328 research outputs found

    Influence of cutting speed and other parameters on the surface quality of aluminium alloys after AWJ cutting

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    Cílem této práce je seznámení s relativně novou technologií dělení materiálu. Jedná se o dělení materiálu vodním paprskem a následné porovnání výhod a nevýhod s řezáním pomocí laseru a řezání plazmou. Dále je pak pozornost věnována parametrům ovlivňujícím kvalitu povrchu a to zejména rychlosti posuvu paprsku a tloušťce děleného materiálu. Tyto dva parametry jsou zhodnoceny a je k nim přidána fotodokumentace daného uřezaného materiálu.The main goal of this work is to get known with this new technology of division material. That means dividing material with water beam and its consecutive comparing of advantages and disadvantages, with cutting material by laser or plasma. Than we pay our attention to parameters which influences the quality of surface especially to how fast is the movement of water beam and thickness of division material. These two parameters are evaluated and cutted material is also photodocumented.

    Apartment complex Brno-Sadová

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    Zpracování bakalářské práce na téma Bytový komplex Sadová. Práce řeší stavební místo z hlediska urbanistického a architektonického. Komplex tvoří tři bytové domy o třech nadzemních podlažích a jednom podzemním. Parcela je dělena na klidovou a dopravní zónu. Jednoduchá hmota objektů a zvolené systémové řešení Velox podporuje nízkoenergetické řešení. Hlavní část práce je zpracována na úroveň prováděcího projektu.The bachelorˇs thesis apartment complex Sadová. Work solves a lot from urban and architecture viewpoint. Complex is created by three apartment houses with three above-ground levels and 1 underground level. A lot is divided on relax and traffic zone. The simple frame and Velox system solution support low-energy solution. Main part of thesis is process on realization projct level.

    3D Image Processing in System FOTOM NG

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    Import 06/11/2014V mé diplomové práci s názvem 3D zpracování fotografie v rámci systému FOTOM NG, se zabývám implementací nového modulu na platformě NetBeans, který bude připojen do systému FOTOM NG. Tento modul slouží k vytvoření 3D modelu pozorovaného objektu a disponuje velkou škálou funkcí pro manipulaci a analýzu. Vstupní data modulu jsou tvořena sérií snímků, například ultrazvuku krční tepny. Dále se v mé práci zmiňuji o měřící technice fotogrammetrii, teoretickým podkladem provázející 3D modelování a problematikou spojenou s procesem vývoje nového modulu. Samotná implementace je realizována v jazyce Java s využitím knihovny Java3D. Cílem je také navrhnout uživatelskou příručku a programátorskou dokumentaci.In my master thesis, titled 3D Image Processing in System FOTOM NG, I deal with the implementation of a new module on the NetBeans platform, which will be attached into the FOTOM NG system. This module serves to create a 3D model of the observed object and has a large range of functions for manipulation and analyzing. Input data of the module are consists of series of images, such as ultrasound of carotid artery. Next, in this thesis I writting about photogrammetric measurment technique, theoretical basis for 3D modeling and issues associated with the developing process of a new module. The implementation itself is realized in Java with using of the Java3D library. I will design user guide and programming documentation.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Generation of indistinguishable and pure heralded single photons with tunable bandwidth

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    We describe a new scheme to fully control the joint spectrum of paired photons generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We show the capability of this method to generate frequency-uncorrelated photon pairs that are pure and indistinguishable, and whose bandwidth can be readily tuned. Importantly, the scheme we propose here can be implemented in any nonlinear crystal and frequency band of interest.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Monitoring of excessive deformation of steel structure Extra-High Voltage pylons

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    Reliability and security of a power transmission depends on the state of the power grid and mainly on the state of the Extra-High Voltage pylons. The paper deals with deformation analysis of existing steel structure of selected Extra-High Voltage pylons which showed excessive differences comparing to the original design. In the assessment of the situation, geodetic survey of selected pylons of power grid that showed the greatest deformation was performed. On taken images, deformation of steel structures by using the FOTOMNG system was also analyzed. The proposed method allows a modeling of the structure of the object based on precisely obtained photographic documentation of the current state. It also represents a very effective method which allows to quickly and efficiently analyze the deformation in the structure of Extra-High Voltage pylons in the critical position of the power grid. Other benefits include the possibility of repeatable and safe measurement.Web of Science62232932

