742 research outputs found

    More on the voicing of English obstruents: voicing retention vs. voicing loss

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    In Gonet (2010), one of the present authors found out that English word-final phonologically voiced obstruents in the voicing-favouring environment exhibit asymmetrical, if not erratic, behaviour in that voicing in plosives is most often retained while in fricatives voicing retention concerns only about 1/3 of the cases, with the other possibilities (partial and complete devoicing) occurring in almost equal proportions. The present study is an attempt at exploring the intricacies of devoicing in English to examine to what extent the general tendency towards obstruent devoicing is overridden by voicing retention triggered by adjacent voiced segments both within words and across word boundaries. This study is based on a relatively large knowledge base obtained from recordings of spontaneous R. P. pronunciation

    Iwasawa Theory of Jacobians

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    The Jacobian group (also known as the critical group or sandpile group) is an important invariant of a finite, connected graph XX; it is a finite abelian group whose cardinality is equal to the number of spanning trees of XX (Kirchhoff's Matrix Tree Theorem). A specific type of covering graph, called a derived graph, that is constructed from a voltage graph with voltage group GG is the object of interest in this paper. Towers of derived graphs are studied by using aspects of classical Iwasawa Theory (from number theory). Formulas for the orders of the Sylow pp-subgroups of Jacobians in an infinite voltage pp-tower, for any prime pp, are obtained in terms of classical μ\mu and λ\lambda invariants by using the decomposition of a finitely generated module over the Iwasawa Algebra.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure


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    ABSTRACTThe article addresses the peculiarities and complexities of the cyberspace regulation, acknowledging, but not endorsing, the utopic ideal of the cyberspace as a no-law virtual territory. It explores the variety of means of regulating people interconnections around the Globe through the Internet. It points up the need of due heteronomous protection of interests and claims linked to the core proposes of the Internet itself, such as those deriving from the freedom of expression and concerns with the right to privacy. The article takes as standing point Lawrence Lessig’s pathetic dot theory about the four forces that design the use of Internet potentialities. It then focuses on the Brazilian current basic cyberspace normative framework and refers it to Lessig’s theory, mentioning challenges yet to be met. It intends to share the Brazilian experience with the large English speaking auditory, pointing out how Brazilian legal framework relates to mainstream academic approach to Internet regulatory issues. KEYWORDS: Cyberspace Regulation; Internet; Pathetic Dot. RESUMOO artigo examina as peculiaridades e complexidades da regulação do cyberspace, aludindo ao ideal utópico desse espaço como um território virtual plenamente autônomo, mas não endossando essa postura. Explora a variedade dos meios de regulação das interconexões que a Internet propicia em todo o mundo. Assinala a necessidade de que interesses intimamente vinculados aos propósitos mesmos da Internet, como a liberdade de expressão e inquietações com direito a privacidade, sejam devidamente regulados de modo heterônomo. O artigo parte da teoria pathetic dot de Lawrence Lessig sobre as quatro forças que conformam o uso das potencialidades da Internet. Em seguida enfoca a estrutura normativa básica brasileira, referindo-a à teoria de Lessig e mencionando desafios ainda a serem enfrentados. O artigo intenta compartilhar a experiência brasileira com o mais largo auditório do público que se comunica em inglês, apontando como a estrutura normativa brasileira se relaciona com as mais modernas e importantes contribuições acadêmicas sobre regulação da Internet. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Regulação do Cyberspace; Internet; pathetic dot

    Impact of a forest regeneration method used after fire on some soil properties

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    Relations between features of forest floor vegetation and surface soil horizons properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in southwest Poland

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    The paper presents the studies on relations between features of forest floor vegetation and surface soil horizons (organic and humus) properties. The research was taken in 100 pine stands located in southwest Poland. The investigated relations were different when concerning two forest floor layers. The higher values of the analysed herb layer indicators (the herb layer cover and the amount of plant species in the herb layer) are related to the higher trophy of the surface soil horizons. For the analogous moss layer indicators the relations are opposite to the herb layer relations. In the investigated pine stands the forest floor species composition was more related to organic than to humus horizon properties.Badania przeprowadzono na 100 powierzchniach badawczych położonych w drzewostanach sosnowych na terenie Nadleśnictwa Bolesławiec, Głogów i Oława w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. Za pomocą analizy korelacji wykazano, że na badanych powierzchniach analizowane zależności są różne dla poszczególnych warstw runa. Wartości analizowanych wskaźników dotyczących warstwy zielnej runa (stopień pokrycia warstwy i liczba gatunków roślin w warstwie) są pozytywnie skorelowane z trofizmem poziomu organicznego i próchnicznego gleby. Zależności dla analogicznych wskaźników wyliczonych dla warstwy przyziemnej runa (mchów i porostów) okazały się przeciwne do tych uzyskanych dla warstwy zielnej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy porządkowania w pakiecie CANOCO stwierdzono, że skład gatunkowy runa jest na analizowanych powierzchniach badawczych silniej zależny od właściwości poziomu organicznego niż próchnicznego gleby


