53 research outputs found

    El proceso de transferencia de tecnología

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    Este ensayo es una relfexión acerca de una noción y de una actividad tradicional dentro de las responsabilidades del ICA. Su autor, desde hace tiempo vinculado al mencionado instituto, ofrece una mirada crítica acerca de lo que varios estudiosos del proceso de transferencia de tecnología han venido planteando al respecto

    An exploration of the potential benefits of integrated pest management systems and the use of insect resistant potatoes to control the Guatemalan Tuber Moth (Tecia solanivora Povolny) in Ventaquemada, Colombia:

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    "CORPOICA and IFPRI implemented a research project in Ventaquemada, Colombia. The project's goal was to asses the benefits of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices and the potential of Genetically Modified insect resistant (Bt) potatoes to manage damage caused by the Guatemalan Tuber Moth (Tecia solanivora Povolny). The Guatemalan Tuber Moth is particularly destructive because field spraying on the adult stage is ineffective and there exists damage specificity to the tubers. Excessive pesticide sprays have resulted in resistance to several insecticides. Insect resistant (Bt) potatoes has been shown an effective means to control other members of the Tuber Moth complex. Thus a Bt potato may play a role in managing Tecia in Colombia. This is an ex ante study as there are no Bt potatoes currently under field conditions in Colombia.. To examine this issue, we conducted a survey in 2003 of 78 farmers in the region to estimate a baseline of traditionally and IPM managed systems. The first year survey was supplemented with focus groups to examine damage and production costs in 2003 and 2004. We also implemented activities such as field verification of IPM practices and damage, a Farmer Field School and other participatory methods. Our analysis uses methods such partial budgeting analysis, a production function input abatement expectations model, and an economic surplus model augmented by stochastic simulations. Results of the analysis presented here outlines estimated losses under field and storage conditions, likely range of benefits accrued by farmers in the region due to the potential adoption of a portfolio of IPM management practices and Bt potatoes. Results from the survey conducted in 2003 show that producers in the area have endured significant field and storage losses within the previous 10 years, but were low in that particular year. Initial results where confirmed by results of focus groups in 2003 and 2004 which show very low field and storage damage. Sustained precipitation explains the observed low levels of damage by the Tuber Moth. Low levels of damage induced zero (or even negative) cost differences between conventional and IPM management. In contrast, using the proposed expectation model to estimate expected payoffs to IPM investments show that even with low levels of damage it still pays for producers to invest in IPM practices. The economic surplus estimates show that even considering variability of field and storage losses, as well as of other critical parameters, the use of Bt potatoes in Colombia creates a positive return to investment to Bt potato research, assuming that damage is present under field conditions. We finalize by discussing some of the institutional and strategic considerations for the potential use of Bt potatoes in the country." Authors' abstractPotatoes Economic aspects, Genetically modified crops, Economic surplus model, Risk, Research and development, Bt-potatoes,

    Innovative Nitrogen and Carbon Removal

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    The aerobic systems have been the most widely biological treatment used for municipal and industrial wastewater but show serious problem with sludge sedimentation, high energy demand and microbial inhibition. On the other hand, the anaerobic digestion (AD) of wastewater is considered the best alternative to remove the organic compounds and to recover energy via methane production. Nevertheless, AD has a problem: the treatment of industrial wastewater with high organic nitrogen content reaches high free ammonia (NH3) concentrations due to the protein degradation. NH3 inhibits the methanogenic process and is toxic to the environment, and then, it must be removed before its final disposition. Several physicochemical processes have been evaluated for the recovery or/and treatment of ammonium from wastewater. The most frequent treatments are gas stripping and magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation. These methods are effective, but they are very expensive compared to biological treatments. Moreover, these techniques usually require more power consumption than the biological process. The technologies based on partial nitrification and Anammox (PN‐A) are the ones with better performance. Thus, this chapter mainly focuses on biological processes based on AD, denitrification and PN‐A for the removal of carbon and nitrogen from industrial wastewater with recovery of energy and water

    Estructuración de fincas modales con sistemas de producción agroforestal y silvopastoril, en núcleos forestales vinculados a la cadena forestal :capacitación y transferencia de tecnología en sistemas agroforestales a productores del departamento de Córdoba en el marco de los acuerdos regionales de competitividad forestal informe final.

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    En el marco del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, de la política sectorial del Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural y del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo forestal - PNDF, se define la necesidad de fortalecer el establecimiento de cultivos forestales en aquellas regiones con convenios sectoriales de competitividad forestal, definiéndose como una de las estrategias para lograrlo, el fomento y desarrollo de los sistemas agroforestales orientados al cultivo y el manejo del componente forestal.Forestales-Foresterí

    Variedades de papa: participación del agricultor en el proceso de selección

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    La agricultura moderna está organizada, administrada y manejada con base en el paradigma tradicional de investigación en el cual con evidencias y observaciones empíricas se formulan hipótesis y se someten a prueba en concordancia con las reglas del método científico

    Diseño de instrumentos y análisis de factores asociados a la ideación suicida en el ámbito escolar

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    Proyecto de InvestigaciónDiseño de un instrumento cuyo objetivo es identificar la relación significativa que hay entre algunos factores asociados: pensamientos positivos y negativos en relación con la vida, Bullying, desempeño académico negativo, consumo de sustancias, autoimagen negativa, y relaciones de familia positiva y el nivel de riesgo suicida que se encuentra en el ámbito educativo de diferentes niveles de formación (educación básica, educación media y educación superior). El cuestionario se aplicó a una muestra de 300 estudiantes hombres y mujeres de distintos niveles educativos.52 p.1. RESUMEN 2. ANTECEDENTES TEORICOS Y EMPIRICOS 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN Y PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. VARIABLES 6. MÉTODO 7. RESULTADOS 8. DISCUSIÓN 9. REFERENCIASPregradoPsicólog

    Intensidad y manejo del dolor posoperatorio en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Introducción: Identificar la intensidad y manejo del dolor posoperatorio; además de explorar diferencias en la intensidad del dolor de acuerdo al sexo y su asociación con edad y escolaridad del paciente, así como según el entrenamiento para el manejo del dolor por personal de enfermería y pacientes asignados por turno en una muestra de 151 adultos hospitalizados en una institución de seguridad social de Nuevo León, México. Materiales y Métodos: Diseño descriptivo, incluyó encuesta por muestreo sistemático. Resultados: Se encontró que el 90.1% de los participantes presentó dolor posoperatorio, 57.6% manifestó intensidad de dolor severo en las primeras 24 horas y 28.5% recibió un manejo de dolor inadecuado. Únicamente se encontró diferencia significativa en la intensidad del dolor de acuerdo al sexo (U = 1799, p = .006) con predominio en las mujeres. Discusión y Conclusiones: Es urgente implementar protocolos para el manejo del dolor posoperatorio, que incluyan la participación del equipo multidisciplinario y consideren el tratamiento farmacológico con potencia adecuada de acuerdo a la demanda del paciente y la valoración del dolor de manera regular, principales áreas de oportunidad identificadas en el presente estudio. (Rev Cuid 2012;3(3):355-62).Palabras clave: Dolor Postoperatorio, Manejo del Dolor, Personal de Enfermería, Hospitalización. (Fuente: DeCS BIREME)

    Adenovirus 5 produces obesity and adverse metabolic, morphological, and functional changes in the long term in animals fed a balanced diet or a high‑fat diet: a study on hamsters

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    Adenovirus 5 (Ad-5) infection is a common cause of acute respiratory infections and the main vector used in gene therapy. There are few studies on the relationship of Ad-5 to obesity. In the present study, we evaluated the chronic effects of Ad-5 infection on golden (Syrian) hamsters fed either a balanced diet (BD) or a high-fat diet (HFD). After a single inoculation with Ad-5 (1 × 107 pfu), the body weight of the animals was measured weekly. Medium-term (22 weeks) serum biochemical analyses and long-term (44 weeks) liver morphology, adiposity, and locomotive functionality (movement velocity) assessments were carried out. In the animals fed the BD, adenovirus infection produced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. In the long term, it produced a 57% increase in epididymal pad fat and a 30% body weight gain compared with uninoculated animals. In addition, morphological changes related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) were observed. The animals fed the HFD had similar but more severe changes. In addition, the hamsters presented an obesity paradox: at the end of the study, the animals that had the most morphological and functional changes (significantly reduced movement velocity) had the lowest body weight. Despite the fact that an HFD appears to be a more harmful factor in the long term than adenovirus infection alone, infection could increase the severity of harmful effects in individuals with an HFD. Epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate the effect of adenovirus as a precursor of chronic liver and cardiovascular diseases, including the chronic effects of gene therapy

    The Prediction of Partial-Nitrification-Anammox Performance in Real Industrial Wastewater based on Granular Size

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    To date, the partial nitrification-Anammox (PN-A) granular sludge size has been exclusively analyzed in synthetic substrates. In this work, different ranges of granular size of PN-A sludge were studied at low oxygen concentration using real industrial wastewater as, well as a synthetic substrate. The granular sludge was characterized by the specific nitrification activity (SNA), specific anammox activity (SAA), and granule sedimentation rate. The relative abundance of the bacterial consortium was assessed for each range of diameters through the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique. SNA exhibits a direct association with the specific surface of granules, which proves the importance of the outer layer in the nitrification process. Even more critical, the flocculent sludge allowed the stability of the nitrifying activity. The SAA showed different performances faced the real industrial and synthetic substrates. With the synthetic substrate, the SAA decreased at higher diameter ranges, whereas with the industrial substrate, the SAA increased at higher diameter ranges. This situation is explained by the oxygen protection in the sludge maintained with industrial wastewater. The relative abundance of heterotrophic bacteria increased from 9.6 to 22%, due to the presence of organic matter in the industrial substrate. The granular sedimentation rate increased with the diameter of the granules with a linear correlation (R2>0.98). Thus, granular sizes can be selected through sedimentation rate control. A linear correlation between SAA and granular sludge diameter ranges was observed. With this correlation, an error of less than 11% in the prediction of SAA was achieved. The use of diameter measurement and granular sedimentation rate as routine techniques could contribute to the control and start-up of PN-A reactors. In the same sense, organic matter present in defined concentrations, can be beneficial for the granular sludge stability, and thus, for nitrogen removal