use a new procedure to determine which individuals should be chosen from a given pool of resources and how to combine them into one or several simultaneous groups/projects in order to assure the highest possible overall work efficiency from the standpoint of social interaction. The optimization process was carried out by means of matrix calculations performed using a computer or even manually, and based on a number of new ratios generated ad-hoc and composed on the basis of indices frequently used in Sociometry

    Contribution à la constitution d'équipes de conception couplant la structuration du projet et le pilotage des compétences.

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    At the moment of the commitment of a project, project managers have to organize their design projects. For doing this, they have to define a preliminary product architecture, to organize design processes and to group the assigned actors into independent teams. These three activities are strongly related and critical for the entire project. However, few formal methods have been proposed for considering these activities simultaneously. In addition, during the task assignment, project managers have to ensure that the actors are competent enough for doing the tasks. They have to consider the future needs in term of competency development, which could be obtained by training the actors during the ongoing projects. In reality, the complexity of the project organization can prevent the managers from having the global vision of the consequences of their assignment decisions, which are sometimes made related to many periods and many projects. Furthermore nowadays, the competencies that are necessary in the design project rapidly evolve due to quick changes in technologies and customers' needs. The development of competencies of human resources becomes one of the key insights of the firms. They don't consider these competencies as being static but dynamic resources. These resources have to reach specific goals of competency development. In this thesis, we propose a method to build project teams. This work consists in optimizing the "tasks-human resources" assignment decisions and the project organization, coupling the constraints of product architecture and goals of competency development. This problem is formulated for complex design situations with multiple design projects and multiple periods. Being complex, this work presents contributions in several sub-problems (mono-period assignment, multi-period assignment with the competency development, organizational architecture of the problem by taking the product architecture into account), before proposing a formulation of the global problem. This problem is solved by integrating an algorithm of simulated annealing.Lors de l'engagement d'un projet, un chef de projet doit structurer le projet de conception. Il s'agit de définir une architecture préliminaire du produit, de structurer le processus de conception et de regrouper les acteurs du projet en équipes interdépendantes (le regroupement est appelé "architecture des acteurs"). Ces trois activités sont fortement inter-reliées et critiques lors de la phase de conception préliminaire, car les décisions prises auront un impact fort sur les performances de l'ensemble du projet. Cependant, peu de méthodes formelles ont été proposées pour les considérer conjointement. Par ailleurs, lors de l'affectation des tâches du processus aux acteurs, le chef de projet doit s'assurer que les acteurs sont compétents pour réaliser une tâche. Il doit aussi prendre en compte des besoins de futurs projets qui pourraient nécessiter des apprentissages dans les projets en cours. Dans la réalité, la complexité de l'organisation d'un projet empêche d'avoir une vision globale des conséquences des choix d'affectation, qui plus est, sur plusieurs périodes et sur plusieurs projets. Peu de travaux se sont intéressés à ce type de problème. Or aujourd'hui, les tâches et les compétences nécessaires dans les projets de conception évoluent rapidement en lien avec la forte évolution des technologies et des besoins du marché. Le développement des compétences des ressources humaines devient une des priorités de l'entreprise qui ne les considère plus comme des ressources statiques (comme des machines) mais comme des ressources dynamiques auxquelles il faut attacher des objectifs de développement. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une méthode d'aide à la constitution d'équipes permettant de coupler la structuration du projet et le pilotage des compétences. Ce travail consiste alors à optimiser l'affectation des tâches aux acteurs et le regroupement des acteurs en équipes, en tenant compte à la fois des contraintes liés à l'architecture du produit et des objectifs de développement de compétences, sur de multiples projets et de multiples périodes. Ce problème étant complexe, ce mémoire de thèse présente des contributions à des sousproblèmes (affectation mon-période, affectation multi-périodes avec prise en compte du développement des compétences, architecture des acteurs avec prise en compte de l'architecture du produit), avant de proposer une formulation du problème global et une méthode de résolution en deux phases intégrant un algorithme de recuit simulé

    Managing the competencies of team members in design projects through multi-period task assignment’, Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World

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    Abstract. Product design projects involve multiple team members with various knowledge and competencies that have to evolve with time, due to rapid organizational, technological and marketing changes. Project managers require management methods to optimize the assignment of tasks to human resources according to their competency levels and the need for competency evolution. In this paper, we tackle this optimization problem in the context of multiple design projects and multiple periods. The model we propose seeks to minimize two function objectives: (i) minimize the supplementary salary cost due to the extended task duration when using under-competent employees and (ii) minimize the financial penalties when the competency goals have not been reached. This problem has been solved by means of a simulated annealing -based optimization algorithm