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    The aim of the study has been to define the stocks and the basic properties of soil organic matter in agricultural-used soil sequence located in the former shoreline of disappearing lakes. The study area is located in the catchment of the Sumowskie Lakes, the Brodnica Lake District, North-Eastern Poland. The investigations involved preparation of five soil pits located in the south-western part of the former Sumowskie Lake bottom and on the southern slope of the adjacent kame hill. The greatest soil transformation is reflected in the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter. Indexes of organic matter quality and TOC stocks are significantly changing along the studied transect. The strongly humidified organic matter is found in mursh horizons. Gyttja layers above the groundwater level have a medium humification index. Horizons saturated with water are very low humidified. TOC stocks drop along the analysed soil sequence from the biogenic plain to the top of the kame hill. Celem badań było określenie zasobów i podstawowych właściwości materii organicznej sekwencji rolniczo użytkowanych gleb dawnej strefy brzegowej zanikających jezior. Obszar badań był zlokalizowany w zlewni jezior Sumowskich na Pojezierzu Brodnickim w Polsce północno-wschodniej. Analizowano transekt składający się z pięciu profili glebowych znajdujących się w pd.-zach. części dawnego Jeziora Sumowskiego. Obejmował on dno dawnego jeziora oraz przylegające wzgórze kemowe. Największe zróżnicowanie gleb dotyczyło ilości i jakości glebowej materii organicznej. Zarówno właściwości materii organicznej, jak i jej zasoby wyraźnie różnicują się w analizowanym transekcie. Materia organiczna poziomów murszowych gleb pojeziornych odznacza się najwyższym stopniem humifikacji, warstwy gytii, powyżej poziomu wód gruntowych, pośrednim, a poziomy nasycone wodą najniższym spośród analizowanych. Zasoby węgla organicznego zmniejszają się wzdłuż transektu od gleb pojeziornych do szczytu pagórka kemowego (pararędziny)

    Soil transformations in catchment of disappearing Sumówko Lake (Brodnickie Lake District, Poland)

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    Lake disappearing is a natural process which contemporarily escalates in consequence of human activity. It is estimated that within the area of Northern Poland from the last glaciation period (ca. 17 000 years ago) a half of lakes totally have disappeared. Areas exposed after water basins desiccation have become native rocks for new soils. Reduced water level results in changes of morphology and properties of the soils situated in direct vicinity of former water basins. The aim of this study was to estimate impact of the catchment groundwater level fall on morphology and properties of direct lake catchment soils, exemplified by the lake Sumowko (Northern Poland) as well as description of new soils formed of lake sediments. The analysis covered 11 soil profiles emerging within former lake basin (newly formed soils) and soils from direct vicinity of former lake (modified through ground water level fall). Obtained results prove that newly formed soils (Limnic Histosol Drainic and Haplic Gleysol) in majority are utilized as grasslands. Soils of the former lake surroundings prove relic features of gleying while they are also subject to mucking process because of dehydration

    Zakres i formy udzielania przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego wzajemnej pomocy finansowej – zarys problematyki

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    Artykuł przedstawia w zarysie zakres i formy udzielania przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego wzajemnej pomocy finansowej. Autor omawia między innymi prawne regulacje takiej działalności a także wymienia podmioty, którym może być udzielona pomoc przez poszczególne szczeble samorządu terytorialnego.Publikacja dofinansowana przez Urząd Miasta Łodzi; Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The Pragmatics of Person and Imperatives in Sign Language of the Netherlands

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    We present new evidence against a grammatical distinction between second and third person in Sign Language of The Netherlands (NGT). More precisely, we show how pushing this distinction into the domain of pragmatics helps account for an otherwise puzzling fact about the NGT imperative: not only is it used to command your addressee, it can also express ‘non-addressee-oriented commands’