    Evaluation of properties of cast metal foams with irregular inner structure

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    Internal structure of metal foams is one of the most important factors that determine its mechanical properties. There exists a number of methods for studying the nature of the inner porous structure. Unfortunately most of these processes is destructive and therefore it is not possible to reuse the sample. From this point of view, as a suitable method seems to be the ability of using the so-called X-ray microtomography (also micro-CT). This is a non-destructive methodology used in a number of fields (industry, science, archaeology, medicine) for a description of the material distribution in the space (e.g. pores, fillers, defects, etc.). In principle, this technology works on different absorption of X-ray radiation by materials with changing proton number. The contribution was worked out in collaboration with experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and it is focused on the analysis of internal structure of the metal foam casting with irregular arrangement of internal pores by using micro-CT. The obtained data were evaluated in the commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and in the FOTOMNG system. For the evaluation of these data a new specialized module was introduced in this system. Several methods of pre-processing the image was prepared for the measurement. This preliminary processing consists, for example, from a binary image thresholding for better diversity between the internal porosity and the material itself or functions for colour inversion.Web of Science6341851184

    Broadening the bandwidth of entangled photons: a step towards the generation of extremely short biphotons

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    We demonstrate a technique that allows to fully control the bandwidth of entangled photons independently of the frequency band of interest and of the nonlinear crystal. We show that this technique allows to generate nearly transform-limited biphotons with almost one octave of bandwidth (hundreds of THz) which corresponds to correlation times of just a few femtoseconds. The presented method becomes an enabling tool for attosecond entangled-photons quantum optics. The technique can also be used to generate paired photons with a very high degree of entanglement.Comment: 4 page

    Generation of tunable entanglement and violation of a Bell-like inequality between different degrees of freedom of a single photon

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    We demonstrate a scheme to generate noncoherent and coherent correlations, i.e., a tunable degree of entanglement, between degrees of freedom of a single photon. Its nature is analogous to the tuning of the purity (first-order coherence) of a single photon forming part of a two-photon state by tailoring the correlations between the paired photons. Therefore, well-known tools such as the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell-like inequality can also be used to characterize entanglement between degrees of freedom. More specifically, CHSH inequality tests are performed, making use of the polarization and the spatial shape of a single photon. The four modes required are two polarization modes and two spatial modes with different orbital angular momentum.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Updated to be consistent with published versio

    The Influence of Italian Cuisine on Food Culture in the Czech Republic in the 20th Century

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    (cesky) Bakalářská práce se věnuje kultuře stravování v dějinách člověka. Hlavním tématem práce jsou difuzní procesy, které ovlivňovaly šíření jídla na území dnešní České republiky se zaměřením na vliv italské kuchyně, a to zejména v průběhu 20. století. Práce ukazuje, jak se měnila skladba jídelníčku, přístup ke stravě a jak se promítaly vlivy zahraniční, respektive italské kuchyně do podoby tuzemské kultury stravování. Pozornost je věnována nejen těmto otázkám, ale i nosičům, které hrály významnou distribuční roli. Akcentem na nosiče chce práce poukázat na jejich nezpochybnitelnou důležitost, ať už se jednalo o nádobí, kuchaře, restaurace, prodejny, výstavy či samotné konzumenty. Metoda sběru dat byla dvojího druhu. Pro teoretickou část práce probíhal sběr dat z archivních dokumentů, z dobových materiálů (např. z kuchařských knih nebo časopisů vycházejících na našem území ve 20. století). Další data byla získána z relevantní zahraniční i české odborné literatury zabývající se národní kulturou stravování. Po zpracování teoretické části probíhal sběr formou terénního výzkumu, jehož základem se stala dotazníková metoda doplněná polostrukturovanými rozhovory a oral history se zaměřením na reflexi a difuzi italské kuchyně u obyvatel České republiky. K interpretaci dat byla využita metoda komparativní...(in English) The Bachelor thesis deals with a topic of food and food consumption in the history of mankind. The thesis is mostly concerned with the questions of diffusion processes, which influenced the diffusion of the Italian cuisine in the Czech Republic in the 20th century. It explores the changes in the structure of food consumption and in the approaches to food and eating and the impact of international, specifically Italian, cuisine on the Czech culinary culture. Not only these questions are discussed, the thesis investigates the bearers of traditions that have had an important distributing function as well. By accentuating the bearers, be it utensils, cooks, restaurants, shops, expositions or the consumers themselves, the thesis aims to demonstrate their unquestionable importance. Two data collection techniques have been used. The theoretical part of the thesis works with data collected from archival documents and historic period materials such as cookery books or magazines published in the 20th century. Another data have been collected from relevant foreign and Czech literature about national culinary cultures. The theoretical starting points having been explored, the next part of the thesis interprets data obtained from fieldwork. The conducted fieldwork was based on questionnaires...Ústav etnologieInstitute of EthnologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult